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Created March 5, 2012 17:34
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  • Save piskvorky/1979640 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save piskvorky/1979640 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
>>> mm2 = gensim.corpora.MmCorpus(bz2.BZ2File('./'))
INFO : initializing corpus reader from <bz2.BZ2File object at 0x1168d988>
INFO : accepted corpus with 3533010 documents, 50000 features, 525892746 non-zero entries
>>> hdp = gensim.models.HdpModel(corpus=mm, id2word=id2word, outputdir='/net/sojka-local/xrehurek/wiki/', chunksize=2048)

... some 18 hours later (single core):

>>>  hdp_formatter.print_topics(200, 20)
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:02:50,481 : INFO : topic 0: 0.010*deletion/NN + 0.009*delete/NN + 0.008*wikipedia/NN + 0.007*user/NN + 0.007*edit/NN + 0.006*debate/NN + 0.006*wp/NN + 0.005*delete/VB + 0.005*category/NN + 0.005*appropriate/JJ + 0.005*modify/VB + 0.005*keep/NN + 0.005*review/VB + 0.005*further/NN + 0.004*july/JJ + 0.004*here/RB + 0.004*february/JJ + 0.004*editor/NN + 0.003*don/NN + 0.003*need/VB
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:02:51,066 : INFO : topic 1: 0.006*film/NN + 0.005*album/NN + 0.005*song/NN + 0.004*show/NN + 0.004*band/NN + 0.004*episode/NN + 0.003*music/NN + 0.003*award/NN + 0.003*season/NN + 0.003*game/NN + 0.002*television/NN + 0.002*tv/NN + 0.002*role/NN + 0.002*record/VB + 0.002*character/NN + 0.002*love/NN + 0.002*perform/VB + 0.002*star/NN + 0.002*video/NN + 0.002*movie/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:02:51,253 : INFO : topic 2: 0.007*party/NN + 0.005*government/NN + 0.004*election/NN + 0.004*law/NN + 0.003*president/NN + 0.003*court/NN + 0.003*minister/NN + 0.003*political/JJ + 0.002*act/NN + 0.002*force/NN + 0.002*union/NN + 0.002*military/JJ + 0.002*council/NN + 0.002*leader/NN + 0.002*elect/VB + 0.002*police/NN + 0.002*british/JJ + 0.002*case/NN + 0.002*committee/NN + 0.002*democratic/JJ
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:02:51,833 : INFO : topic 3: 0.006*student/NN + 0.004*college/NN + 0.004*station/NN + 0.004*program/NN + 0.003*education/NN + 0.003*business/NN + 0.003*radio/NN + 0.003*science/NN + 0.002*technology/NN + 0.002*research/NN + 0.002*network/NN + 0.002*news/NN + 0.002*community/NN + 0.002*development/NN + 0.002*fm/NN + 0.002*bank/NN + 0.002*building/NN + 0.002*government/NN + 0.002*management/NN + 0.002*channel/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:02:52,022 : INFO : topic 4: 0.002*story/NN + 0.002*art/NN + 0.002*woman/NN + 0.002*novel/NN + 0.002*science/NN + 0.002*society/NN + 0.002*study/NN + 0.002*social/JJ + 0.002*press/NN + 0.002*film/NN + 0.002*century/NN + 0.002*isbn/NN + 0.001*theory/NN + 0.001*author/NN + 0.001*law/NN + 0.001*human/JJ + 0.001*describe/VB + 0.001*often/RB + 0.001*writer/NN + 0.001*character/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:02:52,555 : INFO : topic 5: 0.012*county/NN + 0.007*population/NN + 0.006*age/NN + 0.006*town/NN + 0.005*road/NN + 0.005*household/NN + 0.004*route/NN + 0.004*district/NN + 0.004*park/NN + 0.004*street/NN + 0.004*township/NN + 0.004*median/JJ + 0.004*building/NN + 0.003*village/NN + 0.003*mile/NN + 0.003*river/NN + 0.003*average/JJ + 0.003*north/JJ + 0.003*highway/NN + 0.003*east/JJ
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:02:53,092 : INFO : topic 6: 0.012*season/NN + 0.010*game/NN + 0.010*league/NN + 0.008*club/NN + 0.007*rd/NN + 0.007*football/NN + 0.006*cup/NN + 0.006*player/NN + 0.006*championship/NN + 0.005*round/NN + 0.005*goal/NN + 0.005*score/NN + 0.004*final/JJ + 0.004*score/VB + 0.004*division/NN + 0.003*coach/NN + 0.003*champion/NN + 0.003*lose/VB + 0.003*tournament/NN + 0.003*yard/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:02:53,212 : INFO : topic 7: 0.008*force/NN + 0.007*air/NN + 0.006*ship/NN + 0.005*army/NN + 0.004*aircraft/NN + 0.004*squadron/NN + 0.004*operation/NN + 0.004*battle/NN + 0.004*division/NN + 0.004*regiment/NN + 0.003*unit/NN + 0.003*military/JJ + 0.003*navy/NN + 0.003*command/NN + 0.003*gun/NN + 0.003*officer/NN + 0.003*infantry/NN + 0.003*british/JJ + 0.003*german/NN + 0.003*royal/JJ
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:02:53,751 : INFO : topic 8: 0.010*game/NN + 0.005*character/NN + 0.004*player/NN + 0.003*kill/VB + 0.003*episode/NN + 0.003*story/NN + 0.003*power/NN + 0.003*film/NN + 0.002*comic/NN + 0.002*version/NN + 0.002*tell/VB + 0.002*reveal/VB + 0.002*battle/NN + 0.002*try/VB + 0.001*star/NN + 0.001*black/JJ + 0.001*destroy/VB + 0.001*earth/NN + 0.001*friend/NN + 0.001*help/VB
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:02:53,870 : INFO : topic 9: 0.004*cell/NN + 0.003*water/NN + 0.003*energy/NN + 0.002*effect/NN + 0.002*cause/VB + 0.002*type/NN + 0.002*light/NN + 0.002*protein/NN + 0.002*process/NN + 0.002*material/NN + 0.002*surface/NN + 0.002*temperature/NN + 0.002*study/NN + 0.002*body/NN + 0.002*increase/VB + 0.002*level/NN + 0.002*acid/NN + 0.002*disease/NN + 0.002*patient/NN + 0.002*often/RB
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:02:54,402 : INFO : topic 10: 0.021*class/NN + 0.015*assess/VB + 0.013*rev/NN + 0.008*quality/NN + 0.008*station/NN + 0.006*car/NN + 0.006*railway/NN + 0.006*importance/NN + 0.005*rating/NN + 0.005*engine/NN + 0.004*reassess/VB + 0.004*airport/NN + 0.004*change/VB + 0.004*train/NN + 0.004*race/VB + 0.003*race/NN + 0.003*ret/NN + 0.003*class/VB + 0.003*road/NN + 0.003*route/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:02:54,526 : INFO : topic 11: 0.004*datum/NN + 0.004*user/NN + 0.004*upload/VB + 0.003*function/NN + 0.003*software/NN + 0.003*computer/NN + 0.003*window/NN + 0.003*file/NN + 0.003*example/NN + 0.003*application/NN + 0.003*version/NN + 0.003*image/NN + 0.002*model/NN + 0.002*use/VB + 0.002*jpg/NN + 0.002*value/NN + 0.002*problem/NN + 0.002*information/NN + 0.002*code/NN + 0.002*allow/VB
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:02:55,077 : INFO : topic 12: 0.072*user/NN + 0.064*diff/NN + 0.049*contrib/NN + 0.041*com/NN + 0.041*www/NN + 0.031*undo/NN + 0.029*overlap/NN + 0.017*calculate/VB + 0.015*coibot/NN + 0.015*ratio/VB + 0.012*userreport/NN + 0.012*overlap/VB + 0.012*username/NN + 0.011*html/NN + 0.010*org/NN + 0.010*com/VB + 0.010*pagename/NN + 0.010*user/VB + 0.007*score/NN + 0.007*diff/VB
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:02:55,195 : INFO : topic 13: 0.009*river/NN + 0.007*island/NN + 0.005*lake/NN + 0.005*park/NN + 0.004*water/NN + 0.004*species/NN + 0.004*mountain/NN + 0.003*town/NN + 0.003*north/RB + 0.003*forest/NN + 0.003*south/RB + 0.003*north/JJ + 0.002*region/NN + 0.002*population/NN + 0.002*sea/NN + 0.002*land/NN + 0.002*tropical/JJ + 0.002*km/NN + 0.002*storm/NN + 0.002*creek/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:02:55,724 : INFO : topic 14: 0.007*king/NN + 0.004*son/NN + 0.004*church/NN + 0.004*century/NN + 0.003*prince/NN + 0.003*castle/NN + 0.003*ii/NN + 0.003*duke/NN + 0.003*emperor/NN + 0.003*marry/VB + 0.003*battle/NN + 0.002*roman/NN + 0.002*royal/JJ + 0.002*earl/NN + 0.002*daughter/NN + 0.002*william/NN + 0.002*kingdom/NN + 0.002*town/NN + 0.002*henry/NN + 0.002*charle/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:02:55,843 : INFO : topic 15: 0.021*album/NN + 0.015*song/NN + 0.010*band/NN + 0.008*music/NN + 0.007*single/NN + 0.006*track/NN + 0.006*chart/NN + 0.006*vocal/NN + 0.006*guitar/NN + 0.006*chart/VB + 0.005*record/VB + 0.005*single/JJ + 0.004*video/NN + 0.004*love/NN + 0.004*release/NN + 0.004*rock/NN + 0.004*track/VB + 0.004*version/NN + 0.003*cd/NN + 0.003*label/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:02:56,407 : INFO : topic 16: 0.007*william/NN + 0.005*jame/NN + 0.004*george/NN + 0.004*robert/NN + 0.004*thoma/NN + 0.004*sir/NN + 0.004*charle/NN + 0.004*david/JJ + 0.003*player/NN + 0.003*party/NN + 0.003*liberal/JJ + 0.003*politician/NN + 0.003*election/NN + 0.003*british/JJ + 0.003*elect/VB + 0.003*richard/NN + 0.003*democratic/JJ + 0.003*conservative/JJ + 0.003*president/NN + 0.003*actor/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:02:56,528 : INFO : topic 17: 0.014*music/NN + 0.006*song/NN + 0.006*album/NN + 0.005*orchestra/NN + 0.005*piano/NN + 0.005*band/NN + 0.004*opera/NN + 0.004*perform/VB + 0.004*composer/NN + 0.003*guitar/NN + 0.003*op/NN + 0.003*record/VB + 0.003*musical/JJ + 0.003*recording/NN + 0.003*performance/NN + 0.003*concert/NN + 0.003*jazz/NN + 0.003*festival/NN + 0.002*string/NN + 0.002*symphony/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:02:57,060 : INFO : topic 18: 0.005*wikipedia/NN + 0.004*www/NN + 0.004*http/NN + 0.003*com/NN + 0.003*july/JJ + 0.003*request/NN + 0.003*february/JJ + 0.003*change/NN + 0.003*archive/VB + 0.003*question/NN + 0.003*modify/VB + 0.003*want/VB + 0.002*need/VB + 0.002*don/NN + 0.002*here/RB + 0.002*try/VB + 0.002*look/VB + 0.002*wikiproject/NN + 0.002*thank/NN + 0.002*creation/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:02:57,180 : INFO : topic 19: 0.007*language/NN + 0.005*root/NN + 0.004*military/VB + 0.004*century/NN + 0.004*word/NN + 0.003*form/NN + 0.003*temple/NN + 0.003*chinese/NN + 0.003*king/NN + 0.002*ancient/JJ + 0.002*greek/NN + 0.002*example/NN + 0.002*modern/JJ + 0.002*period/NN + 0.002*speak/VB + 0.002*often/RB + 0.002*dialect/NN + 0.002*culture/NN + 0.002*text/NN + 0.002*god/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:02:57,714 : INFO : topic 20: 0.019*church/NN + 0.006*bishop/NN + 0.006*catholic/JJ + 0.004*christian/NN + 0.004*god/NN + 0.003*saint/NN + 0.003*diocese/NN + 0.003*jesu/NN + 0.003*church/VB + 0.003*holy/JJ + 0.003*century/NN + 0.003*jewish/JJ + 0.003*roman/NN + 0.002*religious/JJ + 0.002*priest/NN + 0.002*college/NN + 0.002*orthodox/JJ + 0.002*pope/NN + 0.002*rabbi/NN + 0.002*community/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:02:57,835 : INFO : topic 21: 0.009*film/NN + 0.006*india/NN + 0.005*al/NN + 0.005*indian/NN + 0.005*district/NN + 0.004*temple/NN + 0.004*award/NN + 0.004*village/NN + 0.003*college/NN + 0.003*singh/NN + 0.003*tamil/NN + 0.002*government/NN + 0.002*town/NN + 0.002*sri/NN + 0.002*son/NN + 0.002*pakistan/NN + 0.002*muslim/NN + 0.002*director/NN + 0.002*music/NN + 0.002*ali/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:02:58,365 : INFO : topic 22: 0.053*image/NN + 0.016*deletion/NN + 0.013*fair/JJ + 0.013*medium/NN + 0.012*file/NN + 0.012*edit/NN + 0.012*delete/NN + 0.012*upload/VB + 0.012*contrib/NN + 0.011*debate/NN + 0.011*modify/VB + 0.011*copyright/NN + 0.011*appropriate/JJ + 0.011*review/VB + 0.011*delete/VB + 0.011*further/NN + 0.011*jpg/NN + 0.010*log/NN + 0.008*free/JJ + 0.008*notify/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:02:58,488 : INFO : topic 23: 0.011*film/NN + 0.008*award/NN + 0.007*art/NN + 0.004*edit/VB + 0.004*festival/NN + 0.003*director/NN + 0.003*magazine/NN + 0.003*theatre/NN + 0.003*artist/NN + 0.003*story/NN + 0.003*writer/NN + 0.003*television/NN + 0.002*production/NN + 0.002*show/NN + 0.002*short/JJ + 0.002*press/NN + 0.002*news/NN + 0.002*music/NN + 0.002*london/NN + 0.002*tv/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:02:59,026 : INFO : topic 24: 0.007*county/NN + 0.006*district/NN + 0.006*election/NN + 0.005*law/NN + 0.005*court/NN + 0.005*president/NN + 0.004*republican/JJ + 0.004*elect/VB + 0.004*college/NN + 0.003*democratic/JJ + 0.003*representative/NN + 0.003*william/NN + 0.003*ohio/NN + 0.003*governor/NN + 0.003*party/NN + 0.003*virginia/NN + 0.003*candidate/NN + 0.003*judge/NN + 0.002*office/NN + 0.002*committee/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:02:59,150 : INFO : topic 25: 0.005*san/NN + 0.005*el/NN + 0.005*del/NN + 0.005*saint/NN + 0.004*municipality/NN + 0.003*spanish/JJ + 0.003*josé/NN + 0.003*town/NN + 0.003*province/NN + 0.003*juan/NN + 0.003*lo/NN + 0.003*district/NN + 0.003*airport/NN + 0.003*population/NN + 0.002*santa/NN + 0.002*mexico/NN + 0.002*px/NN + 0.002*puerto/NN + 0.002*da/NN + 0.002*du/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:02:59,676 : INFO : topic 26: 0.013*art/NN + 0.007*museum/NN + 0.006*der/NN + 0.005*german/NN + 0.005*da/NN + 0.004*artist/NN + 0.004*von/NN + 0.004*gallery/NN + 0.004*painting/NN + 0.003*exhibition/NN + 0.003*des/NN + 0.003*germany/NN + 0.003*berlin/NN + 0.003*collection/NN + 0.003*die/NN + 0.002*building/NN + 0.002*van/NN + 0.002*painter/NN + 0.002*pari/NN + 0.002*isbn/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:02:59,800 : INFO : topic 27: 0.009*building/NN + 0.003*byte/NN + 0.003*hotel/NN + 0.003*art/NN + 0.003*museum/NN + 0.003*park/NN + 0.003*street/NN + 0.002*center/NN + 0.002*hall/NN + 0.002*design/VB + 0.002*tower/NN + 0.002*historic/JJ + 0.002*design/NN + 0.002*church/NN + 0.002*floor/NN + 0.002*room/NN + 0.002*office/NN + 0.002*north/JJ + 0.002*century/NN + 0.002*theatre/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:00,340 : INFO : topic 28: 0.006*wine/NN + 0.005*food/NN + 0.004*plant/NN + 0.003*product/NN + 0.003*sell/VB + 0.003*fruit/NN + 0.003*beer/NN + 0.003*grow/VB + 0.003*variety/NN + 0.002*often/RB + 0.002*water/NN + 0.002*dish/NN + 0.002*brand/NN + 0.002*white/JJ + 0.002*red/JJ + 0.002*production/NN + 0.002*species/NN + 0.002*popular/JJ + 0.002*tea/NN + 0.002*region/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:00,470 : INFO : topic 29: 0.009*science/NN + 0.008*research/NN + 0.006*study/NN + 0.006*journal/NN + 0.005*professor/NN + 0.004*society/NN + 0.004*institute/NN + 0.004*language/NN + 0.003*college/NN + 0.003*education/NN + 0.003*press/NN + 0.003*department/NN + 0.003*award/NN + 0.003*technology/NN + 0.003*social/JJ + 0.002*art/NN + 0.002*engineering/NN + 0.002*development/NN + 0.002*law/NN + 0.002*student/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:00,996 : INFO : topic 30: 0.022*species/NN + 0.008*genus/NN + 0.005*plant/NN + 0.005*bird/NN + 0.004*specy/VB + 0.004*common/JJ + 0.004*occur/VB + 0.004*white/JJ + 0.003*family/VB + 0.003*black/JJ + 0.003*leaf/NN + 0.003*brown/JJ + 0.003*grow/VB + 0.003*habitat/NN + 0.003*forest/NN + 0.003*flower/NN + 0.003*red/JJ + 0.002*island/NN + 0.002*lc/NN + 0.002*order/VB
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:01,114 : INFO : topic 31: 0.008*health/NN + 0.006*medical/JJ + 0.005*hospital/NN + 0.005*research/NN + 0.004*care/NN + 0.004*patient/NN + 0.003*program/NN + 0.003*center/NN + 0.003*study/NN + 0.003*medicine/NN + 0.003*issue/NN + 0.003*social/JJ + 0.002*treatment/NN + 0.002*organization/NN + 0.002*development/NN + 0.002*community/NN + 0.002*disease/NN + 0.002*woman/NN + 0.002*supplement/NN + 0.002*clinical/JJ
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:01,650 : INFO : topic 32: 0.012*film/NN + 0.006*award/NN + 0.003*actor/NN + 0.003*lee/NN + 0.003*drama/NN + 0.003*director/NN + 0.003*direct/VB + 0.003*actress/NN + 0.003*kim/NN + 0.003*woman/NN + 0.002*winner/NN + 0.002*da/NN + 0.002*tv/NN + 0.002*championship/NN + 0.002*hong/NN + 0.002*role/NN + 0.002*kong/NN + 0.002*player/NN + 0.002*television/NN + 0.002*david/JJ
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:01,775 : INFO : topic 33: 0.008*horse/NN + 0.007*dog/NN + 0.005*breed/NN + 0.005*race/NN + 0.004*px/NN + 0.004*stake/NN + 0.003*race/VB + 0.003*breed/VB + 0.003*player/NN + 0.002*white/JJ + 0.002*wear/VB + 0.002*animal/NN + 0.002*game/NN + 0.002*ball/NN + 0.002*black/JJ + 0.002*winner/NN + 0.002*type/NN + 0.002*club/NN + 0.002*often/RB + 0.002*hand/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:02,298 : INFO : topic 34: 0.005*space/NN + 0.004*flight/NN + 0.004*launch/VB + 0.003*station/NN + 0.003*aircraft/NN + 0.003*power/NN + 0.003*air/NN + 0.003*mission/NN + 0.003*satellite/NN + 0.002*research/NN + 0.002*project/NN + 0.002*kosmo/NN + 0.002*expedition/NN + 0.002*nuclear/JJ + 0.002*image/NN + 0.002*portal/NN + 0.002*crew/NN + 0.002*launch/NN + 0.002*nasa/NN + 0.002*program/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:02,424 : INFO : topic 35: 0.018*game/NN + 0.017*league/NN + 0.014*season/NN + 0.010*baseball/NN + 0.008*player/NN + 0.008*pitcher/NN + 0.006*bat/VB + 0.006*pitch/VB + 0.005*chicago/NN + 0.005*sox/NN + 0.004*era/NN + 0.004*average/JJ + 0.004*loss/NN + 0.004*player/VB + 0.004*rbi/NN + 0.004*hit/VB + 0.004*red/JJ + 0.004*season/VB + 0.003*july/JJ + 0.003*yankee/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:02,951 : INFO : topic 36: 0.004*son/NN + 0.004*william/NN + 0.003*church/NN + 0.003*county/NN + 0.003*marry/VB + 0.003*building/NN + 0.002*college/NN + 0.002*sir/NN + 0.002*british/JJ + 0.002*thoma/NN + 0.002*london/NN + 0.002*elect/VB + 0.002*jame/NN + 0.002*daughter/NN + 0.002*george/NN + 0.002*street/NN + 0.002*town/NN + 0.002*royal/JJ + 0.002*district/NN + 0.002*land/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:03,071 : INFO : topic 37: 0.015*championship/NN + 0.010*woman/NN + 0.010*edit/VB + 0.009*event/NN + 0.009*medal/NN + 0.007*game/NN + 0.007*rank/NN + 0.007*final/JJ + 0.006*kg/NN + 0.006*race/NN + 0.006*olympic/NN + 0.006*athlete/NN + 0.005*summer/NN + 0.004*gold/NN + 0.004*metre/NN + 0.004*round/NN + 0.004*compete/VB + 0.004*stage/NN + 0.004*olympic/JJ + 0.004*cup/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:03,596 : INFO : topic 38: 0.009*jan/NN + 0.009*need/VB + 0.008*feb/NN + 0.008*dec/NN + 0.007*statement/NN + 0.007*mar/NN + 0.007*oct/NN + 0.007*unsource/VB + 0.006*nov/NN + 0.006*sep/NN + 0.005*aug/NN + 0.005*close/VB + 0.005*wikipedia/NN + 0.005*apr/JJ + 0.005*jul/NN + 0.005*lack/VB + 0.005*jun/NN + 0.005*category/NN + 0.004*cleanup/NN + 0.004*top/JJ
