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Last active November 13, 2020 00:56
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Angular directive for jQuery sparkline
// Requires jQuery from
// and jQuerySparklines from
// AngularJS directives for jquery sparkline
angular.module('sparkline', []);
.directive('jqSparkline', [function () {
'use strict';
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: 'ngModel',
link: function (scope, elem, attrs, ngModel) {
var opts={};
//TODO: Use $eval to get the object
opts.type = attrs.type || 'line';
scope.$watch(attrs.ngModel, function () {
scope.$watch(attrs.opts, function(){
var render = function () {
var model;
if(attrs.opts) angular.extend(opts, angular.fromJson(attrs.opts));
// Trim trailing comma if we are a string
angular.isString(ngModel.$viewValue) ? model = ngModel.$viewValue.replace(/(^,)|(,$)/g, "") : model = ngModel.$viewValue;
var data;
// Make sure we have an array of numbers
angular.isArray(model) ? data = model : data = model.split(',');
$(elem).sparkline(data, opts);
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I don't suppose anyone has a JSFiddle of this working, do they?

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If it helps anyone who uses coffeescript... Here is a version of the above that is working for me in a project:

  .directive "mySpark", ->
    restrict: "A"
    require: "ngModel"
    link: (scope, elem, attrs, ngModel) ->
      opts = {}

      opts.type = attrs.type || 'bar'
      opts.barColor = attrs.barColor || '#ffffff'
      opts.height = attrs.height || '35px'
      opts.barWidth = attrs.barWidth || '5px'
      opts.barSpacing = attrs.barSpacing || '2px'
      opts.zeroAxis = attrs.zeroAxis || 'false'

      scope.$watch attrs.ngModel, ((value) ->
      ), true

      scope.$watch attrs.opts, ((value) ->
      ), true

      render = () ->
        angular.extend opts, angular.fromJson(attrs.opts) if attrs.opts

        model = ngModel.$viewValue

        if angular.isArray(model)
          data = model
          if model?
            data = model.split(",")
            data = []

        $(elem).sparkline data, opts

Using it:

<div my-spark ng-model="daily_meter_uptime.scaled_historical_values"/>

used a deep watch on the values and it is working great. Thanks for taking the time to write this up!!

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Thanks !! works like charm :)

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Wrapping the jquery bit in $timeout() helped me.

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This is great! But how can I use this directive to create a Composite inline graph? For example two line in one graph. I tried many way but failed. Thanks

Sample image:
download 1

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adanylov commented Jun 7, 2016

In case of composite sparkline:

function compositeSparkline(): ng.IDirective {

    function link(scope: ng.IScope, element: ng.IAugmentedJQuery, attrs: ng.IAttributes) {
        var getOptions = () => {
            var options = {
                chart1: angular.extend({ type: 'line', data: [] }, scope.$eval(attrs['chart1'])),
                chart2: angular.extend({ type: 'line', data: [] }, scope.$eval(attrs['chart2']))

            return options;

        var render = () => {
            var opts = getOptions();

            // draw chart1
            (<any>jQuery(element)).sparkline(, opts.chart1);

            // draw chart2
            (<any>jQuery(element)).sparkline(, opts.chart2);

        // Watch for changes to the directives options
        scope.$watch(getOptions, render, true);


    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        scope: {},
        link: link

angular.module('sparkline').directive('ngCompositeSparkline', compositeSparkline);

It is less flexible because you need to pass arrays of integer for chart1 and chart2 options into the directive... But it is just a starting point for the extensions

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May i know where can i find the implementation code? Its a big help.

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May I know how to make this work for angular 4, thanks in advance.

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