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Created January 9, 2015 23:58
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locus.txt ( -> pdftk -> tesseract -> cat)
10 below
10 feet above the ground
10 feet beneath the ice
10 hours from home
10 miles away
10 miles southeast
10 more yards to the front
10 or 12 hot grueling miles
10—boats out right now
10000 BC
100 kilometers from the nearest soul
100 miles from civilization in total darkness
100 ounces away
100% back to normal
1000 miles away in norway
1000 miles northwest
1000 miles to the west
1100 miles northwest
1100 miles southeast
112 miles west in pecan island
113 miles southwest
12 o'clock
120 miles east in honey island
1200 acres out there
122 miles south of the arctic circle
125 miles north
137 miles west
14 feet building to 18 feet
14 miles downriver from eagle alaska
1400 miles from the top of the earth
147 miles southwest
148 miles southwest
15 miles away from orange beach
15 miles east
150 miles back to georges
150 miles out in the ocean
150 nautical miles west
151 miles northeast of dutch harbor
16 miles northwest
16 miles to the south
168 miles northwest
170 miles northwest in zwolle
170 miles southeast
171 miles northwest
176 miles to the northwest
180 miles northwest of dutch harbor
185 miles northeast of dutch harbor
186 miles southwest
19 miles north of the arctic circle
195 miles northwest of dutch harbor
197 miles north of the arctic circle
2 acres down to the riverbank
2 foot into the hole
2 or 3 days before the full moon
2/3 of the way to his goal
20 feet away
20 feet in the air
20 miles from home
20 miles off the coast of mexico
20 minutes from the casinos
20 minutes from the florida border
200 miles from home
200 miles from the nearest city
2000 feet below
2000 miles away on an 800 acre tract of land in laurinburg north carolina
20000 cubic feet of water
203 miles northeast of dutch harbor
21 days to deadline
21 miles to the north
211 miles northeast of dutch harbor
215 miles northeast of dutch harbor
220 miles southeast in bayou sorrel
221 miles northeast of dutch harbor
233 miles northeast of dutch harbor
237 miles southwest
24 countries around the world
242 miles from dutch harbor
242 miles northeast of dutch harbor
25 acres of land over there
25 foot seas. 30 foot seas.
250 miles from bucharest
250 miles off the african coast
259 miles from dutch harbor
259 miles northeast of dutch harbor
26 miles from their home in noorvik
260 miles northeast of dutch harbor
260 miles southwest
265 miles away
267 miles northeast of dutch harbor
269 miles northeast of dutch harbor
27 miles to the south
270 miles northeast of dutch harbor
28 miles across the mojave desert
3 bayou camps
3 big garage doors
3 hours north
3 miles down the coast
3 miles west
3 or 4 hundred pounds of fun there
3 points of contact on two different walls
30 feet from my door
30 miles outside new orleans
30 miles south of tallahassee florida
300 acres you'd have access to
300 days of sheer isolation
300 dollars sitting here
300 miles away from the end of the road
300 miles northwest in zwolle
300 yards
300 yards down the ice
3000 feet above
34 miles to the southwest
35 miles southeast
35 miles to the north
38 miles southeast
38 miles to the southeast
39000 abandoned mines spread across the state
4 miles up, 4 miles back
4 or 5 elephants with their babies
40 miles east to ameralik
40 miles southwest
41 miles northwest
42 pounds down
44 miles southeast in hammond
45 days ago
450 feet of whiteout
450 miles south
450 miles south of eqi
450 miles upstream
46 miles southwest
5 feet away, 10 feet away, the house next door
5 hours into their set
5 miles down the mountain
50 bucks laying in there
50 feet
50 miles of line
50 yards from jason's home
50, 60 feet away
50, 60 feet in the air
500 miles away
500 miles east
500 miles east in new mexico
500 miles northwest
500 miles southwest
500 miles up river
57000 mine shafts
58 miles northeast
60 miles from the nearest road
60 nautical miles west of adak
600 miles east
600 miles northeast
600 miles northeast in new mexico
600 miles northwest
600 miles southeast
600 miles southwest
62 miles north of the arctic circle
62 miles north of the arctic circle
64 miles northeast
650 miles northwest
650 miles southeast
7 miles into the mountains
70 feet going down
70 miles northwest
700 feet above sea level
700 miles north
700 miles south
73 miles southwest
75 miles away in pecan island
75 miles northeast
75 miles southwest
75 yards or so away
77 miles northeast
oo8 to 10 miles
80 degree slopes
80 feet down to the riverbed below
80 miles to the north
83 miles northeast
85 ounces from his goal
9 miles to go
90 kilometers north on moose creek
90 miles from the nearest town
90 miles northwest of here
90 miles out
900 miles east
900 miles of the coast of greenland
900 miles west
95 miles to the north
96 miles east
a 143 mile trip north
a 2000 pound rock
a 500 square mile stretch of land
a 600 square foot strip of dry land rising a foot above the swamp
a backseat
a bad day
a bad fucking dream
a bad omen
a bad string
a ball of fish
a bank there
a bar or something. a restaurant
a bar up in bedford park
a barn
a base
a bath
a bath in the creek
a battle of wills
a battle scene
a bayou home with a shocker in the bedroom
a beachhead
a bear infested island
a bear trail
a bear—killed bear
a beautiful sample over there
a beautiful shelter
abeautiful sight
a beautifully harsh place
a beaver chew
a beaver hole with a small opening
a beaver right there
a bedding area
a bedroom for his dad james
a bedroom for his father
a beeline right for that herring
a beer can
a bell on the end
a better building
a better route
a better spot
a better striking surface
a big burden
a big enough area for a coffee pot
a big enough area for a frying pan
a big enough deposit loaded with sapphires
a big enough deposit where you can economically mine it
a big full body
a big kitchen
a big liver
a big old canoe
a big old cypress tree
a big old tree
3 big one
a big part of the food chain
a big pile
a big pipeline
a big zero
a bigger circumference
a bit confused
a bit too close to the business end
a blank canvas
a blast on the bayou
a blessing from god right here
a bloody assault
a bloody food chain
a bloody mess
a blown disc in my back
a boar track
a boat
a boat full of rubies
a boat house, pier and a storage shed
a boat out at one o'clock
a boiling point
a bomb rack
a booming little town
a border with thailand
a box canyon
a brake pedal
a break
a break in the storm
a break in the weather
a breaking point
a brick full of rubies
a brick wall
a brief window to make fire
a bright light in the skies
a brilliant meteor
a broken branch
a buficer
a buffet
a building
a building that isn't mine
a building to sell
a bunch of gaps and shit
a bunch of little ones
a bunch of nuggets
a bunch of these valleys we've seen
a business
a busted door
a busy highway
a butcher's den
a cabin
a cajun elevator
a california truck stop
a camp i used to hunt at
a camp in sicily island
a camp of four grown men
a camp where they can keep their traditions alive
a cash register
a cat box
a cave around here
a certain part of the human anatomy
a channel
a channel carved by glaciers
a cheap deposit that we can mine
a checkbook
a chilling sight
a chimney bed
a chimney that's at your head
a chord
a cicada with a W on it
a cinnamon bed
a circular lump
a classified group
a clearing
a clearing they'll call home
a closed private oflice
a cloud of silt
a cluster of disappearances around the town of porto de moz
a cluster of islands
a clusterfuck
a clutch of mystery disappearances
a clutch or a selector
a coflin
a cold day on the yukon today
a cold night in a hastily constructed shelter
a colony
a colony of ants
a committed relationship
a compromised immune system
a concentration of fish
a conveyor belt
a cookout on the bayou with mister phil
a cool breeze
a corner
a corner of the ice
a cottage
a couple beaver ponds
a couple inches, brother
a couple more years in'em
a couple of beaches down there
a couple of french fries short of a happy meal
a couple pockets of mountains
a covert aspect to the space prom
a crabalanche
a crap trailer
ooa crash that resulted in 127 deaths
a creek out there
a crime scene here
a critical time in our company's future
a croc infested lake
a crock of crap
a current that's moving faster than a human walks
a cut
a damn good place to sleep
a damn thing
a dandy one there
a danger to everybody out here
a danger to himself
a danger zone
a dangerous region
a dangerous situation
a dangerous spot
a dark lump in the water
a dark side
a date with a big fat moose
a day and a half behind the rest of the guys
a day behind
a dead end
a dead hare laying in the snow
a deadfall
a deadfall trap
a deadline that i'm up against
a deep hole
a deep one
a deer hunting camp
a definite hole here
a delivery date that i've gotta make
a democracy
a desk
a desolate no man's land
a desolate outpost
a different location
a different pack of toothy assailants
a different planet
a different route than him
a difficult decision
a dip
a disaster
ooa disputed territory between india and pakistan
a dock built for two
a dome shelter right here
a dream
a dried up riverbed
a dried up stinking waterhole
a drop of
a drop off here
a dry and desolate land
a dry cow. a cow without a calf.
a duck camp
a duck hole
a duck on a junebug
a dull moment
a dynamite box
a fairy house
a fallback spot
a fallen tree
a family farm
a fart in there
a fatal freshwater encounter
a fatal stabbing
a feeding site
a fence or something
a festering wound
a few battles
a few feet
a few hours away
a few hours into the day
a few miles away
a few more feet
a few plates at the end of the drums
a few weeks away
a fine line between work and death
a finger
a finished room
a finite end to it
a fire
a fire on that
a fire sale
a fire to put out
a fish trap
a f1sherman's net
a f1sherman's paradise
a fishing getaway
a fishing tackle shop
a flanw
a flat straight clearing
a fleet of top secret spacecraft
a flippin cement wall
a flock of birds
a food plot with rye grass and oats
a foot or two off the ground
a foreign object
a forgotten almost lawless place
a former british colony
a fortress—like house
a forty foot waterfall
a foundation
a fraction of the distance they'll need
a frickin mess
a ffigghizoo
a front for other clandestine activities
a front row seat
a frozen blanket
a frozen desert
a fucking comedy
a fused timer on the top of the round
a game guys
a game trail
a gas pedal
a general direction they were going
a genuine mobile meth lab
a genuine panic
a getaway home right on the water
a ghost town out here
a giant 80 foot tree
a giant target on your back
a good anchor point
a good feeling
a good hiding spot
a good home
a good little shelter here somewhere
a good little spot
a good looking meth house
a good one
a good place
a good place for that to be
a good place to go down
a good place to have a rattler buzz off behind you
a good place to set this trap up
a good place to sleep
a good place to twist an ankle
a good road right here
a good samaritan boat
a good shelter site
a good size feed pile here
a good spot for camp
a good spot for me to get in the water
a good spot to tackle up
a good start
a good start here
a good stretch of red river
a good time
a good water source
a good whacker
a grain of truth
a grain trail
a great area for a hunter
a great attachment point
a great breeding ground for bugs
a great distance
a great place to hide
a great place to raise kids
a great spot
a great swimming pool
a halfa mile apart
a half a mile of anchor line
a half a mile over to the river
a half mile away from our land
a half mile backwards
a half mile from the car
a half mile out of the way
a half mile outside their claim
a hand
a handful of worms
a happy ending
a harrowing night of gale force winds
a harsh and hostile environment
a hastily organized press conference
a haven for boating
a heavily guarded exclusion zone
a heavy shadow over greenland
a heck ofa bind
a hell of a full moon
a hell of a hide spot
a hell of a lot of trouble
a hell of a pot right there
a herd of camels
a high desert
a high platform shelter
a high vantage point
a higher risk
a highway for sharks
a highway that goes thru the jungle
a hillbilly hot tub
a hind foot
a history
a hole big enough to get a fish thru
a hole in it
a hole in my confidence
a hole in the guy
a hole right where it counts
a hole underneath it
a hole with a deadfall with a rock over top of it
a home
a home for the rest of his gear
a home where you can still go hunting
a homestead
a horde of large catfish
a hose
a hospital
a hostile environment
a hot and oppressively humid place
a hotbed for criminal activity
a hotbed for drugs, prostitution and organized crime
a hotcake on sunday morning
a hotel
a hotspot for bigger better rubies
a hotspot teeming with salmon
a house like this
a house or something
a hub for illegal loggers
a huge amount of river to cover
a huge closet
a huge drift in here
a huge fucking cliff
a huge hole
a huge mural
a huge room
a human toe pickled in alcohol
a humid hellhole
a hundred degrees fahrenheit
a hundred feet above where the dredge is sitting
a hundred feet down
a hundred kilometers from the nearest snowmobile trail or soul
a hundred miles to the east in violet
a hundred yards from the port
a hundred yards out
a hunting cabin where they can relax
a hunting ground known for being cursed
a hyena print
a jaw
a jellyfish situation
ajet tub in the middle ofa bedroom
a job
a junkyard full of cars
a kilometer away
a knot in my gut
a labyrinth
a lake as highly scrutinized as loch ness
a lake or sea inlet
a lake right over here
a lake they'd fished many times before
a land flowing with fresh drinkable water
a land of extremes
a land of fire and ice
a land of plenty
a land of rain forests, mountains, marshes
a landlocked freshwater reservoir right on the coast
a large group of people that don't have a very long attention span
a large perfectly round glowing ball
a large school of fish
a large trap
a lawless outpost
a layer of radioactive sediment
a lean—to
a learning curve
a ledge up here
a leech infested area
a lethal encounter
a life raft
a life sling
a lifeline to the raft
a lifetime of dreaming
a light
a light in the center
a light switch turning on
a likely source of dry tinder
a line of graves
a line over to that life raft
a list
a list of parts
a little area
a little bathing hole
a little beaver hole
a little bit closer to the head
a little bit deeper
a little bit further down the river here
a little bit further up the creek
a little bit more
a little bit north of that
a little bit of a tight spot
a little bit of an opening area
a little bit of blood
a little bit of light
a little bit off the side
a little bit out of this
a little bit to the left
a little cat litter for him to poop in
a little chunk missing from that episode
a little closer
a little closer to me
a little closer to the shoreline
a little community like we live in
a little cot
a little cubby hole
a little full of it
a little furnace there
a little glimmer of hope
a little high
a little hundred foot drop over there
a little lower
a little micro habitat
a little nervous
a little shade
a little shed
a little spot we know
a little stretched out
a little too far away for a clear shot
a little way in that direction
a little way upstream
a living nightmare
a local fisherman's nets
a local japanese newspaper
a location
a log cabin in mississippi
a long crawl back to the salt
a long distance
a long fucking ride
a long line of shiners and bootleggers
a long long painful night
a long slow death
a long slow process
a long stick and its got a hook on it
a long time back
a long way away from alaska
a long way down
a long way from fairbanks
a long way from home
a long way from the river
a long way from their stomping grounds in marion
a long way out there
a long way to go
a long way to strikeout
a long ways down
a long ways to go
a longer more gentle slope
a look back at the biggest most surprising catches i've made
a lot better
a lot of area to entertain
a lot of aspen and a lot of cotton wood right here
a lot of boats out here right now
a lot of clilfs and ledges and things
a lot of different places across the united states
a lot of fucking snow
a lot of good ground
a lot of good sized moose tracks
a lot of ground
a lot of hunts
a lot of independence and freedom
a lot of land back thru here
a lot of land to explore
a lot of light
a lot of loose, big boulders
a lot of meat
a lot of miles
a lot of moving rocks
a lot of nothing
a lot of ocean
a lot of places for animals to hide
a lot of property
a lot of rough terrain to cover
a lot of side chutes
a lot of space for friends and family
a lot of space to hang meat
a lot of things on the internet
a lot of this pipe
a lot of topography
a lot straighter
a low ceiling
a lull
a major airport at rush hour
a major deposit
a major lull
a major roadblock
a major water obstacle in front of us
a makeshift bridge
a man cave
a man trap
a mark
a marker
a marsh locals believe is cursed
a massacre in the middle of the night
a massive arctic storm
a massive artificial feeding station
a massive blue sapphire deposit
a massive dent across the plane's nose cone
a massive search area
a massive storm
a massive swamp area
a maze
a meal
a meat pole
a medium sized herd of caribous
a melting pot of cultures and ethnicities
a mental picture of the layout below the surface
a mess here
a meth RV
a midair impact with a fish like this
a mile down the bayou
a mile into a six mile walk back to town
a military dogfight over the city of tehran
a missing body
a modern city like this
a modern home
a moment when it could go either way
a monster storm
a monstrous beast
a month later
a more high speed show
a more permanent home for himself here
a more remote part of the river system
a more than respectably sized paw
a mound
a mountainous rugged country
a mouth on the end of a solid sinuous piece of muscle
a movable feast
a mud hole
a mud streak
a mysterious incident
a mythical underworld
a narrow escape
a nasty place to fish
a national treasure
a natural canopy
a natural little nook back in here
a natural shelter
a natural spring that flows out from the top of the hill
a nearby glacier
a nest
a new building
a new camp
a new case
a new challenge
a new course of action
a new dawn
a new day
a new FI-IA home
a new home
a new home out there
a new house
a new hunting ground
a new shop
a new spot
a new structure
a new work area
a new workshop
a nice area for snakes
a nice area for wood ducks
a nice bedroom
a nice big pit
a nice bulkhead under the bottom of the house here
a nice consistent chum slick
a nice deck
a nice ending to everything
a nice kitchen
a nice one
a nice open space
a nice sheltered spot
a nick point in the clifl
a nightmare that's just beginning
a nitpicky feature
a noise—kuklink, kuklink, kuklink—in the wind
a note that we recovered from reagan's diary
a one bedroom and one bath house
a pack of frenzied tiger fish
a pain in the rear end right now
a panda bear's paradise
a paradise for fishing
a partial print right there
a particular type of topography
a path if we need to turn back
a pattern
a pattern of aggressive UFO activity
a payload of 104000 pounds of king crab
a pelvis right here
a perfect ending
a perfect little run
a perfect man—made nursery for thousands of bull sharks
a perfect pinnacle
a perfect testing ground for the US military
a perfect world
a perimeter around this
a picture
a picture of it right here
a piece of leg
a piece of sweet iron shoved between their teeth
a pile of mud and rocks
a pile of stuff
a piston—like tongue tipped with rasping plates
a pit that's flooded with water
a place
a place called hog island
a place for all of jamie's mounts
a place for easy pickings
a place i've never been before
a place like this
a place nearby
a place of merciless terrain
a place that i happened upon and developed a love for
a place that is known about worldwide
a place they fished as kids called the shallows
a place to be
a place to bed down at night
a place to entertain
a place to go
a place to land down in here
a place to park four vehicles
a place to put our vehicles
a place to sit down
0a place to sleep
a place to spend more time together in the great outdoors
a place to stand
a place where it's found
a place where killer beasts thrive
a place where people do this every day
a place where people generally like to get in the water
a place where the water will stand still
a place where you look on the map and think, i hope i live there
a place where you'd want to end up naked on the tundra
a place with distinct variations in temperature
a plan B
a plane to catch
a pod of hippos over there
a point for this to rest on
a point on the horizon
a pole
a pole in the ground
a pond
a pool
a popular spot for vacationers
a portion of his heart
a portrait of our future
a positive attitude
a possible position at one o'clock
a pot of gold
a potentially deadly situation
a press conference
a pretty big bear
a pretty big lake
a pretty dicey spot
a pretty good little beaver pond
a pretty good size ledge
a pretty gruesome reminder of how brutal this place is
a pretty substantial dent
a prime fishing spot
a primitive shelter
a private dock
a problem
a property in a small town in alabama
a property off of wolf bay
a property right on little lagoon
a property that has a lot of privacy
0a prospectors dream
a puddle from last week
a purpose in all of this
a quantum leap in survival
a quarter of the state
a quarter—mile of trigger—pull
a quarter—sized space in the back of the head
a quick and easy out
a race against time
a race here against time
a raft in the ocean
a railroad
a rainbow
a reactive target
a real life situation
a really good hole
a really horrendous accident
a really mean illusion
a really really tough place to navigate in
a really spiritual place for me
a really traditional standing shelter like this
a reason to keep fighting
a recipe for disaster
a recovery mission
a red river tributary
a reef of sunken structure
a relentless storm
a remote area of kodiak island
a remote brazilian town
a remote farm
a remote fueling station
a remote outpost on iceland
a remote piece of swamp called the shallows
a remote situation
a renewed sense of hope
a reported midair collision over china
a rescue effort
a revolver here
a ridge here
a rip
a river that has mesmerized me with its split personality
a river that's partially or completely frozen
a rock
a rock pit trap
a roof
a room full of rocking chairs
a roosting spot for guinea hens
a rough start to his season
a route to safety
a rucksack
a ruin
a safe distance from this thing
a safe dry location
a safe place for his meat
a safer path
a sapphire deposit
a satellite relay station
a saturated landscape
a scientific fraternity
a scouting mission
a scrap heap
a screened—in porch here
a season of darkness
a seat
a second crash
a second shot
a second wave of different predators
a second wind
a secret
a secret hiding place
a secret spot in the bering sea
a secret way in
a secretive tribe
a secure location
a sensitive area
a series of containers
a series of huge explosions
a series of land—locked canals
a shadow government
a shaft that goes straight up
a shaft—and it's up the hill
a sheet of sandstone
a shelter
a shitload of material
a shock absorber on your car
a shooter
a shooting course
a shop
a shop with a bedroom attached
a shoreline that just keeps on going
a shower
a shrine
a side chute right here
a side of me that i don't like
a significant gold deposit
a simple camp
a single grip
a single lifetime
a site worth more than 80 billion dollars
a six mile hike across steep terrain
a sleepless night
a slippery mess
a small campfire
a small island
a small mountain about five miles to the west
a small muddy pool in the middle of cattle pasture
a small operation
a small threshold
a snow wall here
a snowdrift
a solid body
a solid foundation of prey
a solid thump on the shoulder
a sophisticated space weapons program
a soul crushing failure
a souped up treehouse
a source of drinkable groundwater
a source of fresh water
a source of protein
a spacious deck
a specific area near the glacier to prospect
a split second away
a spot
a spot called the ghost town
a spot we like
a spot where he can hit bedrock
a squadron of eight UFOs in tight formation
a squirrel dray the size of kansas
a stack of rocks
a star, only brighter
a steady downhill
a steep hard trail
a steep uphill climb
a step away from the family car
a step of faith
a storage shed for all of jamie's gear
a strain
a stream
a strip off of that
a strong fast running river
a structure
a suitable spot to camp
a supermarket for these birds out here
a sure sign of war
a surprising turn to iceland
a sushi buffet
a suspension bed
a sustainable fishery
a sweet ass spot
a tangle of bodies
a tangled mess
a team
a team event
a teardrop shaped island off the coast of india
a temporary oasis
a ten foot drop to the riverbed
a tent
a tent in the woods
a terrible area to camp
a textbook
a theme park for gun lovers
a thieve's paradise
a thing
a third of the way thru
a thousand bucks sitting right here in front of me
a thousand dollars sitting there
a thousand feet up into the surrounding hills
a thousand ounces
a three man deck
a tiger trap
a tight crack
a tight situation
a tight window
a tightly guarded secret
a time of year when things are meant to happen
a time when i've suffered for that long
a tiny patch of dry land
a tiny set of antlers
a tiny target
a tiny vessel they're in
a toilet
a top secret inner circle
a tough road
a town right around the corner
a track
a trail and a half right here
a trail of proof
a transformer on it
a trap set for us
a trapped body of water
a treasure
a trek like this
a trench
a tried and true spot that's been good to her for years
a trip into hell
a tropical island
a tuna
a twist in the bedroom
a vast storied landscape of sandy dunes and blazing sun
a vast wasteland
a venomous spike on the tail
a very capacious mouth cavity
a very challenging landscape
a very dangerous place to be
a very dramatic and strange turn
a very early snowfall
a very high position
a very inhospitable climate
a very risky situation
a very sexy, romantic place
a very shitty situation
a very small gap
a very special exhibit
a very special place
a very strange moment
a very thick triple canopy jungle
a very unique set of skills
a very versatile little package
a viable gold deposit
a viable ruby deposit there
a village cursed by attacks
a village down there
a village right on the other side of that waterfall
a violent storm
a vital source of protein they sorely need
a warm feeling
a waterway
a wave
a way off
a way off this drainage here
a way out
a way out up there
a ways down
a wedding
a week late
a well
a well beaten trail
a wet spot in the ground
a white flat light
a whiteout
a whole different experience
a whole different world down in the creeks
a whole different world up there
a whole lot worse
a whole network of people in their 20s or 30s
a whole new world
a whole town
a wild, little known place
