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Last active February 19, 2021 23:57
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A Python script to regress an ellipse from a list of (x, y) coordinate pairs by solving systems of linear equations and using monte carlo
# This is a Python script to regress an ellipse from a list of (x, y) coordinate pairs
# it heuristically optimises the coefficients of the following equation:
# Ax^2 + Bxy + Cy^2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0
# It tries to minimise the MSE between observed points and points predicted by the model
# Method:
# It may not be the most optimal method but it's reasonably fast, was quick to implement and works
# - Randomly picks 5 points out of the list of points
# - Solves for the coefficients by solving the corresponding system of equations
# - The solution is evaluated by randomly selecting coordinate pairs and evaluating their MSE
# - This is iterated many times and the solution with the lowest MSE is taken to be an approximation for the solution
from sympy import *
import random
F = 1
# X = [789, 532, 195, ...]
# Y = [452, 115, 415, ...]
def get_random_sol():
eqns = []
A, B, C, D, E = symbols("A B C D E")
for _ in range(5):
i = random.randint(0, len(X)-1)
x = X[i]
y = Y[i]
eqns.append(A*x**2 + B*x*y + C*y**2 + D*x + E*y + F)
coeffs = tuple(linsolve(eqns, [A, B, C, D, E]))[0]
if E in coeffs[-1].free_symbols:
# coeffs[-1] is symbolic
# => wasn't able to solve (e.g because of repeated point(s))
return None
return coeffs
def eval_dist(x, y_actual, coeffs):
A, B, C, D, E = coeffs
y = Symbol('y')
y_preds = map(lambda a: a.evalf(), solve(A*x**2 + B*x*y + C*y**2 + D*x + E*y + F, y))
dists = [((y_actual - y_pred)**2).evalf() for y_pred in y_preds if im(y_pred) == 0]
if len(dists) > 0:
return min(dists)
def eval_sol(coeffs, iters=10):
n = 0
s = 0 # sum of square deviations
for _ in range(iters):
i = random.randint(0, len(X)-1)
dist = eval_dist(X[i], Y[i], coeffs)
if dist is not None:
s += dist
n += 1
if n > 0:
return s / n # = mse
def get_sol(iters=50):
min_mse = float('inf')
min_coeffs = None
for _ in range(iters):
coeffs = get_random_sol()
if coeffs is None: continue
mse = eval_sol(coeffs)
if mse is None: continue
if mse < min_mse:
min_mse = mse
min_coeffs = coeffs
print("MSE: ", min_mse)
return min_coeffs + (F,)
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