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Created June 16, 2017 21:48
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Styling which (in a roundabout way) implements the Skolar (PE) typeface for XeLaTeX
\setmainfont{Skolar PE TEST}
\setmathfont(Digits,Latin,Greek){Skolar PE TEST}
\setsansfont{Skolar Sans Latin}
% OpenType Features %
% Macro to set local OpenType Feature
\def\fontfeature#1#2{\addfontfeature{#1} #2}
% Small Caps (SMCP)
% Superior and inferiors
% \sup and \inf are for text environments, \msup and \minf for math.
% Macros %
% Pad and use \textrm for an input.
\newcommand{\smallspacedrm}[1]{\, \textrm{#1} \,}
\newcommand{\midspacedrm}[1]{\: \textrm{#1} \:}
\newcommand{\largespacedrm}[1]{\; \textrm{#1} \;}
% Common Operators %
% Macro to relax a mathematics operator before redefining it.
\DeclareRobustCommand{\slash}{\textrm{/}} % This is used in text, less spacing
% Equalities and inequalities %
\DeclareRobustCommand{\equalityspace}[1]{\, \textrm{#1} \,}
% Parenthesis and brackets %
% Regular sized
% Macros to create bigger sizes
%min height=#2pt,
%trim=0 0 {0.5\width} 0
%min height=#2pt,
trim=0 0 {0.5\width} 0
% These are the scales used
% User macros
\newcommand{\parens}[1]{\lpar #1 \rpar}
\newcommand{\bigparens}[1]{\biglpar #1 \bigrpar}
\newcommand{\Bigparens}[1]{\Biglpar #1 \Bigrpar}
\newcommand{\biggparens}[1]{\bigglpar #1 \biggrpar}
\newcommand{\Biggparens}[1]{\Bigglpar #1 \Biggrpar}
\newcommand{\brackets}[1]{\lbra #1 \rbra}
\newcommand{\bigbrackets}[1]{\biglbra #1 \bigrbra}
\newcommand{\Bigbrackets}[1]{\Biglbra #1 \Bigrbra}
\newcommand{\biggbrackets}[1]{\bigglbra #1 \biggrbra}
\newcommand{\Biggbrackets}[1]{\Bigglbra #1 \Biggrbra}
\newcommand{\curly}[1]{\lcur #1 \rcur}
\newcommand{\bigcurly}[1]{\biglcur #1 \bigrcur}
\newcommand{\Bigcurly}[1]{\Biglcur #1 \Bigrcur}
\newcommand{\biggcurly}[1]{\bigglcur #1 \biggrcur}
\newcommand{\Biggcurly}[1]{\Bigglcur #1 \Biggrcur}
% Special characters %
% Comma
% Partial derivative
% Hyphen-minus (minus without the spacing)
% Infinity symbol
% For all: reflect a sans serif `A` along the y axis.
\textrm{\setmainfont{Skolar Sans Latin}
\adjustbox{scale={1}{-1},valign=B,trim=0 0 {0.2\width} 0}{A}
% Exists: mirror and slightly stretch a sans serif `E`
\textrm{\setmainfont{Skolar Sans Latin}
\adjustbox{reflect,trim={0.2\width} 0 0 0,scale={1.1}{1}}{E}
% Sets
% Daggers
% Trigonometrics %
% Arrows %
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