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Created May 5, 2015 20:01
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gcloud deploy log 5/4/15
null:Sites cpiuggi$ git clone
Cloning into 'method-dev-sigin'...
Username for '': ^C
null:Sites cpiuggi$ git clone
Cloning into 'method-dev-sigin'...
Username for '': piuggi
Password for '':
remote: Counting objects: 28, done.
remote: Total 28 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 28
Unpacking objects: 100% (28/28), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
null:Sites cpiuggi$ cd method-dev-sigin/
null:method-dev-sigin cpiuggi$ gcloud config set project method-dev-signin
null:method-dev-sigin cpiuggi$ gcloud preview app deploy ../../M
../../McDonalds ../../Movies ../../Music
null:method-dev-sigin cpiuggi$ gcloud preview app deploy ../../M
../../McDonalds ../../Movies ../../Music
null:method-dev-sigin cpiuggi$ gcloud preview app deploy ../../M
../../McDonalds ../../Movies ../../Music
null:method-dev-sigin cpiuggi$ gcloud preview app deploy ./app.yaml
.git Method-Express-Bootstrap-AppEngine favicon.ico samp_proj_one
.gitmodules app.yaml index.yaml main.pyc
null:method-dev-sigin cpiuggi$ gcloud preview app deploy ./app.yaml ../../McDonalds/Kiosk
../../McDonalds/Kiosk6 ../../McDonalds/KioskSolution1
null:method-dev-sigin cpiuggi$ gcloud preview app deploy ./app.yaml ../../McDonalds/Kiosk
../../McDonalds/Kiosk6 ../../McDonalds/KioskSolution1
null:method-dev-sigin cpiuggi$ gcloud preview app deploy ./app.yaml ../../McDonalds/KioskSolution1/kiosk/ks1-concept-presentation-staging.yaml
You are about to deploy the following modules:
- method-dev-signin/default/20150505t153957 From: [/Users/cpiuggi/Sites/method-dev-sigin/app.yaml]
- method-dev-signin/ks1-ks1-concept-presentation-staging/20150505t153957 From: [/Users/cpiuggi/McDonalds/KioskSolution1/kiosk/ks1-concept-presentation-staging.yaml]
Do you want to continue (Y/n)? Y
Updating module [default] from file [/Users/cpiuggi/Sites/method-dev-sigin/app.yaml]
03:40 PM Host:
03:40 PM Application: method-dev-signin (was: None); version: 20150505t153957 (was: None)
03:40 PM
Starting update of app: method-dev-signin, version: 20150505t153957
03:40 PM Getting current resource limits.
03:40 PM Scanning files on local disk.
03:40 PM Cloning 1 static file.
03:40 PM Cloning 3 application files.
03:40 PM Compilation starting.
03:40 PM Compilation completed.
03:40 PM Starting deployment.
03:40 PM Checking if deployment succeeded.
03:40 PM Deployment successful.
03:40 PM Checking if updated app version is serving.
03:40 PM Completed update of app: method-dev-signin, version: 20150505t153957
Updating module [ks1-ks1-concept-presentation-staging] from file [/Users/cpiuggi/McDonalds/KioskSolution1/kiosk/ks1-concept-presentation-staging.yaml]
Command killed by keyboard interrupt
null:method-dev-sigin cpiuggi$ gcloud preview app deploy ./app.yaml ../../McDonalds/KioskSolution1/kiosk/ks1-concept-presentation-staging.yaml
You are about to deploy the following modules:
- method-dev-signin/default/20150505t154227 From: [/Users/cpiuggi/Sites/method-dev-sigin/app.yaml]
- method-dev-signin/ks1-concept-presentation-staging/20150505t154227 From: [/Users/cpiuggi/McDonalds/KioskSolution1/kiosk/ks1-concept-presentation-staging.yaml]
Do you want to continue (Y/n)? Y
Updating module [default] from file [/Users/cpiuggi/Sites/method-dev-sigin/app.yaml]
03:42 PM Host:
03:42 PM Application: method-dev-signin (was: None); version: 20150505t154227 (was: None)
03:42 PM
Starting update of app: method-dev-signin, version: 20150505t154227
03:42 PM Getting current resource limits.
03:42 PM Scanning files on local disk.
03:42 PM Cloning 1 static file.
03:42 PM Cloning 3 application files.
03:42 PM Compilation starting.
03:42 PM Compilation completed.
03:42 PM Starting deployment.
