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Last active December 29, 2017 11:41
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Code to make Vgg-16 model in tensorflow using checkpoint available here -
import tensorflow as tf
import pprint
def vgg16(is_input_trainable=False, fine_tune_last=False,
n_classes=1000, input_shape=[None, 224, 224, 3]):
is_input_trainable: True in case of Neural Style Transfer to generate images
fine_tune_last: Make True if you want to fine tune the model for transfer learning
n_classes: number of output classes
input_shape:shape of input
model: dictionary of layers of model, example: conv1_1, conv1_2, ...
params: dictionary of parameters of layers, example params['conv1_1']['W'] or params['conv1_1']['b']
Note: model['input'] -> input layer of shape provided as argument
model['out'] -> output layer of shape [1, 1, 1, n_classes] if input shape is [1, 224, 224, 3]
# checkpoint contains values of weights and biases as:
# ckpt['vgg_16/conv1/conv1_1/weights'] or
# ckpt['vgg_16/conv1/conv1_1/biases']
path_conv = 'vgg_16/conv'
path_fc = 'vgg_16/fc'
ckpt_path = './pretrained-model/vgg16/vgg_16.ckpt'
file = tf.train.NewCheckpointReader(ckpt_path)
def _weights(stage, block=None, type_code=0):
if type_code == 0:
path = path_conv + str(stage) + '/conv' + str(stage) + '_' + str(block)
path = path_fc + str(stage)
w = file.get_tensor(path + '/weights')
b = file.get_tensor(path + '/biases')
return w, b
def _conv2d(A_prev, W, strides=[1, 1], padding='SAME'):
strides = [1, strides[0], strides[1], 1]
return tf.nn.conv2d(A_prev, W, strides=strides, padding=padding)
def conv_layer(A_prev, stage, block=None,
strides=[1, 1], padding='SAME',
w, b = _weights(stage, block)
if freeze:
w = tf.constant(w)
b = tf.constant(b)
w = tf.Variable(w)
b = tf.Variable(b)
c = _conv2d(A_prev, w, strides=strides, padding=padding)
A = tf.nn.relu(tf.add(c, b), name='conv'+str(stage)+'_'+str(block))
params = {'W': w, 'b': b}
return A, params
# freeze = False if you want to make a layer trainable.
def fc_layer_wo_nonlin(A_prev, stage, is_final_layer=False, freeze=True):
w, b = _weights(stage, type_code=1)
if freeze:
w = tf.constant(w)
b = tf.constant(b)
w = tf.Variable(w)
b = tf.Variable(b)
c = _conv2d(A_prev, w, padding='VALID')
if is_final_layer:
Z = tf.add(c, b, name='fc'+str(stage))
Z = tf.add(c, b)
params = {'W': w, 'b': b}
return Z, params
def fc_layer(A_prev, stage, freeze=True):
Z, params = fc_layer_wo_nonlin(A_prev, stage, freeze=freeze)
A = tf.nn.relu(Z, name='fc'+str(stage))
params['Z'] = Z
return A, params
model = {}
params = {}
# max pool hyperparams
KSIZE = [1, 2, 2, 1]
STRIDES = [1, 2, 2, 1]
if is_input_trainable:
X = tf.get_variable(name='input', shape=input_shape)
X = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=input_shape, name='input')
model['input'] = X
# conv1_1
model['conv1_1'], params['conv1_1'] = conv_layer(X, 1, block=1)
# conv1_2
model['conv1_2'], params['conv1_2'] = conv_layer(model['conv1_1'], 1, block=2)
# pool 1
model['pool_1'] = tf.nn.max_pool(model['conv1_2'], ksize=KSIZE, strides=STRIDES, padding=PAD)
# conv2_1
model['conv2_1'], params['conv2_1'] = conv_layer(model['pool_1'], 2, block=1)
# conv2_2
model['conv2_2'], params['conv2_2'] = conv_layer(model['conv2_1'], 2, block=2)
# pool_2
model['pool_2'] = tf.nn.max_pool(model['conv2_2'], ksize=KSIZE, strides=STRIDES, padding=PAD)
# conv3_1
model['conv3_1'], params['conv3_1'] = conv_layer(model['pool_2'], 3, block=1)
# conv3_2
model['conv3_2'], params['conv3_2'] = conv_layer(model['conv3_1'], 3, block=2)
# conv3_3
model['conv3_3'], params['conv3_3'] = conv_layer(model['conv3_2'], 3, block=3)
# pool_3
model['pool_3'] = tf.nn.max_pool(model['conv3_3'], ksize=KSIZE, strides=STRIDES, padding=PAD)
# conv4_1
model['conv4_1'], params['conv4_1'] = conv_layer(model['pool_3'], 4, block=1)
# conv4_2
model['conv4_2'], params['conv4_2'] = conv_layer(model['conv4_1'], 4, block=2)
# conv4_3
model['conv4_3'], params['conv4_3'] = conv_layer(model['conv4_2'], 4, block=3)
# pool_4
model['pool_4'] = tf.nn.max_pool(model['conv4_3'], ksize=KSIZE, strides=STRIDES, padding=PAD)
# conv5_1
model['conv5_1'], params['conv5_1'] = conv_layer(model['pool_4'], 5, block=1)
# conv5_2
model['conv5_2'], params['conv5_2'] = conv_layer(model['conv5_1'], 5, block=2)
# conv5_3
model['conv5_3'], params['conv5_3'] = conv_layer(model['conv5_2'], 5, block=3)
# pool_5
model['pool_5'] = tf.nn.max_pool(model['conv5_3'], ksize=KSIZE, strides=STRIDES, padding=PAD)
# fc6
model['fc6'], params['fc6'] = fc_layer(model['pool_5'], 6)
# fc7
model['fc7'], params['fc6'] = fc_layer(model['fc6'], 7)
# fc8
if fine_tune_last:
w = tf.get_variable('out_W', shape=[1, 1, 4096, n_classes])
b = tf.get_variable('out_b', shape=[n_classes])
model['out'] = tf.add(_conv2d(model['fc7'], w, padding='VALID'), b)
params['out'] = {'W': w, 'b': b}
model['out'], params['out'] = fc_layer_wo_nonlin(model['fc7'], 8)
return model, params
if __name__ == '__main__':
#model, params = vgg16(fine_tune_last=True, input_shape=[1, 224, 224, 3])
model, params = vgg16(fine_tune_last=True, n_classes=10)
pprint.pprint(model, indent=2)
pprint.pprint(params, indent=2)
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