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Created January 15, 2021 01:28
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Differential Rendering (Deb98) for Mitsuba 2
# Differential rendering (Deb98) script for mitsuba2
import mitsuba
from mitsuba.core import Thread, Float, Color3f
from mitsuba.core.xml import load_file
from mitsuba.python.util import traverse
import pyexr
import numpy as np
# depth_with_obj : xml scene with depth integrator, with virtual object
# depth_without_obj : xml scene with depth integrator, without virual object
# path_with_obj : xml scene with path integrator, with virtual object
# path_without_obj : xml scene with path integrator, without virtual object
# resolution of rendered output
WIDTH = 1024
HEIGHT = 768
def render_scene(path):
exr_path = path[:-3]+"exr"
scene = load_file(path)
sensor = scene.sensors()[0]
integrator = scene.integrator()
integrator.render(scene, sensor)
film =
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Load real photo
photo ="photo.exr")
# Render 4 scenes
depth_with_obj = render_scene("depth_with_obj.xml")
depth_without_obj = render_scene("depth_without_obj.xml")
path_with_obj = render_scene("path_with_obj.xml")
path_without_obj = render_scene("path_without_obj.xml")
# Extract masks
depth_diff = (depth_without_obj - depth_with_obj)[:,:,0]
alpha_path = path_with_obj[:,:,3]
# Its pixel value is 1 if object
mask_obj = np.ndarray((HEIGHT, WIDTH))
# Its pixel value is 1 if local model
mask_local_obj = np.ndarray((HEIGHT, WIDTH))
for w in range(WIDTH):
for h in range(HEIGHT):
if depth_diff[h][w] != 0:
mask_obj[h][w] = 1
# Not used in differential rendering actually
pyexr.write("mask_obj.exr", mask_obj)
for w in range(WIDTH):
for h in range(HEIGHT):
if alpha_path[h][w] != 0 and mask_obj[h][w] == 0:
mask_local_obj[h][w] = 1
mask_local_obj[h][w] = 0
pyexr.write("mask_local_obj.exr", mask_local_obj)
# Differential rendering
path_diff = path_with_obj - path_without_obj
# Replace pixel value of photo to object where mask_obj is 1 except alpha value
for w in range(WIDTH):
for h in range(HEIGHT):
if mask_obj[h][w] == 1:
photo[h][w] = path_with_obj[h][w]
# Add difference of local model to photo where mask_local_obj is 1
for w in range(WIDTH):
for h in range(HEIGHT):
if mask_local_obj[h][w] == 1:
photo[h][w][:3] += path_diff[h][w][:3]
pyexr.write("result.exr", photo)
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