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Created November 22, 2020 22:02
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select/pselect in Rust
extern crate libc;
use std::{io,mem,ptr,time};
use std::os::unix::io::RawFd;
use std::net::TcpStream;
use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
// use std::io::Read;
pub struct FdSet(libc::fd_set);
impl FdSet {
pub fn new() -> FdSet {
unsafe {
let mut raw_fd_set = mem::uninitialized::<libc::fd_set>();
// let mut raw_fd_set = mem::MaybeUninit::<libc::fd_set>::uninit().assume_init();
libc::FD_ZERO(&mut raw_fd_set);
pub fn clear(&mut self, fd: RawFd) {
unsafe {
libc::FD_CLR(fd, &mut self.0);
pub fn set(&mut self, fd: RawFd) {
unsafe {
libc::FD_SET(fd, &mut self.0);
pub fn is_set(&mut self, fd: RawFd) -> bool {
unsafe {
libc::FD_ISSET(fd, &mut self.0)
pub fn pselect (nfds: libc::c_int,
readfds: Option<&mut FdSet>,
writefds: Option<&mut FdSet>,
errorfds: Option<&mut FdSet>,
// timeout: Option<&libc::timeval>,
timeout: Option<&libc::timespec>,
sigmask: Option<&libc::sigset_t>) -> io::Result<usize> {
fn to_fdset_ptr (opt: Option<&mut FdSet>) -> *mut libc::fd_set {
match opt {
None => ptr::null_mut(),
Some(&mut FdSet(ref mut raw_fd_set)) => raw_fd_set,
fn to_ptr<T> (opt: Option<&T>) -> *const T {
match opt {
None => ptr::null::<T>(),
Some(p) => p,
match unsafe {
// libc::select(nfds, to_fdset_ptr(readfds), to_fdset_ptr(None), to_fdset_ptr(None), to_ptr::<libc::timeval>(timeout) as *mut libc::timeval)
} {
-1 => Err(io::Error::last_os_error()),
res => Ok(res as usize),
pub fn make_timeval(duration: time::Duration) -> libc::timeval {
libc::timeval {
tv_sec: duration.as_secs() as i64,
tv_usec: duration.subsec_micros() as i32,
pub fn make_timespec(duration: time::Duration) -> libc::timespec {
libc::timespec {
tv_sec: duration.as_secs() as i64,
tv_nsec: duration.subsec_nanos() as i64,
fn main() {
let five_seconds = time::Duration::new(60, 0);
let mut buffer = [0; 2];
let mut fd_set = FdSet::new();
if let Ok(stream) = TcpStream::connect("localhost:2000") {
// let mut fd_set = FdSet::new();
// println!("{}", buffer).unwrap());
println!("Connected to the server!, {}", stream.as_raw_fd());
let raw_fd = stream.as_raw_fd();
println!("isset: {}", fd_set.is_set(stream.as_raw_fd()));
// if let Ok(res) = pselect(stream.as_raw_fd() + 1, Some(&mut fd_set), None, None, Some(&make_timeval(five_seconds)), None) {
if let Ok(res) = pselect(stream.as_raw_fd() + 1, Some(&mut fd_set), None, None, Some(&make_timespec(five_seconds)), None) {
println!("Got result back! {}", res);
} else {
println!("Failed to pselect");
} else {
println!("Couldn't connect to server...");
println!("Hello, world!");
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