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Created October 18, 2011 07:36
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Script to estimate the effectiveness of using boat engines as water propeller (using energy budget).
t_flow = 3000.#m^3/s total chaopraya flow
t_area = 4000.#m^2 total crossection of chaopraya
rho = 1000.#kg/m^3 water density
#non interference
#P is power per boat (watts)
#A is effective area (m^3)
#n is number of boats
def flowdiff(P,A,n):
a_area = A #affected Area
a_flow = t_flow/t_area*A #flow in affected area
f_new = pow(a_flow**3 + 2*P*A**2/rho,1./3.) #new flow in affected area
print 'f_new-a_flow',(f_new-a_flow) #flow generated per boat
un_flow = t_flow/t_area*(t_area-n*A)#unaffected flow
new_total = f_new*n+un_flow #new total flow
flow_diff = new_total - t_flow
return flow_diff
#interfered flow
#P is power per boat (watts)
#A is effective area (m^3)
#n is number of boats
#assuming total affected area = n*A
#actually if you write downt he expression there is a magic factor of n^3
#which makes it correct to add flow of 1000 boats
def interfered_flowdiff(P,A,n):
a_area = A #affected Area
a_flow = t_flow/t_area*(n*A) #flow in affected area
f_new = pow(a_flow**3 + 2*n*P*(n*A)**2/rho,1./3.) #new flow in affected area
print 'f_new-a_flow',(f_new-a_flow) #flow generated per boat
un_flow = t_flow/t_area*(t_area-n*A)#unaffected flow
new_total = f_new+un_flow #new total flow
flow_diff = new_total - t_flow
return flow_diff
#using estimated power and effective from K.Matipon
print '1000 small boats non interference'
print flowdiff(P=1000.,A=0.1,n=1000.) #198m^3/s
print '10 big ones non interference'
print flowdiff(P=2000000.,A=1.,n=10.) #151m^3/s
print '1000 small boats interfere'
print interfered_flowdiff(P=1000.,A=0.1,n=1000.) #198m^3/s
print '10 big ones interfere'
print interfered_flowdiff(P=2000000.,A=1.,n=10.) #151m^3/s
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