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Created September 10, 2015 23:31
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* Problem statement: You have 25 horses, each of which run around a track at a consistent speed
* (i.e. running the same horse around the track yields the same speed every time). You do not
* have a stopwatch to time them but you are able to race them in groups around the track and
* rank them in order.
* The race track can only fit 5 horses at a time. Find the top 3 fastest horses, in the least
* amount of races possible.
var totalRaceCounter = 0
case class Horse(label: String, speed: Double)
implicit class BunchaHorses(horses: List[Horse]) {
def race(): List[Horse] = {
totalRaceCounter = totalRaceCounter + 1
println("Racing the following horses: ")
horses.foreach(h => println(" - " + h.toString))
def findTopNHorses(trackSize: Int, topN: Int, horses: List[Horse]): List[Horse] = {
// If the track fits all the horses,
// just return the topN horses
if (trackSize >= horses.size || topN >= horses.size) {
} else {
// Break the horses into trackSize buckets
val groupedHorses = horses.grouped(trackSize)
// Race all the horses in the groups
val racedHorses =
// Label each horse group with the label of the fastest horse
val labeledHorseGroups = { hg =>
hg.head.label -> hg
// Find the TopN of these top horses (basically by racing them)
val topHorses = findTopNHorses(trackSize, topN,
val indexedTopHorses = topHorses.zipWithIndex
// The potential topN fastest horses in each group is
// the top (groupRank - topN) horses from each group
val trimmedHorses = indexedTopHorses.flatMap { case(fastHorse, rank) =>
// Taking negative returns an empty List
labeledHorseGroups(fastHorse.label).take(topN - rank)
// We already know the top horse is #1
// so find the topN - 1 in the remaining pile
trimmedHorses.head +: findTopNHorses(trackSize, topN - 1, trimmedHorses.tail)
val nHorses = 25
val trackSize = 5
val topN = 3
val horses = (1 to nHorses).map { label =>
Horse(label.toString, util.Random.nextDouble)
val topHorses = findTopNHorses(trackSize, topN, horses)
val topHorsesCheck = horses.sortBy(_.speed).take(topN).toList
println(s" Number of Horses: $nHorses")
println(s" Track size : $trackSize")
println(s" TopN : $topN")
println("Using limited race track: ")
println(s"Total Races: $totalRaceCounter")
println("Sanity check using one race on a huge track: ")
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