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Last active March 2, 2023 01:38
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Overlaying a configmap that's fully populated
#@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")
#@ load("@ytt:data", "data")
#@ def tekton_pipeline_configmap():
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: feature-flags
namespace: tekton-pipelines
#@ end
#@ def custom_config():
#@overlay/match-child-defaults missing_ok=True
data: #@ data.values["tekton-config"]
#@ end
#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset(tekton_pipeline_configmap())
#@overlay/replace via=lambda upstream, _: overlay.apply(upstream, custom_config())
disable-creds-init: "true"
#@schema/validation one_of=["true", "false"]
disable-affinity-assistant: "false"
#@schema/validation one_of=["true", "false"]
disable-creds-init: "false"
#@schema/validation one_of=["true", "false"]
await-sidecar-readiness: "true"
#@schema/validation one_of=["true", "false"]
running-in-environment-with-injected-sidecars: "true"
#@schema/validation one_of=["true", "false"]
require-git-ssh-secret-known-hosts: "false"
#@schema/validation one_of=["true", "false"]
enable-tekton-oci-bundles: "false"
#@schema/validation one_of=["stable", "beta", "alpha"]
enable-api-fields: "stable"
#@schema/validation one_of=["true", "false"]
send-cloudevents-for-runs: "false"
#@schema/validation one_of=["enforce", "skip", "warn"]
resource-verification-mode: "skip"
#@schema/validation one_of=["true", "false"]
enable-provenance-in-status: "false"
#@schema/validation one_of=["v1alpha1", "v1beta1"]
custom-task-version: "v1beta1"
#@schema/validation one_of=["none", "spire"]
enforce-nonfalsifiablity: "none"
# Copyright 2019 The Tekton Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: feature-flags
namespace: tekton-pipelines
labels: default tekton-pipelines
# Setting this flag to "true" will prevent Tekton to create an
# Affinity Assistant for every TaskRun sharing a PVC workspace
# The default behaviour is for Tekton to create Affinity Assistants
# See more in the workspace documentation about Affinity Assistant
# or for more info.
disable-affinity-assistant: "false"
# Setting this flag to "true" will prevent Tekton scanning attached
# service accounts and injecting any credentials it finds into your
# Steps.
# The default behaviour currently is for Tekton to search service
# accounts for secrets matching a specified format and automatically
# mount those into your Steps.
# Note: setting this to "true" will prevent PipelineResources from
# working.
# See for more
# info.
disable-creds-init: "false"
# Setting this flag to "false" will stop Tekton from waiting for a
# TaskRun's sidecar containers to be running before starting the first
# step. This will allow Tasks to be run in environments that don't
# support the DownwardAPI volume type, but may lead to unintended
# behaviour if sidecars are used.
# See for more info.
await-sidecar-readiness: "true"
# This option should be set to false when Pipelines is running in a
# cluster that does not use injected sidecars such as Istio. Setting
# it to false should decrease the time it takes for a TaskRun to start
# running. For clusters that use injected sidecars, setting this
# option to false can lead to unexpected behavior.
# See for more info.
running-in-environment-with-injected-sidecars: "true"
# Setting this flag to "true" will require that any Git SSH Secret
# offered to Tekton must have known_hosts included.
# See for more
# info.
require-git-ssh-secret-known-hosts: "false"
# Setting this flag to "true" enables the use of Tekton OCI bundle.
# This is an experimental feature and thus should still be considered
# an alpha feature.
enable-tekton-oci-bundles: "false"
# Setting this flag will determine which gated features are enabled.
# Acceptable values are "stable", "beta", or "alpha".
enable-api-fields: "stable"
# Setting this flag to "true" enables CloudEvents for CustomRuns and Runs, as long as a
# CloudEvents sink is configured in the config-defaults config map
send-cloudevents-for-runs: "false"
# Setting this flag to "enforce" will enforce verification of tasks/pipeline. Failing to verify
# will fail the taskrun/pipelinerun. "warn" will only log the err message and "skip"
# will skip the whole verification
resource-verification-mode: "skip"
# Setting this flag to "true" enables populating the "provenance" field in TaskRun
# and PipelineRun status. This field contains metadata about resources used
# in the TaskRun/PipelineRun such as the source from where a remote Task/Pipeline
# definition was fetched.
enable-provenance-in-status: "false"
# Setting this flag will determine the version for custom tasks created by PipelineRuns.
# Acceptable values are "v1beta1" and "v1alpha1".
# The default is "v1beta1".
custom-task-version: "v1beta1"
# Setting this flag will determine how Tekton pipelines will handle non-falsifiable provenance.
# If set to "spire", then SPIRE will be used to ensure non-falsifiable provenance.
# If set to "none", then Tekton will not have non-falsifiable provenance.
# This is an experimental feature and thus should still be considered an alpha feature.
enforce-nonfalsifiablity: "none"
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