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I don't really have time for this anymore

Peter Sergeant pjlsergeant

I don't really have time for this anymore
  • Bangkok, Thailand
View GitHub Profile
// And then...
var square = c.func({
'input': function () {
this.assert( arguments.length == 1, Error("Wrong number of arguments" ) );
this.assert( typeof arguments[0] == 'number', Error('Argument is a number') );
'output': function () {
this.assert( typeof arguments[0] == 'number', Error('Output is a number') );
'body': function (target) {
Feature: Addition
In order to avoid silly mistakes # These are inline `comments` in the
As a math idiot # form of an Agile User Story. They're
I want to be able to add two numbers # printed out during test execution.
Scenario: Add two numbers # This is a test case
Given I have entered 50 in to the calculator # This is a test *step*
And I have entered 70 in to the calculator # So is this
When I press add # And this
Then the result 120 should be on the screen # And the final one
if ( shipment['gift_message'] ) {
print_gift_message( 'gift-message-printer', shipment['gift_message'] );
Given /I have entered (.*) into the calculator/ do |n|
calculator = # Create a new calculator object
calculator.push( n.to_i ) #
"TakeMeasurements": {
// Specify the inputs we require. `warehouse` and `product_measurable` are
// custom types defined elsewhere, where `warehouse` is an enumeration of
// the client's warehouses, and `product_measurable` is a boolean value
"inputs": ["Type::warehouse", "Type::product_measurable"],
// Guarantee the type we will return
"output": "Type::Boolean",
// The rule itself. Note how it neither gets or sets any values outside of
"Type::warehouse": {
"constraint": create_enum('WH1', 'WH2'),
"cucumber": {
"type": "Given",
"match" : qr/the warehouse is "(WH\d)"/,
"describe": "the warehouse is \"{0}\"",
"Type::product_measurable": {
Given the warehouse is WH1
Then we are not required to take measurements
When the product is not measurable
Then we are not required to take measurements
Given the warehouse is WH2
When the product is measurable
Then we are required to take measurements
pjlsergeant / gist:1803656
Created February 11, 2012 19:07
Game of Life in 131 characters of Perl.
use strict;
# Accepts a grid size, and a list representing the grid. 131
my $result = join '', $life->( 5, qw/
package Roman;
use Moose;
(my $digits = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.+:://g;
$digits =~ s/$_->[0]/$_->[1]/
[ IV => 'IIII' ],
# Table parsing, old friend... We have spent many long evenings together,
# working through your broken tables, talking about your issues with
# implicit thead elements, and your quirky tr/th heuristics. But ... but
# but it's time for us to move on. We can't keep doing this. It's not you,
# it's me...
# I've ... I've met someone new. She's beautiful, she's modern, and she's
# elegant. She's logical, she's clean, and she's well-structured, if you
# know what I mean...