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:03,718 : INFO : topic 39: 0.014*cricket/NN + 0.009*match/VB + 0.008*club/NN + 0.008*wicket/NN + 0.008*season/NN + 0.007*rugby/NN + 0.007*match/NN + 0.007*class/NN + 0.007*league/NN + 0.007*bangladesh/NN + 0.007*test/NN + 0.007*county/NN + 0.007*england/NN + 0.006*score/VB + 0.006*div/NN + 0.006*player/NN + 0.005*australia/NN + 0.005*game/NN + 0.005*cup/NN + 0.005*innings/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:04,244 : INFO : topic 40: 0.043*kategori/NN + 0.034*category/NN + 0.033*da/NN + 0.018*kategorija/NN + 0.016*categoria/NN + 0.015*категория/NN + 0.015*kategoria/NN + 0.012*categorie/NN + 0.011*categoria/VB + 0.011*kategorie/NN + 0.010*ko/NN + 0.010*kategória/NN + 0.010*catégorie/NN + 0.010*sq/JJ + 0.010*fr/NN + 0.010*es/NN + 0.010*zh/NN + 0.009*ru/NN + 0.009*categoría/VB + 0.009*категорија/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:04,371 : INFO : topic 41: 0.003*picture/VB + 0.003*film/NN + 0.002*british/JJ + 0.002*february/JJ + 0.001*century/NN + 0.001*building/NN + 0.001*church/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*song/NN + 0.001*art/NN + 0.001*game/NN + 0.001*music/NN + 0.001*park/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*award/NN + 0.001*album/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*william/NN + 0.001*island/NN + 0.001*woman/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:04,895 : INFO : topic 42: 0.032*party/NN + 0.030*election/NN + 0.011*seat/NN + 0.011*vote/NN + 0.009*minister/NN + 0.008*elect/VB + 0.008*council/NN + 0.007*candidate/NN + 0.006*constituency/NN + 0.006*liberal/JJ + 0.006*democratic/JJ + 0.005*district/NN + 0.005*assembly/NN + 0.005*parliament/NN + 0.005*party/VB + 0.005*labour/NN + 0.004*government/NN + 0.004*wikt/NN + 0.004*president/NN + 0.004*congress/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:05,017 : INFO : topic 43: 0.042*category/NN + 0.039*category/VB + 0.034*template/NN + 0.032*stub/NN + 0.023*wp/NN + 0.016*eb/NN + 0.012*ws/NN + 0.008*county/NN + 0.007*disambiguation/NN + 0.005*aircraft/NN + 0.005*low/JJ + 0.004*unknown/JJ + 0.004*von/NN + 0.004*populate/VB + 0.004*rename/NN + 0.004*geo/NN + 0.004*start/NN + 0.004*assessment/NN + 0.004*update/NN + 0.004*bio/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:05,542 : INFO : topic 44: 0.014*league/NN + 0.014*fc/NN + 0.013*club/NN + 0.011*season/NN + 0.009*cup/NN + 0.009*division/NN + 0.009*football/NN + 0.008*mf/NN + 0.008*round/NN + 0.007*cm/NN + 0.007*df/NN + 0.007*goal/NN + 0.007*kg/NN + 0.006*fw/NN + 0.005*player/NN + 0.004*stadium/NN + 0.004*champion/NN + 0.004*tier/NN + 0.004*final/JJ + 0.004*al/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:05,666 : INFO : topic 45: 0.009*star/NN + 0.006*km/NN + 0.006*crater/NN + 0.005*planet/NN + 0.004*linear/JJ + 0.004*socorro/NN + 0.004*observatory/NN + 0.004*earth/NN + 0.004*telescope/NN + 0.003*galaxy/NN + 0.003*image/NN + 0.003*island/NN + 0.003*solar/JJ + 0.003*maybe/JJ + 0.003*moon/NN + 0.003*sun/NN + 0.003*partial/JJ + 0.002*map/NN + 0.002*total/JJ + 0.002*peak/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:06,185 : INFO : topic 46: 0.042*file/NN + 0.029*jpg/NN + 0.017*px/NN + 0.010*image/NN + 0.009*edit/VB + 0.007*template/NN + 0.007*datum/NN + 0.006*wikipedia/NN + 0.006*label/NN + 0.006*text/NN + 0.006*svg/NN + 0.004*label/VB + 0.004*png/NN + 0.004*map/NN + 0.004*jpg/VB + 0.003*scale/NN + 0.003*org/NN + 0.003*gif/NN + 0.003*wiki/NN + 0.003*style/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:06,309 : INFO : topic 47: 0.011*bc/NN + 0.010*emperor/NN + 0.009*king/NN + 0.008*roman/NN + 0.005*li/JJ + 0.005*son/NN + 0.005*army/NN + 0.004*empire/NN + 0.004*dynasty/NN + 0.004*battle/NN + 0.004*military/JJ + 0.003*modern/JJ + 0.003*century/NN + 0.003*bc/VB + 0.003*kingdom/NN + 0.003*force/NN + 0.003*imperial/JJ + 0.003*governor/NN + 0.003*send/VB + 0.003*wang/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:06,839 : INFO : topic 48: 0.006*club/NN + 0.003*sport/NN + 0.003*student/NN + 0.003*football/NN + 0.003*game/NN + 0.003*golf/NN + 0.002*college/NN + 0.002*county/NN + 0.002*championship/NN + 0.002*building/NN + 0.002*league/NN + 0.002*player/NN + 0.002*district/NN + 0.002*girl/NN + 0.002*boy/NN + 0.002*event/NN + 0.002*park/NN + 0.002*village/NN + 0.002*class/NN + 0.002*band/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:07,375 : INFO : topic 49: 0.003*police/NN + 0.002*kill/VB + 0.002*film/NN + 0.002*county/NN + 0.002*president/NN + 0.002*british/JJ + 0.002*prison/NN + 0.002*death/NN + 0.002*officer/NN + 0.001*murder/NN + 0.001*woman/NN + 0.001*court/NN + 0.001*government/NN + 0.001*law/NN + 0.001*february/JJ + 0.001*building/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*july/RB + 0.001*party/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:07,498 : INFO : topic 50: 0.031*district/NN + 0.015*village/NN + 0.013*county/NN + 0.013*station/NN + 0.012*population/NN + 0.009*gmina/NN + 0.009*town/NN + 0.008*east/JJ + 0.007*rural/JJ + 0.007*province/NN + 0.006*voivodeship/NN + 0.006*township/NN + 0.006*km/NN + 0.006*px/NN + 0.006*region/NN + 0.006*central/JJ + 0.006*railway/NN + 0.006*road/NN + 0.005*cambodia/NN + 0.005*municipality/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:08,043 : INFO : topic 51: 0.016*airport/NN + 0.013*county/NN + 0.008*lake/NN + 0.007*township/NN + 0.006*district/NN + 0.006*river/NN + 0.005*historic/JJ + 0.005*north/JJ + 0.005*el/NN + 0.005*road/NN + 0.005*fm/NN + 0.004*highway/NN + 0.004*category/NN + 0.003*park/NN + 0.003*town/NN + 0.003*register/NN + 0.003*railway/NN + 0.003*station/NN + 0.003*village/NN + 0.003*mile/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:08,165 : INFO : topic 52: 0.006*relation/NN + 0.005*embassy/NN + 0.005*republic/NN + 0.005*azerbaijan/NN + 0.004*bank/NN + 0.004*kingdom/NN + 0.003*foreign/JJ + 0.003*ambassador/NN + 0.003*island/NN + 0.003*russia/NN + 0.002*union/NN + 0.002*mission/NN + 0.002*consulate/NN + 0.002*minister/NN + 0.002*outline/NN + 0.002*government/NN + 0.002*president/NN + 0.002*diplomatic/JJ + 0.002*topic/NN + 0.002*russian/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:08,695 : INFO : topic 53: 0.013*season/NN + 0.013*template/NN + 0.010*football/NN + 0.009*championship/NN + 0.007*game/NN + 0.007*cup/NN + 0.007*football/VB + 0.007*league/NN + 0.006*basketball/VB + 0.005*woman/NN + 0.005*club/NN + 0.004*player/NN + 0.004*station/NN + 0.004*division/NN + 0.003*season/VB + 0.003*coach/NN + 0.003*template/VB + 0.003*basketball/NN + 0.003*taxonomy/NN + 0.003*tournament/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:08,817 : INFO : topic 54: 0.010*week/NN + 0.008*eliminate/VB + 0.007*contestant/NN + 0.007*song/NN + 0.007*season/NN + 0.006*episode/NN + 0.006*show/NN + 0.006*safe/JJ + 0.005*evict/VB + 0.005*final/JJ + 0.005*winner/NN + 0.004*vote/NN + 0.004*judge/NN + 0.004*challenge/NN + 0.004*housemate/NN + 0.003*top/JJ + 0.003*big/JJ + 0.003*vote/VB + 0.003*contest/NN + 0.003*brother/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:09,353 : INFO : topic 55: 0.006*al/NN + 0.006*israeli/NN + 0.005*israel/NN + 0.004*station/NN + 0.004*village/NN + 0.003*jerusalem/NN + 0.003*tel/NN + 0.003*building/NN + 0.002*palestinian/JJ + 0.002*aviv/NN + 0.002*road/NN + 0.002*hapoel/NN + 0.002*arab/NN + 0.002*railway/NN + 0.002*town/NN + 0.002*maccabi/NN + 0.002*center/NN + 0.002*district/NN + 0.002*street/NN + 0.002*jewish/JJ
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:09,478 : INFO : topic 56: 0.048*fr/NN + 0.026*translation/NN + 0.023*perhaps/JJ + 0.022*nl/NN + 0.022*pl/NN + 0.020*user/NN + 0.019*portal/NN + 0.015*select/VB + 0.015*template/NN + 0.012*pt/NN + 0.010*saint/NN + 0.009*wikipedia/NN + 0.008*sr/NN + 0.007*category/NN + 0.006*userbox/NN + 0.005*saint/VB + 0.005*es/NN + 0.005*eo/NN + 0.005*fr/VB + 0.005*id/JJ
