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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Solution to Decanting problem with capacities 8, 5, 3
Problem Description:
You are given three vessels A, B and C of capacities 8, 5 and 3 gallons respectively. A is filled, while B and C are empty.
Divide the liquid in A into two equal quantities.
(From Graph Theory, Narsingh Deo)
import decanting as dc
import networkx as nx
graph = dc.get_decanter_state_graph()
nx.shortest_path(graph, '8-0-0','4-4-0')
['8-0-0', '3-5-0', '3-2-3', '6-2-0', '6-0-2', '1-5-2', '1-4-3', '4-4-0']
import itertools
import networkx as nx
transfer_permutations = list(itertools.permutations([0, 1, 2], 2))
def get_state_hash(state):
return '-'.join([str(i) for i in state])
capacities = [8, 5, 3]
def get_next_decanter_states(current_state):
next_states = []
for start, end in transfer_permutations:
end_remaining = capacities[end] - current_state[end]
start_filled = current_state[start]
if end_remaining == 0:
if start_filled == 0:
if start_filled >= end_remaining:
fill_end_state = list(current_state)
fill_end_state[start] -= end_remaining
fill_end_state[end] += end_remaining
elif end_remaining > start_filled:
empty_start_state = list(current_state)
empty_start_state[start] -= start_filled
empty_start_state[end] += start_filled
return next_states
def add_state_to_existing_states(state, existing_states):
state_hash = get_state_hash(state)
if not existing_states.get(state_hash):
existing_states[state_hash] = state
def get_decanter_state_graph():
current_state = [8, 0, 0]
existing_states = {get_state_hash(current_state): current_state}
state_queue = [current_state]
graph = nx.DiGraph()
iter_count = 0
while True:
iter_count += 1
if iter_count > 1000:
if len(state_queue) == 0:
current_state = state_queue.pop(0)
next_states = get_next_decanter_states(current_state)
for state in next_states:
if not existing_states.get(get_state_hash(state)):
add_state_to_existing_states(state, existing_states)
graph.add_edge(get_state_hash(current_state), get_state_hash(state))
return graph
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