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Created September 15, 2019 20:12
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  • Save pitandr/bf5903a70adae58d0e35fa78b297a6e7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pitandr/bf5903a70adae58d0e35fa78b297a6e7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am pitandr on github.
  • I am cryptobos ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASA2B6xw41Eoe2ffEME5JAGWFp7PgWnA8f6qghG_0WLp2Ao

To claim this, I am signing this object:

json { "body": { "key": { "eldest_kid": "01203607ac70e351287b67df10c139240196169ecf8169c0f1feaa8211bfd162e9d80a", "host": "", "kid": "01203607ac70e351287b67df10c139240196169ecf8169c0f1feaa8211bfd162e9d80a", "uid": "ba8d585d308f12885ae20719bd849019", "username": "cryptobos" }, "merkle_root": { "ctime": 1568577958, "hash": "1a873e84d57b4e9c9048684005fe864fec7535cfdb9896a18636be0d643abdbdedf1ea26f86a96920edb1e1a2a6ef9584dea2bc00175467d739ff848a67b1345", "hash_meta": "604f2a8fbb85b281eb898ddde0226207b0e610294f2bb7d099e82342fcc4716a", "seqno": 7415405 }, "service": { "entropy": "W6zlLzG+Nvde8w1gF887pw+a", "name": "github", "username": "pitandr" }, "type": "web_service_binding", "version": 2 }, "client": { "name": " go client", "version": "4.4.2" }, "ctime": 1568577972, "expire_in": 504576000, "prev": "5b7abecc6926add021cffecd4d8817f5e52e05510435c5a520af385c98f4d370", "seqno": 11, "tag": "signature" }

with the key ASA2B6xw41Eoe2ffEME5JAGWFp7PgWnA8f6qghG_0WLp2Ao, yielding the signature:


And finally, I am proving ownership of the github account by posting this as a gist.

My publicly-auditable identity:

From the command line:

Consider the keybase command line program.


look me up

keybase id cryptobos

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