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Created June 20, 2009 02:01
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sample Gnu Screen file with explicit keyboard bindings (showing defaults)
# -*- conf-unix -*-
# Add environment variable so can do fancy terminal customization in shells
setenv GNU_SCREEN "yes"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Keybindings
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# screen's shortcut entry character, cannot be set to ^Q
escape "^T^T"
## 123 row
#def# bind 1 select 1
#def# bind 2 select 2
#def# bind '"' windowlist -b
#def# bind 3 select 3
#def# bind 4 select 4
#def# bind 5 select 5
#def# bind 6 select 6
#def# bind 7 select 7
#def# bind 8 select 8
#def# bind 9 select 9
#def# bind 0 select 0
#def# bind - select -
#def# bind =
#def# bind ^^
#def# bind ~
#def# bind | split -v
## qwerty row
#def# bind "q" xon
#def# bind "Q" only
#def# bind "^q" xon
#def# bind "w" windows
#def# bind "W" width
#def# bind "^w" windows
#def# bind "e"
#def# bind "E"
bind "^e" focus up #def# bind "^e"
#def# bind "r" wrap
#def# bind "R"
#def# bind "^r" wrap
#def# bind "t" time
#def# bind "T"
#def# bind "^t" time
#def# bind "y"
#def# bind "Y"
#def# bind "^y"
#def# bind "u"
#def# bind "U"
#def# bind "^u"
#def# bind "i" info
#def# bind "I"
#def# bind "^i" focus
#def# bind "o"
#def# bind "O"
#def# bind "^o"
#def# bind "p" prev
#def# bind "P"
#def# bind "^p" prev
#def# bind "@"
#def# bind "^@" next
#def# bind "'" select
#def# bind "[" copy
#def# bind "^[" copy
#def# bind "{" history
#def# bind "^{"
## asdf row
#def# bind "a" meta
#def# bind "A" title
bind "^a" sessionname #def# bind "^a" other
#def# bind "s" xoff
#def# bind "S" split
bind "^s" prev #def# bind "^s" xoff
#def# bind "d" detach
#def# bind "D" pow_detach
bind "^d" focus down #def# bind "^d" detach
#def# bind "f" flow
#def# bind "F" fit
bind "^f" next #def# bind "^f" flow
#def# bind "g"
#def# bind "G"
bind ^g version #def# bind "^g" vbell
#def# bind "h" hardcopy
#def# bind "H" log
#def# bind "^h" prev
#def# bind "j"
#def# bind "J"
#def# bind "^j"
#def# bind "k" kill
#def# bind "K"
#def# bind "^k" kill
#def# bind "l" redisplay
#def# bind "L" login
#def# bind "^l" redisplay
#def# bind ";"
#def# bind ";"
#def# bind "^;"
#def# bind "+"
#def# bind ":" colon
#def# bind "*" displays
#def# bind "]" paste .
#def# bind "^]" paste .
#def# bind "}" history
#def# bind "^}"
## zxcv row
#def# bind "z" suspend
#def# bind "Z" reset
#def# bind "^z" suspend
bind "x" command -c emacsx #def# bind "x" lockscreen
#def# bind "X" remove
bind "^x" command -c emacsx #def# bind "^x" lockscreen
bind "c" copy #def# bind "c" screen
#def# bind "C" clear
bind "^c" copy #def# bind "^c" screen
bind "v" paste . #def# bind "v" version
bind "V" digraph #def# bind "V"
bind "^v" paste . #def# bind "^v" digraph
#def# bind "b" break
#def# bind "B" pow_break
#def# bind "^b" break
bind "n" screen #def# bind "n" next
#def# bind "N" number
bind "^n" screen #def# bind "^n" next
#def# bind "m" lastmsg
#def# bind "M" monitor
#def# bind "^m" lastmsg
#def# bind "," license
#def# bind "<" readbuf
#def# bind "^<"
#def# bind "." dumptermcap
#def# bind ">" writebuf
#def# bind "^>"
#def# bind "/"
#def# bind "^/"
#def# bind "?" help
#def# bind "^?" prev
#def# bind "\"
#def# bind "^\" quit
#def# bind "_" silence
#def# bind "^_"
## Spacebar row
#def# bind "sp" next
## Submenus
# make the interface like emacs
bind -c emacsx "1" only
bind -c emacsx "2" split
bind -c emacsx "3" split -v
bind -c emacsx "o" focus
bind -c emacsx "b" windowlist
# no flow control, e.g. ^S and ^Q
defflow off
#01# Emacs keys in copy-scrollback mode
#01# From's+copy-scrollback+mode
# emacs keybindings for navigation in copy mode
#01#markkeys ^B=Y:^F=V:h=^B:l=^F:0=^A:$=^E
# explained below
# set keys Y and V as emacs:"scroll up" and emacs:"scroll down" respectively
# not very emacs-y and notice you need to press shift.
# added 20060705-1204Wed, use k and j as emacs:(scroll-up) and emacs:(scroll-down) respc
markkeys ^B=Y=k:^F=V=j
# set keys ^B and ^F as emacs:(backward-char) and emacs:(forward-char) respc
markkeys h=^B:l=^F
# set keys ^A and ^E as emacs:(line-head) and emacs:(line-end) respc
markkeys 0=^A:$=^E
#01# C-g and other keys quit copy mode. Esc does nothing.
