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Hello World for [Crypto] Quant Traders
# based on the script by MR Jain at
import sys, getopt
# Add the pandas library
import pandas as pd
import as web
import psycopg2 as pg
import as psql
# Add the plotting library to create graphs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import style
import matplotlib
# Display graphs inline
# this is throwing an error for some reason
#%matplotlib inline
# Variables
Start = ['2017-01-01']
End = ['2017-06-30']
def run(ccy,pair,Cash,Days):
print "Running with Currency Pair {0}/{1}, Cash {2} and {3} Days".format(ccy,pair,Cash,Days)
# get connected to the database and construct the SQL
connection = pg.connect("dbname=crypto_data user=postgres")
if ccy == 'BTC':
sql = "SELECT time as date, opening_price as open, highest_price as high, lowest_price as low, closing_price as close, volume_btc as volume from btc_prices where closing_price > 0 and volume_btc > 0 and time > '2016-01-01' and currency_code = '{0}' order by time asc;".format(pair)
sql = "SELECT time as date, opening_price as open, highest_price as high, lowest_price as low, closing_price as close, volume_btc as volume from crypto_prices where closing_price > 0 and volume_btc > 0 and time > '2016-01-01' and currency_code = '{0}' and currency_pair='{1}' order by time asc;".format(ccy,pair)
print sql
# The dataframe which contains the data which was received from the database
df = psql.read_sql(sql, connection)
# Add some columns to the dataframe
columnName = "DMA"+str(Days)
df[columnName] = df['close'].rolling(window=Days).mean()
df['Action'] = 0.00
df['Position'] = 0.00
df['NumShares'] = 0
df['NetExposure'] = 0.00
df['GrossExposure'] = 0.00
df['MTM'] = 0.00
# Generate Trading Action and Positions (Buy=1 , Sell=-1, Do nothing=0)
for s, row in df.iterrows():
if row[columnName] > row['close'] and df.loc[s-1, columnName] < df.loc[s-1, 'close'] and row[columnName] != 0:
df.loc[s, 'Action'] = -1
df.loc[s, 'Position'] = -1
elif row[columnName] < row['close'] and df.loc[s-1, columnName] > df.loc[s-1, 'close'] and row[columnName] != 0:
df.loc[s, 'Action'] = 1
df.loc[s, 'Position'] = 1
df.loc[s, 'Action'] = 0
df.loc[s, 'Position'] = df.iloc[s-1, 8]
# Calculate number of shares to go long or go short
# Column 8 is Position, Column 9 is NumShares
for x, row in df.iterrows():
if df.loc[x, 'Position'] == df.iloc[x-1, 8]:
df.loc[x, 'NumShares'] = df.iloc[x-1, 9]
df.loc[x, 'NumShares'] = Cash/(df.loc[x, 'close']*df.loc[x, 'Position'])
# Calculate Net Exposure and Gross Exposure
df['NetExposure'] = df.NumShares * df.close
df['GrossExposure'] = df.NumShares * df.close
df['GrossExposure'] = df['GrossExposure'].abs()
# Calculate Mark to Market (MTM)
# Column 8 is Position, Column 10 is NetExposure
for m, row in df.iterrows():
if df.loc[m, 'Position'] == df.iloc[m-1, 8]:
df.loc[m, 'MTM'] = df.loc[m, 'NetExposure'] - df.iloc[m-1, 10]
df.loc[m, 'MTM'] = df.iloc[m-1, 10]*(df.loc[m, 'close']/df.iloc[m-1, 3]-1)
# Print the contents of the dataframe
print df
# Plot the chart to see the daily close and the DMA
def main(argv):
Days = 10
Cash = 1000
ccy = 'BTC'
pair = 'USD'
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"c:p:d:",["ccy=", "days=", "pair=", "cash="])
except getopt.GetoptError:
print str(sys.argv[0]) + ' --ccy|-c <currency> --pair|-p <currency> --days|-d <number of days> --cash <invest amount>'
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
print str(sys.argv[0]) + ' --ccy|-c <currency> --pair|-p <currency> --days|-d <number of days> --cash <invest amount>'
elif opt in ("-c", "--ccy"):
ccy = arg.upper()
elif opt in ("-d", "--days"):
Days = int(arg)
elif opt in ("--cash"):
Cash = arg
elif opt in ("-p", "--pair"):
pair = arg.upper()
if __name__ == "__main__":
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pjain commented Jul 10, 2017

  • Updated Manish's script to work with TimeScale DB on Postgres with Cryptocurrenies. Not all that useful but a nice practice script to play with Postgrers/Timescale, Python, Pandas and look for some patterns in BTC and ETH

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