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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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コンパイル時に型レベルで整数を四則演算してみた ref:
name := "type_level_encode"
version := "1.0"
scalaVersion := "2.11.2"
import TBool._
type Temp0 = ![TTrue] // TFalse
println(ToBool[Temp0]) // false
type Temp1 = TTrue && TFalse // TFalse
println(ToBool[Temp1]) // false
type Temp2 = TTrue || TFalse // TTrue
println(ToBool[Temp2]) // true
type Temp3 = If[TFalse, TFalse, TTrue, TBool] // TTrue
println(ToBool[Temp3]) // true
type T3 = TSuc[TSuc[TSuc[TZero]]]
type T_3 = TPre[TPre[TPre[TZero]]]
import TInt._
println(ToInt[T8 + T3]) // 11
println(ToInt[T8 + T_3]) // 5
println(ToInt[T_8 + T3]) // -5
println(ToInt[T_8 + T_3]) // -11
println(ToInt[T8 - T3]) // 5
println(ToInt[T8 - T_3]) // 11
println(ToInt[T_8 - T3]) // -11
println(ToInt[T_8 - T_3]) // -5
println(ToInt[T8 * T3]) // 24
println(ToInt[T8 * T_3]) // -24
println(ToInt[T_8 * T3]) // -24
println(ToInt[T_8 * T_3]) // 24
println(ToInt[T8 / T3]) // 2
println(ToInt[T8 / T_3]) // -2
println(ToInt[T_8 / T3]) // -3
println(ToInt[T_8 / T_3]) // 3
println(ToInt[T8 % T3]) // 2
println(ToInt[T8 % T_3]) // 2
println(ToInt[T_8 % T3]) // 1
println(ToInt[T_8 % T_3]) // 1
import scala.language.higherKinds
sealed trait TBool {
type Not <: TBool
type And[A <: TBool] <: TBool
type Or[A <: TBool] <: TBool
type If[Then <: T, Else <: T, T] <: T
class TTrue extends TBool {
type Not = TFalse
type And[A <: TBool] = A
type Or[A <: TBool] = TTrue
type If[Then <: T, Else <: T, T] = Then
class TFalse extends TBool {
type Not = TTrue
type And[A <: TBool] = TFalse
type Or[A <: TBool] = A
type If[Then <: T, Else <: T, T] = Else
object TBool {
type ![A <: TBool] = A#Not
type &&[A <: TBool, B <: TBool] = A#And[B]
type ||[A <: TBool, B <: TBool] = A#Or[B]
type If[A <: TBool, Then <: T, Else <: T, T] = A#If[Then, Else, T]
object ToBool {
def apply[A <: TBool](implicit toBool: ToBool[A]): Boolean = toBool()
trait ToBool[A <: TBool] {
def apply(): Boolean
implicit val toBoolTTrue = new ToBool[TTrue] {
def apply() = true
implicit val toBoolTFalse = new ToBool[TFalse] {
def apply() = false
import scala.language.higherKinds
import TBool._
sealed trait TInt {
type Neg <: TInt
type Abs <: TInt
type Suc <: TInt
type Pre <: TInt
type Add[A <: TInt] <: TInt
type Sub[A <: TInt] = Add[A#Neg]
type Mul[A <: TInt] <: TInt
// type Div[A <: TInt] <: TInt
protected type TSucDivTSuc[A <: TInt] <: TInt
type Div[A <: TInt] = IfTZeroTSucTPre[
A#IfTZeroTSucTPre[TZero, TSucDivTSuc[A], TSucDivTSuc[A#Neg]#Neg, TInt],
A#IfTZeroTSucTPre[TZero, Neg#TSucDivTSuc[A]#Suc#Neg, Neg#TSucDivTSuc[A#Neg]#Suc, TInt],
type Mod[A <: TInt] <: TInt
type IfTZeroTSucTPre[TZeroThen <: T, TSucThen <: T, TPreThen <: T, T] <: T
type IsTZero = IfTZeroTSucTPre[TTrue, TFalse, TFalse, TBool]
type IsTSuc = IfTZeroTSucTPre[TFalse, TTrue, TFalse, TBool]
type IsTPre = IfTZeroTSucTPre[TFalse, TFalse, TTrue, TBool]
