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Created December 4, 2019 19:44
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-- a) the most populated city in each country.
SELECT CountryCode, MAX(Population) FROM city GROUP BY CountryCode;
-- b) the second most populated city in each country.
SELECT, MAX(city.population)
FROM city
SELECT *, MAX(population)
FROM city group by CountryCode
) AS c
ON =
GROUP BY city.CountryCode;
-- c) the most populated city in each continent.
SELECT city.Name, country.Continent, MAX(city.Population)
FROM city
JOIN country on country.Code = city.CountryCode
GROUP BY country.Continent;
-- d) the most populated country in each continent.
SELECT Name, MAX(Population) FROM country GROUP BY Continent;
-- e) the most populated continent.
SELECT Continent, SUM(population) AS s
FROM country
GROUP BY Continent
-- f) the number of people speaking each language.
SELECT Language, SUM(country.Population * l.Percentage / 100) AS s
FROM country
INNER JOIN countrylanguage AS l ON l.countryCode = country.Code
GROUP BY l.Language;
-- g) the most spoken language in each continent.
SELECT Language, Continent, MAX(speakers) FROM (
SELECT Language, Continent, SUM(Population * Percentage / 100) AS speakers FROM country
INNER JOIN countrylanguage AS l
ON l.CountryCode = country.Code
GROUP BY Language, Continent
ORDER BY speakers DESC
) AS t
GROUP BY Continent;
-- h) number of languages that they are official language of at least one country.
SELECT language, COUNT(*) as `count`
FROM countrylanguage
WHERE IsOfficial = 'T'
GROUP BY language;
-- i) the most spoken official language based on each continent. (the language that has the highest number of people talking as their mother tongue)
SELECT Language, Continent, MAX(speakers) FROM (
SELECT Language, Continent, SUM(Population * Percentage / 100) AS speakers FROM country
INNER JOIN countrylanguage AS l
ON l.CountryCode = country.Code
WHERE IsOfficial = 'T'
GROUP BY Language, Continent
ORDER BY speakers DESC
) AS t
GROUP BY Continent;
-- j) the country with the most (number of) unofficial languages based on each continent. (no matter how many people talking that language)
SELECT Continent, t.Name, MAX(t.counter) FROM (
SELECT CountryCode, country.Name, country.Continent, count(*) AS counter FROM countrylanguage
INNER JOIN country ON country.Code = countrylanguage.countryCode
WHERE IsOfficial = 'F' GROUP BY CountryCode ORDER BY counter DESC
) AS t GROUP BY Continent;
-- k) the countries that their capital is not the most populated city in the country.
SELECT country.Name, C.Name, capital, ID, MAX(C.Population) FROM (
SELECT * FROM city ORDER BY Population DESC) as C
INNER JOIN country ON country.Code = C.CountryCode
GROUP BY CountryCode
HAVING capital != C.ID;
-- l) the countries with population smaller than Russia but bigger than Denmark.
SELECT country.Name FROM country
JOIN country AS russia ON russia.Code = "RUS"
JOIN country AS denmark ON denmark.code = "DNK"
WHERE country.population < russia.population AND country.population > denmark.population;
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