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Created July 18, 2016 22:29
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
use utf8;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib "$Bin/lib";
use IO::Prompt qw(prompt);
use Term::Cap;
use Term::ANSIScreen qw(locate);
use constant TYPING_SPEED => 1/25;
use constant TERM_SPEED => 9600;
use constant PROMPT => q{pjf@tinygod:~/klingon$ };
binmode(STDOUT, ':utf8');
my $term = Term::Cap->Tgetent({ OSPEED => TERM_SPEED });
my $CLEAR_SCREEN = $term->Tputs('cl');
prompt(qq{${CLEAR_SCREEN}} . PROMPT ); # vi ...
print "~\n" x 50;
print locate(1,1);
print " \b";
while (my $cmd = prompt("")) {
print " \b"; # Make it look more like vi.
last if ($cmd eq '1;');
print ${CLEAR_SCREEN};
while (my $cmd = prompt(PROMPT)) {
vi lib/pujHa/ghach/
package pujHa'ghach::Dolth;
use base qw(autodie::exception);
use utf8;
use Errno qw(:POSIX);
my %translation_for = (
EACCES() => q{}, # Dachaw'be' - You do not have permission
ENOENT() => q{ }, # De' vItu'laHbe' - I can't find this info
sub stringify {
my ($this) = @_;
if ($this ~~ 'open' and @{ $this->args } == 3) {
my ($fh, $mode, $filename) = @{ $this->args };
$fh = '$' if ref($fh) eq 'GLOB'; # vergh - filehandle
my $line = $this->line;
my $file = $this->file;
my $error = $translation_for{ int $this->errno } || $this->errno;
# poSmoH-Ha' - Cannot open
return "($fh, $mode, $filename): $error $file line $line\n"
return $this->SUPER::stringify . "\n"; # lujqu' - Epic fail
ls -l
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