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Created December 15, 2020 13:45
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Scenario: Filtering results using the date filter in more facets dropdown # collections/newspaper.feature:3✔ Given I am on the Newspapers collection page # support/step-definitions.js:23✖ When I click the more filters dropdown button # support/step-definitions.js:79Timed out while waiting for element <[data-qa="more filters dropdown button"]> to be present for 5000 milliseconds. - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5520ms)at Object.clickOnTheTarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:95:18)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:80:5)
And I enter "18-05-1982" in the date range start input # support/step-definitions.js:70
And I enter "18-05-2004" in the date range end input # support/step-definitions.js:70
And I click the apply button # support/step-definitions.js:79
Then I should be on /en/collections/topic/18-newspapers?page=1&qf=proxy_dcterms_issued%3A%5B1982-05-18%20TO%202004-05-18%5D&view=grid&api=fulltext # support/step-definitions.js:104✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Newspapers collection API toggle defaults to fulltext # collections/newspaper.feature:11✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ Given I am on the Newspapers collection page # support/step-definitions.js:23✖ When I click the more filters dropdown button # support/step-definitions.js:79Timed out while waiting for element <[data-qa="more filters dropdown button"]> to be present for 5000 milliseconds. - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5059ms)at Object.clickOnTheTarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:95:18)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:80:5)
Then the "fulltext" "api" radio is checked # support/step-definitions.js:58✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Fulltext search shows hit highlights # collections/newspaper.feature:16✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ Given I am on the Newspapers collection page # support/step-definitions.js:23✖ And I click the search list view toggle # support/step-definitions.js:79Timed out while waiting for element <[data-qa="search list view toggle"]> to be present for 5000 milliseconds. - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5513ms)at Object.clickOnTheTarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:95:18)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:80:5)
When I click the show search button # support/step-definitions.js:79
And I enter "zeitung" in the search box # support/step-definitions.js:70
And I press the ENTER key # support/step-definitions.js:67
Then I see a highlighted search term with the text "Zeitung" # support/step-definitions.js:32✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Newspapers collection API toggle changes API # collections/newspaper.feature:24✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ Given I am on the Newspapers collection page # support/step-definitions.js:23✖ And I click the search grid view toggle # support/step-definitions.js:79Timed out while waiting for element <[data-qa="search grid view toggle"]> to be present for 5000 milliseconds. - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5467ms)at Object.clickOnTheTarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:95:18)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:80:5)
When I click the more filters dropdown button # support/step-definitions.js:79
And I click the "metadata" "api" radio # support/step-definitions.js:95
And I click the apply button # support/step-definitions.js:79
Then I should be on /en/collections/topic/18-newspapers?page=1&view=grid&api=metadata # support/step-definitions.js:104✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Newspapers collection API toggle is not removed when switching pages # collections/newspaper.feature:44✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ Given I am on the Newspapers collection page # support/step-definitions.js:23✖ When I click the more filters dropdown button # support/step-definitions.js:79Timed out while waiting for element <[data-qa="more filters dropdown button"]> to be present for 5000 milliseconds. - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5425ms)at Object.clickOnTheTarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:95:18)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:80:5)
And I click the "metadata" "api" radio # support/step-definitions.js:95
And I click the apply button # support/step-definitions.js:79
And I should be on /en/collections/topic/18-newspapers?page=1&view=grid&api=metadata # support/step-definitions.js:104
And I go to page number 2 # support/step-definitions.js:137
Then I should be on /en/collections/topic/18-newspapers?page=2&view=grid&api=metadata # support/step-definitions.js:104✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Opening a topic # collections/topics.feature:10✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I visit the topics listing page # support/step-definitions.js:20✔ And I click a content card # support/step-definitions.js:79✖ Then I see an entity page # support/step-definitions.js:26Error while running "element" command: Expected element <[data-qa="entity page"]> to be visible - element was not found - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5512ms)at Object.seeATarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:218:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:27:5)✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Seeing the footer at the bottom of all pages # common/footer.feature:3✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I open the home page # support/step-definitions.js:20✔ Then I see the footer # support/step-definitions.js:26✔ When I open the search page # support/step-definitions.js:20✔ Then I see the footer # support/step-definitions.js:26✔ When I open an item page # support/step-definitions.js:20✔ Then I see the footer # support/step-definitions.js:26✔ When I open an entity page # support/step-definitions.js:20✔ Then I see the footer # support/step-definitions.js:26✔ When I open the home page # support/step-definitions.js:20✔ Then I see the footer # support/step-definitions.js:26✖ And I see a link to "/en/rights" in the footer # support/step-definitions.js:113Error while running "element" command: Expected element <[data-qa="footer"] a[href="/en/rights"]> to be visible - element was not found - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5540ms)at Object.seeALinkInTarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:214:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:114:5)
