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Created September 14, 2012 15:20
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A shell script which outputs all git branches on origin, sorted by the most recent commit, and shows authors of those commits
metropolitan:casebook2 (master) $ script/show-branch-info
Pruning origin
* [pruned] origin/old_branch_1
* [pruned] origin/old_branch_2
2012-09-14 11:09:29 -0400 12 minutes ago John Doe origin/master
2012-09-14 11:09:29 -0400 12 minutes ago John Doe origin/HEAD
2012-09-14 09:48:47 -0400 2 hours ago Jane Doe origin/topic_branch_1
2012-09-14 09:48:14 -0400 2 hours ago Jimmy Doe origin/production_branch
2012-09-13 18:36:23 -0400 17 hours ago Jack Doe origin/topic_branch_2
If you're unable to remove a branch, it may already be gone from the remote. Try git remote prune origin (git remote prune --dry-run origin) to see what remote branch references will be deleted
metropolitan:casebook2 (master) $
git remote prune origin
for k in `git branch -r|awk '{print $1}'`;do echo `git show --pretty=format:"%Cgreen%ci %Cblue%cr %Cred%cn %Creset" $k|head -n 1`\\t$k;done|sort -r
echo "If you're unable to remove a branch, it may already be gone from the remote. Try git remote prune origin (git remote prune --dry-run origin) to see what remote branch references will be deleted"
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