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Created October 19, 2011 02:46
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script to compare various boat placement strategies
t_flow = 4000.#m^3/s total chaopraya flow
t_area = 4000.#m^2 total crossection of chaopraya
rho = 1000.#kg/m^3 water density
P_smallboat = 1000
A_smallboat = 0.1
#non interference
#P is power per boat (watts)
#A is effective area (m^3)
#n is number of boats in parallel
#return the addition in flow
def flowdiff(P,A,n,t_flow):
a_area = A #affected Area
a_flow = t_flow/t_area*A #flow in affected area
f_new = newflow_columate(P,A,a_flow) #new flow in affected area
#print 'f_new-a_flow',(f_new-a_flow) #flow generated per boat
un_flow = t_flow/t_area*(t_area-n*A)#unaffected flow
new_total = f_new*n+un_flow #new total flow
flow_diff = new_total - t_flow
return flow_diff
#calculate new flow given power area and initial flow
#in columated area
#f_old initial flow
#A effective area
#P power
def newflow_columate(P,A,f_old):
f_new = pow(f_old**3 + 2*P*A**2/rho,1./3.)
return f_new
#calculate new flow assuming faraway assumption
#(flow are distributed throughout when it gets through the second row)
def newflow_faraway(nboat,npara,P,A):
#assume nboat is divisible by nboat
nseries = nboat/npara #yep integer division
new_flow = t_flow
for i in xrange(nseries):
new_flow = new_flow + flowdiff(P,A,npara,new_flow)
return new_flow
#calculate new flow assuming short distance assumption
#(new flow is still columated when it gets to the second row)
def newflow_shortdistance(nboat,npara,P,A):
#assume nboat is divisible by npara
nseries = nboat/npara
unaffected_area = t_area-npara*A
initial_flow = t_flow*A/t_area#initial flow per column
#find new flow for each column
new_flow = initial_flow
for i in xrange(nseries):
new_flow = newflow_columate(P,A,new_flow)
total_new_flow = npara*new_flow #total new flow in all the affected area
return total_new_flow + unaffected_area/t_area*t_flow #add it back to unaffected area
def faraway_analysis(nboat,P,A):
print 'For faraway assumption'
print 'npara','nseries','totalnewflow'
for npara in xrange(1,nboat+1):
if nboat%npara==0:
totalflow = newflow_faraway(nboat,npara,P,A)
print (npara,nboat/npara,totalflow)
def shortdistance_analysis(nboat,P,A):
print 'For short distance assumption'
print 'npara','nseries','totalnewflow'
for npara in xrange(1,nboat+1):
if nboat%npara==0:
totalflow = newflow_shortdistance(nboat,npara,P,A)
print (npara,nboat/npara,totalflow)
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
#using estimated power and effective from K.Matipon
#print '1000 small boats non interference'
#print flowdiff(P=1000.,A=0.1,n=1000.,t_flow=t_flow)
#print '10 big ones non interference'
#print flowdiff(P=2000000.,A=1.,n=10.,t_flow=t_flow)
For faraway assumption
npara nseries totalnewflow
(1, 1000, 4174.006179381851)
(2, 500, 4174.008036625053)
(4, 250, 4174.011751293362)
(5, 200, 4174.013608718646)
(8, 125, 4174.019181358588)
(10, 100, 4174.022896755448)
(20, 50, 4174.04147738306)
(25, 40, 4174.05076997475)
(40, 25, 4174.078656866721)
(50, 20, 4174.097255729882)
(100, 10, 4174.190341401425)
(125, 8, 4174.23694142936)
(200, 5, 4174.376970953434)
(250, 4, 4174.470515731825)
(500, 2, 4174.940557782721)
(1000, 1, 4175.892417638112)
For short distance assumption
npara nseries totalnewflow
(1, 1000, 4002.6144628561347)
(2, 500, 4004.1090130042558)
(4, 250, 4006.4403597498963)
(5, 200, 4007.4376666218354)
(8, 125, 4010.0591179627927)
(10, 100, 4011.601310017484)
(20, 50, 4018.0066644456783)
(25, 40, 4020.7176101184396)
(40, 25, 4027.769172292149)
(50, 20, 4031.870989700814)
(100, 10, 4048.5776600265067)
(125, 8, 4055.501522817685)
(200, 5, 4073.1401901560766)
(250, 4, 4083.1687177730555)
(500, 2, 4122.410862019136)
(1000, 1, 4175.892417638112)
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