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Created June 1, 2017 13:14
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solr query
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals, \
import calendar
from datetime import datetime
import json
import logging
import time
import types
import urllib
import urllib2
import urlparse
import pytz
SOLR_ADD_BATCH = 200 # Number of documents to send in batch when adding
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def to_solr_date(date):
Solr demands ISO8601 time format in UTC timezone. This converts TZ and formats to compatible format.
utc_date = date.astimezone(pytz.utc)
return utc_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
def from_solr_date(date):
return datetime.fromtimestamp(calendar.timegm(time.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")), tz=pytz.utc)
class SolrResults:
def __init__(self):
self.query_time = None # Time the query took
self.results_count = None # Number of found results
self.start_index = None # Index of start
self.documents = [] # Found results
self.facets = {} # Found facet counts
self.highlights = {} # Highligts for found documents
class SolrInterface(object):
_add_batch = []
_shards = None
endpoints = []
default_endpoint = None
def __init__(self, endpoints, default_endpoint):
if endpoints is None or default_endpoint is None:
logger.warning("Faulty Solr configuration, SOLR will not be available!")
self.endpoints = endpoints
self.default_endpoint = default_endpoint
def _send_solr_command(self, core_url, json_command):
Sends JSON string to Solr instance
# Check document language and dispatch to correct core
url = urlparse.urljoin(core_url, "update/json/")
request = urllib2.Request(url, json_command, {'Content-Type':'application/json'})
response = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()
except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
logger.error("Failed to send update to Solr endpoint [%s]: %s", core_url, e, exc_info=True)
return False
return True
def add(self, documents):
Adds documents to Solr index
documents - Single item or list of items to add
if isinstance(documents, types.ListType):
if len(self._add_batch) > SOLR_ADD_BATCH:
def _addFlushBatch(self):
Sends all waiting documents to Solr
if len(self._add_batch) > 0:
language_batches = {}
# Create command JSONs for each of language endpoints
for lang in self.endpoints:
# Append documents with languages without endpoint to default endpoint
document_jsons = ["\"add\":{\"doc\": " + json.dumps(data) + "}" for data in self._add_batch
if data.get("language", self.default_endpoint) == lang or (lang == self.default_endpoint and not self.endpoints.has_key(data.get("language")))]
command_json = "{" + ",".join(document_jsons) + "}"
language_batches[lang] = command_json
# Solr requires for documents to be sent in { "add" : { "doc" : {...} }, "add": { "doc" : { ... }, ... }
# format which isn't possible with python dictionaries
for lang in language_batches:
self._send_solr_command(self.endpoints[lang], language_batches[lang])
self._add_batch = []
def deleteAll(self):
Deletes whole Solr index. Use with care.
for core in self.endpoints:
self._send_solr_command(self.endpoints[core], "{\"delete\": { \"query\" : \"*:*\"}}")
def delete(self, id):
Deletes document with ID on all Solr cores
for core in self.endpoints:
self._send_solr_command(self.endpoints[core], "{\"delete\" : { \"id\" : \"%s\"}}" % (id,))
def commit(self):
Flushes all pending changes and commits Solr changes
for core in self.endpoints:
self._send_solr_command(self.endpoints[core], "{ \"commit\":{} }")
def optimize(self):
for core in self.endpoints:
self._send_solr_command(self.endpoints[core], "{ \"optimize\": {} }")
def _get_shards(self):
Returns comma separated list of configured Solr cores
if self._shards is None:
endpoints = []
for endpoint in self.endpoints:
# We need to remove and http:// prefixes from URLs
url = urlparse.urlparse(self.endpoints[endpoint])
endpoints.append("/".join([url.netloc, url.path]))
self._shards = ",".join(endpoints)
return self._shards
def query(self, query, filters=None, sort=None, start=0, rows=30):
Queries Solr and returns results
query - Text query to search for
filters - dictionary of filters to apply when searching in form of { "field":"filter_value" }
sort - list of fields to sort on in format of ["field asc", "field desc", ... ]
start - start number of first result (used in pagination)
rows - number of rows to return (used for pagination, defaults to 30)
fields = [("q", query),
("", "map"), # Return facets as JSON objects
("wt", "json"),
("fl", "*,score"), # Return score along with results
("start", str(start)),
("rows", str(rows))
# Use shards parameter only if there are several cores active
if len(self.endpoints) > 1:
fields.append(("shards", self._get_shards()))
# Prepare filters
if not filters is None:
for filter,value in filters.items():
fields.append(("fq", ":".join([filter, value])))
# Append sorting parameters
if not sort is None:
fields.append(("sort", ",".join(sort)))
# Do request to Solr server to default endpoint (other cores will be queried over distributed shard functionality)
assert self.default_endpoint in self.endpoints
request_url = "/".join([self.endpoints[self.default_endpoint], "select/"])
data = urllib.urlencode([(k,v.encode('utf-8')) for k,v in fields])
request = urllib2.Request(request_url, data=data, headers={'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8'})
response = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()
except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError) as e:
logger.error("Failed to connect to Solr server: %s!", e, exc_info=True)
return None
results = json.loads(response)
except Exception as e:
logger.error("Failed to parse JSON response: %s!", e, exc_info=True)
return None
assert "responseHeader" in results
# Check for response status
if not results.get("responseHeader").get("status") == 0:
logger.error("Server error while retrieving results: %s",
return None
assert "response" in results
dict_response = results.get("response")
result_obj = SolrResults()
result_obj.query_time = results.get("responseHeader").get("QTime", None)
result_obj.results_count = dict_response.get("numFound", 0)
result_obj.start_index = dict_response.get("start", 0)
for doc in dict_response.get("docs", []):
# Process facets
if "facet_counts" in results:
assert "facet_fields" in results.get("facet_counts")
facet_types = ["facet_fields", "facet_dates", "facet_queries"]
for type in facet_types:
assert type in results.get("facet_counts")
items = results.get("facet_counts").get(type)
for field,values in items.items():
result_obj.facets[field] = []
for facet,value in values.items():
result_obj.facets[field].append((facet, value))
# Process highlights
if "highlighting" in results:
for key,value in results.get("highlighting").items():
result_obj.highlights[key] = value
return result_obj
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