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Created March 10, 2015 02:10
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import language.higherKinds
// Scala doesn't have Identity, so here....
object Id {
type Identity[+A] = A
implicit val identityFunctor: Functor[Identity] = new Functor[Identity] {
def fmap[A, B](f: A => B)(fa: Identity[A]) = f(fa)
import Id._
// Scala doesn't have Functors, so here....
trait Functor[F[_]] {
def fmap[A, B](f: A => B)(m: F[A]): F[B]
object Functor {
def apply[A[_]](implicit ev: Functor[A]) = ev
// Coyoneda definition
sealed trait Coyoneda[F[_], A] {
def map[B](f: A => B): Coyoneda[F, B] = this match {
case Coyo(g, v) => Coyo(f compose g, v)
case class Coyo[F[_], A, B](run: B => A, f: F[B]) extends Coyoneda[F, A]
object Coyoneda {
def liftCoyoneda[F[_], A](f : F[A]): Coyoneda[F, A] =
Coyo((a: A) => a, f)
def lowerCoyoneta[F[_]: Functor, A](coyo: Coyoneda[F, A]): F[A] = coyo match {
case Coyo(f, m) => Functor[F].fmap(f)(m)
// Eraser[A] is just a Coyoneda on identity
type Eraser[A] = Coyoneda[Identity, A]
def runEraser[A](eraser: Eraser[A]): A = lowerCoyoneta(eraser)
// Our typeclass
trait Foo[A] {
def foo(a: A): String
object Foo {
def apply[A](implicit ev: Foo[A]) = ev
def fooCoyo[A: Foo](f: A): Coyoneda.Eraser[String] =
Coyo[Identity, String, A](Foo[A].foo(_: A), f)
// Our types
case class Bar(run: Int)
object Bar {
implicit val foo: Foo[Bar] = new Foo[Bar] {
def foo(a: Bar) =
case class Baz(run: String)
object Baz {
implicit val foo: Foo[Baz] = new Foo[Baz] {
def foo(a: Baz) =
object Main {
import Coyoneda._
import Foo.fooCoyo
def main = {
val list: List[Eraser[String]] =
fooCoyo(Bar(1)) :: fooCoyo(Baz("Hello")) :: Nil // Prints List(1, Hello)
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