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Created February 6, 2009 11:29
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" We're running Vim, not Vi!
set nocompatible
" Enable syntax highlighting
syntax on
" Faster response
set ttyfast
" No bell sound
set visualbell
" Line numbering
set number
" Case insensitive searching
set ignorecase
" But case sensitive when given caps
set smartcase
" Highlighting search
set hlsearch
" Highlight matching brackets while typing
set showmatch
" We usually want 2 spaces per tab
set tabstop=2
set smarttab
set shiftwidth=2
set autoindent
set expandtab
set backspace=start,eol,indent
set ruler
set showcmd
" Set our status line information
set statusline=%F%m%r%h%w\ [FORMAT=%{&ff}]\ [TYPE=%Y]\ [ASCII=\%03.3b]\ [HEX=\%02.2B]\ [POS=%04l,%04v][%p%%]\ [LEN=%L]
" always show the status line
set laststatus=2
" No swap file
set noswapfile
" No backup file
set nobackup
" Default encoding
set encoding=utf-8
" Don't save UTF BOM header
" set nobomb
" Macros to turn on and off HEX mode
map <Leader>hon :%!xxd<CR>
map <Leader>hof :%!xxd -r<CR>
" Enable filetype-specific indenting and plugins
filetype plugin indent on
" FuzzyFinder plugin
let g:fuzzy_ignore = "*.log"
let g:fuzzy_matching_limit = 70
" Jamis Bucks Fuzzy File Finder
map <leader>fft :FuzzyFinderTextMate<CR>
map <leader>ffb :FuzzyFinderBuffer<CR>
map <leader>fftf :FuzzyFinderTaggedFile<CR>
" Project plugin
let g:proj_window_width=40
" MiniBuffer plugin
"let g:miniBufExplMapWindowNavVim = 1
"let g:miniBufExplMapWindowNavArrows = 1
"let g:miniBufExplMapCTabSwitchBufs = 1
"let g:miniBufExplModSelTarget = 1
colorscheme default
" GUI settings
if has("gui")
" Set color schema
colorscheme vividchalk
" Markdown support
augroup mkd
autocmd BufRead *.markdown set ai formatoptions=tcroqn2 comments=n:>
augroup END
" Highlight chars that go over the 80-column limit
highlight OverLength ctermbg=red ctermfg=white guibg=red guifg=white
match OverLength '\%81v.*'
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