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Created March 9, 2012 10:40
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  • Save pixelpusher/2006033 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pixelpusher/2006033 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Simple quiz game.
* by Evan Raskob
* UCA CGA, Farnham
* The Arena, 2012. Week 5+
* Your first task is to add the code to make questions 2 and 3 work. Have a look
* at how question 1 is implemented. Draw a diagram of the program to help yourself visualise it.
* Your second task is to use arrays for the questions - an array for the String
* containing the questions themselves, and an array for the answers. You will
* probably need to write a few methods to help you out - think of how you can make
* this code more efficient (less typing for you!)
* Your 3rd task, and the toughest, is to write an object that represents a question.
* Think about all the essential data is a question - the text, the correct answer, etc.
* Draw a picture (or diagram) showing these essential properties of the question.
* Use your object to re-write this code more efficiently.
class Question
int answer;
String question;
int numberOfQuestions = 3; //total questions in this game
int currentQuestion = 0; // questions are numbered from 0 to 4
// these are the keys we press to select an answer
char answer1Key = '1';
char answer2Key = '2';
color easyTimeColor = color(0, 255, 0); //green
color mediumTimeColor = color(220, 180, 20); // orange?
color endTimeColor = color(255, 0, 0);
// this is for testing if the key is held down
boolean keyWasPressed = false;
// questions are text (String)
// answers are a number (1 or 2)
Question[] questions;
// These are the time limits for each stage of a question.
// You could have different points for each time level.
int easyTime = 2000; // all of these are in milliseconds (1000th of a second)
int mediumTime = easyTime + 2000;
int endTime = mediumTime + 2000;
int startTime = 0; // the time we first started displaying the current question
int timeDiff = 0;
int score = 0; // how many they got right
int numQuestions = 5;
void setup()
size(640, 480);
// create questions (Objects)
questions = new Question[numQuestions];
for (int i=0; i < numQuestions; i++)
questions[i] = new Question();
questions[0].question = "What county is Farnham based in? 1) Surrey 2) London";
questions[0].answer = 1;
questions[1].question = "Who is the Prime Minister? 1) David Cameron 2) Optimus Prime";
questions[1].answer = 1;
questions[2].question = "What is the longest river? 1) Amazon 2) Nile";
questions[2].answer = 2;
questions[3].question = "Who is the Riddler? 1) ??, 2) Jim Carrey, 3) Me";
questions[3].answer = 2;
questions[4].question = "How tall is Steve Littman? 1) 9ft 2) 2.1m ";
questions[4].answer = 2;
currentQuestion = 0;
score = 0;
startTime = millis(); // millis() gives us the current time th sketch has been running for
void draw()
int currentTime = millis();
timeDiff = currentTime - startTime;
// Have we shown all the questions?
if ( currentQuestion < numQuestions)
Question q = questions[ currentQuestion ];
// this is if it is not in any question
// currentQuestion > 2
text("FINAL QUIZ RESULT! SCORE IS:" + score, 5, 26);
// end draw()
void doQuestion( Question q )
text(q.question, 5, 26);
void checkAnswer( int correctAnswer )
// if a key is pressed, check for the correct answer:
if (keyPressed)
if (keyWasPressed)
// do nothing! key is held down
// mark key as being held down from now on
keyWasPressed = true;
// this will store the player's guess (answer)
int answer = 0;
// answers can be only either 1 or 2
if (key == answer1Key)
answer = 1;
else if (key == answer2Key)
answer = 2;
// is this the correct answer?
if (answer == correctAnswer)
// CORRECT! Move on to the next question and restart the timer.
startTime = millis();
// end keyPressed
// end checkCorrectAnswer()
// This is the same for all questions.
// This method take the time difference between the current time and when the player first
// started answering the question, and draws the background the appropriate colour.
// If too much time has elapsed, it moves on to the next question.
void drawBackground(int timeDiff)
if (timeDiff < easyTime)
background(easyTimeColor );
else if (timeDiff < mediumTime)
background(mediumTimeColor );
else if (timeDiff < endTime)
background(endTimeColor );
// Move on to the next question and restart the timer.
startTime = millis();
text("score:"+score, 5, 80);
void keyReleased()
// mark key as not held down anymore
keyWasPressed = false;
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