a wilderness paradise along the yukon river
a wilderness the size of the amazon
a window
a window toward our future
a wolf out there
a world of hurt
a young bull. a skinny one
a young man's prospects
abandoned cars
about 10 miles away
about 20 miles from shopping
about 30, 40 feet away
about 300 yards up
about 40 miles from the beach
about 40 yards from here to there
about 40-45 feet above where cody's at
about 50 yards away
about 500 feet in front of the about 80 feet
about a foot into the rock
about a mile back
about a mile to haul this moose out
about a quarter mile up there
about halfway
about right here
about three inches out
about to go down
about to lose a prize alligator
about to pass out
about twenty feet in front of me
above 90 degrees
above a beach
above gate C—above my heart
above our nations capital
above the fog
above the plane
above the water
absolutely no man's land
absolutely terrified
accused of being a spy
acres and acres of land
across 37 states
across a dead tree
across a real contender
across alaska
across four states
across here
across his genitals
across jervacio's genitals
across my forehead
across people
across right here
across somebody
across tanzania's hot and treacherous terrain
across that log
across the arctic
across the barren eqi glacier
across the bay
across the bering sea
across the corn field
across the cut
across the desolate sonoran desert
across the dock
across the docks
across the entire structure
across the exposed flesh of my face
across the flatlands
across the fleet
across the globe
across the harbor
across the lakes
across the land they conquered
across the river
across the rock
across the salt flats to the temple
across the seabed
across the street from the dock
across the sunbaked south texas terrain
across the surf
across the surface of the gemstone
across the swamp
across the top
across the united states
across these mountains
across this body of water
across this river
across this service road
across this thing
across waters known to be populated by aggressive tiger sharks
action below the surface
admitted to the national naval medical center
adobe homes
after 15 days of starving
after a pair of horse thieves
after dark
after him
after seven days
after the bear attack
after the nile perch
after this
after this fish
after two hours
after you
against a grizzly bear
against each other
against her
against him
against him right here
against me
against people who provoke them
against that wall
against the cliff walls
against the current
against the elements
against the onslaught of the seasons
against the roof of its mouth
against the wall
against this wind
against threats from outer space
against us right now
against what we've been doing
ahead just a little
ahead of dave
ahead of the power curve
ahead of those bozos
ahead of tyler
ahead of us
ain't no going back
air material command
air station clearwater
airlines and the government
al's new pit
all 21000 carats
all 8 miles of pipe
all around
all around me
all around the air
all around the bullseye
all around the thieving gator's turf
all around the world
all around us
all around you
all bent out of shape
all day picking thru it
all gathered around and lookin' all crazy
all getting caught
all in a bad spot
all in one big pile
all in one piece
alljumbled up now
all of the insides
all original
all our stills
all over america
all over it
all over my ass
all over my body
all over that animal
all over the beasts territory
all over the boat
all over the chum
all over the country
all over the deck again
all over the freakin hut
all over the place
all over the runs
all over them
all over this
all over this country here
all over this swamp
all over your spot
all rolled up in the same piece of ice
all stations all stations all stations
all the bones in your body
all the gold
all the hooks
all the lakes
all the little low lands
all the little things
all the screens
all the stuff we've gone thru
all the way
all the way 'round to the left
all the way around
all the way around this thing
all the way back in
all the way back to where we came from
all the way down
all the way down here onto our real claim
all the way down here to this beach
all the way down the canal
all the way down to there
all the way forward
all the way from canada
all the way from new york
all the way from the water to the house
all the way here
all the way in it
all the way out here
all the way out there
all the way thru
all the way to oklahoma
all the way to the bottom
all the way to the lake
all the way to the rear
all the way up the creek
all the way up the mountain
all the way up to about all the way up to the top
all the white on the ground
all these locations
all this vista
all those nests
all those walls
all thru the desert
all thru this region
all to shit
all tore up
all up in here
all up on them rocks
all wet
all your senses
alligators between us and our extraction point
almost 350 miles upstream
almost 7000 acres filled with everything from deer to turkey
almost all the way around the island
almost completely under water
almost done
almost impenetrable alder
almost my entire body
almost on it
almost on the other side of the bunch
almost out
almost over that hill
almost the entire country
almost there
almost there, rick
almost up to the knee
alone and facing dangerous waters
alone by myself
alone in the dark with no one around
alone in the darkness
alone in the woods
along a fault line
along its white beaches
along side
along the backwaters
along the edge of the banks here
along the northern shore of a lake
along the rail
along the rocks
along the water—in shallow water
along the water's surface
along the way
along these remote shores
along this formation
along with possibly thousands of others
along with us
alongside the 10 for several minutes
already gone
already on the beach
already onboard
alsisar hotel
always after them
ambling thru
ambush opportunities
america's largest bodies of fresh water
america's waterways
amidst dangerous monitor lizards
among snakes and monitor lizards
among some of the tallest peaks in america
among the tops of the trees
among the toxic trees of the jungle
amongst the submerged tree trunks of the flooded forest
an 1100 mile long frozen block of rock and ice
an absolute trainwreck
an accumulation of frustration
an addition on your house
an addition to his home
an address
an address of where we're going
an adequate source of fluids
an airliner
an alcove
an all out battle to make the market deadline
an all time low
an altitude
an amazing setting to catch it from
an amish farm
an ancient trading route, the silk road
an anomaly in the skies over the city of tehran
an ant pile
an apocalyptic bloodbath
an arctic storm on the horizon
an area
an area almost four times the size of texas
an area for machinery
an area not too far from here
an area that seems like home
an area the size of south dakota
an area where several people have mysteriously vanished
an arsenal
an artery
an avalanche of salmon
an avalanche of tailings
an awesome place to relax
an early season storm
an elaborate computer—controlled missile defense system
an elite inner circle
an ember
an empty drum
an empty river pretty much
an empty stomach
an end to his long red crab season
an end to the roswell stories
an end to their streak of small gators
an entire micro—population of spiders
an entire neighborhood here
an environment that i really don't have much experience in
an epic battle
an eqi glacier
an even more dangerous location
an excellent duck hole
an exclusive club that everybody should belong to
an expanse of rain forest
an explosion of emotions
an extraordinary convergence of conditions and participants
an extraordinary display of bizarre catches
an extremely long journey with me
an eye on him
an hour before daybreak
an ideal situation
an imaginary fence
an impasse
an imposing 1500 foot near vertical climb
an inch
an incoming nuclear attack
an infant's head
an infestation of mosquitoes
an inside to suit brandy
an intense area
an intense situation
an investigative branch with two goals
an island on the edge of the arctic circle
an island that's always relied on fishing
an oasis
an ocean of possibilities
an official UFO investigation unit
an oily chamber
an old boat house right there
an old gem mine
an old hunting spot
an old miner's cabin
an old system
an old trading path to the beryl mine
an open book
an open canvas
an opening
an opening that goes back into the bank
an opening up there
an opportunity like this
an ore car
an ore chute
an underground wasp's nest
an unusual concentration of disappearances
an unusual find
anchored in the gulf
ancient glaciers
ancient ruins overrun by vegetation
angry at myself
ankle deep in water
another 15 miles from here
another 50 feet in the air
another bad string
another challenge for me to overcome
another classified committee
another deep pool
another few inches in
another file
another freezing night
another home that's on an island
another hotspot
another hurdle here in the desert
another intersection here
another little bomb down here
another location
another lucrative claim
another notch on his belt
another place to check out
another place to live
another plane
another ridge
another season together
another shaft this way
another slightly smaller row inside
another small set of dunes
another thousand vertical feet
another three miles
another trap set up for us
another viable claim
another wolf track
any body underneath it
any canine we've ever come up across
any distance from town
any environment
any environment that i've navigated in
any further with this
any indication
any little tiny hole
any one of them limbs
any other place on earth
anything unusual in the sky
anywhere around here
anywhere else
anywhere else in the country
anywhere else in the united states
anywhere from zero to anywhere in front of us
anywhere in those weeds
anywhere it's cold
anywhere near my farm
anywhere near where we need to be
anywhere to hide
approached again
approached by two agents she describes as CIA mormons
approaching my cubby
approaching the airport in a storm
approaching the basket
approaching this scorpion
argentina's river of blood
arizona's harsh terrain
arizona's sonoran desert climate
armored vehicles
around 15-around around 20 pounds
around 30 miles per day
around 800 years ago
around a deep hole
around a desolate house that succumbed to the rising floodwaters
around a little
around a strange woman in the middle of a jungle
around again
around by you
around greenland's throat
around guys being naked
around here
around here right now
around here somewhere
around here, anyway
around him
around him more
around his entire head
around hog island
around in circles
around in the wilderness
around it
around its tail
around me for so damn long
around my arm
around my chest
around my head
around porto de moz
around since the 80s
around that asshole
around that hole
around the bayou city of houma
around the bend
around the block
around the chernobyl site
around the clock
around the corner
around the corner from where hopalong cassidy was filmed
around the corners
around the east side of the island
around the fleet
around the horns
around the kitchen table
around the left side of this tree
around the neighborhood somewhere
around the next corner
around the place
around the reef
around the shifting fringes
around the trap
around the tree
around the trees and stuff
around the waist
around the world
around the yard
around their cooler
around there
around these parts
around this big rock
around this block
around this huge area
around this ridge here
around this way
around to the other side of the mountain
around you
around your toes
arrested in thailand
arriving back at the camp
as close as i'm getting
as close as we're getting to the beach
as close as we're gonna get
as close to the water as you can get
as far a distance as you can
as far as i can
as far as the government base at the edge of the reserve
as far as we go
as far as we should be
as far away from beverly hills as you can get
as far back as possible
as far inland as arkansas, kentucky and even illinois
as far past it as others
as many of those places as we possibly can
as many places as possible
as much above water as possible
as still as possible
as the sun is starting to set
as we go
as young as i used to be
at 18 dollars a pound
at 1800 rounds a minute
at 26000 feet
at 2800 feet above sea level
at 3 o'clock
at 40 knots
at 40 percent power
at 6 and 7 years old
at at 65 feet
at 95 degrees in the shade
at a bigger angle
at a certain date
at a certain point
at a crossroads
at a dilferent pace
at a fair deal
at a fathom and a half
at a fish
at a gas station
at a high profile auction house
at a hospital
at a loss for words
at a missile site in ukraine
at a nearby bar
at a price that we can afford
at a research facility
at a rural school
at a secret warehouse
at a standstill
at a waterfall
at about .6 fathoms
at about 4:30 in the afternoon
at all incredible angles
at ameralik
at an acceptable level
at an all time low
at an ATV shop
at an auction in two days
at an autopsy of aliens
at an elevation of one mile above sea level
at an impressive nine feet
at an old friend
at an ultimate high
at animal planet dot com
at bay
at beaver creek
at billy's
at camp
at chris over here
at church
at civil war for over 25 years
at daylight
at different angles
at ease in the water
at eleven feet
at every turn
at first light
at fish lake 25 miles away
at heart
at him
at his cut
at his eyes
at his full peak
at his hide
at his side
at his teeth
at hog island
at home
at it
at its core
at its heart
at its high point right now
at its most violent
at least 20 houses we can give it away to
at least a fish ahead of him
at little cabin in the woods
at mcdonalds
at me
at me, even
at my body's end
at my chest
at my face
at my most spiritual
at my place
at my wits end
at neptune
at night
at odds
at odds over how best to navigate a survival situation
at one of the lagoon's major inlets
at one point
at our family
at people
at risk
at school
at six grand
at something living in the water
at speed
at speeds of over 35 miles an hour
at squaw crossing
at sub-zero temperatures
at such staggering depths
at that
at that american flag
at that point in time
at that range
at that wall
at the airport
at the attack site
at the back
at the back plate
at the base of the window
at the beginning of the day
at the black hills gully
at the bottom ofa 2000 foot deep fjord
at the bottom of a freezing 2000 foot deep norwegian fjord
at the bottom of the glory hole
at the bottom of these falls
at the brakes
at the buyer
at the buyer in pierre part
at the cemetery
at the crack of dawn
at the crime scene
at the cut
at the destruction
at the dive hole of the anchor management
at the dock
at the door
at the drop—oFf
at the edge of phoenix arizona
at the edge of the aegean sea
at the edge of the immense tropical rainforest
at the end
at the end of it
at the end of my bed
at the end of the day
at the end of the fishing trip
at the end of the rainbow
at the end of the road
at the end of the season
at the end of the trip
at the end of this trek
at the end of three days
at the firing range
at the fish
at the glory hole
at the hands of indigenous tribes
at the heart of the legend
at the height of the flood season
at the helm
at the highest levels of government
at the hospital
at the howling rock
at the inside
at the line
at the long range
at the mall right now carrying all your stuff
at the mercy of mother jungle
at the mercy of the amazon
at the mercy of the elements
at the mercy of their machine
at the mine
at the money
at the muzzle
at the other end of the size scale
at the place where the corpse was found
at the playground
at the point now where i've accepted that
at the point where we're self cannibalizing
at the pot dock
at the potts wrecking yard
at the roswell army base morgue
at the scene
at the sea buoy
at the sheriff's
at the shop
at the sky
at the smaller end of the food chain
at the spot it should have been dropped days ago
at the start of another day in nome alaska
at the start of week at the state fair
at the stricken vessel
at the summit of the treacherous top of the world highway
at the surface
at the thanksgiving table with richard
at the time
at the top
at the top end, today
at the top ofa mountain in the arctic
at the top of my lungs
at the top of the food pyramid
at the trap
at the united nations
at the very bottom
at the very core of what we do
at the well
at the western end of hurricane alley
at the window
at the wrong GPS coordinates
at their grandfathers farm
at their highest
at these
at these depths
at these extreme temperatures
at this
at this fly camp
at this lake
at this party
at this point
at this shit
at this sucker
at this thing
at up to fifty miles per hour
at us
at very close range
at Washington national airport
at way too high a rate of fire
at what price
at will
at wright field
at your feet
at zero
attached the way it was from the factory
attached to me
attached to the other side of it
attacked by a dog
attacking us
attracted to her
auditioning for this job
authorities around the world
away a bit
away a lot
away from
away from all the boat traflic
away from all the civilization
away from all their friends
away from all this
away from bugs
away from dangerous predators
away from greenland
away from hills
away from him
away from his family for 8 weeks
away from his inside pressure
away from humans
away from it at the end of the day
away from my business
away from my daughter too much
away from retirement
away from the anchor
away from the GTaway from the meeting
away from the moist ground
away from the pack
away from the pad
away from the snags
away from the snakes
away from them
away from them an hour ago
away from these dead fish
away from this anchor
away from us
back about 10 feet
back and forth
back around
back around to the west
back at base camp
back at dutch
back at home
back at it
back at the ice
back at the shop
back back back back
back correct
back down here
back down home
back down into the depths
back down to the water
back empty handed
back from a great morning at the range
back from inverness
back from the desert
back from the mountains
back here
back here at red jacket
back here in a few days
back here in the back
back here in the land of fruits and nuts
back home
back home safe
back in
back in back in a boat with troy
back in action
back in afghanistan
back in battery
back in business
back in civilization
back in condition
back in good running shape
back in hammond
back in here
back in here with me
back in high school
back in izmir
back in minnesota
back in my element once again
back in my teens
back in oregon
back in porto de moz
back in private school
back in raceland
back in seattle
back in shape again
back in that holler
back in the 1940s
back in the bottle
back in the chair
back in the days when rules weren't even established
back in the dirt
back in the fight
back in the game
back in the mangrove
back in the mid—70s
back in the morning
back in the RBCD closet
back in the wild
back in there
back in time
back in town
back in your hole
back in zwolle
back into portuguese speaking brazil
back into the bush
back into the dangerous swamp directly behind them
back into the game
back into the wild
back into the woods
back into this
back late this evening
back legs
back north
back on
back on board
back on my boat
back on the attack
back on the boat
back on the cape caution
back on the creek
back on the flames
back on the hunt
back on the line
back on the same spot
back on the water
back on the water together
back on top
back on top of them
back on track
back online
back onto the water
back out
back out fishing
back out here
back out of it
back out there
back out to the gulf
back over
back over here from paint
back over here in the light
back over in bayou sorrel
back round to the garage
back there
back there to get bit by a fucking snake
back there with him
back there, bill
back this way
back to back to a secluded marsh
back to alabama to face some sort of legal charges
back to back
back to balmy minnesota
back to basecamp
back to battle
back to bed
back to camp
back to camp in one piece
back to canada
back to dallas
back to dutch
back to eqi next year
back to gloucester
back to harbor
back to harmony by day's end
back to him
back to his reserve fuel tank
back to it
back to me
back to my fire
back to my hunting
back to my life
back to nuuk
back to our engineers
back to p—town
back to port
back to school
back to shore
back to step one
back to the bar
back to the big timber
back to the bigwood homestead
back to the boat
back to the damn boat ramp
back to the east
back to the first set of tracks
back to the garage
back to the ground
back to the group
back to the hacienda
back to thejeep
back to the left
back to the rancho
back to the rock
back to the rock where i lost the fishjust a few days ago
back to the same ponds
back to the shelter quick
back to the surface
back to the village
back to the west
back to their base camp
back to their first line
back to their original homeland in norway
back to them
back to town
back to town for safe keeping
back to Washington dc
back to what i know
back to where we were earlier
back to work
back together somehow
back tonight
back up
back up and running
back up here
back up in here
back up in these mountains
back up there
back up to the surface
back up with a hundred pounds of sheep meat on my back
back with me
back with the dogs
backed in
backing out of here as fast as i can
backs up to the river
backsliding into old habits
bad ice on the yukon river
bairdi fishing
baited with a thorn
baiting up the area
balled up in here
bare skin
barefoot in the grass
barely off the water
barely snagged on the single hook
barreling in
baton rouge
battlestationsl battlestationsl
battling a hostile eight foot gator
battling against the raw elements of sun, sand, heat
battling hypothermia and dehydration
battling the navajo and the comanche
battling these mosquitoes
bear ass
bear tracks
beat on
beating down on me
beating itself to death
beating the machinery
beating the november deadline
beautiful waters
beaver creek
becoming more isolated and vulnerable
becoming questionable
before beauty
before i reach my exposure limit
before nightfall
before the auction
before the committee today
before the egg
before the heat
before the night fell
before the weather changes
before them
before winter set in completely
behind a tree
behind enemy lines
behind every bush
behind every single nook and cranny
behind here
behind him
behind in maine
behind it
behind me
behind miss comeaux's property
behind schedule
behind that bullet
behind that rock
behind the amazon apocalypse
behind the boat
behind the fleet
behind the gate
behind the head
behind the legend that they lure people to their deaths
behind the torrents
behind the truck
behind this rock
behind this triangular craft
behind you
being attacked
being carved to pieces by ice
being digested
being free
being in this water constantly
being naked
being out here
being out there
being outdoors
being played
being shocked continuously for almost a minute
being sick in the jungle
being swallowed
being torn down
below below a dam
below freezing
below me is certain death
below our budget
below the surface
below them
below you a little bit
below zero
beneath a massive hydroelectric dam
beneath blue waters
beneath record flooding
beneath the surface of this community
berlin new jersey
beside myself
better cover
between 40 and 50k
between day and night
between dry season and flood
between father and son
between generations
between ken and the fuel
between me and the coast
between one and the other
between revealing their encounters or revealing their jobs
between strings
between the ages of 7 and between the crocodiles
between the lake and the river somewhere
between the man traps
between the mud
between the table
between the water and the ice
between them and their journey toward civilization
between two creeks
between two male adults
between two trees
between us and the lions
between us and those trees
between y'all
beyond me
beyond our awareness
beyond our imaginations
beyond safety
beyond that
beyond that, my wife and kid
beyond the limits
beyond the limits of their mental and physical endurance
beyond the rainforest
beyond words
big bear country
big enough and deep enough
big fish adventures
big fucking hole
big holes
big skies
big stuff
big wave
big yahoo country
biloxi's location
biting my butt
biting pretty good down there
biting that line
black markets
black mountain
black powder on here
black triangles
blanketed by dense cloud
bleeding into the amazon
blood everywhere
blood right here
blowing directly into the rock
blowing in your face
blowing it
blowing out the glacier
blowing outside
blowing right into it
blown off course
boarding us
boats around me
bogged down
bone against bone
bone tired
bordering on harassment
born again
both banks
both below and above its surface
both buildings
both hands and your whole body weight
both on and off camera
both sides of his mouth
both sides of the road
both worlds
bothering me
bottom line
boxed into this canyon
brains left in there
breaking down
breaks loose
bright water
bringing home the biggest gators everyday
broke off
broken completely in two
broken dreams
broken skin
brought to the attention of president harry s truman
brought up from such depths
bruce's back
bucked off
bucked offa horse
bucked off and stranded
bucking directly into 55 mile an hour winds
buffer zones
building this thing
built on pilings
bullet holes in a man's body
bumped back down to the bottom
buried by an avalanche
buried in the sand
buried in town
buried under a 20 foot drift
buried under the snow
burning daylight
burning human skin
burning my hands up
burning thru a lot of calories
burnt down
busted down
busting our asses so much
butchered up
buttoned up
by about fifteen feet
by anything
by herself
by me
by my feet
by my side
by myself
by myself years ago
by snakes
by surprise
by the 1970's
by the fire
by the high water
by the majestic red river
by the pipeline
by the river
by the riverside
by the sandbag
by the tail
by you
by yourself
calico camp
california's death valley
called in to examine the corpse
calling for his girlfriend
calm water
came to her rescue
came up and went down
camel poop
camouflaged to the hilt
camping out
cannibalizing ourselves right now to survive
canoeing along the sewanee river in northern florida
captured on film
carrying a big load of rocks now
carrying each other
catching a nut
catching fur
catching them all over the place
catching up to us
catching wicked tuna
caught in a sudden storm
caught in lightning storms
caught in that water
caught in the canopy
caught in the moss
caught in the rope
caught out in the jungle
caught underground in the middle of nowhere
caught up in debris
central america
charged the boat
charged with a class c felony
charging me
charlie's new accommodations
chasing a wild goose out here
chasing him
chasing skunks
chasing zultanite