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:10,011 : INFO : topic 57: 0.120*bar/NN + 0.061*text/NN + 0.043*fontsize/NN + 0.040*text/VB + 0.039*shift/NN + 0.035*align/NN + 0.021*color/NN + 0.020*style/NN + 0.019*width/NN + 0.015*id/JJ + 0.015*value/NN + 0.014*align/VB + 0.013*center/NN + 0.009*expr/NN + 0.009*px/NN + 0.009*top/JJ + 0.008*municipality/NN + 0.008*rgb/NN + 0.007*bgcolor/NN + 0.007*background/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:10,130 : INFO : topic 58: 0.007*japan/NN + 0.007*film/NN + 0.007*japanese/NN + 0.007*championship/NN + 0.006*defeat/VB + 0.005*wrestle/VB + 0.004*tokyo/NN + 0.004*match/NN + 0.003*event/NN + 0.003*tv/NN + 0.003*vs/NN + 0.003*tag/NN + 0.003*episode/NN + 0.003*manga/NN + 0.003*round/NN + 0.003*win/NN + 0.003*decision/NN + 0.003*tournament/NN + 0.003*champion/NN + 0.003*wrestler/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:10,676 : INFO : topic 59: 0.007*film/NN + 0.005*link/VB + 0.003*song/NN + 0.003*album/NN + 0.003*music/NN + 0.003*pipe/NN + 0.002*band/NN + 0.002*award/NN + 0.002*rd/NN + 0.002*story/NN + 0.002*disambiguation/NN + 0.002*art/NN + 0.002*television/NN + 0.002*tv/NN + 0.001*xc/NN + 0.001*direct/VB + 0.001*game/NN + 0.001*director/NN + 0.001*festival/NN + 0.001*artist/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:10,800 : INFO : topic 60: 0.004*film/NN + 0.002*award/NN + 0.002*art/NN + 0.002*story/NN + 0.002*island/NN + 0.002*music/NN + 0.001*british/JJ + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*french/JJ + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*song/NN + 0.001*album/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*game/NN + 0.001*novel/NN + 0.001*building/NN + 0.001*television/NN + 0.001*writer/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:11,337 : INFO : topic 61: 0.002*county/NN + 0.002*film/NN + 0.002*district/NN + 0.002*church/NN + 0.002*iowa/NN + 0.002*building/NN + 0.002*village/NN + 0.002*college/NN + 0.002*town/NN + 0.002*station/NN + 0.002*british/JJ + 0.002*club/NN + 0.002*son/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*historic/JJ + 0.001*century/NN + 0.001*art/NN + 0.001*william/NN + 0.001*game/NN + 0.001*founder/VB
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:11,466 : INFO : topic 62: 0.003*championship/NN + 0.003*film/NN + 0.002*club/NN + 0.002*game/NN + 0.002*football/NN + 0.002*league/NN + 0.002*player/NN + 0.002*season/NN + 0.001*sport/NN + 0.001*french/JJ + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*event/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*www/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*award/NN + 0.001*race/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*town/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:12,006 : INFO : topic 63: 0.004*film/NN + 0.003*album/NN + 0.003*song/NN + 0.002*game/NN + 0.002*music/NN + 0.002*football/NN + 0.002*club/NN + 0.002*player/NN + 0.002*league/NN + 0.002*season/NN + 0.002*award/NN + 0.002*band/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*television/NN + 0.001*championship/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*track/NN + 0.001*tv/NN + 0.001*www/NN + 0.001*show/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:12,134 : INFO : topic 64: 0.026*enzyme/NN + 0.012*protein/NN + 0.011*acid/NN + 0.009*reaction/NN + 0.007*class/NN + 0.006*chemical/NN + 0.006*product/NN + 0.005*substrate/NN + 0.005*beta/NN + 0.005*catalyze/VB + 0.005*phosphate/NN + 0.005*gene/NN + 0.005*structure/NN + 0.005*belong/VB + 0.004*compound/NN + 0.004*alpha/JJ + 0.004*systematic/JJ + 0.004*specifically/RB + 0.004*iii/NN + 0.004*enzymology/VB
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:12,665 : INFO : topic 65: 0.011*club/NN + 0.009*season/NN + 0.006*football/NN + 0.006*league/NN + 0.005*goal/NN + 0.004*player/NN + 0.004*italy/JJ + 0.004*game/NN + 0.004*serie/NN + 0.003*loan/NN + 0.003*champion/NN + 0.003*round/NN + 0.003*championship/NN + 0.003*cup/NN + 0.003*serie/VB + 0.003*italian/NN + 0.003*division/NN + 0.003*profile/NN + 0.003*sign/VB + 0.002*professional/JJ
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:12,793 : INFO : topic 66: 0.007*ok/NN + 0.006*film/NN + 0.003*album/NN + 0.002*song/NN + 0.002*death/NN + 0.002*music/NN + 0.002*award/NN + 0.002*need/VB + 0.002*turkish/JJ + 0.002*player/NN + 0.002*football/NN + 0.001*band/NN + 0.001*language/NN + 0.001*french/JJ + 0.001*actor/NN + 0.001*direct/VB + 0.001*television/NN + 0.001*director/NN + 0.001*writer/NN + 0.001*ok/VB
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:13,338 : INFO : topic 67: 0.002*station/NN + 0.002*image/NN + 0.002*film/NN + 0.002*district/NN + 0.002*county/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*game/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*building/NN + 0.001*river/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*island/NN + 0.001*founder/VB + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*potd/NN + 0.001*www/NN + 0.001*historic/JJ
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:13,481 : INFO : topic 68: 0.167*linear/JJ + 0.161*socorro/NN + 0.037*spacewatch/NN + 0.036*peak/NN + 0.035*kitt/NN + 0.031*neat/JJ + 0.029*palomar/NN + 0.027*february/JJ + 0.021*mesa/NN + 0.020*anderson/NN + 0.018*loneo/NN + 0.016*socorro/VB + 0.012*van/NN + 0.011*july/JJ + 0.011*linear/NN + 0.009*catalina/NN + 0.009*cs/NN + 0.009*lemmon/NN + 0.008*silla/NN + 0.008*mount/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:14,038 : INFO : topic 69: 0.029*linnaeu/NN + 0.024*deni/NN + 0.015*zeller/NN + 0.013*meyrick/NN + 0.009*fabriciu/NN + 0.007*schaffer/NN + 0.007*haworth/NN + 0.007*walker/NN + 0.007*hampson/NN + 0.007*turner/NN + 0.003*species/NN + 0.003*walker/VB + 0.003*var/NN + 0.003*warren/NN + 0.002*genus/NN + 0.002*lower/JJ + 0.002*butler/NN + 0.002*rebel/NN + 0.002*film/NN + 0.002*rothschild/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:14,185 : INFO : topic 70: 0.046*user/NN + 0.033*coibot/NN + 0.029*blacklist/JJ + 0.026*com/NN + 0.021*addition/NN + 0.020*mention/VB + 0.017*wikipedia/NN + 0.017*report/VB + 0.017*entry/NN + 0.016*datum/NN + 0.015*link/VB + 0.015*monitor/JJ + 0.015*resolve/VB + 0.014*report/NN + 0.014*none/NN + 0.014*domainredlist/NN + 0.014*whitelist/NN + 0.014*monitorlist/NN + 0.010*spam/NN + 0.009*blacklist/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:14,751 : INFO : topic 71: 0.003*film/NN + 0.002*football/NN + 0.002*league/NN + 0.002*club/NN + 0.002*player/NN + 0.002*game/NN + 0.002*season/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*island/NN + 0.001*album/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*british/JJ + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*championship/NN + 0.001*music/NN + 0.001*award/NN + 0.001*french/JJ + 0.001*song/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:14,884 : INFO : topic 72: 0.009*manuscript/NN + 0.005*text/NN + 0.004*gregory/NN + 0.003*testament/NN + 0.003*contain/VB + 0.003*century/NN + 0.003*greek/NN + 0.002*codex/NN + 0.002*date/VB + 0.002*village/NN + 0.002*gospel/NN + 0.002*currently/RB + 0.002*district/NN + 0.002*accord/VB + 0.002*aland/RB + 0.002*textual/JJ + 0.002*film/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*century/VB + 0.001*scrivener/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:15,418 : INFO : topic 73: 0.003*film/NN + 0.002*station/NN + 0.002*football/NN + 0.002*music/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*radio/NN + 0.001*television/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*album/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*yea/NN + 0.001*award/NN + 0.001*player/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*game/NN + 0.001*season/NN + 0.001*song/NN + 0.001*british/JJ + 0.001*french/JJ + 0.001*village/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:15,579 : INFO : topic 74: 0.002*film/NN + 0.002*station/NN + 0.002*district/NN + 0.002*species/NN + 0.002*county/NN + 0.002*village/NN + 0.001*align/NN + 0.001*game/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*barrymore/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*river/NN + 0.001*population/NN + 0.001*historic/JJ + 0.001*album/NN + 0.001*building/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*island/NN + 0.001*league/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:16,104 : INFO : topic 75: 0.002*image/NN + 0.001*user/NN + 0.001*medicine/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*game/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.001*drug/NN + 0.001*effect/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*project/NN + 0.001*research/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*player/NN + 0.001*refer/VB
