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Last active October 28, 2018 16:57
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Since my github account has so many repositories, I've made a selected list.
Here's my key projects, some of them doesn't have source code inside because I lost it.
You may ignore them or just guessing with some screenshots or dev docs.


Unity (Non-Game)

Ideas implementation

  • ptask
    • Priority based object scheduler for game engine.
  • FxUnity

Compiler & Low-levels

  • Rookie
    • Dynamic programming language with simple and readable syntax.
  • ILIL
    • My first language implementation
    • Runs on .NET CLR (means output is .exe or .dll)
  • minidity
    • a language for blockchain
  • lookatme
    • .NET obfuscator for Studying purpose.




  • mchain
    • Basic implementation of blockchain which runs SmartContract.
  • IntegratedWallet
    • Multiple exchanges -> one integrated API.
  • BtcPriceWidget
    • Keep watching bitcoin prices while you are working!


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