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Last active November 10, 2017 13:44
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Sam Coupe Sprite Tutorial - Part 1
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; | |
; | Program: SAM Coupe Sprites Tutorial 1 - Part 1 |
; | Filename: Sprites1.asm |
; | Version: 1.0 |
; | Date: 12/10/2017 |
; | Author: Pete Gallagher - PJG Creations Ltd |
; | |
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
autoexec ; Automatically Execute the Program
ORG 0x8000 ; Store the program in User Address Space
; ***********************************************************************************
; * *
; * Equates *
; * *
; ***********************************************************************************
LMPR: EQU 250 ; The Lower Memory Page Register Address
HMPR: EQU 251 ; The Higher Memory Page Register Address
VMPR: EQU 252 ; The Video Memory Page Register Address
JCLSBL: EQU 334 ; The Clear Screen Routine (Set A to 0 to clear the whole screen) (0x14E)
; ***********************************************************************************
; * *
; * Application Start *
; * *
; ***********************************************************************************
CALL Clear_Screen ;
; Get the Current Screen Page and set the LMPR register up so we can write to the screen
IN A,(VMPR) ; Get the VMPR Register, which holds info about...
; ... which Page the Screen is Paged Into
AND 0B00011110 ; We're only interested in the Screen Page, so mask off everything but the Page Bits...
; ... The result will be stored in the A Register
OR 0B00100000 ; Set Bit 5 which, when loaded into the LMPR register, will Set the RAM in Page 0
CALL Wait_For_Key ;
; Print a sprite in the top left corner
LD HL,0x0000 ; Point to the Top Left corner of our screen
LD (HL),0xFF ; Set the colour of pixels 0,0 and 0,1 to White
CALL Wait_For_Key ;
LD HL,0x0080 ;
LD (HL),0x44 ; Set the colour of pixels 1,0 and 1,1 to Green
CALL Wait_For_Key ;
LD HL,0x0001 ;
LD (HL),0xFF ; Set the colour of pixels 0,2 and 0,3 to White
CALL Wait_For_Key ;
LD HL,0x0081 ;
LD (HL),0x44 ; Set the colour of pixels 1,2 and 1,3 to Green
CALL Wait_For_Key ;
LD HL,0x0100 ;
LD (HL),0xFF ; Set the colour of pixels 1,0 and 1,1 to White
CALL Wait_For_Key ;
LD HL,0x0180 ;
LD (HL),0x44 ; Set the colour of pixels 2,0 and 2,1 to Green
CALL Wait_For_Key ;
LD HL,0x0101 ;
LD (HL),0xFF ; Set the colour of pixels 1,2 and 1,3 to White
CALL Wait_For_Key ;
LD HL,0x0181 ;
LD (HL),0x44 ; Set the colour of pixels 2,2 and 2,3 to Green
CALL Wait_For_Key ;
; We must remember to switch BASIC back into Page 0
LD A,0x1F ;
; Exit back to BASIC
; ***********************************************************************************
; * *
; * Clear the Screen *
; * *
; ***********************************************************************************
Clear_Screen: LD A,0 ;
; ***********************************************************************************
; * *
; * Wait for a KeyPres *
; * *
; ***********************************************************************************
Wait_For_Key: IN A, (LMPR) ;
RES 5, A ;
SET 0, A ;
Key_Loop: CALL &0169 ; Read the Keyboard (Zero if no key)
JR Z,Key_Loop ; If no key pressed, then loop
No_Key_Loop: CALL &0169 ; Read the Keyboard (Zero if no key)
JR NZ,No_Key_Loop ; If key still pressed, then loop
SET 5, A ;
RES 0, A ;
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Note, this version currupts the screen when calls are made, because the system attempts to use the stack pointer in Page B. But Page B contains our Paged In Screen Memory...

See for an updated version which prevents this

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