#01# markkeys \033=\015=^G=^D=h=j=k=l=H=M=L=G=g=y=c=v=a=x=b=e=B=E=w
# do not overwrite j and k
markkeys \033=\015=^G=^D=h=l=H=M=L=G=g=y=c=v=a=x=b=e=B=E=w
markkeys @=\033
#01# special hack for C-e, since it should go *past* the last char.
#01# (-m means this is for copy mode only.)
bindkey -m ^e stuff "\$^f"
#01# page up and page down
bindkey -m -k kP stuff Y
bindkey -m -k kN stuff V
#01# C-space sets mark. unfortunately, markkeys doesn't do it, i need bindkey.
#01# markkeys " =^``"
bindkey -m "^ " stuff " "
#01# copy word under point. (disabled since it overrode typing w in isearch :P)
#01# markkeys W=w
#01# control arrows move by words. (set B, e, and w to F keys so that i can use
#01# them to move by words, but they themselves still quit copy mode.)
markkeys B=[:E=]:b={:e=}:w=>
bindkey -m ^[Od stuff { #"[[}"
bindkey -m ^[Oc stuff ] #"}]^f"
#01# # M-w copies region, W escapes out of i-search and copies word. afterward,
#01# # synchronize the paste buffer with the X selection.
#01# bindkey -m \033w eval "stuff ' '" writebuf "exec sh -c 'xsel -n < /tmp/screen-exchange'"
#01# # evidently only C-g, Esc, and C-space break out of i-search. so, use
#01# # C-space, because with my setup, it doesn't break out of copy mode too.
#01# # markkeys "^ =^u"
#01# bindkey -m W eval "stuff \033W" writebuf "exec sh -c 'xsel -n < /tmp/screen-exchange'"
#01# End
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Visuals
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set the caption to something interesting
# You need the screen(1) man page just to decipher this junk!
# dark gray bkgrd with (active) white / (inactive) black text
# '1&$ zsh 0.00 0.01 0.00@sugarc 17Thr14:36'
# wanted to do %?%F in the %= area, but it doesn't work in screen-4.0.2?!?
# %? is not the general conditional "if" that you want it to be
# I also wish that windows starts with 1 instead of 0.
# I also wish that -M accepted in the config file, is also accepted in the command line.
setenv s "$s%{= Kw}" # in white on Bright black,
setenv s "$s%?%F" # if (?) window has focus (F)
setenv s "$s%{..I}" # then make foreground text Bright (white)
setenv s "$s%:%{..k}%?" # else make the foreground text black
setenv s "$s%n" # show current window number
setenv s "$s%f" # show current window flags (starting right justified area)
setenv s "$s " # SPACE
setenv s "$s%t" # show title
setenv s "$s%=" # pad to display width (ended left justified area)
setenv s "$s%l@%H" # show load and "@" host
setenv s "$s " # SPACE
setenv s "$s%{Y}" # in yellow
setenv s "$s%1`" # show backtick 1
caption always "$s"
unsetenv s
# Instead of using caption .. "... %d%D%a"
# %-k == 0..23, do not pad
backtick 1 60 60 env LANG=C LC_ALL=C date +"%-d%a%-k:%M"
# Advanced GNU screen usage:
# C-a _ (monitor silence, this window) and C-a M (monitor activity, all windows?) is very interesting
#03# # Snarfed from
#03# # on 20060817-1230Thu
#03# caption always "%{= gk}%-Lw%{= bW}%50> %n%f* %t %{-}%+Lw%< %= %{= rk} %H %l %{= gk} %0c:%s %{-}"
#03# # Explanation:
#03# # %{= gk} In black on green,
#03# # %-Lw ... show other windows (w) with flags (L) before current (-)
#03# # %{= bW} In bright white on blue,
#03# # %50> ... ?expand this field for the next truncation, 50 characters?
#03# # %n%f* %t ... show current window number (n), flags (f), title (t) with * signifying current window
#03# # %{-} In black on green, (restore colors to previous)
#03# # %+Lw ... show other windows (w) with flags (L) after current (+)
#03# # %< %= Just truncate here (<) then pad with spaces to the right end of the display (=)
#03# # %{= rk} In black on red
#03# # %H %l ... show hostname (H) and load (l)
#03# # %{= gk} In black on green
#03# # %0c:%s ... show hour:min:sec in 24 format.
#03# # %{-} (restore colors to previous)
# I don't want to see the license startup screen every time.
startup_message off
# And show the command for the windows when they're resurrected.
verbose on
#02# 256 color support
#02# from
#02# from
#02# erase background with current bg color
defbce "on"
#02# do not use 'screen-bce'
term xterm-256color
#term screen-256color # function keys don't work
# if GNU screen's term is unset, then colors will be 8.
# By setting this, "tput colors" will output 256 instead of 8.
#02# End
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Behavior
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Save scroll history way way back
defscrollback 10000
# "Sets whether screen will automatically detach (keep running) upon hangup.
# The default is 'on'"
# Never, ever turn this off.
autodetach on
# Keep dead windows around until I tell them to exit.
zombie cr
# If a window goes unresponsive, don't block the whole session waiting for it.
nonblock on
# case insensitive search
ignorecase on
# end
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