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Last active March 23, 2021 00:08
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Markdown 101

Markdown 101

Paragraphs and Text Decoration


Paragraph with a text string styled with _italic_

Paragraph with a text string styled with **bold**

Paragraph with a text string styled with ~~strikethrough~~


Paragraph with a text string styled with italic

Paragraph with a text string styled with bold

Paragraph with a text string styled with strikethrough

Headings in Markdown

# Heading 1


Heading 1

## Heading 2


Heading 2

### Heading 3

#### Heading 4 

##### Heading 5

###### Heading 6

Demo heading 1

Demo heading 2

Demo heading 3

Demo heading 4

Demo heading 5
Demo heading 6

Links in Markdown

Linking a url:

Linking a word:
[Word to be linked](

Linking a word and adding a title tag:
[Word to be linked]( "Title for url")

Using url keys to link a word:
[Word to be linked][1]
[Another word to be linked][word2]


Linking a url:

Linking a word

Linking a word and adding a title tag

Using url keys to link words using a digit in a key or using a word as a key

Markdown Images

basic image markup:

! = image
[] = alt text
() = image url

![Some alt text](

Adding a tooltip to an image:

![Some alt text]( "This is the tooltip")

Some alt text

Some alt text

You can also use same linking method using keys:

![Some alt text][imageLink]


Some alt text

Linking an image to a larger version using nested markdown:

[![Some alt text](](

Some alt text

Linking an image to a larger version using usual html img src:

[<img src="">](

Lists - Order, Unordered, Bullets and Nesting

Unordered list:

* first
* second
* third

+ first
+ second
+ third

- first
- second
- third
  • first
  • second
  • third
  • first
  • second
  • third
  • first
  • second
  • third
Ordered list:

1. first
2. second
3. third
  1. first
  2. second
  3. third
Nested lists:

1. first
   1. sub ordered list
      1. sub sub ordered list item

2. second
      * sub unordered list item
        * sub sub unordered list item
3. third
  1. first

    1. sub ordered list
      1. sub sub ordered list item
  2. second

    • sub unordered list item
      • sub sub unordered list item
  3. third

Adding content in a nested list item:

1. first - nested list with inline paragraph
   1. sub ordered list item
      This is inline

      This is a paragraph nested inline

2. second - nested list item with image + text
   1. sub ordered list item
      This is inline
      ![Some alt text]( "This is the tooltip")
  1. first - nested list with inline paragraph

    1. sub ordered list item

      This is inline

      This is a paragraph nested inline

  2. second - nested list item with image + text

    1. sub ordered list item

      This is inline

      Some alt text

Line Breaks, Horizontal Rules and Block Quotes

Line breaks:

Some text to be<br>broken over two lines

Horizontal Rules:



Block Quotes:

> This is a quote

> This is a 
> multi-line quote with
> a
> few line breaks

Line breaks:

Some text to be
broken over two lines

Horizontal Rules:

Block Quotes:

"This is a single line quote" — Person

"This is a multi-line quote with


few line breaks" — Person

Code Blocks

Example basic block of code with two indents:

      var something = 'string of something'
  var something = 'string of something'

Using specific code blocks with backticks:

         selector {
            text-weight: 400;

CSS example

   selector {
      text-weight: 400;

JavaScript example

   var something = 'string of something'

Using inline single backticks

Hey did you try `var x = 100;`?

Hey did you try var x = 100;?

Using diff to highlight a change with code

      var x = 100;
      - var y = 200;
      + var y = 300;

diff code example

var x = 100;
- var y = 200;
+ var y = 300;


Example table code

Place a 'pipe' between each word you want inside a table cell:

|Dog's Name|Dog's Age| 

To left align you place the colon on the left:

|Dog's Name|Dog's Age| 

To right align you place the colon on the right:

|Dog's Name|Dog's Age| 

To center align you place a colon on both left and right:

|Dog's Name|Dog's Age| 

Default table no alignment set

Dog's Name Dog's Age
Snickers 2
Prudence 8

Table - left aligned

Dog's Name Dog's Age
Snickers 2
Prudence 8

Table - right aligned

Dog's Name Dog's Age
Snickers 2
Prudence 8

Table - center aligned

Dog's Name Dog's Age
Snickers 2
Prudence 8

Github Treats


* [x] Check 1
* [ ] Check 2
* [ ] Check 3
  • Check 1
  • Check 2
  • Check 3

Using # to tag PR

When typing out an issue you can use # to tag in an issue for relevance

I had the same problem in #55 but fixed in #99

I had the same problem in #55 but fixed in #99

Using @ to tag someone in a PR

When typing out an issue you can use @ to tag a person in an issue for follow up or notice

I had the same problem in #55 but fixed in #99 @someperson

I had the same problem in #55 but fixed in #99 @someperson

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