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Created January 15, 2017 12:02
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Word generating to the moon and back
package word;
import org.apache.commons.cli.*;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* Generate some words
public class WordGenerator
// Command-line arguments
private static final String ALPHABET_OPTION_NAME = "alphabet";
private static final String CHARACTER_LIMIT_OPTION_NAME = "limit";
// Resource locations
private static final String DICTIONARY = "words.txt";
public static void main(final String[] args)
// Parse command-line arguments
final Options options = new Options()
final CommandLineParser commandLineParser = new DefaultParser();
final HelpFormatter helpFormatter = new HelpFormatter();
final CommandLine commandLine;
try {
commandLine = commandLineParser.parse(options, args);
// Do some weird crazy casting nonsense, eugh
final String alphabetString = (String) commandLine.getParsedOptionValue(ALPHABET_OPTION_NAME);
final List<Character> alphabet = Lists.charactersOf(alphabetString);
final long characterLimit = (Long) commandLine.getParsedOptionValue(CHARACTER_LIMIT_OPTION_NAME);
// Verify the input isn't silly
Validate.notEmpty(alphabet, "Cannot match any words with a blank alphabet!");
Validate.isTrue(characterLimit > 0, "Cannot match any words with a non-positive word length!");
// Load the dictionary of English words
final Set<String> dictionary = loadDictionary();
System.out.printf("Finding length <= %d words from a %d-character alphabet and a %d-length dictionary.\n",
characterLimit, alphabet.size(), dictionary.size());
// Find all matching words
final Set<String> matchingWords = findAllMatchingWords(dictionary, alphabet, characterLimit);
System.out.printf("Found %d matching words: %s\n", matchingWords.size(), matchingWords);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Failed to parse command line!");
helpFormatter.printHelp("word-generator", options);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private static Set<String> findAllMatchingWords(final Set<String> dictionary, final List<Character> alphabet,
final long characterLimit)
// Store all characters in the provided alphabet, along with the number of times they appear in the alphabet
final Multiset<Character> characterBank = ImmutableMultiset.copyOf(alphabet);
// Filter and return all matching words
// Discard any words longer than the size limit
.filter(word -> word.length() <= characterLimit)
// Discard any words that use any character not in the alphabet
.filter(word -> Lists.charactersOf(word).stream()
// Discard any words that use any character more often than provided in the alphabet
.filter(word -> {
// Identify how many times each character appears in this word
final Multiset<Character> charactersInWord = ImmutableMultiset.copyOf(Lists.charactersOf(word));
// Confirm no character appears more times in this word than in the alphabet
for (final Multiset.Entry<Character> entry : charactersInWord.entrySet()) {
final Character character = entry.getElement();
final int wordCount = entry.getCount();
final int alphabetCount = characterBank.count(character);
if (alphabetCount < wordCount) {
return false;
return true;
private static Set<String> loadDictionary()
final URL dictionaryUrl = ClassLoader.getSystemResource(DICTIONARY);
try (Stream<String> stream = Files.lines(Paths.get(dictionaryUrl.toURI()))) {
return stream
// Clean up any newlines that try to sneak in as words
} catch (IOException | URISyntaxException e) {
System.err.println("Failed to load dictionary file!");
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private static Option characterListOption()
return Option.builder("a")
.desc("Non-unique alphabet of characters available for word matching.")
private static Option characterLimitOption()
return Option.builder("l")
.desc("Maximum length of word available for matching.")
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