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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Logic to generate pdf from archived invoices stored in s3
// CONSTANTS defined in whiteboard_migration.module.
// Will be accessible when this module is installed on whiteboard.
define('WHITEBOARD_INVOICE_HEADER_START_COMMENT', 'Header begins here for invoice #');
define('WHITEBOARD_INVOICE_HEADER_END_COMMENT', 'Header ends here for invoice #');
define('WHITEBOARD_INVOICE_BODY_START_COMMENT', 'Body begins here for invoice #');
define('WHITEBOARD_INVOICE_BODY_END_COMMENT', 'Body ends here for invoice #');
define('WHITEBOARD_INVOICE_FOOTER_START_COMMENT', 'Footer begins here for invoice #');
define('WHITEBOARD_INVOICE_FOOTER_END_COMMENT', 'Footer ends here for invoice #');
$header_start_comment = '<!--' . WHITEBOARD_INVOICE_HEADER_START_COMMENT . $invoice_vid . '-->';
$header_end_comment = '<!--' . WHITEBOARD_INVOICE_HEADER_END_COMMENT . $invoice_vid . '-->';
$body_start_comment = '<!--' . WHITEBOARD_INVOICE_BODY_START_COMMENT . $invoice_vid . '-->';
$body_end_comment = '<!--' . WHITEBOARD_INVOICE_BODY_END_COMMENT_COMMENT . $invoice_vid . '-->';
$footer_start_comment = '<!--' . WHITEBOARD_INVOICE_FOOTER_START_COMMENT . $invoice_vid . '-->';
$footer_end_comment = '<!--' . WHITEBOARD_INVOICE_FOOTER_END_COMMENT . $invoice_vid . '-->';
// Fetch list of archived invoice nids.
$query_archived_invoices = "SELECT DISTINCT invoice_nid FROM {whiteboard_migration_map}";
while ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) {
$archived_invoice_nids[] = $result['invoice_nid'];
// Check if the current invoice being generated is archived.
if (in_array($nid, $archived_invoice_nids) {
$invoice_node = node_load($nid, $vid);
$invoice_markup = file_get_contents($invoice_node->field_invoice_content_online[0]['value']);
preg_match('/' . $header_start_comment . '[a-z|A-Z|\s|\S|\d|\D]*' . $header_end_comment . '/', $invoice_markup, $header_matches);
preg_match('/' . $body_start_comment . '[a-z|A-Z|\s|\S|\d|\D]*' . $body_end_comment . '/', $invoice_markup, $body_matches);
preg_match('/' . $footer_start_comment . '[a-z|A-Z|\s|\S|\d|\D]*' . $footer_end_comment . '/', $invoice_markup, $footer_matches);
* $header_matches[0]: will have the same content that should be in $headerHTML @L#2069
* $body_matches[0]: will have the same content that should be in $htmlData @L#2068
* $footer_matches[0]: will have the same content that should be in $footerHTML @L#2070
* We need to prefix CSS being appended in the pdf generator function to this file as well.
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