03:42 PM Checking if deployment succeeded.
03:42 PM Deployment successful.
03:42 PM Checking if updated app version is serving.
03:42 PM Completed update of app: method-dev-signin, version: 20150505t154227
Updating module [ks1-concept-presentation-staging] from file [/Users/cpiuggi/McDonalds/KioskSolution1/kiosk/ks1-concept-presentation-staging.yaml]
Pushing image to Google Container Registry...
The push refers to a repository [] (len: 1)
Sending image list
Pushing repository (1 tags)
Image 511136ea3c5a already pushed, skipping
Image 11971b6377ef already pushed, skipping
Image 541923dd11eb already pushed, skipping
Image 5dc73f95f873 already pushed, skipping
Image 794478bb53cf already pushed, skipping
Image dfc1f6ebc3c8 already pushed, skipping
Image 1eecf90d499b already pushed, skipping
Image 0e0bf317aa0b already pushed, skipping
Image d579dbe02fb7 already pushed, skipping
Image b62c4c483651 already pushed, skipping
Image 2bee9a93246e already pushed, skipping
Image 83c14fceeef5 already pushed, skipping
Image a1fcc65b034d already pushed, skipping
Buffering to disk: 3.072 kB
Image successfully pushed===================================>] 3.072 kB/3.072 kB
Buffering to disk: 17.07 MB
Image successfully pushed===================================>] 17.07 MB/17.07 MB
Buffering to disk: 731.1 MB
Image successfully pushed===================================>] 731.1 MB/731.1 MB
Pushing tag for rev [c7e7ee5df5f7] on {}
03:48 PM Host:
03:48 PM Application: method-dev-signin (was: None); module: ks1-concept-presentation-staging; version: 20150505t154227 (was: None)
03:48 PM
Starting update of app: method-dev-signin, module: ks1-concept-presentation-staging
03:48 PM Getting current resource limits.
03:48 PM Scanning files on local disk.
ERROR: Ignoring file 'public/videos/': Too long (max 32000000 bytes, file is 62573336 bytes).
ERROR: Ignoring file 'public/concepts/_old/YouTime-Drip/YouTime-Drip.gif': Too long (max 32000000 bytes, file is 37684200 bytes).
ERROR: Ignoring file 'public/concepts/_old/Service6/001_Kiosk_Pull-In.gif': Too long (max 32000000 bytes, file is 38699694 bytes).
ERROR: Ignoring file 'public/concepts/_old/Service5/001_Kiosk_Pull-In.gif': Too long (max 32000000 bytes, file is 38699694 bytes).
ERROR: Ignoring file 'public/concepts/_old/Service4/001_Kiosk_Pull-In.gif': Too long (max 32000000 bytes, file is 38699694 bytes).
ERROR: Ignoring file 'public/concepts/_old/Service3/001_Kiosk_Pull-In.gif': Too long (max 32000000 bytes, file is 38699694 bytes).
ERROR: Ignoring file 'public/concepts/_old/Service2/001_Kiosk_Pull-In.gif': Too long (max 32000000 bytes, file is 35393196 bytes).
ERROR: Ignoring file 'public/concepts/_old/Service/001_Kiosk_Pull-In.gif': Too long (max 32000000 bytes, file is 35393196 bytes).
03:48 PM Scanned 500 files.
ERROR: Ignoring file 'public/concepts/01_YouTime_Drip/YouTime-Drip.gif': Too long (max 32000000 bytes, file is 37684200 bytes).
03:48 PM Cloning 533 application files.
03:48 PM Uploading 526 files and blobs.
03:58 PM Processed 500 out of 526.
03:59 PM Uploaded 526 files and blobs.
03:59 PM Starting deployment.
03:59 PM Checking if deployment succeeded.
03:59 PM Deployment successful.
03:59 PM Checking if updated app version is serving.
03:59 PM Will check again in 5 seconds.
03:59 PM Checking if updated app version is serving.
03:59 PM Combined version and module string is too long, the combined length must be less than 48 characters. Deployed Version: ks1-concept-presentation-staging:20150505t154227.384092468531275089
ERROR: Combined version and module string is too long, the combined length must be less than 48 characters. Deployed Version: ks1-concept-presentation-staging:20150505t154227.384092468531275089
03:59 PM Rolling back the update. This can sometimes take a while since a VM version is being rolled back.
Could not start serving the given version.
ERROR: ( Command failed with error code [1]
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