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Forked from chruit30/pugjs-cheat-sheet.jade
Created July 27, 2019 10:59
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// # PugJs Cheat Sheet
// ## Syntax
doctype html
meta(name="Pugcupid", content="Wiggle with love")
h2.title Pugcupid Festival
// ## Variables
// ### Assignment
- var stringVariable = 'string'
- var integerVariable = 10
- var arrayVariable = ['Pug', 'Dancer', 'Cake']
- var objectVariable = { name: 'pug' }
// ### Concatentation
- var combineVariable = 'pug' + stringVariable
// ## Interpolation
- var title = 'pug title'
- var star = 'Prime Minister'
h2= title
p #{star} is heading to his pug
// ## Iterations
each value in arrayVariable
p= value
each value in ['Pug', 'Dancer', 'Cake']
p= value
each value, index in ['Pug', 'Dancer', 'Cake']
p= index + ': ' + value
while x<10
p= x
// ## Conditionals
if pugLaunch
h2 This pug launched into space
else if pugBattle
h2 This pug is engaged in battle
else if !pugBreak
h2 This pug shoud not have a break
h2 This pug is free
// ## Mixins
// ### Declarations
mixin pugQuote
blockquote As a pug, I often live the high life. ZeZeZe!
cite Pince Pug
mixin pugUser(name, age)
h2= name
if age
h3= age
// ### Usages
// ## Includes
// ### Include another pug file
include ./path-to/file.pug
// ### Include other file types as plain text
include styles.css
include script.js
// ## Extends $ Block
// ### template.pug
block data
- var pageTitle = "Pugcupid"
title= pageTitle
block ribbon
block content
p Pugs fo life
// ### page.pug
// ### extends template.pug
extends template.pug
block data
- var pageTitle = 'Pug title'
block ribbon
p New pug jazz
block content
p This wipes out "Pugs fo life"
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