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Created May 23, 2017 13:53
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Clojure Applied
(ns clojure-applied.core)
; define a map - values can be looked up in near constant time.
(def earth {
:name "Earth"
:moons 4
:volume 1.083
:mass 5.972
:type :Planet
; RESEARCH - Maps, Vectors and sets are implemented
; by Hash Array Mapped Tries
(get earth :moons)
(earth :moons)
; using a map to represent an entity type, but it isn't very useful
; if we wish to re-use it.
(defrecord Planet [
; Two factory functions are automatically
; created to assist creating new instances.
; the 'positional factory function', which expects
; a value for each attribute.
; requires all attributes to be included in the
; specified order
(def earth (->Planet "Earth" 1 1.083 5.972))
(print earth)
; and the 'map factory function' that expects
; a map with keyed values.
; allows omission of optional attributes, provides
; more description, and continues to work if
; more attributes are added.
(def earth
(map->Planet {:name "Earth"
:moons 1
:volume 1.083
:mass 5.972
; Constructing entities with options
(declare validate-same-currency)
(defrecord Currency [divisor symbol description])
(defrecord Money [amount ^Currency currency]
(compareTo [m1 m2]
(validate-same-currency m1 m2)
(compare (:amount m1) (:amount m2))))
(def currencies {:usd (->Currency 100 "USD" "US Dollars")
:eur (->Currency 100 "EUR" "Euro")})
(defn- validate-same-currency
[m1 m2]
(or (= (:currency m1) (:currency m2))
(ex-info "Currencies do not match."
{:m1 m1 :m2 m2}))))
(defn =$
([m1] true)
([m1 m2] (zero? (.compareTo m1 m2)))
([m1 m2 & monies] (every? zero? (map #(.compareTo m1 %) (conj monies m2)))))
;;(defn +$
;; ([m1] m1)
;; ([m1 m2]
;; (validate-same-currency m1 m2)
(defn make-money
([] (make-money 0))
([amount] (make-money amount :usd))
([amount currency] (->Money amount currency)))
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