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Last active October 11, 2020 18:38
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Install Dot Net Core 3 on the Raspberry Pi
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[1m Dot Net Core Installer"
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo ""
echo -e "\e[1mPete Codes / PJG Creations 2020"
echo ""
echo -e "Latest update 30/04/2020"
echo ""
echo "This will install the following;"
echo ""
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[0m"
echo "- Dot Net Core 3.1.201"
echo "- ASP.NET Core 3.1.3"
echo "- Blazor Preview 5 2016.8"
echo ""
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[0m"
echo -e "Any suggestions or questions, email \e[1;"
echo -e "\e[0mSend me a tweet \e[1;4m@pete_codes"
echo -e "\e[0mTutorials on \e[1;4m"
echo ""
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[0m"
if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
echo -e "\e[1;31mThis script must be run as root"
exit 1
echo -e "\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[1m Performing Updates"
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[0m"
read -p "Do you wish to do perform a system update and upgrade first? " -n 1 -r
echo ""
if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
echo "Performing System Update and Upgrade"
echo ""
apt-get -y update
apt-get -y upgrade
echo -e "\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[1m Installing Dependencies"
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[0m"
apt-get -y install libunwind8 gettext
echo -e "\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[1m Getting Dot Net Core Binaries"
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[0m"
cd ~/
echo -e "\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[1m Getting ASP.NET Core Runtime"
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[1m Creating Main Directory"
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[0m"
if [[ -d /opt/dotnet ]]; then
echo "/opt/dotnet already exists on your filesystem."
echo "Creating Main Directory"
echo ""
mkdir /opt/dotnet
echo -e "\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[1m Extracting Dot NET Core Binaries"
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[0m"
tar -xvf dotnet-sdk-3.1.201-linux-arm.tar.gz -C /opt/dotnet/
echo -e "\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[1m Extracting ASP.NET Runtime"
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[0m"
tar -xvf aspnetcore-runtime-3.1.3-linux-arm.tar.gz -C /opt/dotnet/
echo -e "\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[1m Link Binaries to User Profile"
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[0m"
ln -s /opt/dotnet/dotnet /usr/local/bin
echo -e "\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[1m Make Link Permanent"
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[0m"
if grep -q 'export DOTNET_ROOT=/opt/dotnet' ~/.bashrc; then
echo 'Already added link to .bashrc'
echo 'Adding Link to .bashrc'
echo 'export DOTNET_ROOT=/opt/dotnet' >> ~/.bashrc
echo -e "\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[1m Get Blazor Templates"
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[0m"
dotnet new -i Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Templates::3.2.0-rc1.20223.4
echo -e "\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[1m Run dotnet --info"
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[0m"
dotnet --info
echo -e "\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[1m ALL DONE!"
echo ""
echo -e "\e[0mGo ahead and run \e[1mdotnet new console \e[0min a new directory!"
echo ""
echo ""
echo -e "Let me know how you get on by tweeting me at \e[1;5m@pete_codes"
echo ""
echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------"
echo -e "\e[0m"
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