chest deep in swamp water in the mangroves
chewing on the skull of something
chicago's o'hare international airport
chilled to the bone
chipping away at it
chomping at the bit
chomping on my hand
chomping the occupants to death
chopped and dropped
chopped up
chopping down trees
circling me
circling them for a half hour
clamped down on it
clamping down
clamping onto the genitalia of unsuspecting bathers
clashing with a rival fisherman
clawed down both sides
clean water
clear down into the creek
clear of the storm
clear of of a small calf
clear over top of it
clear to fire
clear up these sand dunes to get to that apex
clearing the rail
clicking back and forth
clicking between the guys
clinically insane
close by here
close enough now
close enough to home
close here
close to a city
close to botos
close to disaster
close to her breaking point
close to home
close to people
close to perfection
close to shore
close to something
close to that boat
close to the banks
close to the bed
close to the boundary
close to the ground
close to the UFclose to the wall
close to the water
close to the water's edge
close to them
close to us
close to your family
close, close
close. really close
closed in there
closer and closer to the radioactive water
closer in
closer to being able to survive in the desert
closer to figuring out what these things were
closer to our homes
closer to the creature
closer to the deadline
closer to the shallows
closer to the truth
closer to understanding
closing in
closing in on him
closing in on his territory
closing the gap
clutching at straws
cold beer
cold northern water
cold wet and demoralized
collecting lampreys for a traditional feast
collecting materials
collided with something in the sky
come off at comes forward
comin' at you
comin' up now
coming after him
coming after me
coming alongside us
coming around thru camp
coming at me
coming back
coming back around
coming back kind ofjerky
coming back month after month after month
coming back to belgium
coming back to town after a logging trip
coming back up closer and closer
coming but i feel him pulling
coming down
coming down heavier
coming down hot
coming for sure
coming forward with the story
coming free
coming from about 80 feet
coming from you
coming here shortly
coming his way
coming in
coming in coming in
coming in fast
coming in here
coming into the mangroves
coming out
coming out now
coming out of the brush
coming out of the shop
coming over
coming over the rail
coming over the side
coming right in
coming right up real hard
coming right up, right now
coming thru
coming thru the river
coming to a close
coming to an end
coming to an end in a hurry
coming to camp
coming to get me
coming to get me next
coming to moose creek
coming together
coming together and banging heads
coming together perfectly
coming up
coming up a lot
coming up for auction
coming up on it
coming up on yukon gold
coming your way
commencing count
committed to shit
competing with the region's apex predators
completely broken from what we've done so far
completely down
completely exhausted
completely freaked out
completely on empty
completely outside my comfort zone
completely thrown off
completely wrapped around the base of a tree
compromising our fucking mission
compromising our mission
concealed in this shark's mouth
concentrations of birds
confined to his bunk
confined to their shelter
confusion and fatigue
connected to the police
consistently to the side
constantly bombarded by radiation
consuming itself
consuming itself from within
consuming their prey headfirst
contained in that round, circular thing in the ground there
continues to dog the fleet
continues to push thru
continuing his winning streak
continuing on
cook inlet
cooking with chicken grease
cooler than that
corking me off on purpose
cotton county oklahoma
country club and health spa
covered by desert
covered by the ice sheet
covered in dense dangerous jungle
covered in extraordinary bruises
covered in leeches
covered with bruises
covering a million square miles across eight countries
covering its tracks
crab holes
craggy unpredictable terrain
cramming us all together
cramped up
crashing down
crashing into the rocky coast
crashing into the town
crawling all over us
crawling on rocks
crimes here
crippled with an increasingly debilitating foot infection
crisis point
critical supplies
crocodile heaven
crossing over their plane
crossing the border in search of a fish
crossing the open
crossing the property lines and stealing their gators
crossing the river when it's freezing up
crowbar's farm
cruising around along these edges here
cruising the kecksberg hills
cruising up florida's suburban rivers and canals
crumbly rock underneath my feet
crunching my nuts right there
crunching on your own head
curious but not afraid
curving around for 1500 feet
cutting it pretty close
cutting the surface
cutting them
d day
dangerous waters
dangerously close to rolling over
dangerously close to the swamp
dangerously high
dangers out there
dangling on top of the water
darting into the water from the safety of the reeds
darwin california
david's descent
dawson city's mud bog races
dead camel
dead in the mouth
dead in the water
dead within minutes
deadly dust storms
deadly grounds
deadly ice
death valley's isolation
decapitated by texas rangers
deep cold
deep color
deep in guyana's tropical forest
deep in the high swamp grass
deep in the hole
deep in the jungle
deep in the jungles of south america
deep in the marsh
deep in the unspoiled tropical water below me
deep inside
deep into his ankle
deep into the amazon jungle
deep into the brazilian amazon
deep into the submerged structure
deep tracks
deeper in the jungle
deeper into the jungle along this tributary stream
deeper into the rainforest than i have ever been before
deer track
definitely a cat
definitely in the right place
dense jungle
dense tropical forest
depicted in this program
descending into a vast hidden landscape
descends on the island
desperate to pull six survivors off the grounded arctic hunter
destroying the evidence
destructive flash flooding
devil's ditch
devoured by insects
dialed into a nice herd
dicking around with marty
different directions
diflierent types of holes
directly from airline pilots
directly on the ground
directly to trading things
directly with you
disappeared completely
disappeared under the surface
disappointed in myself
discharged from the hospital
disconnected from knowing
disko bay
distinctive and recognizable marks
diving for lobster
diving under water
do a complete docks
doing bait
doing it without the convenience of modern technology
doing repairs
doing the laundry
doing the toe
don's gold shack
dot com on fire
double rainbow
doubled over a bit now
down 42 points
down a cliff
down a little bit
down a notch or two
down a shaft
down about a foot and a half
down again, up again
down all the way
down an extremely steep slick rock surface
down an old road
down and out
down around freezing
down around freezing at least
down around them old buildings
down at my friend's place
down at the beach
down at us
down below
down below me
down by 36 points
down by another 25 percent
down by the lake
down completely
down deep
down down down
down for one minute
down for the night
down for two days
down from a hammock
down from the ice sheet
down from the roof of the cave
down here
down here at the end
down here at the river
down here feeding
down here in the frozen tundra
down here in the holler
down here in this area
down here off the dadgum map in the middle of nowhere louisiana
down here on kodiak island
down here with the teacher
down in
down in a hurry
down in flames
down in that hole
down in that holler where those tracks were
down in that valley
down in the abyssal depths
down in the mud
down in the water
down in the wind
down in the woods
down in there
down in there anyway
down in these hollers
down in this canyon
down into splinters
down into the river
down into the water here
down its back
down like a tree root
down low into feeling dreadfixl about the situation
down memory lane
down mine shafts
down my legs
down my well
down near his corn field
down next to the water
down off this cliff
down on her
down on our moose
down on the fishing grounds
down on your land
down out of it
down over the hill
down quite a ways here
down right here
down that
down that creek and across that holler
down that mountain
down that way
down the bank there
down the canal over there
down the coast to attend a dinner party
down the creek
down the fucking hill
down the hallway
down the hill
down the hole baby down the hole
down the main highway
down the middle of it
down the mine shafts in a grid
down the mountain
down the mountain of pay dirt
down the muddy river
down the old canyon
down the river to look for fish
down the river to the beaches and casinos
down the river toward the loch
down the road
down the stream into the holding pen
down the trails where we found prints
down the vine
down the wadi
down there
down there in the murky water
down there remodeling his building
down there responding to the same signals
down there without any air
down this canyon
down this gully
down this little groove right here
down this river
down thru the canyon from here
down thru the door
down thru the generations
down thru the three layers
down to a degree
down to dallas texas
down to east cash creek
down to fish together
down to just a couple of yards
down to retrieve this backpack
down to texas
down to that tree line
down to the basecamp
down to the boughs of a spruce tree
down to the courthouse
down to the creek
down to the gulf shores area
down to the light
down to the local sports field
down to the other end
down to the park
down to the red river
down to the right
down to the river
down to the river bank
down to the vessel
down to the wire
down to this
down to where it's panicking
down to where this drainage is dumping into the lake
down toward those big open field farms
down under that cut bank
down where the reef is pumping out
down with this car
down with those claws
down, boys
downhill from there
downhill pretty quick
dragged into the water
draining on my mental state
drifting south
drilled the fuck out of him
drinking coffee
drinking from a nearby creek
dripping out of the earth
driven by fear
driving along
driving on anyway
driving the caribou closer
driving the stolen horse hard
driving up the hill
dropped off a boat
dropping into the alders
dropping ofic
dropping really fast
dropping weight
dropping well below zero
dry here getting electrocuted
dry land
dry land, joe
dulac louisiana
dumped on
during during a campaign tour
during a soccer match
during a survival challenge
during that episode
during the amazon's rubber boon
during the cold war
during the full moon
during the government shutdown
during the season
each 18' wave that pounds the deck
each and every tiny little crevice
each layer
each one
each other's balls
easin' down the river
easing out of it
east africa
east cash
east cash creek
east of the trap
eating bugs
eating her alive
eating lobster
eating me alive
eating my vajayjay
eating us alive
edging closer to the matis
effortlessly thru the kevlar
eight nets
eight out of nine
elaine taylor's well
electric eels in action
elliot's relationship with the mother of his children
emanating from the site
emerging from the depths
emotionally depleted
empty handed
en route
encased by interlocking armored plates
enclosed enough from the weather
encroaching on their habitat
end of story
endless dunes
endless flat
enemy territory
engulfed in flames
entering the denser layers of the earth's lower atmosphere
entering the ocean
entire islands
eqi's cold unforgiving grasp
eric's final target near basecamp
eric's X on the map
eroding the rock
erratic behavior
escaping the moisture around here
evacuated immediately to the nearest hospital
evacuated to a hospital
evacuated to eagle
even deeper into the anaconda's territory
even deeper into the rain forest
even further into greenland
ever closer to my radiation limit
every autumn
every corner
every corner i turn
every inch of this car
every line
every piece of ruby—f1lled rock
every place i put my foot
every seam
every seat
every single pot
every single roll
every square inch
every step of the way
every turn
every turn we've taken
every which way
every which way i turn
everyone's front yard
everywhere at once
everywhere in this water
everywhere you go
evidence of human activity
evidence that i have to wade thru
exactly how far
exactly what i'm going thru
exactly where we are
expected to return
exploring a glacier
exploring a secret stretch of guyana's jungle waterways
exploring that
exploring the amazon for 20 years
exposed and open
exposed to the elements
exposed to the harsh elements
extra hiding spaces
extraordinary claims
extreme temperatures
extreme terrain
extremely behind
extremely dehydrated
extremely good hunting land
eye to eye
eye witness reports
eyes on the one in the water in front of us
eyes on where one possibly might have been
face to face
face to face with one
face to face with the river tiger
face to face with this venomous fresh water giant
facing danger
facing down deadly predators
facing steep challenges
facing up to 10 years for it
fading quickly
falling apart
falling into the danger zone
famously home to fictional vampire dracula
far away
far away from here
far enough to end up like all those bones down there
far from certain
far from finished
far from over
far from perfect
far from the beach
far out
far to the north
farms all around
farther and farther into the unknown
farther down into this damn hole than when i originally started
farther out
fast moving water
feasting on the blood
feeding on the same small fish that attracted the birds
feeling around for the catfish
feeling dizzy
feeling good
feeling hornery
feeling pretty fucking good
feeling scared
feeling the pressure
feeling threatened
fell off the jack holding it up
fell out
fever pitch
fierce winds
fifteen feet up in the air
fifty feet below us right now
fighting 25 foot swells
fighting a massive beast
fighting all the wrong people
fighting darkness
fighting daylight
fighting for the queen
fighting for the same crab
fighting greenland
fighting off venomous snakes
fighting the saddle
fighting this fish
fighting tide
fighting to get in the hole
fighting with the same girl
figments of their imagination
fij i
files that suggest this might be true
filled up
filled with pain
filled with UFO activity
filmed in the wild
filming in the scorching hot jungles of sri lanka
finally getting' out of here
finally gone
finally here
finishing strong
finishing up
fire on a platform
fire with sticks
fired up
fish with eggs in them
fishing a week ago
fishing for catfish together
fishing for evidence
fishing in a canoe
fishing on an amazon tributary
fishing on top of each other
fishing so close
fishing the world for decades
fishing with rowdy
five feet in that jungle
five stores in five states
fixed to docks
fixing to go live
flanked by a caiman infested swamp
flat nasty out there
flat roof
flies forward solid
flies true
flipped and out of here
floating around for a while
floating docks
floating empty
floating on that river
floating on the river
floating on the water
flood control structure
flood plains
flooded with salmon
flopping around
flopping out
flowing forward
flowing thru me
flowing thru my body
flying around
flying around over our heads
flying as if there was no such thing as gravity
flying by
flying over the amazon with the camera rolling
focused and using his skills to keep them alive
focused on keeping control of this gun
focused on what we need
focusing on hunting
followed this
following a trail that they hope leads them to a sapphire deposit
following him
following his resignation
following the local landowner mister phil
following the migration paths of the animals
following the path of least resistance
following the plan that we already put in place
following the winding river
following their migratory path
following us
following us anywhere
following us around
following you
follows quickly
food everywhere
fooling around in the cliffs in the dark
fooling around with a lizard
for 3000 miles until it meets the south atlantic
for a higher ground
for a mile
for a swim
for greener pastures
for miles
for port
for the third time this season
forward to the left
found in the northeastern part of the amazon
four guys up there
four lights
four miles southwest down the river
four or five minutes out
four or five nets
fracturing the outfit
freaking freezing
free in the water
freezing cold
freezing the miners out
freezing them out
fresh blood in the water
fresh horse shit
fresh water
frog legs
frolicking in the snow
from 140 to from from a boat
from a bombing range south of here
from a caiman
from a chicken farmer
from a different place than anger
from a fire truck to a thunderbird
from a human being
from a jewelers perspective
from a moving boat
from a near disaster in hawaii
from a nearby river
from a remote mountain mine
from a terrible fate
from across the valley
from adventure to death
from afghanistan
from africa
from alaska
from alaska to texas
from all over the world
from an underground water source
from another angle
from another time
from any direction at any moment
from arkansas to maine
from around the claim
from around the houses
from around the world
from australia
from baton rouge louisiana
from behind
from blood sucking leeches
from both
from both directions
from boyhood to junior warriors
from brazil to colombia to peru
from california
from ceo to doorman
from columbus ohio
from connecticut
from dad
from each trigger
from energy
from fairbanks
from farm to farm
from florida
from freddy
from freezing to hot in no time
from greenland to iceland to norway
from guns
from hard to soft quick
from her
from her foot
from here on out
from here to here
from here to some of the local restaurants down at the beach
from here to that extraction point
from here to there
from hero to zero
from himself
from his abdomen
from his chest down to his side
from hundreds of miles around
from inland waters
from investigation to suppression
from it
from jimmy
from junior's herniated disc
from kansas city
from land
from many american waters
from me
from mexico right up to alaska
from ministry
from my grandfather to my daddy and down to me
from my position
from NASA's own space shuttle
from nature
from new hampshire
from new york city arms control
from nothing
from nowhere
from ohio
from one building to the next
from one side to the other
from our friends
from our spot
from outside this world
from outsiders
from over 70 miles away
from over here
from over there
from plants
from point A to point B
from poor gaucho families
from prototype to production
from really different walks of life
from right here
from right here in this area
from san francisco to boston
from sandstone to alabaster then back to sandstone
from scandanavia
from society
from someone who owed him a great deal of money
from someplace
from space
from stalking to being stalked
from such a depth
from that fish
from that gear
from that side
from the afghanistan war
from the ashes
from the atmosphere
from the back
from the back forward
from the background noise of everyday life
from the backside of the house
from the bank
from the baroness
from the boat
from the bottom of my heart
from the brink of disaster
from the canyons
from the CIA
from the city
from the coast guard helo on from the depths
from the depths again
from the depths of time
from the drift
from the driver side
from the earth
from the eel's deadly shocks
from the fishing vessel scoby two
from the florida everglades to the texas wetlands
from the great white north
from the ground up
from the hand
from the hand control
from the heart of the falls
from the helmet
from the herd
from the himalayas
from the inside
from the inside out
from the inside out
from the intake
from the lake
from the land that time forgot
from the main one
from the matrix
from the navy bombing range
from the ocean
from the open sea
from the other side just in case
from the other side of the dock
from the outside to the inside
from the people who are trying to kill us
from the philippines
from the port of santarem
from the river ness
from the riverbed
from the road
from the safety zone
from the side
from the source
from the subzero night time temperatures
from the sun
from the surface that night
from the survival area
from the swampy area
from the tap
from the threat
from the trees
from the TV show
from the ukrainian government
from the ultimate high
from the urdu word for water monster
from the vacuum of space
from the very beginning
from the village
from the waist down
from the water
from the well
from the wetlands of brazil
from the wreckage
from their insertion point thru the deadly swamp
from their remote arctic permit
from their second spot
from them rubies
from therapy
from there
from there this morning
from thickets
from this
from this area
from this challenge
from this new cut
from this one area in the whole world
from this platform
from this point forward
from this point on
from this side
from those teeth alone
from tom and tim
from two different worlds
from two very dificerent worlds
from underneath
from united airlines
from up there
from up to 20000 feet
from washington dc
from west virginia
from...oh boy, here we go
front legs
frozen down
fucking afraid he's gonna see us
fucking here
fucking history
fucking losing it
fucking with me
fucking with my soul
full of money
fully in the game
fully in the storm right now
funnel it into one area
further along the river
further away
further back in these bayous
further beyond
further east
further into the mountain
further north
further north than any other shark
gas stations
gene autry's ranch
georges bank
gettin' away
gettin' ready to dry gulch ya'
getting along getting attacked
getting away
getting bit
getting closer
getting cold
getting crushed
getting dangerously unstable
getting deeper
getting done whatever needs to be done
getting down
getting further and further away
getting harder
getting harder and harder to motivate
getting home
getting into the water
getting it lined up
getting nothing
getting our ass kicked by weather
getting out of breath
getting really nautical
getting short
getting some attention
getting steeper
getting the shit knocked out of them
getting tired
getting to her
getting up
getting up to pee
getting weaker
getting wet
gilbert louisiana
giving them the slip
giving up
glacial waters
glass in it
go a little crazy
go back and fall in the river
go fishing
go hunt a pig down
go hunting
go shootin'
goat country
goes up and makes a turn to the right
goes way back
goin' back
goin' for it
going after a giant anaconda in its own territory
going after big stuff
going after the gem
going again
going against me
going and going
going as fast as i can
going away from us
going back and forth
going back tojoe
going dark
going down
going down with him
going fishing
going for broke
going for the wheel
going for the win
going home with the experience of a lifetime
going in after the key
going into hypothermia
going into launch mode
going into the sun
going into these farmers' barns
going like you're going
going northeast
going nowhere
going nowhere
going numb
going on
going out as a team
going out looking for fresh water
going over
going over there
going pretty good
going right for the trap
going right there
going round and round
going so fast
going steadily to 12 o'clock
going strong
going that way
going the right way
going this way, dude
going thru a lot right now
going thru it
going thru my mind
going thru the motions
going to a hollywood party
going to prison
going too fast
going too slow
going under the boat
going up after it
going very hot
going with johnny
gold in there
golden shores
gone already
gone cold
gone missing
gone now
gone when you pick it up
gone wrong
gonna cut the line
good habitat for'em
good lookin' chicks
goring him
got out
gotta go pay the piper
great yellow eyes
grinding into my back
grocery stores
growin' up
growing fat on its prey's blood
growing up
grows stronger
gulf shores alabama
gusting up to 80 and gypsy slums
half a mile away from each other
half a million acres of pure wilderness
half of the old shop
halfway across the savanna
halfway there
halfway thru the first week of alligator season
halfway thru the season
halfway to dawson
halfway to the new cut
half your grave
halfway down the wall
halfway in between the two
halloween with my kids
hand in hand
handfishing for trout
hanging by a thread
hanging from a flap of skin
hanging from the ceiling
hanging in a freezer
hanging in the balance
hanging in the balance by only a few nylon threads
hanging off the side of a mountain
hanging off the side of the pinwheel
hanging out in the wind
hanging out there
hank's farm here
happy as a clam
harboring 16 times the normal level of radiation
hard left
hard to the bottom
hasn't stopped
hating leeches
hauling ass
hauling gear
having a hard time
having fun
having fun with ya
head on
head to head
head to head with her tundra nemesis
head to head with six continents
headed for lower elevations
headed into a real thick brushy draw
headed this way
headfirst into the hole
headin' home
heading 29 miles out of town
heading back
heading deeper into the jungle
heading down
heading higher and drier
heading home to alberta
heading into shark territory
heading into the jungles of panama
heading out for the site of the world's worst ever nuclear accident
heading out into their homeland territory
heading right for our anchor line
heading right for us
heading straight into the path of another deadly storm
heading to florida's indian river lagoon
heading to the fish market
heading to the west
hearing that nutria die
held at the hospital
hell bent on salvaging their day
hell here
helping each other out
helpless right now
hemmed in by the jungle
her back
her clinic
her darkest memory
her neck
her own crisis point
her precious reserve of fresh meat
her spirit
her swollen feet
here a little early
here again
here all night
here and now
here at static
here before nightfall
here early
here for a few minutes
here for a minute
here for a while butchering this goat
here for quite a long time
here for the night
here for years
here in cash creek
here in enough numbers for a mass attack
here in greenland
here in less than 24 hours
here in my home state
herein norway
herein oklahoma
here in rural alaska
here in the area
here in the desert
here in the flesh
here in the frigid forties of the loch
here in thejungle
here in the tropics
here in these flats
here in this oflice
here in west virginia
here on the bayou
here on the bayou side
here on the columbia river
here on the earth
here overnight
here real quick
here somewhere
here ten years later
here this fall
here this spring
here to discuss business
here to eagle
here to get it done
here to meet petre
here trying to work and get this thing done
here with her dad
here with me
here, dude
here, huh?
here, right
here. right here.