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:16,271 : INFO : topic 76: 0.003*contrib/NN + 0.002*byte/NN + 0.002*image/NN + 0.002*film/NN + 0.002*species/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*album/NN + 0.001*user/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*game/NN + 0.001*island/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*british/JJ + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*refer/VB + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*www/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:16,837 : INFO : topic 77: 0.005*film/NN + 0.002*district/NN + 0.002*football/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*award/NN + 0.001*game/NN + 0.001*album/NN + 0.001*season/NN + 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.001*player/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*british/JJ + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*music/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:16,983 : INFO : topic 78: 0.002*species/NN + 0.002*film/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*game/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*party/NN + 0.001*island/NN + 0.001*bus/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*british/JJ + 0.001*building/NN + 0.001*refer/VB + 0.001*league/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:17,533 : INFO : topic 79: 0.015*round/NN + 0.007*seed/NN + 0.006*champion/NN + 0.004*draw/NN + 0.004*quarterfinal/NN + 0.003*final/JJ + 0.003*draw/VB + 0.003*qualify/VB + 0.003*player/NN + 0.003*final/NN + 0.003*text/NN + 0.003*indicate/VB + 0.003*semifinal/NN + 0.003*half/NN + 0.002*tournament/NN + 0.002*defending/JJ + 0.002*section/NN + 0.002*top/JJ + 0.002*double/NN + 0.002*lose/VB
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:17,674 : INFO : topic 80: 0.003*film/NN + 0.002*district/NN + 0.002*county/NN + 0.002*station/NN + 0.002*historic/JJ + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*building/NN + 0.001*art/NN + 0.001*bank/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*church/NN + 0.001*album/NN + 0.001*park/NN + 0.001*award/NN + 0.001*player/NN + 0.001*river/NN + 0.001*game/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:18,200 : INFO : topic 81: 0.006*film/NN + 0.002*album/NN + 0.002*song/NN + 0.001*music/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*award/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*game/NN + 0.001*direct/VB + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*television/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*director/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*movie/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*band/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:18,321 : INFO : topic 82: 0.003*drum/NN + 0.003*lismore/NN + 0.002*naa/NN + 0.002*east/JJ + 0.002*district/NN + 0.002*north/JJ + 0.002*town/NN + 0.002*county/NN + 0.002*village/NN + 0.002*westport/NN + 0.001*island/NN + 0.001*costello/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*gallen/VB + 0.001*river/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*church/NN + 0.001*historic/JJ + 0.001*century/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:18,854 : INFO : topic 83: 0.003*contrib/NN + 0.002*bear/NN + 0.002*byte/NN + 0.002*species/NN + 0.002*station/NN + 0.002*film/NN + 0.002*image/NN + 0.002*district/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*game/NN + 0.001*align/NN + 0.001*building/NN + 0.001*player/NN + 0.001*party/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:18,976 : INFO : topic 84: 0.003*contrib/NN + 0.002*byte/NN + 0.002*film/NN + 0.002*image/NN + 0.001*game/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*album/NN + 0.001*championship/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*season/NN + 0.001*player/NN + 0.001*user/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*town/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:19,500 : INFO : topic 85: 0.022*poly/JJ + 0.011*poly/RB + 0.003*circle/NN + 0.003*district/NN + 0.003*county/NN + 0.002*image/NN + 0.002*species/NN + 0.001*circle/VB + 0.001*river/NN + 0.001*north/JJ + 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.001*island/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*historic/JJ + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*star/NN + 0.001*byte/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:19,628 : INFO : topic 86: 0.005*album/NN + 0.004*και/NN + 0.003*song/NN + 0.003*film/NN + 0.002*το/NN + 0.002*band/NN + 0.002*track/NN + 0.002*music/NN + 0.002*του/NN + 0.001*της/NN + 0.001*listing/NN + 0.001*record/VB + 0.001*game/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*guitar/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*vocal/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*player/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:20,174 : INFO : topic 87: 0.002*film/NN + 0.001*jew/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*news/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*river/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*album/NN + 0.001*century/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*game/NN + 0.001*television/NN + 0.001*refer/VB
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:20,331 : INFO : topic 88: 0.002*film/NN + 0.002*image/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*user/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*game/NN + 0.001*church/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*album/NN + 0.001*river/NN + 0.001*century/NN + 0.001*island/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*building/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:20,874 : INFO : topic 89: 0.002*universe/NN + 0.002*film/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*album/NN + 0.001*player/NN + 0.001*model/NN + 0.001*theory/NN + 0.001*refer/VB + 0.001*big/JJ + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*game/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*british/JJ + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*german/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:21,038 : INFO : topic 90: 0.005*radio/NN + 0.002*station/NN + 0.002*film/NN + 0.002*album/NN + 0.001*music/NN + 0.001*art/NN + 0.001*song/NN + 0.001*game/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*show/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*fm/NN + 0.001*player/NN + 0.001*season/NN + 0.001*band/NN + 0.001*television/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:21,601 : INFO : topic 91: 0.003*species/NN + 0.002*genus/NN + 0.002*district/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*church/NN + 0.001*river/NN + 0.001*island/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*population/NN + 0.001*century/NN + 0.001*refer/VB + 0.001*north/JJ + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*album/NN + 0.001*municipality/NN + 0.001*com/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:21,767 : INFO : topic 92: 0.002*football/NN + 0.002*college/NN + 0.002*league/NN + 0.001*socorro/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*linear/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*student/NN + 0.001*game/NN + 0.001*season/NN + 0.001*player/NN + 0.001*brown/JJ + 0.001*championship/NN + 0.001*building/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*town/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:22,324 : INFO : topic 93: 0.002*species/NN + 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*byte/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*river/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*ammonia/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*album/NN + 0.001*island/NN + 0.001*user/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*game/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:22,922 : INFO : topic 94: 0.002*district/NN + 0.002*village/NN + 