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Created December 6, 2015 11:38
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module Main (main) where
{-| The main module
@docs main
import Html exposing (Html, div, button, text)
import Html.Attributes as Html exposing (style)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import StartApp as StartApp
import Task
import Effects as Fx exposing (Effects, Never)
-- THIS IS THE COMPONENT -------------------------------------------------------
type DatepickerAction = NoOp | Press
type alias DatepickerModel = { isPressed : Bool }
emptyDatepickerModel = { isPressed = False }
datepickerInit : (DatepickerModel, Effects DatepickerAction)
datepickerInit = (emptyDatepickerModel, Fx.none)
datepickerView : DatepickerModel -> Signal.Address DatepickerAction -> Html
datepickerView model address = div
[ style [("width", "100px"), ("height", "100px"), ("backgroundColor", "#ccc")]
, onClick address Press ]
[ Html.text <| toString model.isPressed ]
datepickerUpdate : DatepickerAction -> DatepickerModel -> (DatepickerModel, Effects DatepickerAction)
datepickerUpdate action model = case action of
NoOp -> ( model, Fx.none )
Press -> ( { model | isPressed = True }, Fx.none )
-- THIS IS AUTOGENERATED -------------------------------------------------------
componentsMailbox : Signal.Mailbox ComponentActions
componentsMailbox = Signal.mailbox NoOpAction
componentAddressFor = Signal.forwardTo componentsMailbox.address
type alias Components = { datepicker : DatepickerModel }
type ComponentActions = NoOpAction | ComponentDatepickerAction DatepickerAction
initComponents : (Components, Effects ComponentActions)
initComponents = let (datepickerModel, datepickerFx) = datepickerInit in
( { datepicker = datepickerModel
, Fx.batch
[ ComponentDatepickerAction datepickerFx
updateComponents : ComponentActions -> Components -> (Components, Effects ComponentActions)
updateComponents action model = case action of
ComponentDatepickerAction action' -> let (model', fx') = datepickerUpdate action' model.datepicker
in ({model | datepicker = model'}, ComponentDatepickerAction fx')
NoOpAction -> (model, Fx.none)
-- MAIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------
port tasks : Signal (Task.Task Never ())
port tasks = app.tasks
app : StartApp.App Model
app = StartApp.start { view = view, update = update, init = init, inputs = {- THIS NEEDS TO BE ADDED -} [ C componentsMailbox.signal] }
{-| Main -}
main : Signal Html
main = app.html
init : (Model, Effects Action)
init = let (cm, fx) = initComponents in
{ counter = 0
, components = cm
} , C fx
type alias Model = { counter : Int, components : Components }
view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
view address model =
div []
[ button [ onClick address Decrement ] [ text "-" ]
, div [] [ text (toString model) ]
, datepickerView model.components.datepicker (componentAddressFor ComponentDatepickerAction)
, button [ onClick address Increment ] [ text "+" ]
type Action = Increment | Decrement {- THIS NEEDS TO BE ADDED -} | C ComponentActions
update : Action -> Model -> (Model, Effects Action)
update action model =
case action of
Increment -> ( { model | counter = model.counter + 1 }, Fx.none )
Decrement -> ( { model | counter = model.counter - 1 }, Fx.none )
-- THIS NEEDS TO BE ADDED ------------------------------------------------------
C action' -> let (model', fx') = updateComponents action' model.components
in ({model | components = model'}, C fx')
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