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Created November 11, 2016 18:18
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val input = sc.parallelize(Seq(
(43.45, 19840, "A345", Seq("2014-12-26", "2013-12-12"), Seq("232323","45466"), Seq("123", "234")),
(43.45, 19840, "A345", Seq("2010-03-16", "2013-16-12"), Seq("34343","45454"), Seq("345", "456"))
)).toDF("amt", "id", "num", "start_date", "identifier", "another_column")
val zipArrays = udf { seqs: Seq[Seq[String]] =>
for(i <- seqs.head.indices) yield seqs.fold(Seq.empty)((accu, seq) => accu :+ seq(i))
val columnsToSelect = Seq($"amt", $"id", $"num")
val columnsToZip = Seq($"start_date", $"identifier", $"another_column")
val outputColumns = columnsToSelect ++ { case (column, index) =>
val output =$"amt", $"id", $"num", explode(zipArrays(array(columnsToZip: _*)))).select(outputColumns: _*)
| amt| id| num|start_date|identifier|another_column|
|43.45|19840|A345|2014-12-26| 232323| 123|
|43.45|19840|A345|2013-12-12| 45466| 234|
|43.45|19840|A345|2010-03-16| 34343| 345|
|43.45|19840|A345|2013-16-12| 45454| 456|
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