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Last active August 15, 2016 19:30
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Generic fields/values
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Database.Generic where
import Data.Proxy
import GHC.Generics
data Object = Empty
| Value String
| Object String [(String, Object)]
deriving Show
flattenObject :: String -> Object -> [(String, String)]
flattenObject prefix Empty = []
flattenObject prefix (Value v) = [(prefix, v)]
flattenObject prefix (Object cnst kvs) = concat
[ flattenObject (prefix' k i) v
| (i, (k, v)) <- zip [0..] (("cnst", Value cnst):kvs)
prefix' k i
| null prefix = k' k i
| otherwise = prefix ++ "_" ++ k' k i
k' k i | null k = show i
| ('_':ks) <- k = ks
| otherwise = k
-- Get fields only -------------------------------------------------------------
class Fields a where
fields :: Proxy a -> Object
default fields :: (Generic a, GFields (Rep a)) => Proxy a -> Object
fields _ = gFields (undefined :: Rep a ())
instance Fields Char where
fields _ = Value ""
instance Fields String where
fields _ = Value ""
instance Fields Int where
fields _ = Value ""
class GFields f where
gFields :: f a -> Object
instance GFields f => GFields (D1 i f) where
gFields _ = gFields (undefined :: f ())
instance (GFields f, Constructor c) => GFields (C1 c f) where
gFields _ = Object (conName (undefined :: C1 c f ())) (get (gFields (undefined :: f ())))
where get (Object _ kvs) = kvs
get Empty = []
get _ = error "C1 returned Value"
instance (Selector c, GFields f) => GFields (S1 c f) where
gFields _ = Object "" [ (selName (undefined :: S1 c f ()), gFields (undefined :: f ()))]
instance (GFields (Rep f), Fields f) => GFields (K1 R f) where
gFields _ = fields (Proxy :: Proxy f)
instance (GFields f, GFields g) => GFields (f :*: g) where
gFields _ = Object "" (get (gFields (undefined :: f ())) ++ get (gFields (undefined :: g ())))
where get (Object _ kvs) = kvs
get Empty = []
get _ = error "gToRow returned value"
instance (GFields f, GFields g) => GFields (f :+: g) where
gFields _ = Object "" (get (gFields (undefined :: f ())) ++ get (gFields (undefined :: g ())))
where get (Object _ kvs) = kvs
get Empty = []
get _ = error "gToRow returned value"
instance GFields U1 where
gFields _ = Empty
-- Get fields and values -------------------------------------------------------
class DBRow a where
toRow :: a -> Object
default toRow :: (Generic a, GDBRow (Rep a)) => a -> Object
toRow = gToRow . from
instance (DBRow a, DBRow b) => DBRow (a, b) where
toRow (a, b) = Object "," [("fst", toRow a), ("snd", toRow b)]
instance DBRow Char where
toRow x = Value (show x)
instance DBRow String where
toRow x = Value (show x)
instance DBRow Int where
toRow x = Value (show x)
class GDBRow f where
gToRow :: f a -> Object
-- gFromRow :: (Int, [(String, String)]) -> Maybe a
instance GDBRow U1 where
gToRow U1 = Empty
instance GDBRow f => GDBRow (D1 i f) where
gToRow (M1 x) = gToRow x
instance (GDBRow f, Constructor c) => GDBRow (C1 c f) where
gToRow (M1 x) = Object (conName (undefined :: C1 c f ())) (get (gToRow x))
where get (Object _ kvs) = kvs
get Empty = []
get _ = error "C1 returned Value"
instance (Selector s, GDBRow f) => GDBRow (S1 s f) where
gToRow (M1 x) = Object "" [ (selName (undefined :: S1 s f ()), gToRow x) ]
instance (GDBRow (Rep f), DBRow f) => GDBRow (K1 R f) where
gToRow (K1 x) = toRow x
instance (GDBRow f, GDBRow g) => GDBRow (f :*: g) where
gToRow (f :*: g) = Object "" (get (gToRow f) ++ get (gToRow g))
where get (Object _ kvs) = kvs
get Empty = []
get _ = error "gToRow returned value"
instance (GDBRow f, GDBRow g) => GDBRow (f :+: g) where
gToRow (L1 x) = gToRow x
gToRow (R1 x) = gToRow x
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