And I see a link to "" in the footer # support/step-definitions.js:113
And I see a link to "/en/for-developers" in the footer # support/step-definitions.js:113
And I see a link to "" in the footer # support/step-definitions.js:113
And I see a link to "/en/help" in the footer # support/step-definitions.js:113
And I see a link to "/en/rights" in the footer # support/step-definitions.js:113✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Cookie notice has been dismissed # common/language-selector.feature:3✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ Given I am on the English home page # support/step-definitions.js:23✔ And there is no cookie disclaimer # support/step-definitions.js:55✖ And I see the language selector # support/step-definitions.js:26Error while running "element" command: Expected element <[data-qa="cookie disclaimer"]> to not be present - expected "not present" but got: "present" (5399ms)at Object.doNotHaveATarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:134:19)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:56:5)
When I click the language selector # support/step-definitions.js:79
And I see a Svenska language option in the language selector # support/step-definitions.js:29
And I click the Svenska language option # support/step-definitions.js:79
Then I should be on the Swedish home page # support/step-definitions.js:104
And I click the show search button # support/step-definitions.js:79
And I see the text "Vad letar du efter?" in the search box placeholder # support/step-definitions.js:116✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Cookie notice has not been dismissed # common/language-selector.feature:15✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:45✔ Given I am on the English home page # support/step-definitions.js:23✖ And I accept cookies # support/step-definitions.js:17Error while running "element" command: Expected element <.cookie-disclaimer> to not be present - expected "not present" but got: "present" (5434ms)at Object.acceptCookies (/app/support/step-runners.js:154:25)
And I see the language selector # support/step-definitions.js:26
When I click the language selector # support/step-definitions.js:79
And I see a Svenska language option in the language selector # support/step-definitions.js:29
And I click the Svenska language option # support/step-definitions.js:79
Then I should be on the Swedish home page # support/step-definitions.js:104
And I click the show search button # support/step-definitions.js:79
And I see the text "Vad letar du efter?" in the search box placeholder # support/step-definitions.js:116✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Moving to the main content using the skip-to-main functionality # common/layout.feature:8✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:45✔ When I visit an item page # support/step-definitions.js:20✔ And I see a cookie disclaimer # support/step-definitions.js:26✖ And I accept cookies # support/step-definitions.js:17Error while running "element" command: Expected element <.cookie-disclaimer> to not be present - expected "not present" but got: "present" (5430ms)at Object.acceptCookies (/app/support/step-runners.js:154:25)
And I press the TAB key # support/step-definitions.js:67
And I see the main content accessibility link # support/step-definitions.js:26
And I press the ENTER key # support/step-definitions.js:67
Then I should be on /en/item/09102/_GNM_693983#main # support/step-definitions.js:104✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Main navigation is visible # common/layout.feature:17✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I open the home page # support/step-definitions.js:20✖ Then I see the desktop navigation # support/step-definitions.js:26Error while running "element" command: Expected element <[data-qa="desktop navigation"]> to be visible - element was not found - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5420ms)at Object.seeATarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:218:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:27:5)✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: An aria-live region exists to announce route changes # common/layout.feature:21✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I visit the home page # support/step-definitions.js:20✖ Then I find the vue announcer # support/step-definitions.js:26Error while running "element" command: Expected element <[data-qa="vue announcer"]> to be visible - element was not found - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5483ms)at Object.seeATarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:218:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:27:5)✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: After a route change the keyboard focus is at the top of the page # common/layout.feature:25✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ Given I am on the search page # support/step-definitions.js:23✔ And I see an item preview # support/step-definitions.js:26✔ When I click an item preview # support/step-definitions.js:79✔ Then I see an item page # support/step-definitions.js:26✖ Then The top page is active # support/step-definitions.js:169Error while running "element" command: Expected element <[data-qa="top page"]> to be active - element was not found - expected "present" but got: "not present" (5494ms)at Object.isActive (/app/support/step-runners.js:300:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:170:5)
And I press the TAB key # support/step-definitions.js:67
Then I see the main content accessibility link # support/step-definitions.js:26✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Sharing a gallery # common/share.feature:3✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I open the gallery page # support/step-definitions.js:20✖ Then I see a share facebook button # support/step-definitions.js:26Error while running "element" command: Expected element <[data-qa="share facebook button"]> to be visible - element was not found - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5468ms)at Object.seeATarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:218:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:27:5)
And I see a share twitter button # support/step-definitions.js:26
