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Created August 19, 2020 02:32
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#sometimes the "best" format that youtube-dl selects changes.
#This causes a second file of the same vid to download if you're archiving entire channels.
#When that happens, this script will clear out the duplicates if the youtube id was included in the filename.
import os
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime
from pprint import pprint as pp
def returnDupes(li):
seen = set()
dupe = set()
for ele in li:
if ele not in seen:
return dupe
wd = Path('D:/kingcobrajfs/')
videos = []
ids = []
for file in wd.iterdir():
ext = file.suffix
lenSuffixes = sum([len(x) for x in file.suffixes])
if ext in ('.mkv', '.webm', '.mp4'):
ytID =[len(] #11 is youtube id len
videos.append({'ytID':ytID #could merge the dupe dictValue append logic with this, but performance doens't matter and I don't want to rewrite
, 'path':file
, 'size':file.stat().st_size
, 'mtime':file.stat().st_mtime})
dupeSet = returnDupes(ids)
dupeDict = {}
for file in videos:
if file['ytID'] in dupeSet:
ytID = file['ytID']
appendValues = {'path':file['path'], 'mtime':file['mtime']}
dictValue = dupeDict.get(ytID)
if dictValue:
dictValue.sort(key = lambda x: x.get('mtime'))
deleting = dictValue[0]
saving = dictValue[1]
print(f"deleting {deleting} as it's older than {saving}")
del dictValue[0]
dupeDict[ytID] = [appendValues]
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