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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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PHP class for autoloading classes from a specific directory.
* Allow PHP to autoload classes from a specific directory.
* Classes MUST be one class or interface per file with the name of the class or interface matching the filename
* (minus .php).
* Classes MAY be one namespace, nested namespaces (matching the directory names), or no namespace.
* Based on the AutoLoader class by Jess Telford
class DirectoryAutoloader
* Associate array of class names as keys and file names as values.
* @var array
static private $classMap = array();
* @param string $path Path to the directory to recurse for PHP classes.
* @param string $namespace Namespace of the classes to autoload.
* @param bool $appendDirectoryToNamespace If true, directory names under $path are appended to the namespace.
public static function registerDirectory($path, $namespace = "", $appendDirectoryToNamespace = false)
// Ensure the namespace has a trailing delimiter or is empty.
if ($namespace && substr($namespace, -1) !== "\\") {
$namespace .= "\\";
// Iterate over the items in the path provided.
foreach (new DirectoryIterator($path) as $file) {
/** @var DirectoryIterator $file */
if ($file->isDir() && !$file->isLink() && !$file->isDot()) {
// Directory
// Optionally append the directory name to the namespace and recurse.
if ($appendDirectoryToNamespace) {
$childNamespace = $namespace . $file->getFilename() . "\\";
} else {
$childNamespace = $namespace;
self::registerDirectory($file->getPathname(), $childNamespace, $appendDirectoryToNamespace);
} elseif (substr($file->getFilename(), -4) === ".php") {
// PHP File.
$className = substr($file->getFilename(), 0, -4);
self::registerClass($namespace . $className, $file->getPathname());
* @param string $className Name (including namespace) of the class or interface to register
* @param string $filePath Path the the file defining the class or interface
public static function registerClass($className, $filePath)
self::$classMap[$className] = $filePath;
* @param string $className
public static function loadClass($className)
if (isset(self::$classMap[$className])) {
/** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */
spl_autoload_register(array("DirectoryAutoloader", "loadClass"));
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