And I see a share pinterest button # support/step-definitions.js:26✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Sharing an exhibition page # common/share.feature:10✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I open the exhibition page # support/step-definitions.js:20✖ And I click the share button # support/step-definitions.js:79Timed out while waiting for element <[data-qa="share button"]> to be present for 5000 milliseconds. - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5445ms)at Object.clickOnTheTarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:95:18)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:80:5)
Then I see a share facebook button # support/step-definitions.js:26
And I see a share twitter button # support/step-definitions.js:26
And I see a share pinterest button # support/step-definitions.js:26✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Sharing an exhibition chapter # common/share.feature:18✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I open the exhibition chapter # support/step-definitions.js:20✖ And I click the share button # support/step-definitions.js:79Timed out while waiting for element <[data-qa="share button"]> to be present for 5000 milliseconds. - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5487ms)at Object.clickOnTheTarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:95:18)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:80:5)
Then I see a share facebook button # support/step-definitions.js:26
And I see a share twitter button # support/step-definitions.js:26
And I see a share pinterest button # support/step-definitions.js:26✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Seeing the API requests in the modal # debug/api-requests.feature:3✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ Given I am on the debug page # support/step-definitions.js:23✔ And I switch the API requests switch on # support/step-definitions.js:89✖ When I follow the "/en/about-us" link # support/step-definitions.js:98Timed out while waiting for element <a[href="/en/about-us"]> to be present for 5000 milliseconds. - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5043ms)at Object.clickOnLink (/app/support/step-runners.js:100:18)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:99:5)
And I click the API requests modal button # support/step-definitions.js:79
Then I see the API requests modal # support/step-definitions.js:26
And I should see 1 logged API request # support/step-definitions.js:119
And I should have a Europeana branded page title # support/step-definitions.js:164✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Blog Sections & Cards # pages/blog-page.feature:3✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I open the blog page # support/step-definitions.js:20✖ Then I see a content card in the blog posts section # support/step-definitions.js:29Error while running "element" command: Expected element <[data-qa="blog posts section"] [data-qa="content card"]> to be visible - element was not found - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5518ms)at Object.seeATarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:218:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:30:5)
And I am on an accessible page # support/step-definitions.js:134
And I should have a Europeana branded page title # support/step-definitions.js:164✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Blog post not found # pages/blog-page.feature:9✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I open /blog/404-not-found # support/step-definitions.js:20✖ Then I should be on /en/blog # support/step-definitions.js:104Error while running "url" command: Expected current url to equal: "https://nginx/en/blog" - expected "equal 'https://nginx/en/blog'" but got: "https://nginx/en/blog/404-not-found" (5415ms)at Object.shouldBeOn (/app/support/step-runners.js:256:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:105:5)✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Browse Curated Sections & Cards # pages/browse-page.feature:3✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I open the home page # support/step-definitions.js:20✖ Then I see a content card in the browse section # support/step-definitions.js:29Error while running "element" command: Expected element <[data-qa="browse section"] [data-qa="content card"]> to be visible - element was not found - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5007ms)at Object.seeATarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:218:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:30:5)
And I am on an accessible page # support/step-definitions.js:134
And I should have a Europeana branded page title # support/step-definitions.js:164✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Browse Curated Sections & Cards # pages/browse-page.feature:10✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I open the home page # support/step-definitions.js:20✖ Then I see a hero banner # support/step-definitions.js:26Error while running "element" command: Expected element <[data-qa="hero banner"]> to be visible - element was not found - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5510ms)at Object.seeATarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:218:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:27:5)✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: View any existing entity page # pages/entity-page.feature:3✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I open an entity page # support/step-definitions.js:20✖ Then I see the entity page # support/step-definitions.js:26Error while running "element" command: Expected element <[data-qa="entity page"]> to be visible - element was not found - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5437ms)at Object.seeATarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:218:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:27:5)
And I see an entity title # support/step-definitions.js:26
And I don't have an entity description # support/step-definitions.js:52
And I see total results # support/step-definitions.js:26
And I see a search list view toggle # support/step-definitions.js:26
And I see a search facet # support/step-definitions.js:26
And I should see 24 item previews # support/step-definitions.js:119
And I see a pagination navigation # support/step-definitions.js:26
And I don't have a contentTier facet # support/step-definitions.js:52
And I am on an accessible page # support/step-definitions.js:134