0.002*town/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*population/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*church/NN + 0.001*river/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.001*island/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*municipality/NN + 0.001*century/NN + 0.001*french/JJ + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*son/NN + 0.001*german/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:23,081 : INFO : topic 95: 0.030*bib/NN + 0.026*enc/NN + 0.018*revision/NN + 0.009*nawlinwiki/NN + 0.006*user/NN + 0.004*event/NN + 0.004*log/NN + 0.004*special/JJ + 0.003*alison/NN + 0.002*zzuuzz/NN + 0.002*revision/VB + 0.002*fred/VB + 0.002*bauder/NN + 0.002*risker/NN + 0.002*mitchell/NN + 0.002*courcelle/NN + 0.001*hj/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*move/NN + 0.001*rollbacker/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:23,639 : INFO : topic 96: 0.006*pa/NN + 0.005*crc/NN + 0.005*wel/NN + 0.005*lng/NN + 0.003*cm/NN + 0.003*cr/JJ + 0.002*tc/NN + 0.002*gd/NN + 0.002*log/NN + 0.002*sb/NN + 0.002*te/NN + 0.002*species/NN + 0.002*isotope/NN + 0.001*ge/NN + 0.001*al/NN + 0.001*si/NN + 0.001*kp/NN + 0.001*wiki/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*kg/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:23,755 : INFO : topic 97: 0.024*da/NN + 0.017*tv/NN + 0.011*af/JJ + 0.007*og/NN + 0.005*/NN + 0.005*film/NN + 0.004*den/NN + 0.004*nrk/NN + 0.004*det/JJ + 0.003*fra/NN + 0.003*kategori/NN + 0.002*med/VB + 0.002*til/NN + 0.002*danish/JJ + 0.002*mini/NN + 0.002*af/RB + 0.002*om/NN + 0.002*han/NN + 0.002*min/NN + 0.002*svt/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:24,287 : INFO : topic 98: 0.002*species/NN + 0.002*district/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*sea/NN + 0.001*island/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*river/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*population/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*black/JJ + 0.001*church/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*municipality/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:24,404 : INFO : topic 99: 0.002*film/NN + 0.002*station/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*byte/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*river/NN + 0.001*population/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*amsterdam/NN + 0.001*century/NN + 0.001*church/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*building/NN + 0.001*album/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:24,932 : INFO : topic 100: 0.004*league/NN + 0.003*football/NN + 0.003*season/NN + 0.003*club/NN + 0.002*game/NN + 0.002*player/NN + 0.002*championship/NN + 0.001*division/NN + 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*professional/JJ + 0.001*cup/NN + 0.001*currently/RB + 0.001*byte/NN + 0.001*oriole/NN + 0.001*final/JJ + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*profile/NN + 0.001*footballer/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:25,046 : INFO : topic 101: 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*breast/NN + 0.001*album/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*population/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*woman/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*refer/VB + 0.001*player/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:25,589 : INFO : topic 102: 0.003*church/NN + 0.003*bishop/NN + 0.002*catholic/JJ + 0.001*diocese/NN + 0.001*roman/NN + 0.001*bridge/NN + 0.001*apostolic/JJ + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*user/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*album/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*century/NN + 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*image/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:25,723 : INFO : topic 103: 0.002*film/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*user/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*black/JJ + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*population/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*album/NN + 0.001*award/NN + 0.001*language/NN + 0.001*game/NN + 0.001*season/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:26,287 : INFO : topic 104: 0.002*film/NN + 0.002*album/NN + 0.001*game/NN + 0.001*user/NN + 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*song/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*byte/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*atari/NN + 0.001*music/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*season/NN + 0.001*village/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:26,436 : INFO : topic 105: 0.001*user/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.001*album/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*song/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*addition/NN + 0.001*blacklist/JJ + 0.001*byte/NN + 0.001*link/VB + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*century/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*music/NN + 0.001*station/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:27,000 : INFO : topic 106: 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*river/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*km/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*island/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*missile/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*lake/NN + 0.001*population/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*byte/NN + 0.001*club/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:27,150 : INFO : topic 107: 0.003*contrib/NN + 0.003*braille/NN + 0.002*byte/NN + 0.002*image/NN + 0.002*species/NN + 0.002*user/NN + 0.001*dot/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*blacklist/JJ + 0.001*addition/NN + 0.001*language/NN + 0.001*link/VB + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*svg/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*chinese/NN + 0.001*refer/VB + 0.001*mention/VB + 0.001*village/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:27,718 : INFO : topic 108: 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*user/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*air/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*byte/NN + 0.001*force/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*lake/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*album/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*league/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:27,920 : INFO : topic 109: 0.037*inn/NN + 0.015*afghanistan/NN + 0.001*sar/NN + 0.001*bala/NN + 0.001*herat/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*shah/NN + 0.001*pol/NN + 0.001*farah/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*kandahar/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*acid/NN + 0.001*ni/NN + 0.001*season/NN + 0.001*sodium/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*river/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*football/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:28,529 : INFO : topic 110: 0.007*monaghan/NN + 0.003*agra/NN + 0.002*trough/NN + 0.002*contrib/NN + 0.002*clone/NN + 0.002*byte/NN + 0.002*film/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*erwin/NN + 0.001*user/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*album/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*genus/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:28,726 : INFO : topic 111: 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*album/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.001*user/NN + 0.001*ginsberg/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*song/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*byte/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*stadion/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*league/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:29,324 : INFO : topic 112: 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*game/NN + 0.001*season/NN + 0.001*album/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*song/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*player/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*user/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*championship/NN + 0.001*image/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:29,516 : INFO : topic 113: 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.001*linear/JJ + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*player/NN + 0.001*dance/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*socorro/VB + 0.001*byte/NN + 0.001*album/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*refer/VB + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*game/NN + 0.001*french/JJ
