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Created August 4, 2020 09:02
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LinqPad script for seeing Covid Data
var data = Parse(@"",
v => new
data = DateTime.Parse(v["data"]),
novos_total = decimal.Parse(v["confirmados"]),
novos = decimal.Parse(v["confirmados_novos"])
var amostras = Parse(@"",
v => new
data = DateTime.Parse(v["data"]),
amostras_total = decimal.TryParse(v["amostras"].Split('.')[0], out var na) ? na : 0,
amostras = decimal.TryParse(v["amostras_novas"].Split('.')[0], out var n) ? n : 0
.Join(data, x =>, x =>, (x, y) => (, x.amostras, y.novos, x.amostras_total, y.novos_total))
.Chart (c =>
.AddYSeries(c => c.amostras == 0 ? 0 : c.novos/c.amostras, Util.SeriesType.Column, "Novo/Amostras diário")
.AddYSeries(c => c.amostras_total == 0 ? 0 : c.novos_total/c.amostras_total, Util.SeriesType.Spline, "Total Novo/Amostras")
IEnumerable<T> Parse<T>(string url, Func<Dictionary<string, string>, T> selector)
var lines = ReadLines(url).Select(l => l.Split(',').Select((value,index) => (value, index)));
var headers = lines.First().ToDictionary(x => x.index, x => x.value);
foreach (var l in lines.Skip(1))
var d = l.ToDictionary(v => headers[v.index], v => v.value);
yield return selector(d);
IEnumerable<string> ReadLines(string url) {
var sr = new StreamReader(System.Net.WebRequest.Create(url).GetResponse().GetResponseStream());
while(sr.ReadLine() is string l) yield return l;
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