hickory trees
hidden boulders or holes
hidden in orbit
hidden in this uninhabited hunting ground
hiding in the concentrate
hiding in the leaves
hiding in the vast scottish loch
hiding in there
hiding in these waters
hiding over that ridge
hiding under the seating area
high above the arctic circle
high and bent
high and dry
high and mighty
high hopes
high in calories
high in the sky
high into the air
high on a bank, safe from rising waters
high on the hog
high on the mountain
high water
higher and higher
higher than a kite
highly advanced military jets
hiking back
hiking by himself
hiking to lower elevations
hinges on one's ability to start a fire
his 450 ounce season target
his ankle
his bedding area
his body
his bottom
his boundaries
his brain
his chest
his data
his deadline
his desert fridge
his empty canoe
his excavator bucket
his extremities
his eyes
his face
his family
his fanny
his first pots of the season
his food
his future
his glory days
his goal
his guns
his hand
his head
his hips
his home
his house
his howling rock
his job
his large family
his leg
his limitations
his lungs
his masterplan
his mood
his mouth
his nest
his nets
his new home
his own eyes
his own road
his own way
his path to the goats
his penis
his right arm
his season
his season goal
his season one
his secret spot
his still
his subordinate role
his tail
his tanks
his territory
his thigh
his view
his wallet
his water
his waves
his website
hit again
hit badly by menstrual cramps
hit me hard
hit the beach
hit the fan
hit the fucking bottom
hits the wall
hitting a gold mine
hitting big
hitting the scales
hogtied, whipped to a tree
holding at about holding down the fort
holding onto a canoe
holding our own
holding the rope and his life
holding up
holding up everything
holed up in some thick grass
holed up right in here
holes in bullseyes
holes in this trail
home again home again
home again home again with another fat pig
home for the next three weeks
home i guess
home of the brave
home safely
home to 22 native american tribes
home to 25 different species of bat that feed at night
home to a giant mutant
home to a spectacular array of freshwater monsters
home to bats, snakes, and lethal drop—offs
home to cowboys of all kinds
home to fewer than 500 people
home to giants
home to hundreds of species of spider
home to just 18000 people
home to many deadly threats
home to me
home to monsters
home to my daughter
home to my wife
home to nearly half of the wetlands found in the lower united states
home to nine casinos
home to one of the world's highest concentrations of bears
home to see my two beautiful kids
home to see my wife and kids
home to some 3,000 mountain lions
home to some of the largest icebergs in the world
home to some of the most venomous snakes
home to some of the world's most dangerous animals
home to two kinds of fire ants
home to whales and dolphins
home to white sands
home to your family
home with some fresh meat
honestly at the end of my rope
honeymoon material right here
honeysuckle this thick
hooked into a white sturgeon
hooked into one of the world's deadliest fish
hooked into something much bigger than i expected
hooked now
hooked up again
hooked up for over an hour
hooked up like a wood duck
hooking to the right
hoping that we get on some very good fishing
hot spots
hot, humid areas
hotspots for stolen cars leaving the country
hours away to a remote section of his property called stinkin' bayou
house of BBQ
hovered in front of the plane
hovering approximately a thousand feet over the airport
hovering around a hundred degrees
hovering less than a mile in front of their plane
hovering over an airport
hovering over the western hemisphere
how close he is to them
how close humans and sharks are getting
how close we came to nuclear annihilation
how far it sinks
how far these mangroves go
how high he is
how we roll
hugging the bottom
human flesh
human limbs
hundreds of feet underground
hundreds of miles from his home in wiseman
hundreds of miles up river
hung up
hungry after this
hunted by underwater bloodsuckers
hunting beaver
hunting black bears with my beau
hunting down bad guys
hunting just a few yards beneath me
hunting scenes
hunting together
hurting him
ice forming on the yukon
ice ice ice
ice sheet
icy flood waters
ilulissat, finally
immediately outside my body
immersed in stagnant swamp water for more than 48 hours
impenetrable jaws
impenetrable landscapes
in 15 or 20 foot of water
in in in in in in in 20-30 feet of water
in 3, 2, in 30 foot seas
in 34 years
in 360 degrees
in 55 mile per hour winds
in 57 years
in 60 days
in 72 hours
in a 16th floor suite
in a 40 mile an hour wind
in a bad place here, dude
in a bad situation right here
in a bad spot
in a big meeting at the airforce headquarters
in a big ocean
in a big old whales belly
in a boat nearby
in a body bag
in a box
in a bush
in a business
in a business where you pay to play
in a candy store
in a car cruising upper manhattan
in a car with somebody
in a cave
in a cave 2 miles off road
in a cave like this
in a certain spot on the side of my head
in a coat
in a community that relies on trade
in a constant battle against mother nature
in a container like that or a storage shed
in a country of 300 million people
in a damn hard spot with it
in a damp and icy environment
in a dangerous hole
in a death valley mine shaft
in a deep cold snap
in a desert arena
in a desert of hardened lava
in a development
in a different league
in a ditch
in a dry barren desert
in a dry desert valley
in a family business
in a fight with a 650 pound beast
in a fish
in a fish like this
in a flash
in a flood zone
in a forgotten corner of argentina
in a frenzy
in a funk like this
in a fury
in a gale
in a game of chicken
in a good safe position
in a good zone
in a graceful arc
in a heartbeat
in a highly unusual decision
in a honeyhole
in a horrible hellacious storm
in a hospital
in a huge radius
in a hurry to get out of here
in a jungle splint
in a little bit more remote of a location
in a little canoe
in a little trailer
in a locked off area called the gates
in a logical manner
in a lot of pain
in a lot of situations that were very difficult
in a medically induced coma
in a mere second
in a mirror
in a more emotionally depressed place
in a mound
in a nasty storm
in a nearby glacier
in a nearby swamp
in a neoprene survival suit
in a new direction
in a ninja suit
in a nutshell
in a pack
in a perfect world
in a perpetual state of situational awareness
in a pinch
in a place so lethal just being there could kill me
in a place that's dry
in a place where juka recently spotted something huge
in a poker game right here
in a position of being an absolute ass
in a position to hopefully thrive out here
in a pretty good spot
in a prison
in a purse
in a race against time
in a race to find water and shelter
in a raft
in a rage
in a real spot
in a real survival situation
in a really precarious position
in a really ripe outhouse
in a remote camp deep in the guyanese jungle
in a remote spot further east
in a reserve
in a rhythm
in a river full of monsters
in a riverside village
in a rubber boat
in a sack
in a secret UFO control group
in a serious bind
in a shoebox
in a short period of travel
in a showroom
in a single day
in a situation
in a slaughterhouse
in a small boat in deep water in the dark
in a small cesna aircraft
in a split second
in a state of true starvation
in a sticky mucous
in a storm
in a storm with thunder and lightning
in a super hot location
in a survival situation
in a swamp
in a swarm
in a tangle of endless mangroves
in a tight spot, man
in a town where the local language is kalaallisut
in a transport container
in a transylvanian dancegroup's rehearsal
in a tropical climate like panama
in a variety of environments
in a very poor state
in a vise
in a wheelchair
in a whirlwind
in a whole bunch of ways
in a whole other category
in about four feet of mud
in abundance
in accordance with applicable legal requirements
in afghanistan
in africa's rift valley
in again
in alabama
in all but five states
in almost any situation
in almost every indigenous culture
in almost freezing water
in ameralik
in america
in america's backyard
in american freshwater
in american waters
in an abandoned mine in turkey
in an all but forgotten settlement
in an ancient creek bed
in an area about the size of two football fields
in an area like this
in an area of dense swampland with no clear landmarks
in an area where moose are not highly populated
in an area where people live
in an area where the beast was spotted by local fishermen
in an area where we might find fish
in an arm wrestling match
in an echelon formation
in an instant
in an isolated backwater of argentina
in an oklahoma brush pile
in an underwater battleground
in anchorage
in and around belgium more than a thousand times
in and out of it
in and out safely
in any environment
in any of this
in any publications
in arizona
in arizona's sonoran desert
in around it
in arusha a frontier city near tanzania east africa
in atlantic city
in australia
in bad shape
in beaumont
in beaver creek
in bed and laying here
in belgium and northwestern germany
in benches above
in between each other
in between here and there
in between layers of bauxite
in between two trees
in big seas
in big trouble
in black
in brazil
in bucharest
in building seas
in camp
in canada's far north
in card games
in certain circumstances
in chains
in charge
in chernobyl ukraine
in chico state park
in china
in circles again
in close enough to it
in close proximity
in cold water
in colder water
in color
in colorado
in columbia and peru
in combat
in conditions where you can't see this far in front of your face
in construction
in contact with the alien
in core body heat
in couples
in court
in crisis mode
in crocodile infested Waters
in crocodile territory
in danger
in darwin california
in dawson
in daylight
in death
in death valley
in deep
in deep water after dark
in deeper
in deeper water than we've been in in 14 days
in different places
in distress
in dutch harbor
in each scoopful
in early november
in east africa
in east cash creek
in ecuador
in eqi
in europe
in every room
in exactly the right part of the world
in exceptional circumstances
in existence
in extreme cold
in extreme weather conditions
in family units
in fast flowing rivers
in flesh and blood creatures
in for surgery
in for the night
in forest this thick
in france in in freshwater
in freshwater rivers and canals
in front of a client
in front of dozens of witnesses
in front of the camera
in front of the client
in front of the opposite sex
in front of the school
in front of the united state senate
in front of their kids
in front of them
in front of us
in frozen
in frustration
in gator season
in gear
in gloucester
in god's creation
in gold
in good health
in good range to get a shot
in good shape
in grannymobile
in great detail
in greater numbers than normal
in greenland's hands
in groups of maybe in guyana on the northern fringe of south america
in hades
in half the time
in hammond
in hand
in hardy arkansas
in harm's way
in heavy seas
in her
in her .38 special
in her remote outpost
in her weakened state
in here
in here doing some damage
in here fast
in here in this area
in here now
in here so they don't float away
in here to get me
in here, dude
in high school
in him
in hiro's hands
in his back
in his bare hands
in his belly
in his chest and belly
in his death chamber
in his DNA
in his eyes
in his face
in his gill plates
in his hands
in his head
in his inventory
in his life
in his little pickup
in his mouth
in his normal hunting spots
in his place
in his pocket
in his power
in his right mind
in his room
in his stomach
in his upper body
in his wheelchair
in his wheelhouse
in history
in honey island
in hong kong
in hostile environments
in hostile territories
in hours
in hurricane force winds
in hypothermia
in ice
in iceland
in icelandic waters
in ideal conditions
in imminent death and disorder
in incredibly difficult situations
in individuals who commit heinous crimes
in infantry
in inland water
in iraq and afghanistan
in isolated riverside dwellings
in it
in it all the time
in it for later
in it yet
in its beak
in its belly
in its holds
in its lightless waters
in its neck
in its own element
in its own environment
in its path
in its stomach
in its stream
in jail
in japan
in jeopardy
in joe's face
in just 3 days
in just a second
in just a short amount of time
in kansas city
in karma
in kendall
in kentucky
in las Vegas nevada
in life
in like a little ditch
in limbo
in line
in little communal groups
in los angeles
in louisiana
in love
in love with your job all over again
in low
in malaysia
in march in maybe 45 minutes
in maybe elbow deep
in me
in meetings
in michigan
in mid air
in military intelligence
in mind
in mine
in more detail
in mortal danger
in most homes
in most places
in mouse
in much better condition
in much darker conditions than this
in my backpack
in my belly
in my blood
in my boat
in my boot
in my business
in my butt
in my captain
in my cave
in my chum
in my entire life
in my eye
in my future
in my grasp
in my grip
in my hands
in my head for sure
in my house
in my investigations
in my left testicle
in my life
in my mouth
in my mouth and everything
in my neck
in my new partner
in my office at home
in my own back yard
in my own kitchen
in my pee hole
in my pocket
in my quest to reveal what's behind the legend of loch ness
in my rack
in my recliner
in my sites
in my size
in my sled
in my step
in my system
in my time
in my vaginal area
in nature
in need of assistance
in neutral
in nicaragua
in none of it
in noorvik
in northern alaska
in norway right now
in off the glacier
in oklahoma
in oman during monsoon season
in on time
in on us
in one basket
in one hell of a fix
in one night
in one of america's largest counties
in one of the area's worst category five hurricanes
in one of the most regulated fisheries in the world
in one of the most remote parts of alaska
in one of the most shocking moments in river monsters history
in one of the world's most desolate environments
in one piece
in only one day
in open water
in or out ofa back pack
in order
in other parts of the world
in other situations
in our anchor
in our army
in our attitudes toward each other
in our chum
in our congregation
in our diet
in our fire
in our grasp
in our lives
in our mind
in our relationship
in our skies
in our sled
in our stomachs right now
in our system
in outer space
in over a week
in over his head
in packs like this
in panama
in peace
in pecan island
in perfect working order
in peril
in place
in place now
in place protecting us against threats from outer space
in plain sight
in planes
in plastic
in position
in possession of alien bodies recovered from roswell
in prayer
in pretty bad shape
in pretty deep snow
in pretty low vis conditions
in pretty much anyone
in production
in profit
in psychology
in pursuit of a stolen horse
in range
in reach
in real danger
in real good shape
in real life
in real trouble
in really excruciating pain
in rebel without a cause
in recorded history
in remote jungles
in reverse
in risky situations
in rivers an seas
in ronald reagan's presidency
in rough seas
in russia during the cold war
in sand
in school
in scotland's oldest museum
in search of bigger rubies
in search of civilization
in search of game
in search of protein
in search of rescue
in search of sizable gators
in search of the som
in search of the UFin season
in season three's fiji episode
in seconds
in section 81 of their rules and regulations
in sedimentary rocks
in segments that are hollow
in serious country here
in session
in several pieces
in shallow margins
in shallow water and lily pads
in shape
in shine
in shorts
in shorts and socks
in sight at 12 o'clock
in significant numbers
in sintesti
in situations like this
in small efficient teams
in small packages
in snow
in snowy conditions 12 feet off the ground
in so much pain
in solid rock
in some big storms
in some cases
in some comfortable place
in some new grounds
in some of the most spectacular locations on earth
in some of these reeds here
in some really fucked up situations
in some serious cold
in someone else's trap
in something else
in south africa
in south america
in southern africa
in southwest texas's chihuahuan desert
in space
in stages
in stagnant backwaters
in stitches
in stock
in storms like these
in striking range
in such a manner
in such thick vegetation
in suriname south america
in survival books
in swampy and boggy conditions
in swampy, crappy jungle
in sync
in tanzania
in television
in ten states
in terrible pain
in texas
in that
in that area
in that boat
in that building
in that chair all day long
in that channel
in that direction
in that door
in that field about 15, 20 feet
in that gem shop
in that ground somewhere
in that gun
in that hole
in that kind of a frame of mind
in that land
in that much pain
in that mud
in that old barn
in that one
in that pit
in that pocket
in that pool
in that shallow water
in that stage
in that talisman
in that there hole
in that time
in that water
in that wood pile
in the 1970s
in the 1980s
in the aftermath of america's best known UFO incident
in the aftermath of its 26 year civil war
in the afternoon
in the air
in the air experimental unit
in the air this morning
in the anaconda's domain
in the arabian desert
in the arctic
in the arctic tundra
in the area
in the area here
in the area when the ship went down
in the area where the gator's been destroying mister hanks nets
in the army
in the ass
in the atmosphere and on the ground
in the back
in the back country
in the back of my head
in the back of my mind
in the back of the head
in the back of your head
in the back on the right side
in the back, in the rear
in the background
in the backyard
in the bag
in the bait bin
in the balance
in the barrel
in the basin below
in the basket
in the bathroom
in the bay right now
in the bed of my truck
in the beds of trucks
in the belgian wave
in the belly of a fish
in the bering sea
in the bering sea on a fucking crab boat
in the big timber and brush
in the black
in the blink of an eye
in the boat
in the boat real quick
in the boat with him
in the bone chilling water
in the borneo jungle
in the bottom
in the bottom of his cup
in the bough
in the box
in the box here
in the box in the morning
in the brush
in the bucket
in the buggy
in the bush
in the butt
in the cab
in the cabesa
in the canadian northern forest
in the capital of romania, bucharest
in the capital, georgetown
in the car
in the car business
in the caribbean
in the carnage
in the cattle
in the cave
in the center
in the center of where all this stuffs been going down
in the chamber
in the chaos
in the clear
in the closet
in the cockpit
in the coiler
in the coils of danger
in the community
in the community longhouse
in the computer
in the concentrations
in the congo
in the console
in the cool water
in the cooler morning
in the cooling pond
in the cooling pond of a nuclear power plant
in the core sample
in the corner
in the corner of some rustic home
in the corporate world
in the cowboy saint
in the crevices of the coral
in the crotch of this tree
in the curve of the canal
in the dakotas
in the damn county
in the dark
in the day
in the daylight
in the deadliest waters i've ever fished
in the deep alaskan wilderness
in the deep circulating waters of these docks
in the deep water
in the deep water of the main river channel
in the deeper waters of the swamp
in the deepest part
in the den
in the dense tangle of vegetation
in the desert
in the desert air
in the desert at night
in the dining hall
in the direction of the shouts to investigate
in the dirt
in the distance
in the doghouse
in the dredge
in the driver's seat
in the dust
in the dutch harbor pot yard
in the early in the early hours of april 26th in the early morning hours
in the early mornings and late evenings
in the early stages of hypothermia
in the early to mid sixties
in the eerie whistling of the lines
in the eleventh hour
in the encroaching storm
in the end
in the endless jungle landscape
in the engine room
in the eye
in the face
in the face of the government shutdown
in the face, bro
in the far northeast of the amazon
in the field
in the fight
in the fight of her life
in the fire
in the fire right now
in the first pen here
in the first place
in the fish
in the fleet
in the flesh
in the foothills of mt kilamanjaro
in the foothills of the torus mountains
in the footsteps of a lone photographer
in the forsaken heart of the marshes
in the fourwheeler
in the freezing cold. duck hunting
in the fridge
in the frigid water for 30 minutes
in the front
in the fucking mouth
in the fucking Water
in the full moon of the night
in the future
in the gambling halls of biloxi
in the game
in the gas tank
in the gear
in the gears
in the gem business
in the glory hole right here
in the glowing white of greenland's ice
in the gravitational field
in the greenhouse
in the ground
in the gulf
in the gun
in the gunners seat
in the gut
in the hand
in the harbor
in the hardest place on the planet to build fire
in the harshest desert climates
in the head
in the head too hard
in the heart of a sprawling system of rivers and wetlands
in the heart of bayou mason
in the heart of south america
in the heart of the amazon
in the heart of the mississippi bayou
in the heart of the storm
in the heat of the sonoran afternoon
in the high country
in the hills
in the hills here
in the himalayan mountains
in the history of planet earth
in the hole
in the hole first
in the homestretch
in the hot and swampy jungle
in the hot tub
in the hot—rodding industry
in the house
in the humid bayou weather
in the humid sri lankan jungle
in the ice variety
in the industry
in the intense heat
in the intercoastal waterway
in the iron site
in the jungle
in the jungle alone
in the killing zone of aggressive alligators
in the killroom of the slaughterhouse
in the killzone
in the kitchen
in the lagoon
in the lakes
in the land
in the last five years alone
in the last month and a half here
in the last month of fishing
in the late fifties
in the leg
in the lid
in the life raft
in the light
in the light tomorrow
in the line
in the lip
in the little creek
in the little freakin' urinal over here
in the long run
in the louisiana swamp
in the lush healthy parts of north america
in the macho gaucho culture
in the main channel
in the main currents of the river
in the main rivers
in the majestic sandstone cliffs
in the maldives
in the mangroves
in the margins of society
in the margins where big predators often hunt for their prey
in the market
in the mats
in the media
in the mid to high teens
in the mid—80s
in the middle of a bidding war
in the middle of a bloodbath
in the middle of a field
in the middle of a foreign jungle
in the middle of a marsh
in the middle of absolute nowhere
in the middle of it.
in the middle of january
in the middle of nature's most unforgiving places
in the middle of nowhere
in the middle of nowhere itself
in the middle of one of nature's most brutal events
in the middle of the amazon
in the middle of the bering sea
in the middle of the night
in the middle of the night and in very deep water
in the middle of the northern ontario bush
in the middle of the pool
in the middle of the river
in the middle of this damn field
in the military
in the minds of many people
in the minds of people here
in the minors and majors
in the misery
in the moment
in the morning
in the most diflicult survival situation of all
in the most southern of the arctic fox's range
in the mountains
in the mountains between pakistan and afghanistan
in the mouth of that bad boy
in the murk trinity river
in the name ofjesus christ
in the name of my savior
in the name of science
in the natural world
in the near freezing water
in the nearby village
in the neck
in the neighborhood
in the net
in the new mexico desert
in the new narrows
in the next one
in the next string
in the night sky
in the nile river
in the noon day sun
in the north
in the north atlantic
in the northern part of the amazon
in the northwest
in the norwegian highlands
in the nuts
in the office
in the oil pan
in the old days
in the old gizzard
in the oman desert
in the oppressive malaysian jungle
in the other net there
in the ozarks
in the pan
in the part of alaska where i live
in the passenger plane's flight path
in the past
in the path of the secret government
in the penthouse suite
in the piranha family
in the pit
in the port
in the position where he had to
in the pot
in the present
in the pristine shallows
in the process
in the process of tipping over
in the propeller
in the proper locations
in the quest to catch blue fin
in the race to catch the most tuna
in the radiator
in the raft now
in the rain
in the rain like this
in the rainforest
in the range
in the region
in the region of the amazon where brazil, peru and Colombia meet
in the remote jungle
in the remote sonoran borderlands
in the right conditions
in the right direction
in the right place
in the right place at the right time
in the right spot
in the rim of the case
in the river
in the river almost dying
in the river ness
in the river's path
in the rocks there
in the rod like that
in the roosevelt journal
in the roughest corners of the bayou
in the same family
in the same types of contact zones as rubies
in the sand
in the scorching heat
in the sea
in the season three episode
in the sediment
in the sexual gutter
in the shade
in the shadow of the dam
in the shallow waters
in the shop
in the short time they have left
in the side of the chest
in the side of the mountain
in the skies
in the skipper's back
in the sky
in the smoke
in the snare
in the sod
in the south pacific
in the southern part of the state
in the southern US
in the southwest corner
in the spring
in the state
in the state parks protective waters
in the stomach
in the store
in the streams and rivers around these parts
in the summer
in the summer of in the summertime
in the sun
in the survival books
in the survival game
in the survival world
in the swamp
in the swamp there for a moment
in the sweltering sun of the oman desert
in the tank
in the teeming waters of the amazon
in the temporary spot where you leave a tent
in the thick willows
in the town
in the town where this happened
in the trailer
in the trap
in the tree
in the tree now
in the tributaries
in the tropics
in the trough
in the truck
in the turret
in the ukraine
in the underbrush
in the unfriendly skies
in the united states
in the US
in the Veins
in the Very place the boys chose to go swimming
in the very place where somebody went missing
in the vicinity
in the vikings time
in the vikings
in the village
in the washer
in the water
in the water 80—plus miles ofic shore
in the water around the docks
in the water back then
in the water for 18 hours
in the water for 40 minutes
in the water here
in the water long enough
in the water, in the corn, in the recipe, in the pride
in the way
in the way of that
in the way of the shrapnel
in the way of this
in the weather
in the weather right now
in the western hemisphere
in the wild
in the wilderness
in the wind a little bit
in the window
in the winter
in the wintertime
in the wintertime in norway
in the wood
in the woods
in the works
in the world
in the wrong place at the wrong time
in the wrong spot
in the yard
in the year in the yukon
in their bellies
in their brand new territory
in their hands
in their heads
in their hometown
in their life
in their murky world
in their nearly impossible goal
in their pincers
in their place
in their quest for food
in their territory
in them zebra cakes
in there
in there for a while
in there mining
in there now
in there or not
in there wiped out
in there with them
in there, trapper
in these caves
in these conditions
in these dangerously convulsing waters
in these fallen trees
in these holes
in these little gullies
in these mines
in these murky waters
in these near arctic seas
in these near arctic waters
in these pots
in these remote backwaters
in these slimy muddy waters of oklahoma
in these swampy waters
in these waters
in these waterways
in this
in this abyssal Ijord in norway
in this area
in this area where we caught jaws at
in this arena
in this bag
in this barnyard
in this boat with you
in this building
in this business
in this canal
in this case
in this community
in this country
in this country here
in this cove
in this creek
in this current
in this damn thing
in this decision
in this deep holler
in this deer stand sittin' back here
in this downpour
in this environment
in this eqi rock
in this extreme heat
in this extreme situation
in this fish's mouth
in this fishbowl
in this fishery
in this flat desert terrain
in this freaking swamp
in this gargantuan river
in this gator infested freaking lake here
in this gear
in this goddamn chair
in this great big excavator
in this gully
in this heat
in this hole
in this isolated community
in this kind of environment
in this kind of racket
in this kind of stuff
in this kind of sun
in this lagoon
in this little bird's nest
in this log
in this mental state
in this moose
in this old barn
in this oppressive heat
in this part of the amazon
in this place
in this place totally naked
in this pot
in this powdery, poofy, slippery snow
in this prime gator territory
in this rain forest
in this region of argentina
in this remote area of texas
in this river
in this rope
in this scenario
in this society
in this sort of in between state
in this special episode
in this spot
in this storm
in this tangle
in this time of heightened vigilance
in this tote right here
in this tree here
in this trip
in this type of environment
in this village
in this water
in this waterlogged area
in this wet environment
in this wild place
in this world
in those conditions
in those early years
in those jaws
in those little gaps
in three diflerent calibers
in three separate countries
in to look at the mercury
in to the doctor
in tomorrow
in tomorrow morning's shipment
in tongues
in too accessible of a spot
in too tight
in touch with you
in tow
in trouble
in trouble now
in trouble without this key
in turbulent seas
in turkey
in twelve hours
in two
in two days home
in two different directions in two pieces
in two difiterent sizes
in two teams
in two ways
in UFOs
in unknown territory
in us
in US history
in utah
in various fields of chivalry and combat
in Venice beach california
in violet
in virtually every type of predicament one could imagine
in waist deep water
in Washington
in Washington DC
in water
in water that can scorch human flesh
in water that gets as cold as this does
in west Virginia
in whatever hole
in which TV show
in winter's deathly grip
in with an AT round in it
in with the fat
in with your hands
in world war one
in y'alls future
in you
in your beard
in your bed
in your boat
in your buffer
in your cattle
in your ears as well
in your fucking building
in your fucking rack
in your head
in your head a little while
in your motherfucking raingear
in your pocket
in your rain gear
in your range
in your truck
in your way
in your yard
inches from its deadly jaws
incoming threats from space
independent of other people
indoctrinating his kids with a lesson in self—worth
information recovered
inland in search of fluids
inland toward the jungle
inside a narrow creek
inside his head
inside it
inside it looking at us
inside like a weenie
inside of them
inside that barrel
inside the fence
inside the malocca
inside the shelter
inside there
inside to ride out the storm
inside where its warm
inside your shelter
internal waste
intersected with their plane
into a 200 foot deep hole
into a believer
into a bright clear day
into a cartwheel
into a certain position
into a challenge against her
into a coil
into a cooler realm of sprawling swamps and wetlands
into a corner somewhere
into a death roll
into a desolate and dangerous hinterland of rivers and marshes
into a hat
into a holding pen
into a hole under the water
into a low earth orbit
into a man
into a place that...i don't know what's in there
into a predator
into a promising spot near camp
into a retail space
into a rhythm that only comes with being brothers
into a roll
into a sandmobile
into a seal
into a serious quarrel
into a single trigger
into a tank
into a territory that few people would attempt to enter
into a tight corner
into a vast area of rain forest
into a wound
into an orbit
into an ore car
into another world right here
into bamboo tubes
into barns
into battle
into camp
into cash
into crowded suburbs
into custody
into darkness
into dave's face
into dead flesh
into deep water
into demolition mode
into difficulty
into dwellings
into energy
into fresh paint
into gear
into gemstones
into gold
into greenland
into her spoon
into high gear
into his heart
into his knee
into human form
into hyperdrive
into it
into its convoluted maze of waterways
into its dark unfathomable waters
into its next phase
into little pieces
into low gear
into more hostile territory
into mud
into murky waters
into my mouth
into my world
into myself
into NASA computers
into new territory
into one of my tents
into one of the hardest situations i've ever been in my entire life
into one of the most remote places we have ever been
into one package
into our next food source
into our system
into overdrive
into paint
into peruvian territory
into place
into position
into possession of a flying saucer
into production
into pure domination
into romania's gypsy underworld
into season four
into shallow water
into shape
into silence
into some tall swampgrass
into something like this
into something really cool
into something which you can't see
into that
into that breezeway
into that crack
into that hide
into that hole
into that open tinder
into that rip
into that saddle
into that space
into that tree
into the 36 degree water
into the beast
into the black basalt boulders
into the brush
into the cabin
into the camp
into the cedar bark
into the challenge of facing something
into the cut
into the dark depths of the world's most mysterious body of water
into the deadly waters of the amazon
into the deep blue yonder
into the fighting rod holder
into the files
into the forest
into the freezing water
into the front of the house
into the front porch
into the groove
into the ground
into the ground underneath
into the hard rock
into the hole
into the hopper carefully
into the hunters arms
into the icy north sea
into thejungle
into the killzone
into the king crab season
into the lagoon
into the last six weeks
into the living room
into the long grass
into the middle of the chaos
into the middle of the stone
into the morning
into the mount
into the mountains
into the night
into the path of oncoming boats
into the perilous and unpredictable waters of the amazon
into the pores of the wood
into the raw wounds
into the realm of reality
into the realm of william haden
into the rocks
into the searing heat of day
into the shed
into the shooter's head
into the shop right now
into the short yukon gold mining season
into the stick itself
into the subject
into the tank
into the tractor
into the trade
into the tunnel
into the UFO situation
into the undergrowth
into the unknown
into the wall
into the water again
into the yukon
into their bodies
into their nests
into their unstable boat
into these kinds of deals
into these mines
into these mountains
into these sunken trees here
into these two ice anchors
into this area
into this backpack
into this build
into this building
into this challenge
into this game
into this game bag
into this guy's barn
into this hole
into this little island
into this raft
into this trap
into this underwater tomb
into this water
into triple digits
into trouble down here
into UFO secrets
into us
into utter despair
into what could have been in the river when the boat went down
into your bed at night
into your bedroom
into your fishing time
into your glass
into your home
into your whole cooking career
investigating the Webster county werewolf
island civilizations
isolated amongst endless dunes
isolated in a wet forest in norway
its afterburners
its beautiful landscape
its canals
its darker side
its depth
its fortune
its geography
its head
its icy fingers
its impenetrable jungle
its internal organs
its last breaths over my microphone
its nest
its own bureaucracy
its own fresh water creek
its own little floating city
its own momentum
its own outdoor kitchen
its own power
its own private pond
its slumber
its stunted flesh
its target
its teeth
its throat
jack shit
jacked up
jaipur india
jampacked with captains and crews
japan airlines
jeffrey's ledge
joe and cody's final blowout
joe and cody's final episode together
joined by sherifips deputies
joined the show
joining the formation
julie's boat
jumping on the boat
just 200 meters from their destination
just 40 miles from nuuk
just a little bit south of here
just a little right
just a shadow
just about to takeofic
just beginning
just below my feet
just below the equator
just drenched
just going for it
just inside the mouth of a cave
just keeps going
just looking
just me here alone suffering
just oil priest rock
just on the other side across a crossing of thin ice and open holes
just one stop sign
just outside
just outside dutch harbor
just outside of biloxi
just over just over yonder
just silence
just sitting there
just sitting there in plain View
just sitting there. just waiting for him to die
just standing there
just ten miles away
just the start of my journey
just to my left
just two miles outside town
just went out
just what the doctor ordered
just yards from the dock
kansas city
kavik river camp
keeping on
keeping pace
keeping this going
keeping up with us
keeping us in the dark
kendall's stand
kept secret
kicking it down the road
kicking our ass for a few hours
killed along the game trail
killed in her oflice
killing 127 passengers
killing a man here
killing humans
killing 111
killing things
kinda like a warzone down here
kinda nervous
knee deep in mud and water
knocked down
knocking 'em oil that perch
knocking me down
knocking on the door
knocking rocks
kodiak island
laced with poison
laid down in that bunk
land for dogs
land to hunt and fish
landing on any part of me
late in the day
late in the season
late summer on the red river
layer by layer
laying absolutely wrong
laying around
laying down the primer
laying face down in the mud
laying hands on this prehistoric beast
laying here i don't know how many days
laying low
laying the foundation for a primitive shelter
laying there
leading right thru there
leading that horse off
leads to death
leaking like a sieve
leaning on it right now
learning as i go
leaving Sabrina to survive
leaving the cemetery
leaving the river right now
leaving the scene
leaving this
leaving town
leaving tracks everywhere
left in us
left looking there at a pride of lions
left or right
left out there to deal with this on their own
left out to dry
left rolling
left to soak
left us hanging
left with a shit sandwich
left wondering
lethal encounters
letting my crew down
letting my pops down
letting the business down
letting you guys down
lie down and go to oblivion for the rest of the night
lies completely abandoned
lies to the northwest
life left in it
life out here
lifeless in the water
light headed
light on a brutal killing
lightning rods
limb from limb
lined up
lined up around the brush pile
lines they baited yesterday
linked to many fatalities
listing pretty hard
listing really hard
literally starving
little areas of boulders
little declines out here
little gaps
little holes like this
little league
little or no escape from whatever is lurking beneath the surface
little paris
little teeth around the edges
living and thriving in the canyons of utah
living around here
living in a corner of the dining hall
living in a damn hair dryer
living in a remote rural corner of the country
living in it
living in muddy water
living in the very water that cooled the reactor
living in today
living off of water
living off the grid
living ofF the land
living on the edge of camp
living out in remote areas
living with the secretive matis tribe
loaded in the drum
loch ness
locked away in top secret black projects
locked in
locked in the house
locked up
london, looked down upon
lookin' for more
looking a little rough
looking around
looking at a pattern out here
looking at my partner
looking at us
looking down there
looking for a fight
looking for a safe route down to a small creek
looking for a water source
looking for a way off the boat
looking for answers
looking for food
looking for gold in eqi
looking for holes
looking for information about UFOs
looking for me
looking for more
looking for right now
looking for rubies
looking for shelter in subzero temperatures
looking for unicorns, fairies and bigfoot
looking for water
looking good
looking it in the eye
looking looking looking
looking me right in the eye
looking out for an unusual tale
looking out for you
looking over our shoulders in one of the deadliest places
loose rocks
los angeles
losing cody
losing family members to the ice
losing it
losing light
losing money
losing more fluids than he's been drinking
losing my cool
losing patience with each other's contrasting styles
losing you
lost and alone
lost in a snowstorm
lost in a wilderness situation
lost in the desert
lost in the woods
lost over the city of brussels
lots of grass. Water.
