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Last active April 2, 2016 00:40
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{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
data BTree a = Nil | Leaf a | Node a (BTree a) (BTree a)
-- | Given an /a/, find the node whose value is closest to the given /a/.
findClosest :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> BTree a -> a
findClosest _ Nil = error "Empty tree"
findClosest _ (Leaf v) = v -- If we a given a single node tree, the value
-- is the closest, regardless of the input
findClosest a (Node v l r) =
let base = (v, abs $ a - v)
in if | a == v -> v
| a > v -> go base r
| otherwise -> go base l
-- given two diffs with their values, get the one with the smallest
-- diff
minOnDiff t1@(_, d1) t2@(_, d2)
| d1 <= d2 = t1
| otherwise = t2
go oldBase t =
let newBase v = minOnDiff oldBase (v, abs $ a - v)
in case t of
Nil -> fst oldBase -- we reached the end, the last value is the
-- closest one
Leaf v -> fst $ newBase v -- We reached a leaf, compare it one more
-- time and return
Node v l r ->
if | a == v -> v
| a > v -> go (newBase v) r
| otherwise -> go (newBase v) l
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