And I should have a Europeana branded page title # support/step-definitions.js:164✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Curated entity # pages/entity-page.feature:17✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ Given I am on /en/collections/topic/190-art # support/step-definitions.js:23✖ Then I see an entity description # support/step-definitions.js:26Error while running "element" command: Expected element <[data-qa="entity description"]> to be visible - element was not found - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5447ms)at Object.seeATarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:218:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:27:5)✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: View related entities # pages/entity-page.feature:25✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I open an entity page # support/step-definitions.js:20✖ And I see the entity page # support/step-definitions.js:26Error while running "element" command: Expected element <[data-qa="entity page"]> to be visible - element was not found - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5425ms)at Object.seeATarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:218:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:27:5)
Then I see related entities # support/step-definitions.js:26
And I see the Book related chip in the related entities # support/step-definitions.js:29
And I see the Theatre related chip in the related entities # support/step-definitions.js:29
And I see the Tragedy related chip in the related entities # support/step-definitions.js:29
And I see the Drama related chip in the related entities # support/step-definitions.js:29✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Click on a related entity # pages/entity-page.feature:34✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I open an entity page # support/step-definitions.js:20✖ And I see the entity page # support/step-definitions.js:26Error while running "element" command: Expected element <[data-qa="entity page"]> to be visible - element was not found - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5044ms)at Object.seeATarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:218:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:27:5)
And I click the Book related chip # support/step-definitions.js:79
Then I should not be on the entity page # support/step-definitions.js:107✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Navigating to a related item # pages/entity-page.feature:40✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ Given I am on an entity page # support/step-definitions.js:23✖ And I see the entity page # support/step-definitions.js:26Error while running "element" command: Expected element <[data-qa="entity page"]> to be visible - element was not found - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5480ms)at Object.seeATarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:218:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:27:5)
And I see a item preview # support/step-definitions.js:26
When I click a item preview # support/step-definitions.js:79
Then I see an item page # support/step-definitions.js:26✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Pagination links # pages/entity-page.feature:47✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I open an entity page # support/step-definitions.js:20✖ And I see the entity page # support/step-definitions.js:26Error while running "element" command: Expected element <[data-qa="entity page"]> to be visible - element was not found - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5396ms)at Object.seeATarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:218:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:27:5)
And I see a item preview # support/step-definitions.js:26
Then I see a link to "/en/collections/person/60305-william-shakespeare?page=2" in the pagination navigation # support/step-definitions.js:113✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Pagination links work when the page was accessed from the url # pages/entity-page.feature:53✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I visit /en/collections/person/60305-william-shakespeare?page=2 # support/step-definitions.js:20✖ And I see the pagination navigation # support/step-definitions.js:26Error while running "element" command: Expected element <[data-qa="pagination navigation"]> to be visible - element was not found - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5391ms)at Object.seeATarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:218:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:27:5)
And I go to page number 3 # support/step-definitions.js:137
Then I should be on /en/collections/person/60305-william-shakespeare?page=3 # support/step-definitions.js:104✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Searching from an entity page searches within that entity, using keyboard # pages/entity-page.feature:59✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I open an entity page # support/step-definitions.js:20✖ And I see the entity page # support/step-definitions.js:26Error while running "element" command: Expected element <[data-qa="entity page"]> to be visible - element was not found - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5414ms)at Object.seeATarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:218:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:27:5)
And I see an item preview # support/step-definitions.js:26
And I click the show search button # support/step-definitions.js:79
And I enter "newspaper" in the search box # support/step-definitions.js:70
And I press the ENTER key # support/step-definitions.js:67
Then I see the entity page # support/step-definitions.js:26✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Searching from an entity page searches within that entity, using the search button # pages/entity-page.feature:68✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I open an entity page # support/step-definitions.js:20✖ And I see the entity page # support/step-definitions.js:26Error while running "element" command: Expected element <[data-qa="entity page"]> to be visible - element was not found - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5450ms)at Object.seeATarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:218:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:27:5)
And I see an item preview # support/step-definitions.js:26
And I click the show search button # support/step-definitions.js:79
And I enter "newspaper" in the search box # support/step-definitions.js:70
And I click the search in collection button # support/step-definitions.js:79