lots of tracks and stuff
love from markey today
low end, you—just—lost—your—job type of shelter
low on energy
low on fuel
lucky they're still afloat
lurking beneath the surface all over the amazon
lurking beneath us
lurking in the water
lurking unseen in the fresh waters of america
lying in wait
fh8Cm, mars or coca—cola
macho man's territory
maison rustique
majestic making a bomb
making a fire
making a game plan
making bullets
making it thru the night
making it turn
making money
making progress
making some money
making their final push
managed by you
manuc hotel
many farms here
maybe a movie company
melting out
memories that get in the way
mentally exhausted
met with resistance and obstruction
miami florida
migrating up river
miles and miles of this creek
miles away
miles from basecamp
miles from civilization
miles from shelter
miles from your own bed
miles of beaches and bayous
military headquarters
miner shack
miserable conditions at the rail
missed the range
missed us
mister hank's nets
mister werewolf's tombstone
mixed with the snow
mixing it up
mixing up the pot a little bit
mobile alabama
mocking them
monmouth iowa
moored at the stern of the boat
moose hunting
more distance from top to bottom
more ground
more hot spots
more misery
more pain
more remote and dangerous
more remote and unknown river monster territory
more remote turf
more space
more stuff
more than 2/3 of the way there
more than 300 away
more than thirty countries
morning of day two
morsels in the water
mother nature
motherfricking madagascar
motoring clown
mountain tops
mountains over there
mountains with snow
mounted on it
mounted on that lawnmower
mounted up
moving a hundred feet
moving along
moving around down there
moving away from the storm now
moving back
moving down the hill
moving down there
moving down this trail
moving in
moving in a really unexpected way
moving into the bush
moving it away
moving like this
moving on
moving on the top of that hill
moving on the tree
moving on with a brand new partner
moving toward this trap
moving up like gangbusters
moving with him
much better
much closer to home
much further back in history
much of the US
much of this nation
mud to your knees
mud up to your knees
mushroom clouds
my address
my approach
my arms
my ass
my attention
my back
my bait
my bedroom
my belly
my best vantage point
my body
my brain
my breath
my bristol bay king crab fishery
my buckets
my building
my business
my career
my chalet
my chest
my cornea
my cousins boat
my crotch area
my dad's home
my damn corn
my damn home
my damn knee
my dead hands
my disappointment
my dream camp
my ears
my energy levels
my environment
my eye
my face
my faith
my family
my family out here
my father's land
my feeling of security
my feet
my first night alone
my first pan
my first port of call
my focus
my freezer
my fucking place of business too
my g21Ig
my grandmother's belly
my grandmother's house
my guard
my hair
my hand
my head
my head about me
my heart
my heart to yours
my home
my hook
my hope
my horizontal chimney
my house
my inner flame
my intestines
my kneecaps
my last brush with death
my last push
my left leg
my legs
my legs in between his
my life
my light
my limit
my limits
my lip
my lot in life
my lowest point
my luck
my lymph nodes
my manhood
my mud truck
my nail
my nerves alone
my next meal
my office
my own backyard essentially
my own bathroom
my own land
my own mental toughness
my pack
my panties
my party
my pistol on my hip right here
my place
my place in the world
my pot
my pride
my robert redford good looks
my route
my scariest moments
my search for an underwater killer
my shelter
my shoulders
my sod house
my spa tub
my spirits
my stack
my step
my stomach
my territory
my territory, you sonofabitch
my thumb
my trap
my traps
my very own brushes with death
my View
my way up right here
my weakest link
my whiskers
my whole body
my whole life
my whole mental focus
my window of opportunity
my worries
nailed to the wall
naked and pissed off
naked in malaysia
naked in the wilderness
nauseated your in so much pain
navigating thru thick mangroves
near a deep open water breeding ground
near dragger boats
near freezing
near here back in the near here last year
near him
near his body
near kecksberg
near my crotch
near my mailbox
near southeast belize
near tanzania's border with mozambique
near the base of the waterfall
near the bend of a river
near the boat
near the boundary
near the cut
near the edge of the fishing zone
near the edge of the ice
near the extraction point
near the surface
near the upper lake
near these woods
nearing his limit
nearing the village
nearly dead
nearly half a mile down
nears the top of the ridge
never stops
new areas
new battles
new country
new dangers
new hampshire
new mexico's high desert
new situations
new untapped rock hunting territory
new york city
next time on no man's land
next to the dock warehouse
next to the hitchin' post
next to the rods
next to you
nice country
no longer employed here
no place to do things half assed
no reward in this at all
noodles from a cup
north and away from the mangrove swamps
north in pennsylvania or something
north of hollywood somewhere in los angeles
north south east or west
northeast louisiana
northeast to the alamito country
no rway
nose to tail
not a good place for prospecting
not a good place to be
not a good place to be in
not a hundred percent
not a perfect area
not alone
not awkward at all
not doing so well
not done
not even close to having what we need
not even half way thru the mine
not far away
not far away from a backstrap dinner
not far from here
not far from the house
not from us
not frozen
not frozen yet
not getting above zero
not getting anything else
not going to come back
not going to make it thru
not here
not here in iceland
not here today
not in a good way
not in the game
not leaving us at all
not natural
not out of the woods yet
not real far away
not ten feet away from me
not too far from here
not too far from where the mud is
not too far out
not under control
not very far
not very far off the reeds here
not where we want to be right now
nothing but a free shopping mall
nothing but ice
nothing there
nothing to complain about here
nothing to hold onto
nothing to leave an imprint on
now alone
now at risk
now closed
now on her own
nowhere for me to hide
nowhere for us to go
nowhere in sight
nowhere near tired yet
nowhere to be found
nowhere to go
nowhere to go but in the water
nowhere to go but king
numerous changes in terrain
nyc arms control training grounds
oars out
october, dutch harbor alaska
of the essence
of the tiger
of the water
of Wisconsin
off a ball—bat or a pick handle
off a clifF
off a ledge
off a truck
off by a half mile
off course
off eating rocks
off his north
off his partner
off in a little corner
off in one direction
off in separate directions
off into your own corner
off my ass
off my chest
off my land
off my lot
off my private parts
off my suspect list
off of a lead like that
off of each other
off of here
off of it
off of mine
off of the walls
off of these walls
off of two losses
off on me
off on our heads and kills us
off on the side
off quick before it dies
off target
off that branch
off that ice sheet
off that phone
off that plane
off that way
off the anchor
off the arctic hunter
off the back of the boat
off the backside of one
off the bank
off the beaten path
off the boat
off the bottom
of? the bottoms of trees
off the carriage
off the coast
off the coast of nome
off the crest
oil the face of the earth
off the flatbed truck
off the ground
off the ground quickly
off the ground, ya know
off the gun
off the hook
off the island
off the mountain
off the production line
off the raft
off the rail
off the screen
off the shelf
off the side of the berm there
off the side of the road
off the southeast coast of india
off the trailer
off the truck
off the wall here
off the wild stock
off this boat
off this cliff right now
off this direction
off this fucking island
off this island
off this mountain in a hurry
off this rock sooner rather than later
off this way
off those rocks
off to the left
off to the side
off to wanting things i never had
off west beach
off your couch
offshore to the northeast
on 'em
on 24 acres
on 40 acres of land
on 500 calories
on a barstool
on a battlefield
on a biblical scale
on a branch
on a collision course with the very group he helped create
on a compromised anchor system
on a course for home
on a crane
on a critical nuisance call
on a dangerous hike
on a dangerous incline full of newly exposed unstable ground
on a deadfall trigger
on a dime
on a diving board that goes back about as far as my feet go back
on a do or die hunt
on a doorknob
on a dozen different gem deals
on a duck hunting trip with his boss
on a fishing boat
on a flat—bottom boat
on a fresh track
on a full tank of fuel
on a good run
on a greasewood
on a grueling hunt for the fish
on a gut feeling
on a high
on a hook
on a hot streak tomorrow
on a hot sunny day like today
on a knife edge
on a knife edge between life and death
on a local landowner's property
on a log
on a long hunt
on a long line
on a major find
on a makeshift grill
on a merry go round
on a military cover—up
on a mission
on a mission, man
on a motorcycle
on a nest
on a new boat
on a one way trip to the bottom of the ljord
on a pad of money
on a patrol
on a physical level
on a piece of bottom we like to fish
on a pilot's psychological makeup
on a plane
on a pole like this
on a quest to find food
on a rampage
on a ranch
on a reindeer trail
on a remote fijian island
on a remote jungle island in hawaii
on a remote maldivian island
on a ridge
on a rip
on a river system that forces me to question everything i know
on a rock
on a roll filling tags
on a roll here
on a roll like that
on a sandbar here
on a school of fish
on a school of herring
on a school of tuna
on a scrap machine
on a sharp bend in the river
on a shoestring
on a sidecar
on a single hook
on a slab of alabaster
on a small patch of land barely a foot above the water level
on a snowmobile on a grassy field
on a stick
on a stump
on a thirst quest
on a thousand pound horse
on a trailer
on a treasure hunt
on a trip
on a trip you don't know where to
on a truck
on a virtually invisible leader
on a wild goose chase
on a young boy
on a young man's manhood
on adderall
on aircraft
on alaska
on alison's shoulders
om all cylinders
on all fronts
on american border towns
on american soil
on an 8000 square foot lot
on an airplane
on an animal
on an animal trail
on an epic journey
on an expedition to map a previously unexplored tributary
on an ice cube
on an IED
on an insurance check
on an oil rig
on an overcast afternoon
on ancient ground
on and on
on another elusive species
on another project
on any boat
on anything underneath
on approach
on battle star galactica
on board
on board for only three days
on board with it
on both sides
on both the panels
on caffeine
on camera
on capitol hill
on captain gavin cohain
on cars
on channel on commercial boats
on commercial fishing boats
on concrete
on coon's lane, west of kecksberg
on crocodile watch
on damn snow machines
on day three
on dead creatures
on deck
on delivery
on display
on down
on down the creek
on duty that night
on each other
on each other's nerves
on earth
on either of the 3 corners of the triangle
on empty
on eqi's desolate rock
on eric
on every new opportunity
on fire
on fire at 8 o'clock this morning
on fire right now
on fire up here
on firebird number one
on firebird number two
on foot
on full auto
on gene autry
on geology
on georges bank
on gut instinct
on hank's property
on her
on her boat
on her mama's good side
on her own
on her partner
on her tip toes
on here
on high alert
on hillbilly
on him
on his
on his ass
on his back legs
on his butt
on his chest and back
on his claim
on his college tuition
on his dredge
on his exposed body
on his face
on his first string
on his hand
on his land
on his last trip
on his leg
on his mind
on his own
on his own now
on his plotter
on his property
on his radar monitor
on his sled
on his toes
on his turf
on his way
on his way back to camp
on his way to the lake to fish
on humans
on ice
on in
on indian river
on it
on it right here
on its lower lip
on its tail
on its threats of showing up at your door
on its way up
on jaws two
on just one night
on kenny
on land
on land and in Water
on land and not hooked
on land that don't even belong to him
on laugh in
on location
on maybe a cooler or something
on me
on meth
on mine
on minimal intake
on moose creek
on my .on my ass
on my ass here for a couple days
on my belt here
on my boat
on my butt
on my case
on my chart
on my chest
on my deathbed
on my deck
on my face
on my fuckin' property
on my land
on my last cannon
on my left hand side here
on my line
on my men
on my mind
on my monster hunting resume
on my nerves
on my new numbers
on my numbers
on my own
on my own clock
on my own now
on my partner in crime
on my place
on my plate
on my pole
on my prayer rock
on my property
on my roof
on my scrotum
on my search for the world's most dangerous freshwater fish
on my shoulders
on my side this time
on my suspect list
on my team
on my tent
on my toes
on my way
on my way to meet an eye witness
on myself
on naval warships
on new grounds
on now like donkey kong
on one
on one and a half acres of land
on one of his calves
on one of the world's most treacherous islands
on one of those
on one side
on one side of it
on one's arm
on only one acre
on other people's coattails
on our bodies
on our fishermen
on our forehead
on our fucking claim
on our own
on our side
on our spot
on our toes
on our way
on passengers escaping
on paved road
on pins and needles
on points and things sticking out from the wood
on poles
on prey
on protected grounds
on radar
on radar out there
on rare occasions
on recess
on record
on remote ten mile creek
on RJ's hand
on rocky ground
on rod and line
on salary
on sambhar lake
on scene
on selfer creek
on slick sandstone
on snow
on some crab
on some hard to get to places
on some meat
on some men
on some other stuff
on some pretty good shelter
on someone else's line
on something
on something in the river
on sport fishing boats down there
on steroids
on target
on ten mile creek
on terra firma
on that bridge
on that damn log
on that damn river over there
on that dude
on that equipment
on that hill right there
on that hole
on that left side
on that list
on that map
on that motherfucking deck
on that pulpit
on that reel
on that shawnee trail
on that shoreline
on that sucker
on that table
on that thermal
on that trail
on that trigger
on that water
on that whole layer there
on the 15 kilometer trek up the snow covered road
on the aft deck
on the air
on the airport's flight schedule
on the alaska peninsula
on the arm wrestling table
on the arms and the lower back
on the atlantic ocean
on the attack
on the back
on the back of it
on the back of the beast
on the backside of my property
on the ball
on the bamboo
on the bank
on the banks
on the bayou
on the bering sea
on the biloxi river
on the board
on the boat
on the body
on the border of his hunting area
on the bottom
on the bottom of it like a trigger
on the bottom of the loch
on the bottoms of my feet
on the boulders
on the box
on the bright side of it
on the brink
on the brink of starvation
on the bronco
on the budget
on the butt
on the cape caution
on the car
on the cat
on the chance
on the chopper ride up
on the clock
on the cockpit
on the continent
on the coral head
on the cordage
on the corpse i'm investigating
on the corpse in question
on the coup
on the crab
on the crowded southern edge of the grounds
on the Don the day he died
on the deck here
on the dock
on the door
on the dot com
on the early TV series superman
on the east coast
on the edge of death valley
on the edge of the dock
on the edge of the neighboring property
on the edge of the village
on the emotional side
on the end of my line
on the end of that revolver
on the envelope
on the eqi glacier
on the face of it
on the far edge of that holler
on the far side
on the farm
on the fence to be honest
on the fifth hole
on the final stretch
on the first dry day in more than a week
on the first pot here
on the fish
on the fish for almost three hours
on the fish ticket
on the fishing grounds
on the flipside
on the floor
on the floor in the forest
on the fly
on the forest floor
on the fringes of the group
on the front line
on the front line of the UFO phenomenon
on the front of the boat
on the frontend
on the fucking saga
on the gator's turf
on the gator's back
on the gear
on the gold We anticipated
on the goose's head
on the grizzly hunting shack
on the ground
on the ground drownin' in the blood
on the ground in india
on the grounds
on the hard merchandise
on the harpoon here
on the heating and air guy
on the heel end
on the heels of being the losing bid for a plump AK contract
on the hellhound
on the highest of highs
on the hind legs
on the hole
on the hook
on the hook tomorrow
on the horizon
on the human body
on the hunt
on the hunt for seal
on the hunt for the perpetrator
on the hunt now
on the hydraulic bandit reel
on the inlet
on the internet
on the island
on the island in hawaii
on the isles
on the jukebox
on the jungle island of sri lanka
on the jungles edge
on the kentucky hell hound
on the keys
on the king crab grounds
on the lagoon
on the lake
on the last one
on the latest firebird crisis
on the lawless frontier between colombia and brazil
on the lily
on the line
on the line here
on the line, man
on the list
on the log, buck
on the logical side
on the lookout for anomalies
on the machines
on the maldives islands
on the map
on the market
on the meat
on the meat, baby
on the menu
on the midnight shadow
on the mighty yukon
on the mission of a lifetime
on the mississippi sound
on the motherlode
on the move
on the net
on the new numbers
on the next dry patch
on the next trip
on the north bank of the tanana river
on the northwestern
on the oil fields
on the old adam's apple
on the open deck
on the open market
on the open sea
on the other
on the other hand, buddy
on the other side
on the other side
on the other side of it
on the other side of the bay
on the other side of the caved—in tunnel
on the other side of the coin
on the other side of the tent
on the other side of this
on the outer edges of their territory
on the outside
on the outskirts
on the outskirts of town
on the pascagoula river
on the perimeter
on the phenomenon
on the phone
on the phone with them
on the pinwheel
on the planet
on the plate
on the playground
on the price
on the prize
on the production line
on the prowl
on the public airwaves
on the quarter—sized kill spot
on the radio
on the radio with TV
on the range
on the rebound
on the red crab grounds
on the reef
on the river at night
on the riverbank
on the road
on the rock below me
on the rocks below
on the rod
on the roof of my mouth
on the rope
on the run for almost two years out here
on the safety gear
on the same grounds
on the same machine
on the same page
on the same piece of property
on the satellite phone
on the scale
on the scene
on the screen
on the seabrooke
on the search for a delicacy impossible to find at his home
on the set
on the set of the TV series superman
on the set of waltons
on the shady side of the island
on the shawnee hunting grounds
on the shore
on the shoreline
on the shoulders of kansas city's bill longston
on the show
on the side of a hillside
on the side of a mountain
on the side of his face
on the sidecar
on the sides of lakes and rivers
on the skids
on the slick rock
on the soccer field
on the sonoran desert
on the stand
on the starter
on the stone
on the stories i've been hearing
on the street
on the stump
on the subframe with the motor
on the surface
on the surface of deep water
on the sushi market
on the swamp
on the swivel
on the system
on the table
on the tables
on the tail end of an incredibly fast king crab season
on the tail rope
on the task at hand
on the thermostat
on the things lower jaw
on the three corners
on the time bandit
on the top
on the top and bottom
on the top end
on the top of south america
on the trail
on the trail of a giant fish
on the trail of a legendary freshwater beast
on the trail of the world's most famous river monster
on the tree next to me
on the trigger
on the trunk
on the tundra
on the upper deck
on the upwind side of things
on the velo dog
on the verge of crawling into a corner and crying
on the very edge of their hunting territory
on the violent beast
on the vulnerable
on the wall
on the warehouse
on the warpath
on the warpath for redemption
on the water
on the water's edge
on the way
on the way down
on the way to check him out
on the way up the hill
on the weather
on the west side of death valley
on the wheel
on the wheelhouse window
on the wide open tundra
on the wrong scree slope
on the X 100% of the time
on their airboat
on their approach
on their exposed skin
on their feet
on their hands
on their head
on their hunt for blood
on their land
on their last legs
on their lines
on their minds
on their minds today
on their mission
on their own
on their own radar
on their recon
on their relationship
on their targets
on their task
on their team
on their terms
on their turf
on their upcoming bairdi season
on their way out
on their way to a party
on them sonofabitches
on them sons of bitches
on there
on there, paulie
on these anchors
on these bunches of fish
on these cars
on these first two targets
on these real steep slopes here
on this
on this alligator trip
on this all terrain vehicle
on this bank
on this boat
on this build
on this building
on this camp
on this car
on this damn thing
on this desolate land
on this episode of dual survival
on this episode of hillbilly handfishin'
on this episode of wicked tuna
on this farflung island
on this farm
on this firearm
on this fish
on this gear
on this haul
on this house
on this lawnmower
on this little island
on this machine
on this one
on this pier
on this project
on this raft
on this remote Waterway
on this rock
on this ship of ghosts
on this show
on this side
on this sonofabitch
on this story
on this tale
on this thing
on this three kilometer trip
on this trap
on thorns
on those antlers
on those rare occasions when piranha do attack
on those rocks
on three acres of land
on time
on to nuuk
on to the next chore
on to the store
on top
on top again
on top of a mountain
on top of it
on top of my head right now
on top of skipper
on top of that
on top of the ice
on top of the jeep
on top of the pay pile high above the cut
on top of the world, boys
on top of their game
on top of this thing
on top of you
on top of your legs
on track
on trees
on trout
on TV
on two guns
on us
on View
on Vince
on wide world of stupid
on ya
on you
on you all day
on you quick
on your back in your bunk
on your cellphone
on your cornflakes
on your elbows
on your good side
on your left hand
on your neck
on your numbers
on your own
on your own terms
on your place here
on your shoulder
on your side
on your tail now, buddy
on your team
on your toes
on your trailer
on your way over
on your younger calves
on yours
on yukon gold
one access point
one area in particular
one bad hole
one canteen between them
one crevice
one detail here that doesn't really stack up
one end or the other
one fight away from a shutout
one foot in tomorrow
one foot in yesterday
one home that was underwater
one hour
one in the lower jaw
one inch ice
one last paystreak
one little piece to catch
one loose end
one mile out to the ten o'clock
one millimeter ahead
one minute
one more deposit on our claim
one of alaslka's most challenging kills
one of my biggest challenges out here
one of the best parts of the fish
one of the best places to live in alabama
one of the bulbs
one of the harsher environments
one of the harshest and most isolated places on earth
one of the harshest environments for any human to survive in
one of the hottest and driest places in the US
one of the icebergs i saw
one of the lamest shelters i've ever made
one of the largest limestone cave systems in the world
one of the largest parcels of land on the biloxi river
one of the most challenging environments on earth
one of the most dangerous jungles on the planet
one of the most dangerous places on the planet for infection
one of the most hostile environments on earth
one of the most inhospitable environments known to man
one of the most uninhabitable and inhospitable environments
one of the most vulnerable places
one of the old indian trails
one of the oldest rainforests in the world
one of the thickest jungles in the world
one of the world's largest waterfalls
one of those places you're not supposed to be
one of those properties we looked at
one of those trees
one on a river
one on this end
one piece closer to solving the puzzle
one place
one place i fished
one place in the country
one place in turkey
one place you haven't been
one right there
one side of the ridge
one small bedroom for guests
one spot that looks pretty crabby
one step ahead
one step ahead of winter
one step closer to his fate
one that's about the diameter i want and about the height i want
one up on old brother will
one win away from a kansas city sweep
only 30 minutes from the casinos
only 8 miles away from three mighty rivers
only a few miles away
only a mile from your cottage or home
only able to stay with it for a few seconds
only about ten miles from here
only going in reverse
only miles from your own bed
onto a concrete pad
onto a target
onto dry ground
onto him
onto his leg
onto his next spot
onto its prey
onto solid ground
onto something
onto that rneal
onto that next bit of good ground
onto that thing
onto the chain there
onto the interior
onto the lead
onto thetnenu
onto thenextone
onto the rack
onto therange
onto theroad
onto therofler
onto the side
onto the side of a vertical cliff face
onto those
open at last
open bar for 15 minutes
open for the very first time
open water
open water bubbling up
open water in between the pack ice
open wide
operating in greenland
originally a portuguese settlement
other parts of the world
other tropical forests
our area of operation
our asses
our backyard
our bags
our batteries
our bayou getaway
our beanbags
our bomb shelter
our breath
our common ground
our conflict
our culture
our destiny
our eyes and our ears open
our feet
our first pot right over there
our first target site
our future
our goal for the year
our goal here in greenland
our gun store
our lines
our little bubble of reality
our little environment up here
our net down the river
our new future home
our numbers
our own shelter
our own soil
our pathway out
our personalities
our pickup point
our planet
our private little beach
our route right there
our saving grace right here
our spirits
our strengths
our three prospect pots
our ticket out of here
our waterfall
our way
our weakness
our whole entire quota
our whole quota
out a couple of minutes
out about 200 feet
out about two feet
out again
out alone on a hunt for food
out at fort bragg
out at hog island
out at sea
out at the dredge
out by the pool
out by yourself
out east
out elk hunting
out for another day of salmon fishing
out for frogs
out for revenge in the shawnee hunting grounds
out for the season
out for the second guy
out for this trip
out from under that two—ton rock
out from under the rope
out from underneath you
out front
out here
out here about three or four foot
out here alone
out here at night
out here by myself
out here completely alone
out here doing this
out here doing what my dad used to do
out here fishing red crab
out here for 14 hours
out here for a little while
out here for about 30 years
out here in eagle
out here in hollywood
out here in katrina
out here in the amazon
out here in the field
out here in the great outdoors
out here in the long run
out here in the middle of nowhere
out here in the middle of the fucking jungle
out here in the morning
out here in the rain
out here in the wild
out here in this heat
out here on my own
out here on your own
out here questioning me
out here riding in the four wheeler
out here somewhere
out here talking to you
out here to god's country
out here to the great outdoors
out here today
out here waitin' for ya
out here with all this moisture
out here with this stupid thing
out here, man
out huntin'
out hunting
out hunting with a friend
out in a cold weather situation
out in a storm
out in back
out in earth orbit and beyond
out in force
out in front
out in the boonies
out in the bush
out in the bush here
our in the dark
out in the desert
out in the field
out in the marsh
out in the middle of the floor
out in the middle of the fucking creek
out in the ocean here
out in the rain getting drenched
out in the woods
out into a place like this
out into the remote caiman infested channels
out into the river
out just in time
out like a tree root
out looking for him
out my exhaust
out of a catalog
out of a four foot patch of dry land
out ofajob here
out ofa kid's book
out of a movie
out of a situation like this
out of a snow machine and a sled
out of a stream
out of alaska
out of bed
out of bounds
out of breath
out of control
out of danger
out of energy
out of eqi in time
out of fuel
out of greenland
out of here
out of here alive
out of here by tomorrow afternoon
out of here like that
out of hibernation
out of his territory
out of his trailer
out of it
out of it. stuck in it
out of its holes
out of its mouth
out of jesse's rock chainsaw
out of me
out of my bucket
out of my cabinets
out of my deals
out of my face please
out of my hair
out of my hands
out of my kit
out of my mouth
out of my showroom
out of my way
out of nowhere
out of one of those movies, you know?
