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Created October 5, 2012 09:54
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Create a fullscreen window
var appjs = require('appjs');
// serve static files from a directory
appjs.serveFilesFrom(__dirname + '/content');
// handle requests from the browser'/', function(request, response, next){
response.send('Hey! How are you ' +'firstname'));
// create a window
var window = appjs.createWindow({
//width: 640,
//height: 460,
alpha: false,
fullscreen: true,
//autoResize: true,
showChrome: false,
disableSecurity: true,
// prepare the window when first created
window.on('create', function(){
console.log("Window Created");
// window.frame controls the desktop window;
// the window is ready when the DOM is loaded
window.on('ready', function(){
console.log("Window Ready");
// directly interact with the DOM
window.process = process;
window.module = module;
window.addEventListener('keydown', function(e){
// show chrome devtools on f12 or commmand+option+j
if (e.keyIdentifier === 'F12' || e.keyCode === 74 && e.metaKey && e.altKey) {
// cleanup code when window is closed
window.on('close', function(){
console.log("Window Closed");
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