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Last active November 23, 2020 13:39
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Custom InfluxDB listener for locustIO Events
import logging
import sys
import atexit
import traceback
from datetime import datetime
from locust.exception import InterruptTaskSet
import gevent
from influxdb import InfluxDBClient
import locust.env
log = logging.getLogger('locust_influx')
class InfluxDBSettings:
def __init__(
influx_host: str = 'localhost',
influx_port: int = 8086,
user: str = 'admin',
pwd:str = 'pass',
database: str = 'default',
interval_ms: int = 1000
self.influx_host = influx_host
self.influx_port = influx_port
self.user = user
self.pwd = pwd
self.database = database
self.interval_ms = interval_ms
class InfluxDBListener:
Listerer that writes locust events to the given influxdb connection
def __init__(
env: locust.env.Environment,
influxDbSettings: InfluxDBSettings
# flush related attributes
self.cache = []
self.stop_flag = False
self.interval_ms = influxDbSettings.interval_ms
self.influxdb_client = InfluxDBClient(influxDbSettings.influx_host, influxDbSettings.influx_port, influxDbSettings.user, influxDbSettings.pwd, influxDbSettings.database)
# determine if worker or master
self.node_id = 'local'
if '--master' in sys.argv:
self.node_id = 'master'
if '--worker' in sys.argv:
# TODO: Get real ID of slaves form locust somehow
self.node_id = 'worker'
# start background event to push data to influx
self.flush_worker = gevent.spawn(self.__flush_cached_points_worker)
events =
# requests
# events
# complete
def request_success(self, request_type, name, response_time, response_length, **_kwargs) -> None:
self.__listen_for_requests_events(self.node_id, 'locust_requests', request_type, name, response_time, response_length, True, None)
def request_failure(self, request_type, name, response_time, response_length, exception, **_kwargs) -> None:
self.__listen_for_requests_events(self.node_id, 'locust_requests', request_type, name, response_time, response_length, False, exception)
def spawning_complete(self, user_count) -> None:
self.__register_event(self.node_id, user_count, 'spawning_complete')
return True
def test_start(self, user_count) -> None:
self.__register_event(self.node_id, 0, 'test_started')
def test_stop(self, user_count) -> None:
print('test started')
self.__register_event(self.node_id, 0, 'test_stopped')
def test_stop(self, user_count) -> None:
self.__register_event(self.node_id, 0, 'test_stopped')
def user_error(self, user_instance, exception, tb, **_kwargs) -> None:
self.__listen_for_locust_errors(self.node_id, user_instance, exception, tb)
def quitting(self, **_kwargs) -> None:
self.__register_event(self.node_id, 0, 'quitting')
def __register_event(self, node_id: str, user_count: int, event: str, **_kwargs) -> None:
Persist locust event such as hatching started or stopped to influxdb.
Append user_count in case that it exists
:param node_id: The id of the node reporting the event.
:param event: The event name or description.
time = datetime.utcnow()
tags = {
fields = {
'node_id': node_id,
'event': event,
'user_count': user_count
point = self.__make_data_point('locust_events', tags, fields, time)
def __listen_for_requests_events(self, node_id, measurement, request_type, name, response_time, response_length, success, exception) -> None:
Persist request information to influxdb.
:param node_id: The id of the node reporting the event.
:param measurement: The measurement where to save this point.
:param success: Flag the info to as successful request or not
time = datetime.utcnow()
tags = {
'node_id': node_id,
'request_type': request_type,
'name': name,
'success': success,
'exception': repr(exception),
fields = {
'response_time': response_time,
'response_length': response_length,
'counter': 1, # TODO: Review the need of this field
point = self.__make_data_point(measurement, tags, fields, time)
def __listen_for_locust_errors(self, node_id, user_instance, exception: Exception = None, tb = None) -> None:
Persist locust errors to InfluxDB.
:param node_id: The id of the node reporting the error.
:return: None
time = datetime.utcnow()
tags = {
'exception_tag': repr(exception)
fields = {
'node_id': node_id,
'user_instance': repr(user_instance),
'exception': repr(exception),
'traceback': "".join(traceback.format_tb(tb)),
point = self.__make_data_point('locust_exceptions', tags, fields, time)
def __flush_cached_points_worker(self) -> None:
Background job that puts the points into the cache to be flushed according tot he interval defined.
:param influxdb_client:
:param interval:
:return: None
"""'Flush worker started.')
while not self.stop_flag:
gevent.sleep(self.interval_ms / 1000)
def __make_data_point(self, measurement: str, tags: dict, fields: dict, time: datetime) -> dict:
Create a list with a single point to be saved to influxdb.
:param measurement: The measurement where to save this point.
:param tags: Dictionary of tags to be saved in the measurement.
:param fields: Dictionary of field to be saved to measurement.
:param time: The time os this point.
return {"measurement": measurement, "tags": tags, "time": time, "fields": fields}
def last_flush_on_quitting(self):
self.stop_flag = True
def __flush_points(self, influxdb_client: InfluxDBClient) -> None:
Write the cached data points to influxdb
:param influxdb_client: An instance of InfluxDBClient
:return: None
log.debug(f'Flushing points {len(self.cache)}')
to_be_flushed = self.cache
self.cache = []
success = influxdb_client.write_points(to_be_flushed)
if not success:
log.error('Failed to write points to influxdb.')
# If failed for any reason put back into the beginning of cache
self.cache.insert(0, to_be_flushed)
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