out of options
out of our sight
out of pocket
out of position
out of such turbulent depths
out of that hole
out of that water
out of that wind
out of the 16th floor window
out of the barrel
out of the basket
out of the bone
out of the box
out of the boxes
out of the breech
out of the brush
out of the building
out of the chair
out of the challenge
out of the cut
out of the damn tree
out of the dark
out of the fire
out of the freezing ljord
out of the fucking socket
out of the gloom
out of the ground
out of the hole
out of the mine
out of the moose
out of the mountain
out of the pack
out of the rack
out of the rain
out of the river
out of the rock
out of the roller
out of the scenario
out of the security of your boat
out of the side of the canyon wall
out of the sun
out of the swamp
out of the trap
out of the united states
out of the water
out of the water any longer than absolutely necessary
out of the water fast
out of the way
out of the weather
out of the wind. away from the wind
out of them barrels
out of there
out of there before another one comes
out of this .out of this area
out of this area to water
out of this canyon
out of this chair
out of this creature
out of this fetid puss hole
out of this fish
out of this gator infested water
out of this shit
out of this very spot
out of this wind
out of time
out of town here
out of you
out of your ass
out of your line of sight
out of your mouth
out on his own
out on location
out on the bayou
out on the hillside by yourself
out on the left
out on the move
out on the prairie
out on the right
out on the road
out on the tannac
out on the tundra
out on the waters of the bayou
out on this barren landscape
out on top of it
out onto the water
out over a ledge
out over the gulf of mexico
out over the lagoon
out over the property
out over the water's edge
out past rock throwing range
out right now
out safely and in one piece
out swimming around
out the back of it
out the backdoor
out the door
out the door this morning
out the game
out the window
out there
out there as fast as i can
out there by theirself
out there flying around
out there guys
out there in nature
out there in shorts and a t—shirt
out there maybe 60, 70 yards
out there on deck
out there on the tundra
out there searching, looking
out there shaking up and down
out there to investigate
out this way
out to a major channel
out to bring you in
out to check my property
out to fish
out to get stuff on the table
out to identify these unexplained creatures
out to investigate
out to our pickup spot
out to scout
out to sea
out to that camp
out to the bush to live
out to the highway
out to the left
out to track him down
out to Venice beach
out under the ice
out west a little bit
out with us
outside forever
outside in the woods wet
outside my tent
outside of my eyesight
outside of our knowledge
outside the boat
outside the line
outside with me
outta here
outta here now
outta his house
outta line
outta my own life
outta my pocket
outta nowhere
outta that chimney
outta the guy who's got it
outta the old jail house
outta the water
outta there now
outta this
outta this chair
outta this country
outta this crap
outta this job
outta this seat
outta y'ass
outta yo family's fuckin' mouth
outta your hair
over 12700 bucks
over 1600 glaciers
over 300 miles away in anchorage
over a big massive one
over a blanket
over a mile away
over a pretty steep bank
over at the ranch
over by the cattails
over centuries
over five decades of UFO sightings
over here
over here already
over here getting the big stuff
over here in a minute
over here in the dark
over his shoulder
over ice and snow
over in hammond
over in raceland louisiana
over into next year
over iran
over it right now
over its ruthless rock
over millennia
over my head
over my head a little bit
over new york
over on that ridge
over our budget
over our heads
over that hill over there
over that log
over that pass
over that way
over the arctic circle
over the budget
over the cold northern seas
over the dark waters of the chesapeake bay
over the eastern boundary
over the edge
over the fence
over the frustrations
over the fucking side
over the guys
over the head
over the head with a stick
over the hill
over the ice
over the iranian city of tehran
over the line
over the nation of belgium
over the nearby nuclear missile base
over the next glacier
over the next mountain
over the radio
over the rocky breakwater
over the side
over the sides
over the swamp
over the tarmac
over the top of it
over the top of me
over the town
over the years
over there
over there on that line
over there on the right where the stump's sticking out
over there running circles around someone
over there taking pictures of the pinwheel
over these falls every second
over thirty
over this barren landscape
over this ridge
over this roller
over this terrain
over to hailstone
over to his property
over to his side of the line
over to north america
over to the first target
over to this tree over here
over top of him
over top of me
over toward that farm
over what to kill and what to let go
overboard with that rod in your hands
overlooking this bayou down here
overseeing things
overturned trees
pack hunter massacres
packing up
paddling forward
paired up with somebody
palace hotel, arusha
panning around
paralleling the course of the main bolite
paralleling us
part of a testicle
part of my footstep
part of the learning curve
part of the malaysian archipelago
past my appearance
past out of control
past that
past that part
past the breakers to the open sea
past the nudity
past this section
paths crossed with creatures like this
pawpaw groves
paying bills
paying bills right now
paying off
peninsular malaysia
perfect spot
perking up
permanently buried under glaciers
philadelphia pennsylvania
physically exhausted
physically grabbed
physically shaking
picking at this
picking cotton
picking up
pieces of cattle
pieces of property
piled up behind this
piling up
pinhead over there
pink sapphires right here
pinned down by a pride of lions
pinned in this one field
pinning it underneath
pipes laid in pissed
pissed off right now
pissed off today
pissing in the wind
pitch black
places on the river where it's gonna be unsafe
plaguing laura
playing around
playing in mud forever
playing in the river
playing in the water with his friends
playing it
playing just off the beach
plenty of escape routes
plenty of opportunities for cover
plowed thru the canopy
plucked from the sea
plucked out
plugged up
plum out of it
plummet to the mid fifties
plunging from the peaks of the andes
pointed forward
pointing us in a general direction
poking around in places people don't normally go
poking out thru the windshield
poking thru
polling up the river
pond water
pontiac motor division
port side
pot! pot! pot!
potential dangers
potential shade, water or rescue
potentially on the menu
pots of gold
pots showing little life
pounding on your chest
pounds of rubies here
pouring down his leg
pouring out of it
powerful tsunamis
praying for it to stop
prepared for tonight
preparing for this trip
pressed against the wall
pretty close
pretty close to him
pretty close to that
pretty close to the shawnee game trail
pretty cold right now
pretty far down the road
pretty handy to where we wanna be
pretty high now
pretty much solo
pretty steep
previously on no man's land
prime alligator and moccasin territory
primitive structures out in the wilderness
probably in here somewhere
problems out here
project blue book
promised land
promising grounds
properly asleep
protected from the rain
protected from the wind and the weather
protecting us
protection from spiders
prowling america's suburban backyards
prowling around
prowling down there
proximal to this area
puddles of water
pulled into place
pulled into the water
pulling hard
pulling in
pulling it out there
pulling out
pulling them in
pulling them in slow
punching holes thru me
pure exhaustion
pushed to the trap
pushing against the cliff face
pushing in
pushing onward
pushing ourselves so hard
pushing this thing
put to bed
put to the test
putrid swamp
putting himself thru this kind of pain
putting out
putting their time in
putting up your meat up here
quite a few chews around here
quite a ways from any kind of a grocery store
quite a ways to walk ahead of me
quite far back in here
racing against the fleet
racing for the border with stolen goods
raging over basecamp
raging rivers
rained down on me
raised from the depths
raised in a factory
ramping up
ran aground
ran red with blood
rapids or something
reaching his goal
reactor number four
ready for yet more lethal encounters
ready to come back in
ready to do battle with nature
ready to feed
ready to fire
ready to flip
ready to go
ready to go back home
ready to go get it
ready to shoot
ready to sleep
real close
real fired up right now
real frickin nervous right now
real high on the food chain
real vertical here
really alert
really close
really close to being out of daylight
really down
really frustrated
really pissed off
really really nervous right now
really struggling
really unnerving
really well camouflaged
really wet
recording this footage
recovered from the roswell crash
recreational properties
red crab mountain
reduced for now
reeling in some truly astonishing beasts
reeling in the life raft
reestablishing in a new area
reindeer paths
reliving some of my most terrifying near misses
remote locations
removed from the island
replacing a guy like cody lundin
replenishing it
repositioned inside the fishing zone
retracing the voyages of the vikings
returning to south america
returning to the open ocean
revealed when they bite
riding him
riding home
riding on it
riding on this
riding on this trip
riding on us building an awesome raft
riding scared the rest of your life
riding shotgun
right a touch
right a touch some more
right about here
right above it
right above whatever beast is down there
right across out there
right across that gully
right across the way
right across this face
right across this reason
right after WWright along the sides here
right and hold
right around
right around the hill there
right at me
right at our bait
right at our reserve
right at the edge of the boat
right at the end
right at the lateral line on the fish
right at us
right at you
right at your ass
right back in here
right back in it
right back in that hole
right back out
right back there at that old beech tree
right back to my childhood
right back to the set of numbers where we caught this fish
right back up
right before a full moon
right behind
right behind me
right behind us
right behind you
right below you in the big opening
right between his eyes
right between my legs
right between the serengeti and mount kilimanjaro
right between us
right by him
right by my pump house here
right by the boat
right by the fucking anchor
right by the place where the boat went down
right by this gear here
right close
right close to him
right down in here
right down into the hole
right down over the hill
right down the trail he came
right down there
right down there, you know, six inches from the actions of these guns
right down to billy's farm
right fucking here
right here
right here all day long
right here f1llin' his feet
right here in front of me
right here in front of us
right here in my pocket
right here in the amazon
right here in this location
right here in this river
right here in this shade
right here just as proud as a peacock
right here on the gunner
right here on the mississippi gulf coast
right here on the rocks
right here right now
right here somewhere
right here where the webster werewolf has roamed
right here, dad
right in front of me
right in front of predators
right in front of the dock
right in here
right in his backyard
right in his wheelhouse
right in my oflcice at work
right in place
right in right here
right in the area where they kept telling us they were seeing that big one
right in the cleaning supplies
right in the ear
right in the eyelashes
right in the face
right in the middle of a huge lake
right in the middle of it
right in the nuts
right in the snotlocker
right in the water right here
right in there
right in there, baby
right in you
right into first place
right into my crotch
right into people's backyards
right into shining
right into the sun
right into the water, baby
right into where that Water is running
right next to it
right next to me
right next to us
right off
right off biloxi's shore
right off the back
right off the deck
right off the high—spot
right off this corner
right oFf this drum
right on bayou mason
right on his shirt
right on his tail
right on it
right on me
right on our numbers
right on schedule
right on sig's window
right on the boat
right on the bottom there in the bucket
right on the dock side
right on the edge of this thing
right on the edges
right on the knuckles
right on the neighbor lady's lawn
right on the top of them
right on these guys
right on top of the ground
right on top of us
right on top there
right on us
right out here
right out in front of us
right out in the open
right out of the water
right out there about 60 yards
right out there in the corner of the field
right out there in the kill area
right out thru here
right out thru this timber
right outside
right over here
right over his shoulder
right over the fucking top of it
right over the kill
right over the top
right over the top of somebody
right over the top there
right over them
right over there on that fucking patio
right over there on the other side of that bush
right over there straight ahead
right over to me
right over top of us
right past all these people
right side
right the way up the pyramid
right there
right there baby
right there in front of us
right there in View
right there in your yard
right there on that bench
right there to the right
right there with you every step of the way
right there, 12 o'clock
right there, bruce
right there, dude
right there. looks like two boobs
right this way darling
right thru here
right thru here breaking corn
right thru my camp
right thru the fleet
right thru the night
right thru there
right thru those cracks
right tight with the team
right to the bitter end
right to the bounty hunter
right to the end
right to the surface
right to your chest
right toward him
right under the dock
right under their noses
right up against the bank
right up against the face
right up against the ice sheet
right up hard against eve's bank
right up here
right up in the chum
right up in the thicket
right up in this grass
right up on the glacier there
right up on the surface
right up there with it
right up this way
right up to you guys
right where we were yesterday
ripping a diver's hand clean off
ripping teeth off our bucket
rise and drop without any notice
rises quietly to plan its next attack
rising and falling
rising at the most breathtaking angle
rising very quickly
rivers with fish
roads and buildings somewhere
roamed here
roaming the desert
rock bottom
rocking and rolling over there
rocking back and forth
rolling forward
rolling in
rolling your way
room for two boats
roosevelt's journal
roswell new mexico
rotten below the waterline
rotten with moisture
rough-ass terrain
round and round
rounding a bend
rows of needle—sharp teeth
rows of razor sharp teeth
rubbing up against it
rudderless in 20 foot seas
rumors of a shadow government
run into something of a dead end
run over by boats
running a second boat
running after something like a snake
running again
running around
running away on us
running behind
running fifty miles more up the hill
running in
running in when the tide comes
running like a scalded jackass
running like a shot
running low
running on empty
running on empty right now
running out
running out of daylight
running out of good tracks
running out of line here
running out of time
running out of water
running right by one of our strings
running right for that lobster gear
running strong
running thru there
rushing in
rushing thru them
rusted up
rustling up some frogs
saddled up
safe now
salon static
same time. same channel
scanning the shore for crocs
scared— oil
scattered across the desert
scattered radiation hotspots
scavenging in mines
scorched into the victim's skin
scouring death valley
scrambled to investigate
scratching the bedrock, baby
scratching the paint
screaming on the surface
screwing us
sealing its gems in ice
searching for a cold war mutant
searching for food
searching for water
searching their files
seared into the memory of at least a couple of crew members
seconds before this
seconds from popping the line
seconds from snapping
secrets he's not supposed to have
seeing a lot of crawfish down here in this slew
seeing spots there
seeing the blood flowing
sent away
sent out
sent to intercept
serious repercussions
serious reserves
set in my ways
setjust where i want it
set now, brother
set some way away
set up in something better
setting in
setting in
setting the hook
setting up camp on its banks
settled and happy
settled down
settling into a place
seven feet total out of her
seven hours drive away back in arusha
several days past the start of the king crab season
several miles northwest of their current position
several villages around a ukraine missile base
severe physical damage
severely depleted
shadowing him
shaking his head, man
shaking too much
shaking wildly
shark fishing in this ljord
sharp ass coral
sheer cliffs
shelter for the night
sheriff's office
shit in my pocket now
shit in your pants later
shit like that
shooting out the right side
shooting right up my leg
shooting some video
shoots up my back
shortcuts to remote locations
shot away at a mindnumbing speed
shotgun on an emergency call
shoved up the hill
showering radioactive debris into the surrounding area
showing on the surface
shutting down
sicily hills wildlife management area
sick as a dog
side by side
side by side shivering
sideways really quick
signed in
significant shelter
signs of acute fatigue
signs of distress
signs of habitation
sinking deeper into depression
sinking in
sinking silently to attack their prey
site of the worst ever radiological accident in history
sittin' here
sittin' here waiting
sittin' in a deer stand
sittin' on the beach
sittin' over there
sittin' pretty
sittin' there
sittin' there, sitting like a dog
sitting at a big fancy desk
sitting by the fire
sitting in a life raft
sitting in the parking lot
sitting out up on a ridge
sitting pretty
sitting right here on this point
sitting still
six feet into the air
six feet under. bye.
six hours behind the thieves
six hours further east
six miles outside of darwin
six miles south on the nite's edge
six months straight
skid row
slammed around
slammin' the dirt with your face
slapped with child support papers from his ex
slapping the dirt at that angle
sleeping among them
sleeping in the shack all day
sleeping on a plank of wood
sleeping tonight
slicing into people
slick rock
slick rock walls
sliding on your nose
sliding out into the box
slipped thru his hands
slipping down
slipping past him
slither off
slowing down
smack in the middle of the hand
small tracts
small water holes
smashing into the rocky shore
smelling this deer as i butcher it
smoked by the whole fleet
snagging over every little things it can get its hands on
snake infested snake pit
snaking its way thru the dangerous lush jungle
sneaking up on me like that
snow right there
so close
so close to reaching his goal
so close, dude
so deep in the rain forest
so dehydrated
so embarrassed right now
so far
so far back behind step one
so far north
so far out it's unbelievable
so focused on a single issue
so freaking close
so fucking pissed
so fucking weak
so hungry
so low
so low on energy
so low on water
so many calories left in your body to burn in a day
so relieved
so screwed
so tight
soaked already
soft spots
soft, decomposing bodies to tear into
solely on their prospecting experience
solid ground
solid ice
some answers
some big leaves
some corner of the amazon
some cover
some deep water along side
some deer tracks right here
some different areas of the outcropping
some dififerent sort of inner strength
some dirt in there
some dry ground
some fresh territory
some friction here
some grass and some dirt and some trees
some higher ground dryer ground
some junipers in a rock out cropping
some land
some land that he has
some land up here
some locations for deer season
some miles behind'em
some monsoon clouds
some moose tracks here
some more pieces
some more properties to look at
some nearby numbers we used to fish
some new mines
some of the best wildlife in this country
some of the densest jungle on earth
some of the missing pieces of this puzzle
some of the oldest sandstone in the entire world
some of the world's most dangerous waters
some personal space
some place along the line
some pretty rugged terrain that needs to be crossed
some sandy shores
some serious personality conflicts between the guys
some shafts going down and up
some sort of notch
some spots
some stretch of the rip parana
some targets
some tender meat
some things outside the box
some tree cover
some very rich deposits
somebody else's back
someplace where i can think
something great here in greenland
something i didn't expect
something primal there
something really special to show you over here
something substantial to live in
something that's all rotted out. that's gonna cave in on me.
