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Last active December 21, 2022 01:40
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Get FPKM and TPM from a result gtf file of stringtie
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Std;
use Pod::Usage;
pod2usage() unless @ARGV;
=head1 NAME - Get FPKM and TPM from a result gtf file of stringtie
=head1 SYNOPSIS [option] ballgown/your_data1/your_data1.gtf
Option: -f
0: FPKM and TPM (default)
2: TPM
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item B<-f|--format>
0: FPKM and TPM (default)
1: FPKM only
2: TPM only
my $format = '0';
$format = $opt_f if ($opt_f);
my %hash=();
my $gtf = pop @ARGV;
open G, $gtf or die"$!";
while(<G>) {
next if (/^#/);
my @g = split(/\t/);
if ($g[2] eq 'transcript') {
my @dsc = split(/;/, $g[8]);
my $name = '';
foreach my $i (@dsc) {
$i =~ /(\S+)\s+(\S+)/;
my $tit = $1;
my $val = $2;
$val =~ s/"//g;
if ($tit eq 'transcript_id') {
$name = $val;
} elsif ($tit eq 'FPKM') {
$hash{$name}{'f'} = $val;
} elsif ($tit eq 'TPM') {
$hash{$name}{'t'} = $val;
close G;
foreach my $j (keys %hash) {
if ($format eq '0') {
print "$j\t$hash{$j}{'f'}\t$hash{$j}{'t'}\n"
} elsif ($format eq '1') {
print "$j\t$hash{$j}{'f'}\n"
} elsif ($format eq '2') {
print "$j\t$hash{$j}{'t'}\n";
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