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Created August 6, 2016 21:30
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/** Throttle wraps a block with throttling logic, guarantueeing that the block will never be called (by enquueing
asynchronously on `queue`) more than once each `interval` seconds. If the wrapper callback is called more than once
in an interval, it will use the most recent call's parameters when eventually calling the wrapped block (after `interval`
has elapsed since the last call to the wrapped function) - i.e. calls are not queued and may get 'lost' by being superseded
by a newer call. */
public func throttle<P>(interval: TimeInterval, queue: DispatchQueue, _ block: ((P) -> ())) -> ((P) -> ()) {
var lastExecutionTime: TimeInterval? = nil
var scheduledExecutionParameters: P? = nil
let mutex = Mutex()
return { (p: P) -> () in
return mutex.locked {
let currentTime = NSDate.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate
if let lastExecuted = lastExecutionTime {
if (currentTime - lastExecuted) > interval {
// Not the first execution, but the last execution was more than interval ago. Execute now.
lastExecutionTime = currentTime
queue.async {
else {
// Last execution was less than interval ago
if scheduledExecutionParameters != nil {
// Another execution was already planned, just mae sure it will use latest parameters
scheduledExecutionParameters = p
else {
// Schedule execution
scheduledExecutionParameters = p
let scheduleDelay = lastExecuted + interval - currentTime
queue.asyncAfter(deadline: + scheduleDelay) {
// Delayed execution
let p = mutex.locked { () -> P in
let params = scheduledExecutionParameters!
scheduledExecutionParameters = nil
return params
else {
// First time this function is executed
lastExecutionTime = currentTime
queue.async {
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