something that's dangerous
something to land on
something ugly coming
sometimes into certain death
sometimes making 90 degree turns in an instant
sometimes toward safety
somewhere around somewhere around here
somewhere dry and away from bugs
somewhere else
somewhere in siberia
somewhere in that paystreak
somewhere over here
somewhere right beneath me
somewhere that could hold a real serious monster
sore back
sore wrists
south africa
south america
southern utah
southern utah's redrock canyons
southwest of dutch harbor
southwest of the northwestern
soviet and american nuclear missile bases
space based images from NASA missions
space—based assets
sped away and disappeared
spending the night in this
spending time with family
spoiling on their lines
spreading far and wide
spreading out a little bit
spreading out into the forest
squaring off with a 1500 mile arctic storm
squeezing the life out of it
squeezing the victim to death
sri lanka
sri lanka's coasts
stacked against you
stalking a moose
stalking the kovuk river for moose
stalking the rivers
standing back in there
standing by
standing on the shore
standing on the street corner selling pencils
standing right there next to the rattlesnake
standing up on top of that rock howling at us
standing with his aluminum foil balloon
stands alone
staring down dangerous apex predators
staring off into the wilderness
staring them in the face
staring us down right now
starting to blow in
starting to come up
starting to freeze
starting to settle in
starting to shiver
starting to weep
startled awake
starts at the back. ripping them off
starving here
staying alive
staying home tomorrow
staying hydrated
staying in the jungle, perched on the edge of the cove
steaming up
steep and rocky terrain
steeper and rockier
step by step
sticking like glue
sticking with that fish
stiff as hell in manual
still a ways away
still around
still coming
still deeper on the edge
still full of fight
still happy
still here
still in it
still in the challenge
still in the hospital for observation
still on the hook
still on the road
still out there
still recovering
still there
stinkin' bayou
storage for all my huntin' tools
storm surges that swallow up huge chunks of dry land
storming outta town
straight ahead
straight ahead to your left
straight back
straight back across that field
straight back down there
straight down
straight for you
straight from there straight to here
straight into that target area
straight into the water
straight into their boat
straight lines of communication
straight on the grill
straight over the bank
straight thru
straight thru everything
straight to my face
straight to the ground
straight to thunderdome
straight up
straight up and down in places
straight with you
stranded in sri lanka
stranded in the barren alpine tundra
stranded in the crocodile filled salt water mangroves
stranded in the south african low valley
stranded out there
stranded with no hope of help
strange activity below
strapped in
strapped into a roller coaster
strapped to it
streaking across the sky
streaking right up
stressed out
stretched out on the bank
stretched out ready to go
stretched tight
stringing up my hammock
stripped away of everything
stripping ahead
stripping dirt in the cut
struck in the head by that bolt of lightning
struggling thru their day
struggling to stay conscious
struggling to stay warm
struggling with a ferocious 12 foot monster
stuck at the dock
stuck down here
stuck in his ways
stuck in it
stuck in the mud
stuck in the water
stuck in three foot of mud
stuck on the rocks
stuck real good
stuck up there
stuck up to his torso
stuck waist deep in a pit of mud
stumbled into a potential man eater
stumps and roots for the gators to get tangled up in
success and failure
such a heavily populated area
sucked into the side of the bank
suddenly there right in front of me
suffering now
summer camp
super cold
super rough conditions
support beams
surface area
surfaced in loch ness
surrendered to his pain
surrounded by all sorts of wildlife, from little squirrels to big bucks
surrounded by deadly predators
surrounded by dunes
surrounded by stagnant water
surrounded by steep rocky mesas
surrounded by wilderness
surviving in the wild
surviving on the maldives islands
surviving together
susceptible to hypothermia and frost bite
swallowed up in the night sky
swept away
swimming beneath our feet
swimming in sticks
swimming in that one
swimming off iceland
swimming up and down
swimming with sharks
swinging around
swollen rivers
tagged out
tail first
taken by surprise
taken out
taken out of here
taking a bite out of a lady's ass
taking a break
taking a breather
taking a little more
taking a lot of line
taking down another world champ
taking every precaution
taking line oil the drag
taking on a lot of water
taking on water
taking the boat over
tales of men swallowed whole
tall mountains
tangled and trapped beneath the boat
tangled brush
tangled in the reeds
tangled mangroves on the coast
tangled up on something
tapped out
tearing him apart
tearing this shit up
tearing this thing up
tearing up
technology that we lean on
teetering right on the edge of my time limit
teeth in here
telling the truth
tempting killers onto my line
ten feet down in a powerful current
ten feet from our shelter
ten feet off the beach
ten miles away
ten miles south on the nite's edge
ten miles to the east
tending the fire
tent shelters in the desert
terrain features
test firing with joe
testing greenland's patience
that angle there
that ass
that back side
that bait
that base of experience
that bedrock layer
that bolt right there
that boulder pile up there
that branch there
that brilliant object
that building
that building right there
that bush
that campfire
that cave
that checkbook
that close to it
that cloud formation
that coconut tree there
that corner, son
that country up there
that damn hill
that damn land
that dark color
that deposit
that direction
that drill
that drop—off
that enormous mouth
that eqi east location
that far
that far ahead
that far off shore
that firing pin
that fox right there
that game
that go round
that grass
that guys hand
that head
that helicopter
that high
that hole
that horizon
that in itself
that kind of environment
that kiosk there
that ladder
that lady over there sunbathing
that land
that leak
that leather
that line
that little seam that were following
that log right there
that loop
that lower portion
that machine
that moment
that mud
that nasty bastard
that number
that old da' corn
that one thing you're here looking for
that open spot
that orange thing over there
that other place
that picture
that place
that plant job
that popcorn
that port side structure
that post
that potthen
that print
that property
that rainbow over there
that rear end
that river crossing
that river down there
that rock in there
that rock on the edge
that rock wall there
that shack
that shaft going down this way
that shit
that side
that slick stuff
that smoke
that spot
that stilt camp
that stretch of river
that sun
that sun to our right side
that thing
that thump down there
that tough skin
that tree right there
that tree up there
that very close call
that vibe
that water
that water jacket
that waterfall
that wave
that way
that wet boggy area
that white sand
that whole area
that whole thing
that width
that willow
that zone right in there
the 109 foot seabrooke
the 155 foot wizard
the 1976 tehran airforce encounter
the 21" notch
the 22 mile long loch
the 64 foot mast
the 700 foot deep loch
the 80 mile long ijord that connects trondheim to the sea
the 800 pound pots
the absence of puma
the abundance of eroded material
the action
the adventures that took me to the brink
the afterburners
the aftermath
the airforce
the airline
the alarm bells
the aleutian beauty
the amazon
the amite river
the anatomy
the anchors
the animal's foot
the animosity between those two
the arabian desert
the arctic
the area
the area and the good water
the area around the house
the area around the river ness
the area captain taylor has already claimed
the area that we're fishin' in
the area under the camp
the area where they were attacked
the areas that we worked
the arid chihuahuan desert of southwest texas
the army
the atmosphere
the audio recordings and evidence
the autumn winds
the back deck
the back end
the back end of it
the back end of our little testing range
the back head of that match
the back of a cargo plane
the back of my head
the back porch
the back suspension bar
the backstrap on that cat
the backwoods of mississippi
the backyard, on the river
the bairdi grounds
the bait box
the balance
the bamboo
the bamboo trap
the bank
the bank account
the bank house
the bar
the bar here
the barbs on a fish hook
the barren eqi glacier
the barren peaks
the barren strip of land where they have been dropped oil
the basis of this story about a huge mutant fish
the batteries
the bayous
the bayous of montague louisiana
the beach
the beaches
the beachhead they'll call home
the beast
the beautiful redrock canyons
the beautiful white beaches
the bed
the bedrock source
the bedroom
the beginning of a government UFO conspiracy
the beginning of an unseasonable coldspell
the bell
the bering sea
the bering sea's king crab bounty
the best looking meth house i've seen lately
the best part of the house
the best part of the moose
the best spot yet
the big dipper
the big kitchen
the big stores around here
the biggest falls in the entire US after niagra
the birds
the bites or stab wounds left on victims
the black eyes in the bar
the blame
the blast radius
the blood
the bloodstream
the bloody part
the blue sapphire
the boat wakes
the bodies of both the living and the dead
the body
the bombs
the bonded warehouse
the bone chilling cold of night
the boobs
the border from latitia into colombia
the borderline between the rock and the clay
the bottom
the bottom line
the bottom of his boat
the bottom of my feet
the bottom of the abyss in which they're hunting
the bottom of the house
the bottom of the ice
the bottom of this mystery
the bottoms of your feet
the boundary of the reserve
the bounty hunter
the box with the gold
the brackish water left behind after a big storm
the brains
the branch
the brick wall that nobody seems to be able to break thru
the bricks
the bubbles
the building we actually want
the butt of their jokes
the button to fire the missiles
the C-the cajun tropics along alabama's gulf shores
the camp right here by itself
the camping spot
the canyon
the cape caution
the carburetor
the caribou meats
the casinos
the caves
the ceiling
the center right here
the challenges
the chamber in the barrel
the changing conditions
the chicago tribune
the chihuahuan desert
the chill of winter
the circus
the city of biloxi
the city ofprinyet
the claim boundaries
the clock
the closer it gets to the full moon
the closest vessel
the cold
the cold night ahead
the cold north wind
the comforts of home
the coming chill
the computer age
the conditions that we're in
the connections
the contact zone
the contest for the day's biggest gator
the cool of morning
the corn mountain monsters
the corner of our license
the country
the country's driest and most forbidding desert
the country's UFO secrets
the course of your life
the courts
the coverup
the crack
the crash site in the woods
the craziest shit i've ever seen
the creeks we've fished so far
the crucial clue i've been looking for
the damn thing
the danger of it breaking
the dangerous belizean cave system
the dangers
the darkest side of an island paradise
the darkness
the darkside
the daunting reality
the daylight
the death circles
the deep
the deep forests
the deeper pockets
the deeper water
the deeper you go
the deepest and narrowest part
the deposit
the depth
the depths
the depths of loch ness
the depths of the ancient mayan cave
the depths of the loch
the desert
the desert floor
the deserts of the middle east
the desolate stretch of the chihuahuan desert that covers west texas
the devil's asshole
the devil's cauldron
the diaphragm
the dinner bell
the direction we should be going
the disaster zone
the distance its bite victims travel before dying
the distance of shooting
the diversion canal
the dock and storage shed
the docks
the doctor's office
the dome shelter we built
the door
the door hatch
the door to the devil
the dozer's track
the drama
the driest continent in the world
the drifting crew
the drop point
the duck blind
the early twentieth century
the earth
the earth's horizon
the easiest route
the easiest way off this rock
the east side of the kecksberg valley
the edge of the arctic circle
the edge of the flats
the edge off him
the edges of this door
the ejection seat
the empty lot across the street
the end of any big adventure
the end of autumn
the end of day one
the end of it
the end of the line
the end of the line for ken
the end of the war
the end of the world
the end of this
the end of us
the end of your day
the endless daylight of summer
the energy in joe's face
the engine
the engine room
the english world
the entire course of the way we get out of here
the entire island
the entrance of this trap
the envelope
the environment around you
the environment in alaska
the epicenter of this mystery
the exact location
the exact opposite direction
the eyes
the fabled ruby ring
the face here
the fact
the factory
the family farm
the fancy store in the mall
the fantasy that surrounds this legendary river monster
the far shore
the farms
the farther out we go
the fat reserves
the fate of the show
the feeder
the files
the final blowout between cody and joe
the final frontier
the final push of the season
the final round of his red crab season
the finest of tables
the finger i'm not supposed to use in public
the finger of suspicion
the fireplace in the kitchen
the firing line
the firing pin
the first pot
the first real cold night of the season
the first round
the first side wall
the first sign of civilization
the first step in his feasibility study
the fish market
the fish plant
the fish processing plant
the fish wheel
the fishery
the five toes here
the ljord floor
the flatlands
the floating reeds
the flooded forest
the floor
the focus on hunting
the former capital of their sea faring kingdom
the foundation
the frogs
the front
the front of the plane they were just on
the front porch
the front quarter of the door
the front shoulder
the front the boat
the frozen bank
the frozen winter
the fuck home
the fuck out of here
the fuck out of my man's face
the fuck out of my sight
the fuck out of town
the fuck up
the fucking bait station
the fucking leak
the fucking water
the fuel line
the fiiel valve
the fiill force of its bite
the fiill force straight on your hands. right now
the full moon
the fiill moon. were right up against it.
the full nudity element
the fiill stretch
the furthest down the creek we've ever been
the furthest thing from the truth
the future of dual survival
the galley
the game trail
the ganges
the gateway to tanzania's safari circuit
the gateway to the gold
the gathering
the gear right behind me
the giant cliff over here
the goats he's after
the gold
the good news
the government
the governments official position on UFOs
the GPS position where the vessel could possibly be located
the grassy areas
the graveyard of the atlantic
the great louisiana outdoors
the great swamplands of the south
the green stick
the ground
the growing personal problems between joe and cody
the guest bathroom
the gulf
the gulf of mexico
the gun
the gypsy slums
the hammock
the hammocks so densely packed together
the hand that feeds you
the hands
the hands i got dealt
the hanging chunks of flesh
the hard merchandise
the hard part
the harsh arctic conditions
the hatches
the head
the head of research and development for the airforce
the head off a herring
the head on him
the head on that thing
the headlines
the heart of the merciless jungle
the heat
the heat from the afterburners
the heat of the mid day sun
the heavy jungle canopy
the hell out of here
the hell out of there
the hell out of this damn shelter
the hell out of todd's way
the hell outta dodge
the hell outta here
the hell outta there
the helm
the high desert of new mexico
the high road
the highest ground i've seen since we've been here
the highest rated season of dual survival
the highways and the byways of these united states
the hind quarter
the home of the vikings monster myths
the hook
the hot water heater
the hotseat
the hottest place in america
the house
the house on the creek
the houses
the hull
the human body
the human spirit
the hundred twenty five foot northwestern
the hunterian in glasgow
the hunting area
the hunting ground
the hunting shack
the hunting spot
the hunts
the hut
the ice
the ice flow
the icy waters of cook inlet
the ideal dwelling for me
the ideal location
the ideal situation
the industry we operate in
the infection
the information you wanna know
the initial small dig site
the inside of that house
the inspection report
the intel
the interiors
the internal bullet guide
the internal organs
the island
the island from hell
the island of manhattan in a 300 foot thick layer of ice
the island of santa rosa
the island of sri lanka
the isolated creek
the issue of risk vs reward
the jagged coast line
the jar with the black powder in it
the jars
the jewelry quarter
the journey to extraction
the jungle
the kegs of beer
the kidneys
the kill spot
the kind of place where a guy loses his hand
the ladder
the lair of the river tiger
the lair of this ancient bloodsucker
the land
the land for his hunting
the landmass carrying scotland
the landscape
the larger island
the largest desert in america
the largest free—flowing river in the lower 48 states
the largest freshwater lake in great britain
the largest gypsum sand dune in the world
the largest organ in our bodies
the last eight hours of my life
the last known location of a vessel in distress
the last line around this corner
the last little bit
the last of it
the last of ken's fuel supply
the last place you would want it to sink
the last place you'd expect to find a river monster
the last true wilderness left in north america
the last unexplored corner of their redzone claim
the late fall we were praying for
the law in your own hands
the layers
the layout of the camp
the lead i'm looking for
the leak
the length of that journey
the life raft
the light
the lights on all the objects
the line
the lines
the living area
the living room
the lizard's flesh splayed open
the load
the local bauxite mine
the local gun stores
the local paper
the location
the location of a stream and clearing
the location were in
the locations david favors
the loch
the long alaskan winter
the long arm of the law
the longest lines i've ever fished with
the longest one
the longest, happiest lick i've ever taken
the looming price deadline
the low lands
the lower jaw of this fish
the lower river
the lumber capital of west Virginia
the machine
the main entry point for Colombian cocaine in brazil
the main part
the main way in
the main way out
the mainland US
the man you was lookin' for
the mark
the market
the market for a gem that can only be found in this part of the world
the marshy islands
the master bedroom
the master suite
the mattress store
the meat
the meat pile
the medic
the melody ranch
the memory of that event
the mess of success
the meter
the meth lab we go after
the middle of gator season
the middle of nowhere
the middle of nowhere to most folks
the middle of the current
the mighty black river
the mighty nighthawk
the miniature Vegas
the minute you stop learning
the mix
the moment we've been working toward
the moments that i'll reflect on
the money part
the moon
the moon phase
the moonshine business
the moose hanging in the smokehouse
the morning
the morning after the big tree fall
the most difficult place to survive
the most disturbing memory that i try not to think about
the most idyllic setting
the most phenomenal scene i've ever experienced
the most remote parts of the world
the motherlode in eqi
the motherlode in utah
the mouldings
the mountains
the mountains of southwest turkey
the mural
the mushroom operation
the mystery
the nail on the head
the narrow streets ofjaipur's gem district
the narrows
the NASA photo lab
the nastiest climates
the nation's top arm wrestling club
the natural world
the nearest airport that has fuel
the nearest bauxite mine
the nearest town
the nearest part of it
the neck of the animal
the neighboring village
the nets on thin ice
the new narrows
the new sluice plant
the newly improved inverness road
the next chapter of their lives
the next day
the next lake
the next level
the next line
the next little space i show you
the next morning
the next step
the next thing i'm gonna show you guys
the north of scotland
the north star
the northern ontario bush
the norwegian islands
the nucleus of the whole place
the ocean
the offices
the oklahoma sun
the old ghost town of darwin
the old hot spot
the one place he's guaranteed to make a fortune
the one right there, boss
the one you're leaning toward
the ones that i can see
the only clearing in otherwise unbroken jungle
the only cover we've seen
the only high ground for miles around
the only place left that didn't have frozen ground
the only place with plenty of room
the only show in town
the only spot to go to
the operation
the opportunities that are still out there
the opposite direction
the opposite direction from where the fleet is
the orange of that trailer
the ore track
the origins of so many myths
the other direction
the other side
the other side of that accomplishment
the other side of the deck
the other side of the hill
the other side of the river
the other way
the outdoors
the outer edges of their property lines
the outer edges of their territory
the outside here
the outside of the house
the outside of this tree
the outside world
the outskirts
the oven door
the pacific
the pack
the pain of a herniated disc
the parking area
the part
the part of it i want to be on
the part of selling i don't like
the part we like to see
the part y'all like to see
the party
the pasaronga
the past twenty years of his life
the path
the path of least resistance
the path of least sawblade bushes
the pelting snow
the perfect place for a giant to hide
the perfect place for rowdy foster
the perfect place for the yahoo
the perfect spot to put our trap
the perfect tree
the perfect untouched habitat
the perimeter
the permit office
the person's limits
the peruvian amazon
the peruvian jungle
the picture
the pier
the piggy bank
the pile of rough stones
the pilot's eye
the pinnacle for me
the pipe
the pipe there
the piranha's territory
the place
the place i wanna eat
the place that they need
the place to do it
the place where everybody cleans fish
the place where i'm going to catch my nile perch
the place where it hunts and hides
the place where jervacio went bathing
the place where they would be
the places we've been
the plains of the Serengeti
the plains of west kilimanjaro
the plane
the plane's fuel tanks
the platform for the rack
the point
the point where i need to slow down
the point where it gets really skinny
the points
the police
the pool of water
the pools
the position i am in now
the power lever
the predator filled waters
the pressure
the production line up
the program
the promised land
the proof that authorities are trying to hide
the property behind here
the property's waterfront
the protection of their shelter
the psychological edge that i need
the public
the public NASA
the pumps
the puppies
the puzzle
the quarter sized killspot
the quiet water
the race
the radar blips
the rail
the railroad
the rain
the rain storm
the rainy season
the rear of the family home
the red zone
the reflective sands
the refrigerator
the remote chihuahuan desert
the remote locations
the remoteness of our location
the remotest part of this river
the rent house that we owned
the resources
the rest of the horses
the rest of the house
the rest of the tunnels
the rest of the way down
the rest of the world
the reunion
the richest spot that we've seen
the right
the right direction
the right surface
the right way
the rio panama
the ripple coming off of this thing
the risks
the river
the river filled with deadly predators
the river ness
the river of doubt
the river right there
the rivers we were walking thru
the rocky terrain
the roof
the rooms
the rope
the rough terrain
the rugged landscape
the rugged outdoors
the rugged surroundings
the run—ofF
the runs
the rustic old fence
the safety of the base
the safety systems of reactor number four
the salt in my sweat
the salty brackish sulphur smelling nastiness
the same glide path
the same one
the same place
the same place i wanted to work for
the same scenario i was in last night
the same spot
the scale
the scene
the scenery
the scenery over here
the scorching heat of day
the screws
the sea
the seam
the season
the second leg of their journey
the second of his two claims
the secret fishing spot
the secret NASA
the shade of the tree
the shades
the shadow of where one used to be
the sharp coral reef
the sheriffs department
the shirt off my back
the shit out of that damn thing
the shop
the shore
the shores of ameralik
the shortest one
the show
the showers
the shreds of truth
the side i come from
the side of the loch here
the side of the water where people go swimming
the sides here
the signs of winter
the silence
the site of the world's worst radiological disaster
the situation
the situation he's in
the skeletal remains of those who ventured in but never came out
the skids
the skies above
the skin
the skull
the slaughterhouse
the slews
the small amerindian outpost
the small patch of dry land they call home
the small port of abidos
the small skiff
the smallest of windows
the smoke from the fire
the snow
the snow underneath you
the snowline
the softest place
the soil
the sounds
the source of its phenomenal power
the source of sabrina's agony
the source of the problem
the source of the story
the southern louisiana bayou
the soviet side of the UFO phenomenon
the space downstairs
the space fleet
the space underneath
the special operations community
the spot that we're gonna target
the stars
the start i was hoping for
the start of monsoon season
the starter
the starting gate
the state of arizona
the state of new mexico
the steam rising oil of him
the steep lava clific
the stilts house
the stomach
the stone fireplace
the stone foundation
the stone surfaces
the storm
the storm outside
the story of the whole geologic terrain around you
the story's grip on the imagination
the stove
the streak of small gators they've been on
the stress level
the stretch of water where it happened
the strings
the stuff dreams are made of
the stuff of legends
the success of my son
the suffering of this experience
the summer heat
the summit
the sunrise
the surface of a lake
the surface of this water
the surface of what we see and know is out there
the surrounding reef
the suspension canopy
the swamp
the swamp cooler
the swamp shack
the sweetest spot
the swing
the tail end of the spawning season
the taj mahal
the tall mesas and deep basins
the tank
the tanzanian savanna
the team
the teeth in the back of my mouth
the teeth on that
the teeth on the mouth
the ten ton sluice plant
the tension between joe and cody
the tension level
the terrain
the terrain and topography
the terrain in georgia
the terrain in here
the territory of going to hostile environments
the test flight and demo
the thinjack
the third country in this trio of tragic deaths
the three greenhorns' faces
the throat of the barrel
the tide
the time allowed
the tip of the iceberg
the title
the toe
the top of that big hill
the top of that rock
the top of the bench
the top of the leaderboard
the top of the list of he who has the most interesting toys
the top of this trail
the top portion
the topography of this area
the tops
the toughest conditions i've ever been in
the toughest survival scenarios in the world
the tower
the town of porto de moz in brazil
the tracks
the tracks of the deer
the tracks themselves
the trail
the trail of tears
the trailer
the traps
the treacherous terrain
the tree line
the trees around one of their bait lines
the tricky part
the trigger
the trigger on a 20mm
the tropical environment
the truck right here
the truth
the truth behind the mystery
the turning point for me
the twisted jungle brush
the two sides of its lower jaw
the UFO formation
the ultimate cabin
the ultimate destination for boating and fishing
the underworld
the unforgiving eqi glacier
the unique geography of belize
the united states
the united states
the unknown
the upper body
the upper floor
the upper lake
the upper region here
the uprights
the US
the US space program
the valley
the valley floor
the vast wilderness
the vegetation
the velvet
the very channels leading to the ill fated reactor
the very first one i was on
the view from up here
the vikings kingdom
the voice of reason
the wait
the wall
the walls
the war
the warehouse
the Washington national tower
the water
the water level
the water tank
the waterfall coming off the top there
the waterline
the waterline downstream
the waters
the waters here at abidos
the waters i find here
the waters of abidos
the waters of the amazon
the waters of the chernobyl cooling pond
the wave
the way down
the way to go
the weaponry they pack
the wet season
the wheel
the white butt cheeks
the white water
the whole field
the whole front end
the whole property
the whole site
the whole six yards
the whole upper end of this thing
the whole upstairs
the wild
the wild horse desert
the wild plains of africa
the wilds of sri lanka
the win
the wind
the window
the window of available light
the windows
the wing
the winning hand right here
the woods right there
the world
the world's environments
the world's wildest places
the worst i've felt in a long time
the worst part of it
the worst place to be
the worst section
the wrong god damn end
the wrong side of the buoy
the wrong water
the wrong way
the X
the yahoo nest
the yard
the zenith
their abrasive teeth
their breaking point
their butts
their circular compounds
their communications
their community
their core body temperature
their day
their extraction point
their fangs
their fires
their first line
their first stop
their footprint
their foundation
their hands
their highway and their only link to civilization
their homebase
their hook
their hotspot
their island paradise
their jaw
their jets
their ladder
their last night at basecamp
their liferaft in the water
their limits
their location
their makeshift shelter
their mouths
their nets
their new surroundings
their next spot
their nine mile journey
their own experience
their own perspective
their own piece of the wild
their own point of View
their position
their positions
their prospecting window
their radar
their range
their season goal
their separate ways
their shelter
their teeth
their tents
their territory
their vast archive
their way out of the darkness
their wounded pride
them boundaries
them holes
them tracks
there a few minutes ago
there feeding
there for a little bit
there for too long
there in bed
there in front of you
there in the boat
there it is
there it is again
there somewhere
there to catch him
there to celebrate with you
there to do the heavy lifting
there to make them feel welcome
there was a heavy tread
there's your horse
theriot louisiana
these 21 days
these boats
these clouds
these cold seas
these deposits
these desolate almost uninhabited marshes
these doors
these dots
these existing trees
these freakin holes
these glaciers
these grazing grounds
these grounds
these holes
these ice screws
these jaws
these junipers
these locations
these mass graves
these million dollar birds from the ashes
these mountains
these mysterious injuries
these mysterious waters
these mysterious wonders overrun with rabid bats
these oceans
these pockets where mosquitoes are intense
these reeds or grasses we're in
these remote formations
these roads
these rocks
these ropes
these secrets that they're protecting
these stabbing pains that shoot down my leg
these stupid treks
these temperatures
these temporary creeks
these three explosions
these tracks
these UFOs
these uncharted waters
these underground streams
these waters
these watery highways
these winds
these woods
thin ice
third largest island in the world
this ancient land
this angle here
this area
this area right here
this area that really sucks
this attack
this awesome trap
this background
this bad
this battle
this bedroom
this big island
this black cloud here
this boardwalk
this boat
this box stand
this branch right here
this brilliant brilliant light
this building
this camp
this chum slick
this cleared spot in the woods
this close proximity between people and sharks
this close to an anaconda that could seize me in a flash
this close to civilization
this close to passing out
this close to the beach
this code of silence
this completely foreign environment
this contact zone
this crack here
this creek
this damn swamp
this dark mark on his chest
this descent
this desert deathtrap
this desert out here
this diamond shaped object
this disaster
this dock right here
this ecosystem
this emergency
this end
this entire country
this environment
this exhaust pipe
this experience
this factory
this far away without my friends and without having a cellphone
this far inland
this far north
this far south
this far up north
this far up the conveyor
this finger
this fire
this fire pit
this fish basket
this fishery
this flap
this flat valley
this fleet
this front door
this gem mining operation
this guy's head
this hand in front of my face
this hard nut
this heavy log