Then I see the entity page # support/step-definitions.js:26✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Leaving an Entity page # pages/entity-page.feature:77✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I open an entity page # support/step-definitions.js:20✖ And I go to page number 2 # support/step-definitions.js:137Timed out while waiting for element <[data-qa="pagination navigation"]> to be present for 5000 milliseconds. - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5384ms)at Object.paginateToPage (/app/support/step-runners.js:189:18)
And I am on page number 2 # support/step-definitions.js:140
And I see the entity title # support/step-definitions.js:26
And I click the show search button # support/step-definitions.js:79
And I click the search entire collection button # support/step-definitions.js:79
Then I see the search page # support/step-definitions.js:26
And I don't have the entity title # support/step-definitions.js:52✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: View exhibition chapter # pages/exhibition-chapter-page.feature:3✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I open the exhibition chapter # support/step-definitions.js:20✖ Then I see an exhibition chapter # support/step-definitions.js:26Error while running "element" command: Expected element <[data-qa="exhibition chapter"]> to be visible - element was not found - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5433ms)at Object.seeATarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:218:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:27:5)
And I see exhibition chapters # support/step-definitions.js:26
And I am on an accessible page # support/step-definitions.js:134
And I should have a Europeana branded page title # support/step-definitions.js:164✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: See a credits card # pages/exhibition-chapter-page.feature:11✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I open the exhibition chapter # support/step-definitions.js:20✖ Then I see exhibition chapters # support/step-definitions.js:26Error while running "element" command: Expected element <[data-qa="exhibition chapters"]> to be visible - element was not found - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5423ms)at Object.seeATarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:218:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:27:5)
And I see an exhibitions credits card # support/step-definitions.js:26✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: View credits # pages/exhibition-credits-page.feature:3✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I open the exhibition credits # support/step-definitions.js:20✖ Then I see a credits text # support/step-definitions.js:26Error while running "element" command: Expected element <[data-qa="credits text"]> to be visible - element was not found - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5440ms)at Object.seeATarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:218:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:27:5)
And I see exhibition chapters # support/step-definitions.js:26
And I am on an accessible page # support/step-definitions.js:134
And I should have a Europeana branded page title # support/step-definitions.js:164✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: View exhibition page # pages/exhibition-page.feature:3✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I open the exhibition page # support/step-definitions.js:20✖ Then I see exhibition text # support/step-definitions.js:26Error while running "element" command: Expected element <[data-qa="exhibition text"]> to be visible - element was not found - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5425ms)at Object.seeATarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:218:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:27:5)
And I see exhibition chapters # support/step-definitions.js:26
And I am on an accessible page # support/step-definitions.js:134
And I should have a Europeana branded page title # support/step-definitions.js:164✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Viewing an index of exhibitions # pages/exhibitions-page.feature:3✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I open the exhibitions page # support/step-definitions.js:20✖ Then I see a content card in the exhibitions section # support/step-definitions.js:29Error while running "element" command: Expected element <[data-qa="exhibitions section"] [data-qa="content card"]> to be visible - element was not found - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5470ms)at Object.seeATarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:218:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:30:5)
And I am on an accessible page # support/step-definitions.js:134
And I should have a Europeana branded page title # support/step-definitions.js:164✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: View an index of galleries # pages/gallery-foyer-page.feature:3✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I open the gallery foyer page # support/step-definitions.js:20✖ Then I see a content card in the gallery foyer # support/step-definitions.js:29Error while running "element" command: Expected element <[data-qa="gallery foyer"] [data-qa="content card"]> to be visible - element was not found - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5472ms)at Object.seeATarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:218:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:30:5)
And I am on an accessible page # support/step-definitions.js:134
And I should have a Europeana branded page title # support/step-definitions.js:164✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Open a gallery # pages/gallery-foyer-page.feature:10✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I open the gallery foyer page # support/step-definitions.js:20✖ Then I see a content card in the gallery foyer # support/step-definitions.js:29Error while running "element" command: Expected element <[data-qa="gallery foyer"] [data-qa="content card"]> to be visible - element was not found - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5427ms)at Object.seeATarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:218:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:30:5)
And I click a content card # support/step-definitions.js:79
Then I should not be on the gallery foyer page # support/step-definitions.js:107✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: View a gallery # pages/gallery-page.feature:3✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I open the gallery page # support/step-definitions.js:20✖ Then I see a gallery title # support/step-definitions.js:26Error while running "element" command: Expected element <[data-qa="gallery title"]> to be visible - element was not found - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5369ms)at Object.seeATarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:218:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:27:5)
