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Last active July 25, 2019 04:34
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const CRATE_ID = '98';
// Initialize cargo using the development network. This will
// tell Cargo to use it's contracts on the Rinkeby network.
const cargo = new Cargo({
network: 'development',
const getResaleItems = async () => {
// Get all the vendors in your crate. The creator of the crate (you) is
// added as a default vendor.
const { data: vendors } = await cargo.api.getCrateVendors(CRATE_ID);
// Map through each vendor and get the token contracts they created.
const contractResponses = await Promise.all({ vendorId }) => cargo.api.getVendorTokenContracts(vendorId))
// Map the responses so we have an array of just the contract data.
const contracts = [];
// Each vendor response has an array of contracts so we spread that data into
// our contracts array do it is one dimensional.
contractResponses.forEach(({ data }) => {
// Get the resale items for our contracts. This method
// takes a list of token contract IDs, not addresses.
// The IDs are assigned by Cargo and used internally
const { data: resaleItems } = await cargo.api.getContractResaleItems( => contract.tokenContractId)
// Pass our contract data and resale items to a function that will create some markup
// and add it to the page.
displayContractContent(contracts, resaleItems);
const getTokenInfo = async contractId => {
const ownedTokens = await cargo.api.getOwnedTokenIdsByCargoTokenContractId(
const { data: contractInfo } = await cargo.api.getTokenContractById(
return await Promise.all(
id =>
new Promise(async resolve => {
const { data } = await cargo.api.getTokenMetadata(
tokenId: id,
tokenContractAddress: contractInfo.tokenAddress,
const getOwnedTokens = async () => {
const contractIdsWithStake = await cargo.api.getOwnedCargoTokenContractIds();
// For every contract that we own a token in we get the information for each owned
// token in that contract
const ownedTokensResponse = await Promise.all( => getTokenInfo(id))
// Flatten the array so it is one dimensional since the response
// above will give us an array of arrays
const ownedTokens = [];
for (let i = 0; i < ownedTokensResponse.length; i++) {
let markup = '';
ownedTokens.forEach(token => {
markup += getTokenTile(token);
document.querySelector('[data-id="owned-tokens"]').innerHTML = markup;
const run = async () => {
// This will fetch Cargo contract information
// so we can begin interacting with those contracts when we are ready.
await cargo.init();
// In order to interact with cargo contracts we will need to call the enable method.
// This determines if the user has a provider available that will allow us to connect
// to the Ethereum blockcain.
const isEnabled = await cargo.enable();
// cargo.enable returns true or false, depending on whether or not we can interact with
// the Cargo smart contracts. We are passing that boolean value to the showContent function
// which will show content for each case. If isEnabled equals false then we can show UI
// that tells the user to install MetaMask, or another MetaMask type product.
if (isEnabled) {
// Using Promise.all to get resale items and owned tokens asynchronously
await Promise.all([getResaleItems(), getOwnedTokens()]);
const tokenRows = document.querySelector('[data-id="token-rows"]');
const txConfirmation = document.querySelector('[data-id="tx-confirmation"]');
tokenRows.addEventListener('click', async evt => {
if ( === 'buy-now') {
const { resaleid, price } =;
console.log(resaleid, price);
try {
const tx = await cargo.api.purchaseResaleToken(resaleid, price);
txConfirmation.innerHTML = `
<p>Your transaction has been submitted you can check the status <a href="${tx}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">here</a></p>
} catch (e) {
alert('Something went wrong, or user denied transaction');
function getTokenTile(metadata, price, token) {
return `
<div class="tile">
<img src=${metadata.image} />
<h3 class="bold">${}</h3>
? `<h3 class="color-primary">${cargo.web3.fromWei(
)} ETH</h3>`
: ''
? `
<button class="margin-top" data-id="buy-now" data-resaleid="${
}" data-price="${token.price}">Buy Now</button>
: ''
function displayContractContent(contracts, resaleItems) {
let template = '';
contracts.forEach(contract => {
const { name, symbol, tokenAddress, tokenContractId } = contract;
const currentResaleItems = resaleItems[tokenContractId];
let tokenMarkup =
currentResaleItems.length === 0 ? 'There is nothing for sale.' : '';
// Loop through each of the tokens for sale and create some markup
// for them.
currentResaleItems.forEach(token => {
const { metadata, price } = token;
tokenMarkup += getTokenTile(metadata, price, token);
template += `
<div class="contract-header">
<h2>${name} ${symbol}</h2>
tokenRows.innerHTML = template;
function showContent(isEnabled) {
const el = document.querySelector(
`[data-id="provider-${isEnabled ? 'enabled' : 'required'}"]`
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