this high spot in the middle
this hole
this home
this hook
this huge coconut tree
this huge rock
this huge waterfall
this innocent little inlet
this is belize
this is cattle country
this isolated landing strip
this isolated town
this jet
this jungle
this kind of country
this kitchen
this kitchen area
this lagoon
this land
this line
this little cubby hole
this little eddy over there where the shirts at
this little pocket here
this little rock outcropping
this little storage building behind you
this little trailer
this loch
this main thing
this massive craft
this millennium
this morning
this mountain over here
this mountain range here
this mystery
this nagging headache
this never ending maze of possibilities
this next stage of my mission
this one right here
this open water
this other great river
this part of red river
this part of scotland
this part of the river
this particular spot
this particular terrain feature
this piece of ice i don't want to be on
this piece of property
this pier
this pile of nonsense
this pipe
this pipeline out here
this pit
this place
this place here
this place that i thought was unknown to outsiders
this place, this region
this plane
this property
this region
this relationship that clearly isn't working anymore
this ridge
this ridge we can walk
this river
this road that i'm driving on
this rock slide area
this room
this route
this route we're taking
this rugged terrain
this seam
this secluded area
this secluded honeyhole
this section right here
this shaded spot
this shadow
this shirt
this shit
this side or the other side
this small canister
this small town
this smile
this spot
this spot right here
this stream
this string
this sucker
this summers haul
this swamp
this tangled network of ragged rock and sinkholes
this tank
this terrain
this thin grey line in the distance
this thing
this tinder bundle
this tiny dried out puddle
this town
this trailer
this trajectory
this trap
this tree
this trench
this trench i'm digging
this trend
this trigger mechanism
this trip
this unforgiving environment
this unknown civilization
this unknown thing
this unlucky airliner
this valley
this vine
this water
this water here
this way
this way a little bit
this way or this way
this whole creek
this whole journey
this whole river basin
this wind
this wolf track
this yellow brick road
those big patches of blueberries or raspberries
those doors
those hunks of meat there
those jaws
those lips
those massive coils
those mirages
those numbers
those tracks out of the brush
those trees
thousands of miles away
thousands of miles over the northern atlantic
thousands of square miles
thrashing the hell out of the corner of that bush
threatening kids at a state park
three and a half miles inland
three avenues of approach
three bags of entrails
three big swells
three boat lengths
three bodies in three amazon countries
three days away from help
three feet in the water
three hours away from the opening
three inches of? the ground
three inches to go
three miles from their landing approach
three miles to the north
three more targets to engage
three or four of his nets
three properties
three prospect strings
three redzones
three remote camps
three weeks into a desert journey
through it
throughout history
throughout south america
throughout the amazon
throughout the village
throughout the whole SDI era
throughout the world
throughout WWthrown into the water
thrown out of our bunks
thrown overboard
thru a lion enclosure
thru a lot of hard times
thru a lot together
thru a minefield
thru a near freezing river
thru a raging storm
thru a wall
thru an ancient cave system
thru and all the way to the top
thru arid gullies and sparse vegetation
thru brush and twigs
thru coarse and dense sawgrass
thru devil's ditch
thru each and every trailer
thru experience
thru giuallme's mind
thru his penis
thru humiliation
thru isolated deserts
thru it
thru it without him
thru its heart
thru jervacio's manhood
thru just about everything you can imagine
thru life
thru my fingers
thru my head
thru my legs
thru my pants
thru my tackle box
thru NASA's computer security
thru one final test
thru remote argentina
thru shitstorms
thru snowbound peaks
thru some guys' minds
thru some intricate waterways
thru stingray and sea snake territory
thru terrain faster
thru that
thru that hole
thru that wheelhouse window right there
thru the african bush
thru the amazon
thru the borneo jungle
thru the cave to our extraction point
thru the caves
thru the ceiling
thru the cracks
thru the dense forest cover
thru the dense tangle
thru the door
thru the doors
thru the evening
thru the flooded jungle
thru the forest to a particular tree
thru the gates of hell
thru the heart of the scottish highlands
thru the hole
thru the hot, reptile infested panamanian jungle
thru the impenetrable vegetation
thru the knight testing
thru the labyrinth
thru the last of their fuel
thru the last stretch
thru the leaves
thru the lines
thru the machine
thru the motions
thru the next moment
thru the night
thru the pain
thru the plastic to the frame
thru the reeds
thru the rock
thru the season
thru the skin
thru the sluice plant
thru the territories of warring tribes
thru the territory of aggressive warring tribes
thru the unforgiving jungle
thru the very same caves to their extraction point
thru the whole damn thing
thru the winter months
thru the worst part ofit
thru their course
thru their fingers
thru their paces
thru there
thru this
thru this day
thru this green stuff
thru this maybe
thru this nasty swampy area
thru this rodeo before
thru this scenario together
thru this stufic
thru this trip
thru those gates ahead
thru to the end
thru your area
thru your system
thru your teeth
thru, probably, all this
thy gospel
ticking away
tied of
tied on this time
tied to the docks
tight around his neck
to to to to 50 grand
to a barren wasteland known as the highlands
to a forty foot waterfall
to a friggin class
to a gym
to a higher vantage point
to a horrible time
to a horrific endurance test
to a horse
to a known gar haunt
to a legend
to a lot of these mines
to a manageable freaking rate of speed
to a new monster
to a payphone
to a pin point
to a renaissance faire
to a screeching halt
to a secluded warehouse
to a small beach on the opposite side of the island
to a small rocky island in the middle of the river
to a spot where it's easy to get water
to a staggering 105 degrees
to a top secret location
to a tree
to a tree on the bank
to absurd temperatures
to afghanistan
to africa
to alabama
to alaska
to all that stufic
to an abandoned mine
to an ancient creek bed
to an empty shop
to an oklahoma dentist
to another animal
to any of my tournaments
to anybody
to base
to be in control
to bed with a full belly
to bed, i guess
to blows
to board us
to camp
to church
to civilization
to collectors
to colorado
to come help me
to come hunt
to come over and help
to come tell me about something like that
to cotton county
to cover his expenses
to daddy
to daughter
to death
to death's door
to die here
to don's
to dry dock
to dry land
to eagle
to eat
to everybody's desk
to extraction
to family bonding
to feed
to find an area of high ground
to fit
to fly a search pattern
to food
to fresh Water, fish, reserves of bamboo
to frozen wastelands
to get close
to get dead
to get fired
to get free
to get the shot
to get thru this project
to get you
to go to work
to go to you
to god
to ground control
to guyana
to her
to her death
to her standards
to high ground in this direction
to higher dry ground
to him
to himself any longer
to his boat
to his break even point
to his demise
to his little brother
to his partner
to his throat
to hordes of hungry flesh eaters
to human lives
to humans
to hunt
to intercept him
to it
to its limit
to its limits
to its natural state
to jail
to jousting
to just complete chaos
to kansas city
to keep moving
to knight
to life
to live it
to live this way
to local law enforcement
to lower ground
to malaysian tigers and fiercely territorial monitor lizards
to mama
to manaus
to market before the twelfth
to market right away
to me
to me in the boat
to medical attention
to meet the boys
to meet this guy
to mississippi
to mister phil
to more disappointment
to my bar
to my collection
to my head
to my lines
to my right
to my skin
to my wood lot
to myself and my two daughters
to national security
to near disaster
to norway
to o'hare's control tower
to oh boy let's get the hell outta here
to one bar
to one of them kids out there
to one of these cleats
to one side
to other world leaders
to our goal
to our numbers
to our planes
to our rendezvous point
to our south
to panama
to pass thru
to pike county kentucky
to president reagan
to rescue
to reverse
to roswell
to saco bay
to safety
to sand
to say goodbye
to sea
to sector
to see this deer stand
to shit
to sleep
to sleep permanently
to some dry land before nightfall
to some shelter
to something you can drink
to strike it rich
to test fire
to texas
to that
to that back road holler
to that back rod holder
to that market
to that old plane crash
to that one
to that peak
to that point
to the airforce
to the alpine
to the auction company
to the back
to the backyard
to the bahamas
to the bait
to the balls
to the bank
to the barn
to the base of this mesa
to the base of this steep mesa
to the beach
to the beast
to the big city
to the bigger ones from there
to the biggest prettiest piece of alabaster i've ever seen
to the boat
to the bone
to the bottom
to the bottom of it
to the boy's village
to the brink
to the buyer
to the camera traps
to the chopping block
to the city of manaus
to the clearing
to the club
to the corner store
to the crash site
to the creek
to the cut
to the dance
to the dentist
to the earth
to the elements
to the end
to the end with me
to the exact same spot
to the extraction
to the FAA
to the farthest spot that we fish
to the fat cats
to the fatigue
to the finish line
to the fire
to the first line
to the first stage
to the fish
to the front of the house
to the ground
to the guys
to the highest bidder
to the hospital here in bolivia
to the ice
to the impenetrable jungles of the amazon
to the interior floor of the truck
to the jungle
to the law
to the legendary red river
to the limit
to the location of the most recent incident
to the main
to the medic who examined the body
to the morning
to the mouth of the tuna
to the national UFO reporting center
to the new cut
to the northeast end
to the one
to the only piece of ground on his claim that isn't frozen
to the other side
to the other side of that little hurdle
to the other side of the world
to the park
to the plant
to the point of hypothermia
to the pontoon
to the pot
to the public
to the rear
to the rear and side
to the river above
to the river's depths
to the scene
to the school where the incident occurred
to the scoreboard
to the sea
to the shadow government
to the shell
to the sherifif 30000 feet below you
to the shift lever
to the side
to the south
to the southwest end
to the store
to the straps
to the surface
to the table
to the top
to the top of the sand dune
to the top of this thing
to the torso
to the tree
to the ultimate low
to the unit psychologist
to the upper lake
to the vehicles
to the victor
to the wall
to the water's edge
to the wellhead
to the wheelhouse
to the winch
to the world
to the wrong person
to the young boy
to their actual claim
to their boundary waters
to their death
to their last spot
to their own kind
to their prospecting roots
to their second property
to their superiors
to these original cars
to this
to this buzzer here
to this high place
to this incident that i've heard about
to this new location
to this pen
to this place
to this point
to this pond
to this town
to those who wait
to town
to UFOs
to us
to viewers
to war
to where you have to go
to work
to work in the cut
to you
to your account
to your brain
to your limits
to your lips
to your next best track
together as a team
together with my best buddy jackson
together, alone for three weeks
too close
too close to danger
too close to her
too close to its powerful jaws
too damn close
too dark to shoot
too deep
too far
too far apart
too far away
too far out
too far to lose their fortune to thieves
too far where it's crashing out the other side
too high
too high to be an animal
too injured to walk
too late
too tired
took off
top of the world highway
topped ofif
toppling down
tore up in the back
tore up like this thing is
torn offin the wind
totally dead
totally fatigued
totally focused on you
totally out of my comfort zone
totally out of wack
touching him
toward 'em
toward a glacial pond
toward camp last night
toward civilization
toward dark
toward more resource—rich terrain
toward people who do talk about UFOs
toward that star
toward the border
toward the end of the line
toward the feeder
toward the herd
toward the mountains
toward their direction
toward their jets
toward them
toward us
toward you
toying with 'em all day
tracking a pair of horse thieves
tracking down the perpetrators
tracking this way
trailing me
trailing you around
transmission fluid coming out of it
trapped ever since the accident
trapped in a deep frozen crevasse
trapped in a pool over the dry season
trapped in stufic like this
trapped in the rock
trapped in this shelter
trapping fur
trapping, fishing and hunting
traveling on a river
traveling with me
traversing the river
treacherous limestone caves
treacherous terrain
trees down there
trick or treating
tried and true honeyholes
truck engines
truly a desert oasis
truly on our own
truman's desk
trying not to explode right now
trying to catch
trying to fish
trying to get on the airplane all day
trying to get out of fishing bairdi
trying to get out of here
trying to shake the hook
trying to stop us
tumbling into the ocean
turned around
turning on swimmers
turning right
turning things around
turning this way
turning toward your neighbors
turning up where you'd least expect it
twenty miles south
twisted jungles
twisted right off the hook
twisting the whole time
two and a half thousand miles to the pacific northwest
two bombs
two conflicting viewpoints
two creeks running thru the property
two distinct sets of man tracks
two feet from the ground
two fingers
two great deposits
two hundred yards away with a deer rifle
two meters away from me
two miles away
two miles below
two miles downriver
two miles from everyone
two miles out in open ocean
two minutes with me right now
two mounds on either side and a valley down the middle
two mountain ranges that roll into a valley
two nice trees
two of his toes
two pairs
two points of light in the distance
two pounds over
two trees
two weeks into his trip
tying it now
unable to fight any longer
unbearable humidity
unbelievably rich deposits
uncharted territory
under a full moon
under a lot of pressure right now
under a minute
under a time crunch
under an improvised shelter
under any situation
under arctic ice
under control
under everybody's skin
under heavy artillery fire
under here
under his wing
under long enough
under my arms
under my belt
under my butt
under my legs
under my skin
under normal circumstances
under oath
under power
under pressure to produce
under some low bridges
under some pressure
under stress
under surveillance by a group of 6 or 7 predators
under suspicion
under the boat
under the busted track
under the carpet
under the dredge
under the gaze of the reactor
under the gun
under the house
under the ice
under the ice where the current will take you
under the log and over the branch
under the midnite sun
under the moon
under the pressure
under the rainbow
under the shadow of an oncoming storm
under the stars
under the supervision of a reptile vet
under the surface here
under the table
under there
under this exposed sun
under this rock
under those rocks
under us
underneath me
underneath that log
underneath the gun
underneath the pipe
underneath the rock
underneath the water
underneath there
underneath what i like to call a beaver's nest
underwater as long as possible
underwater here
underwater snags
undiscovered deposits
unfamiliar terrain
unknown jungle
up a little
up a narrow creek like that
up a notch
up a wildcat's ass
up about five feet
up above the leeches, vipers and those wild boars
up above you
up against an electric eel
up against it
up against the clock here
up ahead of us
up all night
up and down those stairs
up and in place
up and runnin'
up and running
up and running again
up and under there
up another thousand
up around here
up around the corner
up at kodiak
up at the sky
up at the top of our gear
up by the rock
up close
up easy
up fishing
up for debate
up for more than a minute
up for the challenge
up from the sea
up full and smooth
up fully to the rear
up here
up here for a long time
up here in iceland
up here on this rock
up here pretty damn good
up here sometimes
up here spending money
up here to the north
up here today
up high
up his alley
up his ass
up his nose
up his sleeve
up in alaska on a fishing boat
up in arctic fox country
up in Canada
up in colorado
up in here
up in here where this noise was coming from
up in maine
up in north dakota
up in that tree
up in the air
up in the camp
up in the hair salon
up in the holler where we was at
up in the mountains
up in the sky
up in the smokehouse
up in there
up in these parts
up inside here
up inside people
up into the tundra just a few yards away from the tent
up my ass
up my butt
up next
up north
up off the ground
up on a neighbor's lawn
up on a ridge
up on me
up on my ass
up on something
up on that ridge area
up on that rope a little bit
up on the block
up on the hill
up on the porch
up on the top of the hill
up on there
up on this fish
up on this high ground
up on this hillside
up on this line
up on top
up on two feet
up onto some mesa
up onto the beach
up out of that hole
up outta me
up over the ridges
up overhead
up quick
up real fast and hard
up right there
up streaking hard
up that bedrock sheet
up that drainage
up that high peak
up the 7 miles from the river ness
up the ass
up the back of my neck
up the far side of that mountain
up the hill
up the holler
up the mountain
up the remaining 1500 feet
up the road
up the side
up the slope
up the valley here
up there
up there facing forward
up there in that crevice
up there in the future
up there on the bank
up there on the road
up there real quick
up this hill
up this mountain
up this river
up this rock walkway
up this six inch pipe
up this way
up thru alder
up thru the ice
up thru the wheelhouse
up thru this holler so hard
up to 10000 feet
up to 100 and shot back down
up to 1000 volts
up to 30 meters underground
up to 600 volts
up to up to a thousand carats
up to contact
up to higher ground
up to him
up to its name
up to its potential
up to maine
up to meet me
up to my waist
up to our eyeballs in blood, guts and gore
up to someone else's expectations
up to someone else's standards
up to speed
up to that mine
up to that nest
up to the boat
up to the driveway
up to the edge of the shore here
up to the night sky
up to the north
up to the plate
up to the top of this rock
up to the west here
up to the wheelhouse
up to their bellies
up to them
up to where we're at now
up to your kneecaps
up top
up under the bank
up yonder
up your ass
up your brain cranium
up your sleeve
upon the threat of instant US retaliation to soviet attack
upon them
upstairs there
urban areas
urban sprawl
using a centuries old fishing method called noodling
using all this energy
valley of the dead
valley of the reds
vanished in a matter of seconds
vanished into the sky
very close
very close to a frozen state
very deep
very good terrain for alligators
very intense currents and winds
very very harsh country
very very high
very visible right now
vessel arctic hunter
viable locations
viking connections
violent storms
virgin ground
visible bite marks
vital organs
volcanic mountains
vomit beside me
vulnerable to animal attacks
waitin' for hiro
waiting for his mother to die
waiting for hours
waiting for me to die
waiting for something
waiting for spring
waiting for the ice to freeze
waiting for them
waiting in this silent jungle
waiting on you
walking about four or five miles
walking around here
walking around in a dreamlike state
walking around in circles on the surface of the moon
walking directly into the midday sun
walking in a canyon
walking into nothing
walking into the dark
walking out of the bathroom
walking this trail
walking thru the grass
walking toward the river
walking up a sand dune when it's starting to get hot out
wandering in and out of camp
warm and wet
washed out
washed up with mysterious bruises
wasting anything up here
wasting away
wasting money
wasting time
watching each other's backs
watching him
watching him go over
watching how he's grown
watching my dinner walk away
watching someone get fired
watching the midnight sun come down below a mountain
water ahead
water filled with fish and electric eel
water on three sides of it
water that's too high
water under the bridge
water water water
water's edge
way back generations and generations
way back here in the back of the swamp
way back in this brush
way behind
way below his knees
way beyond their capabilities
way down into this canyon
way down to the east
way down to the left
way forward
way inside
way out off the coast
way over thru yonder
way overboard
way the fuck off
weak spots
weakened by starvation
weapon adapter attach point
wearing fucking short in norway
wearing me down
webster county
wedged into this canyon down here
weeks away from hibernation
weeks into an exhausting mission
well below freezing
well beyond the soviets
well into the evening
well over a thousand miles up the mississippi
welted up
went bust
went bust with him
west kilimanjaro tanzania
west of you a few hundred yards
west to east
wet and rotten
wet cliffs
wet for the last time
wet, horrible snow
what a dangerous place this is
what a dramatic setting to catch a fish like that
what appears to be civilization
what door i'm gonna open next
what he's looking for
what i'm talking about
what i've been looking for
what my mama gave me
what ronald reagan was referring to
what that bullet's gonna hit after it leaves the barrel
what the doctor ordered right here
what the fuck side of the bed you woke up on this morning
what they described as a mothership
what we were up against
what were after
what you're looking for
what your food's supposed to look like
when it's blowing
when reality started to set in here
when the sun goes down
when things blew up
where a boat will be waiting to extract them to safety
where a catfish could be hiding
where a fish has a fearsome reputation
where a lot of stuff can go wrong
where a man named walter is waiting for me
where all the good whiskey's made
where animals go
where crime is rife
where everything turns
where extraterrestrial bodies were found
where friends and brothers are made
where guys are wearing tights
where he came down thru here
where he drug it over that log over there
where he goes
where he is
where he lives
where he was at
where he went
where he's howling from
where he's putting his head and his hands
where his headspace is at
where his mind's at right now
where his teeth went into my head
where i am right now
whm£icmnefionwhere i can't build a shop
where i have bugs and ticks
where i have to put my foot down
where i least expect it
where i shot the video
where i step
where i wanna be
where i'm going
where i'm going to put my line
where i'm gonna head
where i'm putting my feet
where i'm weak
where i've never heard of it causing any trouble
where in the heck they went
where it all started
where it came from
where it came out
where it ended
where it forms the border between argentina and paraguay
where it froze up
where it happened
where it hasn't had contact
where it hurts
where it just ripped his flesh down the sides
where it rolls out
where it was
where it went down
where it would be if it had been fired
where it's at
where it's comfortable to him
where it's coming of?
where it's from
where it's leaking
where it's not as rich
where it's richer
where its warm
where last year another attack occurred
where normal rules don't seem to apply
where once you started tumbling it would be hard to stop
where other animals sleep
where our electrical comes in
where our next meal's coming from
where people do sometimes go missing
where some ancient texts have survived
where some of the waterways hide criminals
where sturgeon numbers are rising
where temperatures are cold enough to freeze your skin
where that fin is cutting right in front of you there
where that fish is gonna be when the harpoon hits
where that sunlight's coming thru
where the best rubies lie
where the big bucks hang out
where the big ones are still to be found
where the big stuff is
where the boat went down
where the bodies recovered from the river were stored
where the body was recovered
where the boundary is
where the deep water is
where the deposit should be
where the fish are
where the gators are
where the gators at
where the hell he gets along
where the hunters employ their first hunting technique
where the jungle meets the banks of the amazon rain forest
where the land meets the sea
where the money's at
where the money's made
where the narrow edge is
where the predators are
where the shallower waters are sometimes warmer
where the sounds came from
where the terrain tells me to go
where the trio of unlucky cowboys came across them
where the victims are buried
where the young boy i heard about at the market is due to meet me
where their food comes from
where there's easy food
where they ain't afraid of the rope
where they are
where they came from
where they found the body
where they hunted
where they live
where they lurk on the surface
where they need to be
where they sleep
where they still prepare these large sharks to eat
where they was talking about
where they'll be rescued by boat
where they'll be rescued by helicopter
where they'll need to be
where they're at up here
where they're coming in
where they're going
where they're heading
where they're placed
where they're pulling rubies out of right now
where they've been piling sticks up against the bank
where this happened
where this is coming from
where this thing came from
where this trap needs to go
where to carry that bit
where to fish
where to put the trap
where vegetation was scarce
where we are
where we believe gold is going to be
where we came down
where we can actually recover something
where we end it
where we gonna shoot some gators
where we got scratched up, remember?
where we have to think like a heron
where we hit
where we need to be
where we stand at the end of the day
where we're gonna prove some fish
where we're staying over there
where we'll be working
where we're at
where we're going
where we're going right there
where we're heading
where we're set up to camp
where we're sitting
where you drive
where you fuck
where you pull your boat right up to the casinos
where you shot it
where you shot that video
where you want it to go
where you're fishing
where you're from
where you're going
where you're proposing we stay
where your edge is
where your stomach is clenching
where your weaknesses are
wherever he can get it
wherever there's a baby
wherever they may be
white water
wide open savanna
Wilbur cross high school
wilted like a wet cat
winter in the desert
winter's frozen jaws
wintertime in this terrain
wiped out
wishing for one
with 'em
with 1967 fast approaching
with 650 pounds of rage
with a bang
with a BB gun
with a bone
with a calf
with a creature that we're very curious about
with a cup of coffee
with a family travelling to another village
with a fish
with a fisherman named neville
with a fucking bang
with a full belt
with a local gem dealer
with a new attitude
with a partner
with a pistol
with a sea snake
with a sense of urgency
with a single blow to the head
with a sledge hammer
with a spray can
with a straight face
with a strange black mark across the chest
with a tank
with a taste for flesh
with a truck
with a UFwith a vengeance
with a woman i don't even know
with a wrecking ball
with aggressive brown bears
with all these bug bites and stuff
with an asteroid
with an infant sleeping bag
with an unidentified object
with axes
with bad news
with bare hands
with bizarre burn marks
with blood
with both hands
with compassion
with dark winter approaching
with disease carrying mosquitoes
with dreams
with dynamite
with eggs in the river
with everything its got
with fatigue setting in
with fearful thoughts and deaths
with fire
with log and rain
with glacial water
with government agencies here in greenland
with half your head
with her
with her new found knowledge
with high explosive, smoke, and canister rounds
with high powered machines
with him
with hippies and jesus
with his ass
with his bare hands
with his buddy mike
with his dad
with his father
with his gun
with his gut
with his mind
with it
with its new mates
with its stomach ripped open
with joe
with josh and chad
with matt onboard
with me
with me and my camera crew
with me for the rest of my life
with my barehands
with my dad
with my guide, neville
with my knife
with my life
with my mind
with my new mates
with my own eyes
with my thoughts right now
with my wife
with night approaching
with nothin'
with nothing
with nowhere to go
with one eye open
with one hand
with one of the fishermen
with only fifty police ofl-icers among them
with our family
with our items
with our second eye witness
with over 2000 liters of fuel
with passionate people
with picks and shovels
with plants
with possum down in that valley
with president ronald reagan
with seizure and head trauma
with six gators
with so many credible witnesses
with so many venomous snakes out here
with solitude
with some fishy customers
with some friends
with some happiness, some celebration
with sonar
with spray paint
with strange injuries
with sunset approaching
with teeth
with that
with that ladder
with that scene
with that thing
with that thing bouncing around like that
with the actress shirley maclaine
with the big boys up north
with the bloodiest bait i know
with the boat
with the caiman
with the cartridge
with the cast and crew
with the dangers
with the darts
with the deep freeze fast approaching
with the desert chicken
with the fire
with the fish
with thejeep
with the little green army men
with the matis tribe
with the men he calls brothers
with the miners
with the mosquitoes
with the new feeder
with the opposite sex
with the potential of new gun laws
with the pump
with the queen
with the rest of us
with the ropes and ladders and everything
with the scorpion
with the sharks
with the show
with the smaller ones
with the snake
with the staff
with the structure
with the transmission
with the very group he helped create
with the village shaman
with the Webster werewolf
with the wolf
with the yahoo
with their gems
with their gold
with their legs
with their plane
with them
with these conditions
with these feet
with this
with this boat
with this M—with this new information
with this pack
with thunder and lightning
with tinder
with us
with vengeance
with weapons
with what you're saying
with winter
with y'all
with you
with your bare hands and feet
with your deer head
with your mouth open
with your partner
within 72 hours
within a few days of laying their eggs
within days
within ear shot
within hoot distance
within hours of ingestion
within hours of that prayer
within our boundary
within reach of fresh water
within reach of the mountains
within reason
within six hours
within striking distance
within striking distance of their permit
within ten miles of my camp
within the airlines
within the industry
within the plant itself
within the status quo
within top secret black projects
without a calf
without a drop to drink
without a glove
without a hitch
without a moose
without a partner
without a sufficient ration of water
without any damage
without drinking water
without fire
without him
without my kids
without shoes
without their captain
without warning
without water
witnessing nature at its most brutal
working as a fisherman on this lake
working back and forth
working hog island
working in the shit for a while
working it
working my way along the shore here
working my way down the hill
working nonstop
working on another damn tank
working on it
working on this shelter when the sun has gone down
working to extreme lengths
working underwater
worn out
worse and worse and worse
wound around the body
wrapped up in that stufl
wrapped up over there
wrapping around me
writhing in it
yanking his chain
your ankle
your ass
your back
your big old black hiney
your boat
your body
your bomb collection
your brain
your bullets
your core temperature
your country
your ears
your exposed skin
your eyes
your fears
your feet
your fractured bedrock
your glutes
your hand
your hands
your health
your hip
your hole from freezing
your immune system
your kill shot
your lifeline
your lips
your location
your mama
your mark
your meat
your mind
your misery
your mud
your muscles
your net
your new owner
your own little oasis
your own mortality
your place
your place in the food chain
your place on the food chain
your pores
your preferred point of embarkation
your property
your reputation
your riches
your rustic home
your seats
your skin
your skirt
your spot
your steering wheel
your step here
your stove
your target
your throat
your toe
your tongue
your trail out
your vessel
your weight
your whole worldview
your window
your world
zipping around
zooming toward his aircraft
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