And I see a content card in the gallery images # support/step-definitions.js:29
And I see a card title in the card body # support/step-definitions.js:29
And I am on an accessible page # support/step-definitions.js:134
And I should have a Europeana branded page title # support/step-definitions.js:164✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Go to a item # pages/gallery-page.feature:12✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I open the gallery page # support/step-definitions.js:20✖ Then I see a content card in the gallery images # support/step-definitions.js:29Error while running "element" command: Expected element <[data-qa="gallery images"] [data-qa="content card"]> to be visible - element was not found - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5412ms)at Object.seeATarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:218:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:30:5)
And I click a content card # support/step-definitions.js:79
Then I see an item page # support/step-definitions.js:26✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Viewing the homepage # pages/home-page.feature:7✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I open /en # support/step-definitions.js:20✖ Then I see a browse page # support/step-definitions.js:26Error while running "element" command: Expected element <[data-qa="browse page"]> to be visible - element was not found - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5394ms)at Object.seeATarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:218:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:27:5)
And I am on an accessible page # support/step-definitions.js:134
And I should have a Europeana branded page title # support/step-definitions.js:164✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Seeing a notification banner # pages/home-page.feature:15✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I open /en # support/step-definitions.js:20✖ Then I see a notification banner # support/step-definitions.js:26Error while running "element" command: Expected element <[data-qa="notification banner"]> to be visible - element was not found - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5374ms)at Object.seeATarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:218:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:27:5)✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Seeing the cookie disclaimer on first visit # pages/home-page.feature:21✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:45✔ When I open /en # support/step-definitions.js:20✔ And I see a cookie disclaimer # support/step-definitions.js:26✖ And I accept cookies # support/step-definitions.js:17Error while running "element" command: Expected element <.cookie-disclaimer> to not be present - expected "not present" but got: "present" (5348ms)at Object.acceptCookies (/app/support/step-runners.js:154:25)
And there is no cookie disclaimer # support/step-definitions.js:55
And I open /en # support/step-definitions.js:20
Then there is no cookie disclaimer # support/step-definitions.js:55✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Copying embed code # pages/item-page.feature:88✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I open the "Het laatste avondmaal" item page # support/step-definitions.js:20✔ And I click the share button # support/step-definitions.js:79✖ And I click the share embed textarea # support/step-definitions.js:79Timed out while waiting for element <[data-qa="share embed textarea"]> to be present for 5000 milliseconds. - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5356ms)at Object.clickOnTheTarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:95:18)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:80:5)
Then I see a share embed copied notice # support/step-definitions.js:26✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Paginating with facets # search/faceting.feature:147✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ Given I am on the search page # support/step-definitions.js:23✔ When I click the TYPE dropdown button # support/step-definitions.js:79✔ And I check the ""IMAGE"" "TYPE" checkbox # support/step-definitions.js:85✔ And I click the TYPE apply button # support/step-definitions.js:79✔ And I go to page number 2 # support/step-definitions.js:137✖ And I am on page number 2 # support/step-definitions.js:140Error while running "url" command: Expected current url to match: "/[?&]page=2([&#]|$)/" - expected "match '/[?&]page=2([&#]|$)/'" but got: "https://nginx/en/item/2022719/arpadweb_bib_ADGD160028638" (5518ms)at Object.amOnPageNumber (/app/support/step-runners.js:32:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:141:5)
And I click the TYPE dropdown button # support/step-definitions.js:79
And I check the ""VIDEO"" "TYPE" checkbox # support/step-definitions.js:85
And I click the TYPE apply button # support/step-definitions.js:79
Then I am on page number 1 # support/step-definitions.js:140✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: No tier filter on entity pages # search/faceting.feature:195✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ Given I am on an entity page # support/step-definitions.js:23✖ When I click the more filters dropdown button # support/step-definitions.js:79Timed out while waiting for element <[data-qa="more filters dropdown button"]> to be present for 5000 milliseconds. - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5347ms)at Object.clickOnTheTarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:95:18)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:80:5)
Then I don't have a contentTier facet # support/step-definitions.js:52✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
Scenario: Not being Authenticated # user/authentication.feature:6✔ Before # config/cucumber.conf.js:49✔ When I am on the home page # support/step-definitions.js:23✖ Then I see the log in button # support/step-definitions.js:26Error while running "element" command: Expected element <[data-qa="log in button"]> to be visible - element was not found - expected "visible" but got: "not found" (5409ms)at Object.seeATarget (/app/support/step-runners.js:218:25)at World.<anonymous> (/app/support/step-definitions.js:27:5)✔ After # config/cucumber.conf.js:56
136 scenarios (47 failed, 89 passed)750 steps (47 failed, 131 skipped, 572 passed)
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