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Created January 26, 2020 13:01
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with* Concur shared state combinators
data Δ a = Value (TVar a) (TChan a) deriving Eq
data Lens s t
mapValue :: Lens s t -> Δ t -> Δ s
mapValue = undefined
pairValues :: Lens a t -> Lens b t -> Δ a -> Δ b -> Δ t
pairValues = undefined
localIO :: a -> IO (Δ a)
localIO a = atomically $ liftA2 Value (newTVar a) newBroadcastTChan
local :: a -> (Δ a -> Widget HTML b) -> Widget HTML b
local a f = do
v <- liftUnsafeBlockingIO
$ atomically
$ liftA2 Value (newTVar a) newBroadcastTChan
f v
put :: Δ a -> a -> Widget HTML ()
put (Value ref bcast) a = liftUnsafeBlockingIO $ atomically $ do
writeTVar ref a
writeTChan bcast a
observe :: Δ a -> (a -> Widget HTML r) -> Widget HTML r
observe (Value ref bcast) w = do
(a, read) <- liftUnsafeBlockingIO
$ atomically
$ liftA2 (,) (readTVar ref) (dupTChan bcast)
go read a
go read a = do
r <- fmap Left (w a) <|> fmap Right (get read)
case r of
Right a' -> go read a'
Left r -> pure r
get read = liftSafeBlockingIO $ atomically $ readTChan read
with :: Δ a -> ((a -> Widget HTML r) -> a -> Widget HTML r) -> Widget HTML r
with (Value ref bcast) w = do
(a, read) <- liftUnsafeBlockingIO
$ atomically
$ liftA2 (,) (readTVar ref) (dupTChan bcast)
go read a
recur read a = w (\a' -> write read a' >>= recur read) a
go read a = do
r <- fmap Left (recur read a) <|> fmap Right (get read)
case r of
Right a' -> go read a'
Left r' -> pure r'
get read = liftSafeBlockingIO $ atomically $ readTChan read
write read a = liftUnsafeBlockingIO $ atomically $ do
writeTVar ref a
writeTChan bcast a
readTChan read
data Step a b = Recur a | Done b
recur :: a -> Step a b
recur = Recur
done :: b -> Step a b
done = Done
withE :: Δ a -> (a -> Widget HTML (Step a r)) -> Widget HTML r
withE (Value ref bcast) w = do
(a, read) <- liftUnsafeBlockingIO
$ atomically
$ liftA2 (,) (readTVar ref) (dupTChan bcast)
go read a
go read a = do
r <- fmap Left (w a) <|> fmap Right (get read)
case r of
Right a' -> go read a'
Left (Recur a') -> do
write read a'
go read a'
Left (Done b) -> pure b
get read = liftSafeBlockingIO $ atomically $ readTChan read
write read a = liftUnsafeBlockingIO $ atomically $ do
writeTVar ref a
writeTChan bcast a
readTChan read
withE2 :: Δ a -> Δ b -> (a -> b -> Widget HTML (Step (a, b) r)) -> Widget HTML r
withE2 (Value refa bcasta) (Value refb bcastb) w = do
(a, reada, b, readb) <- liftUnsafeBlockingIO
$ atomically
$ (,,,) <$> readTVar refa <*> dupTChan bcasta <*> readTVar refb <*> dupTChan bcastb
go reada a readb b
go reada a readb b = do
r <- fmap Left (w a b) <|> fmap Right (get reada a readb b)
case r of
Right (a', b') -> go reada a' readb b'
Left (Recur (a', b')) -> do
liftUnsafeBlockingIO $ atomically $ do
write refa bcasta reada a'
write refb bcastb readb b'
go reada a' readb b'
Left (Done r) -> pure r
get reada a readb b = liftSafeBlockingIO $ atomically $ do
r <- fmap Left (readTChan reada) <|> fmap Right (readTChan readb)
case r of
Left a' -> (a',) . fromMaybe b <$> tryReadTChan readb
Right b' -> (,b') . fromMaybe a <$> tryReadTChan reada
write ref bcast read a = do
writeTVar ref a
writeTChan bcast a
readTChan read
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