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Last active March 18, 2022 17:39
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zig stage2 status

Status of the stage-2 compiler for Zig

graph TB
    Random:::done --> Sort:::done --> MultiArrayList ---> Parser
    HashMap:::done --> GeneralPurposeAllocator:::done --> Parser
    MultiArrayList --> ArrayHashMap --> AstGen
    HashMap & Parser --> AstGen 
    Allocator:::done --> ArrayList:::done --> Parser
    Parser --> Render --> ZigFmt["zig fmt πŸŽ‰"]
    ComptimeStringMap:::done --> Tokenizer:::done --> Parser

    SinglyLinkedList:::done --> Sema
    AstGen --> Sema --> Liveness
    Liveness --> CBackend[C Backend<br>60% passing] --> DelStage1["Delete stage 1 πŸŽ‰"]
    Liveness --> LLVMBackend[LLVM Backend<br>89% passing] --> ShipSelfHosted["Ship self hosted πŸŽ‰"]
    StartCodeStdPanic --> ShipSelfHosted

    classDef done fill:#0f0,color:#000;
    classDef passRuntime fill:#ff0,color:#000;

    subgraph key
        direction LR
        yellow[pass runtime]:::passRuntime
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