type Equal[A <: TInt] = Sub[A]#IsTZero
type Greater[A <: TInt] = Sub[A]#IsTSuc
type Less[A <: TInt] = Sub[A]#IsTPre
trait TPos extends TInt
trait TNeg extends TInt
class TZero extends TPos with TNeg {
type Neg = TZero
type Abs = TZero
type Suc = TSuc[TZero]
type Pre = TPre[TZero]
type Add[A <: TInt] = A
type Mul[A <: TInt] = TZero
// type Div[A <: TInt] = TZero
type TSucDivTSuc[A <: TInt] = TZero
type Mod[A <: TInt] = TZero
type IfTZeroTSucTPre[TZeroThen <: T, TSucThen <: T, TPreThen <: T, T] = TZeroThen
class TSuc[P <: TPos] extends TPos {
type Neg = Pre#Neg#Pre
type Abs = Pre#Suc
type Suc = TSuc[TSuc[Pre]]
type Pre = P
type Add[A <: TInt] = Pre#Add[A]#Suc
type Mul[A <: TInt] = Pre#Mul[A]#Add[A]
type Div[A <: TInt] = A#IfTZeroTSucTPre[
TZero, // ゼロで割った商はゼロとする
If[Less[A], TZero, Sub[A]#Div[A]#Suc, TInt],
If[Less[A#Neg], TZero, Add[A]#Div[A]#Pre, TInt],
type TSucDivTSuc[A <: TInt] = If[Less[A#Abs], TZero, Sub[A#Abs]#TSucDivTSuc[A]#Suc, TInt]
type Mod[A <: TInt] = A#IfTZeroTSucTPre[
TZero, // ゼロで割った余りはゼロとする
If[Less[A], Pre#Suc, Sub[A]#Mod[A], TInt],
If[Less[A#Neg], Pre#Suc, Add[A]#Mod[A], TInt],
type IfTZeroTSucTPre[TZeroThen <: T, TSucThen <: T, TPreThen <: T, T] = TSucThen
class TPre[S <: TNeg] extends TNeg {
type Neg = Suc#Neg#Suc
type Abs = Neg
type Suc = S
type Pre = TPre[TPre[Suc]]
type Add[A <: TInt] = Suc#Add[A]#Pre
type Mul[A <: TInt] = Suc#Mul[A]#Sub[A]
type Div[A <: TInt] = A#IfTZeroTSucTPre[
TZero, // ゼロで割った商はゼロとする
type TSucDivTSuc[A <: TInt] = TZero
type Mod[A <: TInt] = A#IfTZeroTSucTPre[
TZero, // ゼロで割った余りはゼロとする
type IfTZeroTSucTPre[TZeroThen <: T, TSucThen <: T, TPreThen <: T, T] = TPreThen
object TInt {
type +[N1 <: TInt, N2 <: TInt] = N1#Add[N2]
type -[N1 <: TInt, N2 <: TInt] = N1#Sub[N2]
type *[N1 <: TInt, N2 <: TInt] = N1#Mul[N2]
type /[N1 <: TInt, N2 <: TInt] = N1#Div[N2]
type %[N1 <: TInt, N2 <: TInt] = N1#Mod[N2]
type ==[A <: TInt, B <: TInt] = A#Equal[B]
type !=[A <: TInt, B <: TInt] = A#Equal[B]#Not
type >[A <: TInt, B <: TInt] = A#Greater[B]
type <=[A <: TInt, B <: TInt] = A#Greater[B]#Not
type <[A <: TInt, B <: TInt] = A#Less[B]
type >=[A <: TInt, B <: TInt] = A#Less[B]#Not
object ToInt {
def apply[N <: TInt](implicit toIntN: ToInt[N]): Int = toIntN()
trait ToInt[N <: TInt] {
def apply(): Int
implicit def toIntTZero = new ToInt[TZero] {
def apply() = 0
implicit def toIntTSuc[P <: TPos](implicit toIntP: ToInt[P]) = new ToInt[TSuc[P]] {
def apply() = toIntP() + 1
implicit def toIntTPre[S <: TNeg](implicit toIntS: ToInt[S]) = new ToInt[TPre[S]] {
def apply() = toIntS() - 1
type T0 = TZero
type T1 = T0#Suc
type T2 = T1#Suc
type T3 = T2#Suc
type T4 = T3#Suc
type T5 = T4#Suc
type T6 = T5#Suc
type T7 = T6#Suc
type T8 = T7#Suc
type T9 = T8#Suc
type T_1 = T0#Pre
type T_2 = T_1#Pre
type T_3 = T_2#Pre
type T_4 = T_3#Pre
type T_5 = T_4#Pre
type T_6 = T_5#Pre
type T_7 = T_6#Pre
type T_8 = T_7#Pre
type T_9 = T_8#Pre
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