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Last active September 9, 2016 03:04
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kaggle vazu
Version 2, December 2004
Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar <>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
as the name is changed.
from datetime import datetime
from csv import DictReader
from math import exp, log, sqrt
# TL; DR, the main training process starts on line: 282,
# you may want to start reading the code from there
# parameters #################################################################
# A, paths
train = 'data_raw/train.csv' # path to training file
test = 'data_raw/test.csv' # path to testing file
submission = 'submission1234.csv' # path of to be outputted submission file
# B, model
alpha = .1 # learning rate
beta = 1. # smoothing parameter for adaptive learning rate
L1 = 1. # L1 regularization, larger value means more regularized
L2 = 1. # L2 regularization, larger value means more regularized
# C, feature/hash trick
D = 2 ** 20 # number of weights to use
do_interactions = False # whether to enable poly2 feature interactions
# D, training/validation
epoch = 1 # learn training data for N passes
holdout = 100 # use every N training instance for holdout validation
# class, function, generator definitions #####################################
# each class below is a learning algorithm
class logistic_regression(object):
''' Classical logistic regression
This class (algorithm) is not used in this code, it is putted here
for a quick reference in hope to make the following (more complex)
algorithm more understandable.
def __init__(self, alpha, D, interaction=False):
# parameters
self.alpha = alpha
# model
self.w = [0.] * D
def predict(self, x):
# parameters
alpha = self.alpha
# model
w = self.w
# wTx is the inner product of w and x
wTx = sum(w[i] for i in x)
# bounded sigmoid function, this is the probability of being clicked
return 1. / (1. + exp(-max(min(wTx, 35.), -35.)))
def update(self, x, p, y):
# parameter
alpha = self.alpha
# model
w = self.w
# gradient under logloss
g = p - y
# update w
for i in x:
w[i] += g * alpha
class ftrl_proximal(object):
''' Our main algorithm: Follow the regularized leader - proximal
In short,
this is an adaptive-learning-rate sparse logistic-regression with
efficient L1-L2-regularization
def __init__(self, alpha, beta, L1, L2, D, interaction=False):
# parameters
self.alpha = alpha
self.beta = beta
self.L1 = L1
self.L2 = L2
# feature related parameters
self.D = D
self.interaction = interaction
# model
# n: squared sum of past gradients
# z: weights
# w: lazy weights
self.n = [0.] * D
self.z = [0.] * D
self.w = [0.] * D # use this for execution speed up
# self.w = {} # use this for memory usage reduction
def _indices(self, x):
''' A helper generator that yields the indices in x
The purpose of this generator is to make the following
code a bit cleaner when doing feature interaction.
for i in x:
yield i
if self.interaction:
D = self.D
L = len(x)
for i in xrange(1, L): # skip bias term, so we start at 1
for j in xrange(i+1, L):
yield (i * j) % D
def predict(self, x):
''' Get probability estimation on x
x: features
probability of p(y = 1 | x; w)
# model
w = self.w # use this for execution speed up
# w = {} # use this for memory usage reduction
# wTx is the inner product of w and x
wTx = 0.
for i in self._indices(x):
wTx += w[i]
self.w = w
# bounded sigmoid function, this is the probability estimation
return 1. / (1. + exp(-max(min(wTx, 35.), -35.)))
def update(self, x, p, y):
''' Update model using x, p, y
x: feature, a list of indices
p: click probability prediction of our model
y: answer
self.n: increase by squared gradient
self.z: weights
# parameter
alpha = self.alpha
beta = self.beta
L1 = self.L1
L2 = self.L2
# model
n = self.n
z = self.z
w = self.w # no need to change this, it won't gain anything
# gradient under logloss
g = p - y
# update z and n
for i in self._indices(x):
sign = -1. if z[i] < 0 else 1. # get sign of z[i]
# build w on the fly using z and n, hence the name - lazy weights -
if sign * z[i] <= L1:
# w[i] vanishes due to L1 regularization
w[i] = 0.
# apply prediction time L1, L2 regularization to z and get w
w[i] = (sign * L1 - z[i]) / ((beta + sqrt(n[i])) / alpha + L2)
sigma = (sqrt(n[i] + g * g) - sqrt(n[i])) / alpha
z[i] += g - sigma * w[i]
n[i] += g * g
def logloss(p, y):
''' FUNCTION: Bounded logloss
p: our prediction
y: real answer
logarithmic loss of p given y
p = max(min(p, 1. - 10e-15), 10e-15)
return -log(p) if y == 1. else -log(1. - p)
def data(path, D):
''' GENERATOR: Apply hash-trick to the original csv row
and for simplicity, we one-hot-encode everything
path: path to training or testing file
D: the max index that we can hash to
ID: id of the instance, mainly useless
x: a list of hashed and one-hot-encoded 'indices'
we only need the index since all values are either 0 or 1
y: y = 1 if we have a click, else we have y = 0
for t, row in enumerate(DictReader(open(path))):
# process id
ID = row['id']
del row['id']
# process clicks
y = 0.
if 'click' in row:
if row['click'] == '1':
y = 1.
del row['click']
# turn hour really into hour, it was originally YYMMDDHH
row['hour'] = row['hour'][6:]
# build x
x = [0,]*(len(row)+1) # 0 is the index of the bias term
for i,key in enumerate(row): # sort is for preserving feature ordering
value = row[key]
# one-hot encode everything with hash trick
index = abs(hash(key + '_' + value)) % D
x[i+1] = index
yield t, ID, x, y
# start training #############################################################
start =
# initialize ourselves a learner
learner = ftrl_proximal(alpha, beta, L1, L2, D, interaction=do_interactions)
# start training
for e in xrange(epoch):
loss = 0.
count = 0
for t, ID, x, y in data(train, D): # data is a generator
# t: just a instance counter
# ID: id provided in original data
# x: features
# y: label (click)
# step 1, get prediction from learner
p = learner.predict(x)
if t % holdout == 0:
# step 2-1, calculate holdout validation loss
# we do not train with the holdout data so that our
# validation loss is an accurate estimation of
# the out-of-sample error
loss += logloss(p, y)
count += 1
# step 2-2, update learner with label (click) information
learner.update(x, p, y)
if t % 100000 == 0 and t > 1:
print(' %s\tencountered: %d\tcurrent logloss: %f' % (, t, loss/count))
print('Epoch %d finished, holdout logloss: %f, elapsed time: %s' % (
e, loss/count, str( - start)))
# start testing, and build Kaggle's submission file ##########################
with open(submission, 'w') as outfile:
for t, ID, x, y in data(test, D):
p = learner.predict(x)
outfile.write('%s,%s\n' % (ID, str(p)))
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rae89 commented Aug 13, 2015

Hi, I was wondering if you could explain the reasoning behind the way wTx inner product is being implemented in the predict method. From reading the code it seems that the x features that have been hashed are not being used in the computation of the weight vector. Shouldn't the the inner product of the predict function be wTx = w[i] * i, which would follow along the lines of a typical logistic regression computation? Because currently it looks like it is just summing the computed weights, with no affect from the actual feature vector.

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