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:30,122 : INFO : topic 114: 0.001*user/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*ata/NN + 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*device/NN + 0.001*byte/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*refer/VB + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*blacklist/JJ + 0.001*addition/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:30,320 : INFO : topic 115: 0.062*contrib/NN + 0.050*byte/NN + 0.006*gif/NN + 0.006*logo/NN + 0.006*licensing/NN + 0.005*cydebot/NN + 0.005*image/NN + 0.005*summary/NN + 0.004*file/NN + 0.004*betacommandbot/NN + 0.003*fairusebot/NN + 0.002*si/NN + 0.002*fair/JJ + 0.002*www/NN + 0.002*mbisanz/NN + 0.002*http/NN + 0.002*jpg/NN + 0.001*polbot/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*rationale/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:30,913 : INFO : topic 116: 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*king/NN + 0.001*century/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*language/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*user/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*refer/VB + 0.001*population/NN + 0.001*british/JJ + 0.001*album/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:31,100 : INFO : topic 117: 0.002*species/NN + 0.002*genus/NN + 0.001*antibody/NN + 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.001*cell/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*region/NN + 0.001*leste/NN + 0.001*river/NN + 0.001*island/NN + 0.001*population/NN + 0.001*byte/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*refer/VB + 0.001*japanese/NN + 0.001*user/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*com/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:31,704 : INFO : topic 118: 0.001*bone/NN + 0.001*party/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*bnp/NN + 0.001*election/NN + 0.001*municipality/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*population/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*river/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*island/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:31,896 : INFO : topic 119: 0.002*species/NN + 0.001*inn/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*river/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*eagle/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*population/NN + 0.001*album/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*island/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*refer/VB + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*com/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:32,482 : INFO : topic 120: 0.003*species/NN + 0.003*ant/NN + 0.002*unit/NN + 0.002*convert/NN + 0.002*item/VB + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*plant/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*river/NN + 0.001*island/NN + 0.001*population/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*user/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*refer/VB
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:32,651 : INFO : topic 121: 0.004*fk/NN + 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.001*byte/NN + 0.001*army/NN + 0.001*bio/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*montgomery/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*user/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*british/JJ + 0.001*season/NN + 0.001*german/NN + 0.001*com/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:33,193 : INFO : topic 122: 0.003*ratification/NN + 0.003*accession/NN + 0.002*anc/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*party/NN + 0.001*monaghan/NN + 0.001*user/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*sign/VB + 0.001*island/NN + 0.001*apollo/NN + 0.001*treaty/NN + 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*village/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:33,353 : INFO : topic 123: 0.001*party/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*album/NN + 0.001*oblast/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*river/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*byte/NN + 0.001*inn/NN + 0.001*church/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:33,885 : INFO : topic 124: 0.002*contrib/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*marine/NN + 0.001*byte/NN + 0.001*cobo/NN + 0.001*villier/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*island/NN + 0.001*gory/JJ + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*force/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*fisher/VB + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*fisher/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*county/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:34,043 : INFO : topic 125: 0.005*contrib/NN + 0.004*byte/NN + 0.001*martin/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*tank/NN + 0.001*aston/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*licensing/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.001*summary/NN + 0.001*german/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*gif/NN + 0.001*cydebot/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*gun/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:34,580 : INFO : topic 126: 0.001*head/NN + 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*butt/NN + 0.001*beavi/NN + 0.001*byte/NN + 0.001*album/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*video/NN + 0.001*song/NN + 0.001*episode/NN + 0.001*music/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*band/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*refer/VB + 0.001*town/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:34,727 : INFO : topic 127: 0.010*arkansa/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*arkansa/VB + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*lincoln/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*category/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*river/NN + 0.001*rock/NN + 0.001*party/NN + 0.001*historic/JJ + 0.001*election/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*player/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:35,244 : INFO : topic 128: 0.002*contrib/NN + 0.002*film/NN + 0.002*byte/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*user/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*language/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.000*refer/VB + 0.000*population/NN + 0.000*league/NN + 0.000*albanian/JJ + 0.000*club/NN + 0.000*century/NN + 0.000*album/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:35,386 : INFO : topic 129: 0.026*str/NN + 0.018*trim/NN + 0.008*px/NN + 0.008*padding/NN + 0.004*style/NN + 0.003*replace/NN + 0.002*index/VB + 0.002*condon/NN + 0.002*align/NN + 0.001*sub/NN + 0.001*sandbox/NN + 0.001*find/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*gi/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*christie/NN + 0.000*contrib/NN + 0.000*final/JJ + 0.000*village/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:35,895 : INFO : topic 130: 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*brussel/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*village/NN + 0.001*french/JJ + 0.001*municipality/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*population/NN + 0.001*town/NN + 0.001*region/NN + 0.001*station/NN + 0.001*county/NN + 0.001*river/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*community/NN + 0.000*football/NN + 0.000*century/NN + 0.000*image/NN + 0.000*language/NN + 0.000*island/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:36,051 : INFO : topic 131: 0.003*animation/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*byte/NN + 0.001*traditional/JJ + 0.001*anemia/NN + 0.001*atla/NN + 0.001*acid/NN + 0.001*amino/JJ + 0.001*refer/VB + 0.000*album/NN + 0.000*px/NN + 0.000*village/NN + 0.000*district/NN + 0.000*football/NN + 0.000*county/NN + 0.000*com/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:36,588 : INFO : topic 132: 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*byte/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*football/NN + 0.001*base/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*user/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*game/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*acid/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*season/NN + 0.001*club/NN + 0.000*station/NN + 0.000*village/NN + 0.000*river/NN + 0.000*jump/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:36,748 : INFO : topic 133: 0.003*mitra/NN + 0.002*contrib/NN + 0.001*byte/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*belaru/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*embassy/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*district/NN + 0.001*reeve/NN + 0.001*synonym/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.000*football/NN + 0.000*village/NN + 0.000*user/NN + 0.000*film/NN + 0.000*narcissu/NN + 0.000*com/NN + 0.000*town/NN + 0.000*relation/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:37,287 : INFO : topic 134: 0.022*dd/VB + 0.010*pf/NN + 0.001*ss/NN + 0.001*apa/RB + 0.001*linear/JJ + 0.001*socorro/VB + 0.001*lst/NN + 0.001*rh/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*hi/NN + 0.001*noye/NN + 0.001*us/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.000*ak/RB + 0.000*archduches/NN + 0.000*county/NN + 0.000*al/NN + 0.000*ao/RB + 0.000*district/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:37,445 : INFO : topic 135: 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.001*byte/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.000*district/NN + 0.000*helix/NN + 0.000*football/NN + 0.000*club/NN + 0.000*player/NN + 0.000*village/NN + 0.000*game/NN + 0.000*arthritis/NN + 0.000*com/NN + 0.000*town/NN + 0.000*refer/VB + 0.000*season/NN + 0.000*population/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:37,970 : INFO : topic 136: 0.010*hala/NN + 0.002*contrib/NN + 0.002*byte/NN + 0.001*user/NN + 0.001*blacklist/JJ + 0.001*tree/NN + 0.001*addition/NN + 0.001*com/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*node/NN + 0.001*void/NN + 0.001*link/VB + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*search/NN + 0.001*value/NN + 0.001*mention/VB + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*binary/JJ + 0.001*resolve/VB + 0.001*none/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:38,127 : INFO : topic 137: 0.004*veronica/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*veronica/VB + 0.001*album/NN + 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*bigfoot/NN + 0.001*byte/NN + 0.001*league/NN + 0.000*football/NN + 0.000*image/NN + 0.000*district/NN + 0.000*village/NN + 0.000*song/NN + 0.000*track/NN + 0.000*town/NN + 0.000*club/NN + 0.000*refer/VB + 0.000*com/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:38,665 : INFO : topic 138: 0.003*contrib/NN + 0.002*byte/NN + 0.002*bib/NN + 0.002*enc/NN + 0.001*game/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*user/NN + 0.001*atari/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*film/NN + 0.000*com/NN + 0.000*lst/NN + 0.000*addition/NN + 0.000*league/NN + 0.000*blacklist/JJ + 0.000*district/NN + 0.000*licensing/NN + 0.000*football/NN + 0.000*gif/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:39,228 : INFO : topic 139: 0.001*film/NN + 0.001*inn/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*award/NN + 0.000*thornton/NN + 0.000*village/NN + 0.000*district/NN + 0.000*album/NN + 0.000*football/NN + 0.000*court/NN + 0.000*actor/NN + 0.000*language/NN + 0.000*game/NN + 0.000*season/NN + 0.000*league/NN + 0.000*contrib/NN + 0.000*refer/VB + 0.000*image/NN + 0.000*club/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:39,397 : INFO : topic 140: 0.004*cyclop/NN + 0.001*aceh/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*bw/NN + 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.000*byte/NN + 0.000*film/NN + 0.000*game/NN + 0.000*district/NN + 0.000*league/NN + 0.000*village/NN + 0.000*football/NN + 0.000*british/JJ + 0.000*town/NN + 0.000*sar/NN + 0.000*refer/VB + 0.000*image/NN + 0.000*album/NN + 0.000*club/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:39,964 : INFO : topic 141: 0.005*contrib/NN + 0.004*byte/NN + 0.002*bahá/NN + 0.001*abdu/NN + 0.001*image/NN + 0.001*licensing/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*gif/NN + 0.001*summary/NN + 0.001*cydebot/NN + 0.000*genus/NN + 0.000*logo/NN + 0.000*applet/NN + 0.000*village/NN + 0.000*father/NN + 0.000*betacommandbot/NN + 0.000*film/NN + 0.000*son/NN + 0.000*portal/VB + 0.000*com/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:40,131 : INFO : topic 142: 0.001*meow/NN + 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.001*byte/NN + 0.000*film/NN + 0.000*tot/NN + 0.000*village/NN + 0.000*pen/VB + 0.000*pen/NN + 0.000*part/VB + 0.000*image/NN + 0.000*district/NN + 0.000*municipality/NN + 0.000*padang/NN + 0.000*album/NN + 0.000*nia/NN + 0.000*song/NN + 0.000*town/NN + 0.000*refer/VB
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:40,695 : INFO : topic 143: 0.001*guitar/NN + 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*byte/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.000*football/NN + 0.000*film/NN + 0.000*image/NN + 0.000*league/NN + 0.000*district/NN + 0.000*season/NN + 0.000*player/NN + 0.000*style/NN + 0.000*game/NN + 0.000*user/NN + 0.000*string/NN + 0.000*championship/NN + 0.000*com/NN + 0.000*club/NN + 0.000*alexander/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:40,866 : INFO : topic 144: 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.001*px/NN + 0.001*achaea/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*byte/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.000*image/NN + 0.000*kohl/NN + 0.000*cubic/JJ + 0.000*base/NN + 0.000*anemia/NN + 0.000*honeycomb/NN + 0.000*district/NN + 0.000*walker/NN + 0.000*league/NN + 0.000*user/NN + 0.000*film/NN + 0.000*village/NN + 0.000*album/NN + 0.000*town/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:41,443 : INFO : topic 145: 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*genus/NN + 0.000*football/NN + 0.000*district/NN + 0.000*league/NN + 0.000*film/NN + 0.000*village/NN + 0.000*town/NN + 0.000*season/NN + 0.000*station/NN + 0.000*club/NN + 0.000*image/NN + 0.000*refer/VB + 0.000*population/NN + 0.000*county/NN + 0.000*game/NN + 0.000*story/NN + 0.000*wisconsin/NN + 0.000*river/NN + 0.000*com/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:41,612 : INFO : topic 146: 0.001*folio/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.001*verso/NN + 0.000*genus/NN + 0.000*australian/NN + 0.000*district/NN + 0.000*island/NN + 0.000*village/NN + 0.000*league/NN + 0.000*football/NN + 0.000*xii/NN + 0.000*town/NN + 0.000*population/NN + 0.000*river/NN + 0.000*final/JJ + 0.000*image/NN + 0.000*club/NN + 0.000*film/NN + 0.000*congo/VB + 0.000*animal/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:42,177 : INFO : topic 147: 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.001*byte/NN + 0.000*species/NN + 0.000*inn/NN + 0.000*genus/NN + 0.000*village/NN + 0.000*image/NN + 0.000*player/NN + 0.000*district/NN + 0.000*film/NN + 0.000*league/NN + 0.000*football/NN + 0.000*college/NN + 0.000*municipality/NN + 0.000*azerbaijan/NN + 0.000*asu/NN + 0.000*geometry/NN + 0.000*town/NN + 0.000*refer/VB + 0.000*force/NN
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:42,345 : INFO : topic 148: 0.001*contrib/NN + 0.001*species/NN + 0.000*byte/NN + 0.000*genus/NN + 0.000*film/NN + 0.000*village/NN + 0.000*user/NN + 0.000*municipality/NN + 0.000*image/NN + 0.000*town/NN + 0.000*championship/NN + 0.000*ulf/NN + 0.000*district/NN + 0.000*core/NN + 0.000*football/NN + 0.000*river/NN + 0.000*gmina/NN + 0.000*harmonium/NN + 0.000*league/NN + 0.000*continuous/JJ
gensim.models.hdpmodel : 2012-03-05 09:03:42,917 : INFO : topic 149: 0.000*species/NN + 0.000*genus/NN + 0.000*film/NN + 0.000*award/NN + 0.000*league/NN + 0.000*masonry/NN + 0.000*espresso/NN + 0.000*contrib/NN + 0.000*album/NN + 0.000*bigot/NN + 0.000*user/NN + 0.000*surrealist/JJ + 0.000*excessively/RB + 0.000*crystal/NN + 0.000*amanda/VB + 0.000*erotic/JJ + 0.000*festival/VB + 0.000*television/NN + 0.000*town/NN + 0.000*village/NN
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